8th February 2025 - Shield of faith
“In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” (Eph 6:16NIV)
Who is this instruction addressed to? God’s people! And what is the main point of the instruction? It is that we are to take up the shield of faith. What does that even mean? It means that we are to see our faith in God as a shield. Or we can say that what a shield is to a soldier is what faith is to the Christian.
Now what does a soldier use his shield for? He uses his shield to defend himself. He uses it to protect himself from the arrows or blows of the enemy. In like manner, we are being instructed by God to use our faith in Him to protect ourselves from the flaming arrows of our enemy.
So, we have an enemy that wants to take us out by firing all kinds of wicked arrows at us. And who is this enemy? It is the devil. He is the one that is after our souls and our lives. And he will stop at nothing to destroy our souls and to also make life meaningless and painful for us.
Just think about it. We are told that this wicked being is continually firing flaming arrows at us. What are these arrows? Well, among them are arrows of fear, discouragement and of depression. You just find yourself being bombarded everywhere you turn with thoughts that you may not make it, that you will die in poverty, that your marriage will not work, that no one will help you, that you will soon be disgraced out of your rented apartment or that certain illness will take your life.
Now once you embrace any of these thoughts and begin to ponder it, you will at some point become paralysed with fear. Then, before you know what is happening to you, discouragement and depression have settled in your life. And where this is the case, Satan can freely move in and finish what he has started – the termination of your life and everything good in it.
Sadly, there are many whose lives, souls and even homes have been ruined by the devil in this manner. He just kept on shooting his wicked arrows at them until they became too wounded to do anything again. Then he moved in and ended them and God’s good plans for their lives. What a shame!
But should we also allow Satan to do the same to us? Should we allow him to ruin our lives and God’s good purpose for us? Should we allow him to take away our joy and peace of mind at will? No! How, then, do we prevent him from doing so? As we see in our opening text, it is by using our faith in God.
Faith in God is a shield, the Christian’s shield of protection from the fiery darts of the devil. And all we need is to begin to use it. Then none of the arrows of the evil one will get us.
See, we may not be able to keep Satan from attacking us in certain ways or in certain areas of our lives. But we can frustrate his attacks. How? It is through our faith in God. And what does it mean to have faith in God? It means to take Him seriously. It means to agree with Him on every matter and to prove that we agree with Him by acting accordingly.
For instance, God has said that He would watch over our going and our coming and also watch over our lives, both now and forevermore. So, even if Satan is firing arrows of fear of accidents or kidnapping at us, we are to quench them by saying to him, “I will never be a victim of any kind of accident, kidnapping, illness or misfortune and die anyhow. That is because God is always watching over my life and over my going and my coming.” And once we begin to do that, fear will disappear from our lives and we will be able to go about our daily endeavours freely and with soundness of mind. (Cf. Ps 121:7-8)
Also, God has said that He would supply all our needs according to the wealth of His glory, not even according to our desires or hard work (Phil 4:19). So, if Satan should begin to threaten us by firing arrows of anxiety at us because of all the needs that we need to urgently meet, we must be bold to say to him, “My God supplies all my needs according to His generosity. Yes, He daily bears my burdens for me. Therefore, I refuse to be anxious or lose my mind. Everything that I need to do will be done and done in time.”
Now, as we confront all the arrows of fears and worries of the devil coming to us with the word of God in this manner, our faith is being utilised and also made stronger. And beyond our understanding, this faith will begin to work as a shield in neutralising fear, anxieties, sorrow, depression and discouragement. Then we will be able to always think clearly and take the steps that are needed for our peace, progress and prosperity.
So, don’t give the devil any more chance to bring you down or take you out through his wicked arrows. Instead, get into the word and find out what God has said in it about every matter of your life. Then begin to act on what He has said in every situation you find yourself. That will be your shield, your protection against whatever Satan throws out you. Cheers!
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He has given us His word about every matter of life in order to build our faith to be strong enough to defend us against all satanic attacks.
- Prayers that our hearts will be encouraged and strengthened everyday to settle down with the word of God to learn His will about every matter of our lives and build our faith by doing so.
- Prayers that God Himself will strengthen us to always act on all that we know to be His truth about our lives and circumstances, so that Satan will never be able to injure or destroy us in our struggle with him and his hosts.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will heal our lives and souls wherever we have been wounded with the arrows of the devil because we would not use our faith in Him.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
1st February 2025 - Our work must be inspected
“Moses inspected the work and saw that they had done it just as the LORD had commanded. So Moses blessed them.” (Ex 39:43NIV)
What work did Moses inspect? It was the work of the tabernacle of God and all the articles needed for priesthood in Israel. Who did the work? According to the bible, Bezalel, Oholiab and their associates did the work. (Cf. Ex 36-39)
Now why was Moses the one inspecting the work that these men had done? It was because he was the one that God originally gave the assignment to. He was the one that God showed what needed to be done, with every detail of it. And after God had shown him what needed to be done, He said this to him: “See that you make them according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” (Ex 25:40NIV)
You can see, then, that he was the only one in the right position to inspect the work those men had done. And thankfully, when he was done inspecting their work, he saw that they had done everything just as the Lord had commanded. Therefore, he blessed them.
But remember that those men were not there when God told Moses what needed to be done. How, then, did they get to do the work as God had wanted it to be done? The reason was that they listened carefully to what Moses told them about what needed to be done and carried out his instructions accordingly. And that, of course, earned them the blessing of the man of God. Not only that, it also earned Moses God’s praise, for God filled the tabernacle those men had constructed with His glory when their job was done (Ex 40:34-35).
What is this teaching us? First, it is teaching us that whatever we do for God must be done according to His will, not just as we think we should do it. That is why we must give ourselves to the Scriptures in order to carefully learn how God wants His work to be done. That way, we can do it accordingly. Otherwise, we will not have His praise. Not only that, His glory may not settle on what have done, even though we have put in a lot in doing it.
The second thing to learn from this is that our work must be inspected before we can earn God’s praise. As we see in the account we are dealing with, Moses did not just assume that Bezalel and his men did the right thing. He had to first inspect what they did to see that they were in agreement with what God wanted. And it was after he had ascertained that they had done everything just the way God had shown him that he blessed them and also presented their work to God.
Now did Bezalel and his men get angry that Moses inspected their work? No! Mind you, these men were not just professionals, as we are shown in the bible, they were also exceptionally good at what they did. So, they could have chosen to be offended by the fact that Moses, who probably knew nothing about their profession, would be inspecting their work. But they were not. They were not because they did not give that work to themselves; Moses gave it to them and also made sure they had all the resources they would need to do it. So, he had every right to inspect what they had done.
Truly, we are not told that they were paid for this job. They simply did it as an offering to the Lord. But they were not the only ones that gave an offering to the Lord. Many of the Israelites also willingly gave all kinds of things as offerings to the Lord for the work. So, if they had not willingly made themselves available to do the job, God would have found some other people who would do it willingly and faithfully.
It follows, then, that it was a privilege for them to do that work in service of God. That being the case, they had no right to be offended that their work was being inspected to see if it met God’s requirement. On the contrary, they ought to appreciate the fact that Moses took his time to inspect what they had done, so that corrections could be made, if necessary. Otherwise, all their hard work, even though it was done in love and as a freewill offering to the Lord, would have amount to nothing.
In like manner, we should never be offended when our service to God is being examined and scrutinised by our leaders. It is so that its consistency with the will of God may be determined. Of course, some leaders may be examining and criticising our service to God out of jealousy or to just discredit us. But we should not bother. Is what they are saying about our service true or not? If it is true, then, we should correct ourselves and do the right thing, so that we may have God’s praise in full. And if it is not, we should leave everything the hands of God who judges justly. He will repay everyone as their actions deserve when the time is ripe.
Finally, all these things are also applicable to natural matters. How? First, anyone who has given us any job to do possesses the right to inspect what we have done, to see whether it has been done based on our agreement or not. And it will be humility on our part to accept whatever rebuke or correction that may follow this and make necessary amendments, if we have missed the mark in some ways. Otherwise, we will not have the person’s praise or blessing. And if they are right, we will also not have God’s praise on the matter.
Second, the fact that we have offered to freely do things for people does not mean that they should just accept whatever we give to them, even if it is substandard. You don’t have to do anything for free for anybody, if standards will be compromised. Instead, let the person pay for it. But once you agree to do it for free, you had better give it your best. That way, you will not be afraid or angry, if your work is being inspected, and your service will not be some free useless service that can neither earn man’s praise nor God’s commendation.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for being devoted to teaching us how to live, work and earn His praise.
- Prayers that God will daily teach our hearts to be careful in learning from Him how to do works that are pleasing to Him, so that our labour in His kingdom will not be in vain.
- Prayers that God will keep our hearts always humble whenever our works, spiritual or natural, have to be examined, so that we may learn to be perfect in all that we do and continually earn His praise.
- Prayers that God will lead us back in the path of repentance to begin to correct ourselves wherever we are doing works that are unacceptable to Him, so that we will not lose whatever reward He has in store for us
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
26th January 2025 - Don’t be overconfident
“Moses inspected the work and saw that they had done it just as the LORD had commanded. So Moses blessed them.” (Ex 39:43NIV)
What work did Moses inspect? It was the work of the tabernacle of God and all the articles needed for priesthood in Israel. Who did the work? According to the bible, Bezalel, Oholiab and their associates did the work. (Cf. Ex 36-39)
Now why was Moses the one inspecting the work that these men had done? It was because he was the one that God originally gave the assignment to. He was the one that God showed what needed to be done, with every detail of it. And after God had shown him what needed to be done, He said this to him: “See that you make them according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” (Ex 25:40NIV)
You can see, then, that he was the only one in the right position to inspect the work those men had done. And thankfully, when he was done inspecting their work, he saw that they had done everything just as the Lord had commanded. Therefore, he blessed them.
But remember that those men were not there when God told Moses what needed to be done. How, then, did they get to do the work as God had wanted it to be done? The reason was that they listened carefully to what Moses told them about what needed to be done and carried out his instructions accordingly. And that, of course, earned them the blessing of the man of God. Not only that, it also earned Moses God’s praise, for God filled the tabernacle those men had constructed with His glory when their job was done (Ex 40:34-35).
What is this teaching us? First, it is teaching us that whatever we do for God must be done according to His will, not just as we think we should do it. That is why we must give ourselves to the Scriptures in order to carefully learn how God wants His work to be done. That way, we can do it accordingly. Otherwise, we will not have His praise. Not only that, His glory may not settle on what have done, even though we have put in a lot in doing it.
The second thing to learn from this is that our work must be inspected before we can earn God’s praise. As we see in the account we are dealing with, Moses did not just assume that Bezalel and his men did the right thing. He had to first inspect what they did to see that they were in agreement with what God wanted. And it was after he had ascertained that they had done everything just the way God had shown him that he blessed them and also presented their work to God.
Now did Bezalel and his men get angry that Moses inspected their work? No! Mind you, these men were not just professionals, as we are shown in the bible, they were also exceptionally good at what they did. So, they could have chosen to be offended by the fact that Moses, who probably knew nothing about their profession, would be inspecting their work. But they were not. They were not because they did not give that work to themselves; Moses gave it to them and also made sure they had all the resources they would need to do it. So, he had every right to inspect what they had done.
Truly, we are not told that they were paid for this job. They simply did it as an offering to the Lord. But they were not the only ones that gave an offering to the Lord. Many of the Israelites also willingly gave all kinds of things as offerings to the Lord for the work. So, if they had not willingly made themselves available to do the job, God would have found some other people who would do it willingly and faithfully.
It follows, then, that it was a privilege for them to do that work in service of God. That being the case, they had no right to be offended that their work was being inspected to see if it met God’s requirement. On the contrary, they ought to appreciate the fact that Moses took his time to inspect what they had done, so that corrections could be made, if necessary. Otherwise, all their hard work, even though it was done in love and as a freewill offering to the Lord, would have amount to nothing.
In like manner, we should never be offended when our service to God is being examined and scrutinised by our leaders. It is so that its consistency with the will of God may be determined. Of course, some leaders may be examining and criticising our service to God out of jealousy or to just discredit us. But we should not bother. Is what they are saying about our service true or not? If it is true, then, we should correct ourselves and do the right thing, so that we may have God’s praise in full. And if it is not, we should leave everything the hands of God who judges justly. He will repay everyone as their actions deserve when the time is ripe.
Finally, all these things are also applicable to natural matters. How? First, anyone who has given us any job to do possesses the right to inspect what we have done, to see whether it has been done based on our agreement or not. And it will be humility on our part to accept whatever rebuke or correction that may follow this and make necessary amendments, if we have missed the mark in some ways. Otherwise, we will not have the person’s praise or blessing. And if they are right, we will also not have God’s praise on the matter.
Second, the fact that we have offered to freely do things for people does not mean that they should just accept whatever we give to them, even if it is substandard. You don’t have to do anything for free for anybody, if standards will be compromised. Instead, let the person pay for it. But once you agree to do it for free, you had better give it your best. That way, you will not be afraid or angry, if your work is being inspected, and your service will not be some free useless service that can neither earn man’s praise nor God’s commendation.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for being devoted to teaching us how to live, work and earn His praise.
- Prayers that God will daily teach our hearts to be careful in learning from Him how to do works that are pleasing to Him, so that our labour in His kingdom will not be in vain.
- Prayers that God will keep our hearts always humble whenever our works, spiritual or natural, have to be examined, so that we may learn to be perfect in all that we do and continually earn His praise.
- Prayers that God will lead us back in the path of repentance to begin to correct ourselves wherever we are doing works that are unacceptable to Him, so that we will not lose whatever reward He has in store for us
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
26th January 2025 - Don’t be overconfident
“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!” (1Cor 10:12NIV)
Why does Paul say this to us? It is because he does not want us to be overconfident about our standing before God. Otherwise, we may have fallen before we realise what has happened to us.
Peter once boldly told Jesus that even if everybody deserted Him, he would never leave Him or forsake Him. Why was he bold to say that? The reason was that he had no idea about what was coming for him. If he had the faintest idea of the intensity of the trouble that was coming for all of them, he would not be as confident as he was in himself. Instead, he would have simply been praying in his heart that God would show mercy and save them all. (Cf. Matt 26:31-33)
But the man had no idea of what was coming for them. Therefore, despite the fact that Jesus said that he would deny Him three times that same night, he still did not believe that he was capable of forsaking Him, not to talk of denying Him. But did he deny Him or not? He did, three times in a row! And when he did, he became so ashamed of himself that he went somewhere to weep bitterly. (Cf. Matt 26:69-75)
Now that was an example of how overconfidence in ourselves could make us fail God and fall. So, Paul warns us in our opening text not to be overconfident about our standing before God. Instead, we should be careful that we don’t fall. That is because we may not know what sort of traps Satan has set for us or what sort of trouble he is planning to bring against us. And if we put confidence in ourselves, if we put our confidence in the fact that we study the word of God, pray and fast and so cannot fall, then, like Peter, we are bound to someday surprise ourselves.
When did the three recorded temptations of Jesus, which we have in Matthew 4 and Luke 4 happen? They happened right after He had fasted for forty days and forty nights. Why did He not fail? First, it was because He was watchful. He did not allow the fact that He had just fasted for forty days and forty nights to get into His head and make Him think that Satan could not ensnare Him. Second, it was because He had the word of God in Him and also had the strength of the Spirit to use it to resist the devil.
We too need to be full of the word of God, the strength of the Holy Spirit and carefulness not to fall into Satan’s traps and be messed up. Remember that we may not be able to tell what he might bring up against us. For instance, he did not tempt Jesus with sexual immorality or anger or bitterness after those forty days and forty nights of fasting. Instead, he tempted him with abuse of power and greed. And he did not tempt Moses with sexual immorality or greed. But he tempted him anger.
So, he may not come for you when or where you think you are well-prepared or in ways you think he will come. And if you are not careful and ever trusting in God when he comes, you can be sure that he will mess you up. My prayer is that Satan will never again succeed in messing up your life in any way. But you must do away with any form of overconfidence you have in yourself.
The bible says that those of us who worship God by the Spirit glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh (Phil 3:3). That is because confidence in the flesh is overconfidence. And it will sooner or later fail us. But confidence in God and in His ability to keep us is true confidence. And those who have it will never fail or fall or be put to shame, regardless of what Satan throws at them.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for always being there to watch over our lives and keep us safe from Satanic traps.
- Prayers that God will rid us of every form of confidence in the flesh so that our lives and faith will not be ruined because of it.
- Prayers that God will teach our hearts to always rely on Him for our steadfastness, so that His wisdom and strength will always be at work in us to save us from Satan’s schemes.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and fully restore our lives and souls wherever we have been messed up through overconfidence.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
19th January 2025 - That you may be more fruitful
Praying workforce
26th January 2025
Don’t be overconfident
“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!” (1Cor 10:12NIV)
Why does Paul say this to us? It is because he does not want us to be overconfident about our standing before God. Otherwise, we may have fallen before we realise what has happened to us.
Peter once boldly told Jesus that even if everybody deserted Him, he would never leave Him or forsake Him. Why was he bold to say that? The reason was that he had no idea about what was coming for him. If he had the faintest idea of the intensity of the trouble that was coming for all of them, he would not be as confident as he was in himself. Instead, he would have simply been praying in his heart that God would show mercy and save them all. (Cf. Matt 26:31-33)
But the man had no idea of what was coming for them. Therefore, despite the fact that Jesus said that he would deny Him three times that same night, he still did not believe that he was capable of forsaking Him, not to talk of denying Him. But did he deny Him or not? He did, three times in a row! And when he did, he became so ashamed of himself that he went somewhere to weep bitterly. (Cf. Matt 26:69-75)
Now that was an example of how overconfidence in ourselves could make us fail God and fall. So, Paul warns us in our opening text not to be overconfident about our standing before God. Instead, we should be careful that we don’t fall. That is because we may not know what sort of traps Satan has set for us or what sort of trouble he is planning to bring against us. And if we put confidence in ourselves, if we put our confidence in the fact that we study the word of God, pray and fast and so cannot fall, then, like Peter, we are bound to someday surprise ourselves.
When did the three recorded temptations of Jesus, which we have in Matthew 4 and Luke 4 happen? They happened right after He had fasted for forty days and forty nights. Why did He not fail? First, it was because He was watchful. He did not allow the fact that He had just fasted for forty days and forty nights to get into His head and make Him think that Satan could not ensnare Him. Second, it was because He had the word of God in Him and also had the strength of the Spirit to use it to resist the devil.
We too need to be full of the word of God, the strength of the Holy Spirit and carefulness not to fall into Satan’s traps and be messed up. Remember that we may not be able to tell what he might bring up against us. For instance, he did not tempt Jesus with sexual immorality or anger or bitterness after those forty days and forty nights of fasting. Instead, he tempted him with abuse of power and greed. And he did not tempt Moses with sexual immorality or greed. But he tempted him anger.
So, he may not come for you when or where you think you are well-prepared or in ways you think he will come. And if you are not careful and ever trusting in God when he comes, you can be sure that he will mess you up. My prayer is that Satan will never again succeed in messing up your life in any way. But you must do away with any form of overconfidence you have in yourself.
The bible says that those of us who worship God by the Spirit glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh (Phil 3:3). That is because confidence in the flesh is overconfidence. And it will sooner or later fail us. But confidence in God and in His ability to keep us is true confidence. And those who have it will never fail or fall or be put to shame, regardless of what Satan throws at them.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for always being there to watch over our lives and keep us safe from Satanic traps.
- Prayers that God will rid us of every form of confidence in the flesh so that our lives and faith will not be ruined because of it.
- Prayers that God will teach our hearts to always rely on Him for our steadfastness, so that His wisdom and strength will always be at work in us to save us from Satan’s schemes.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and fully restore our lives and souls wherever we have been messed up through overconfidence.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2025 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 08146472876)
19th January 2025 - That you may be more fruitful
Praying workforce
26th January 2025
Don’t be overconfident
“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!” (1Cor 10:12NIV)
Why does Paul say this to us? It is because he does not want us to be overconfident about our standing before God. Otherwise, we may have fallen before we realise what has happened to us.
Peter once boldly told Jesus that even if everybody deserted Him, he would never leave Him or forsake Him. Why was he bold to say that? The reason was that he had no idea about what was coming for him. If he had the faintest idea of the intensity of the trouble that was coming for all of them, he would not be as confident as he was in himself. Instead, he would have simply been praying in his heart that God would show mercy and save them all. (Cf. Matt 26:31-33)
But the man had no idea of what was coming for them. Therefore, despite the fact that Jesus said that he would deny Him three times that same night, he still did not believe that he was capable of forsaking Him, not to talk of denying Him. But did he deny Him or not? He did, three times in a row! And when he did, he became so ashamed of himself that he went somewhere to weep bitterly. (Cf. Matt 26:69-75)
Now that was an example of how overconfidence in ourselves could make us fail God and fall. So, Paul warns us in our opening text not to be overconfident about our standing before God. Instead, we should be careful that we don’t fall. That is because we may not know what sort of traps Satan has set for us or what sort of trouble he is planning to bring against us. And if we put confidence in ourselves, if we put our confidence in the fact that we study the word of God, pray and fast and so cannot fall, then, like Peter, we are bound to someday surprise ourselves.
When did the three recorded temptations of Jesus, which we have in Matthew 4 and Luke 4 happen? They happened right after He had fasted for forty days and forty nights. Why did He not fail? First, it was because He was watchful. He did not allow the fact that He had just fasted for forty days and forty nights to get into His head and make Him think that Satan could not ensnare Him. Second, it was because He had the word of God in Him and also had the strength of the Spirit to use it to resist the devil.
We too need to be full of the word of God, the strength of the Holy Spirit and carefulness not to fall into Satan’s traps and be messed up. Remember that we may not be able to tell what he might bring up against us. For instance, he did not tempt Jesus with sexual immorality or anger or bitterness after those forty days and forty nights of fasting. Instead, he tempted him with abuse of power and greed. And he did not tempt Moses with sexual immorality or greed. But he tempted him anger.
So, he may not come for you when or where you think you are well-prepared or in ways you think he will come. And if you are not careful and ever trusting in God when he comes, you can be sure that he will mess you up. My prayer is that Satan will never again succeed in messing up your life in any way. But you must do away with any form of overconfidence you have in yourself.
The bible says that those of us who worship God by the Spirit glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh (Phil 3:3). That is because confidence in the flesh is overconfidence. And it will sooner or later fail us. But confidence in God and in His ability to keep us is true confidence. And those who have it will never fail or fall or be put to shame, regardless of what Satan throws at them.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for always being there to watch over our lives and keep us safe from Satanic traps.
- Prayers that God will rid us of every form of confidence in the flesh so that our lives and faith will not be ruined because of it.
- Prayers that God will teach our hearts to always rely on Him for our steadfastness, so that His wisdom and strength will always be at work in us to save us from Satan’s schemes.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and fully restore our lives and souls wherever we have been messed up through overconfidence.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2025 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 08146472876)
11th January 2025 - The patience of Noah
"But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and livestock that were with him in the ark; and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded." (Gen 8:1NIV)
What is the first thing we learn from our opening text? It is that God is always mindful of His people. As we see in bible, He had, in judgment, destroyed the world of Noah's time with a flood and had spared Noah and his family. But even though Noah and his family were spared, they could not come out of the ark they were inside because the whole earth was covered with waters.
In fact, the bible tells us that the waters that God had sent flooded the earth for 150 days. That was 5 months. And could Noah and his people have expected that things would be as serious as that? I don't think so. But for 5 months, day after day, they watched the world of their time and all its civilisation got destroyed by that flood. And they could not go out to save anyone or anything. Also, they could not go out to do anything for themselves or start life afresh, for there was water everywhere. They just had to wait inside the ark until the waters were gone from the earth.
How long, then, would they need to wait for the waters to disappear? They could not tell. But from what they could see, those waters were too enormous to disappear anytime soon from the earth. And the thought of that alone was enough to discourage them. Yes, God had saved them from the death that took everyone else away. But what were they alive for? What could they do with their lives while confined in the ark? They could not farm, trade or invent new things. All they could do was eat and drink until there was no more food for them to eat. So, it really did not look like their salvation was an advantage.
But their salvation was actually an advantage. It was meant to give them the rare privilege of repopulating the earth with godly and loving people and also rebuilding it to be a wonder. But they would have to be patient with God to finish what He had started on their behalf. Yes, they would have to be patient with Him to perfect the works of their salvation.
Now, to show them that He was mindful of them and that He did not put them in that ark to starve them to death, God, as we see in our opening text, sent a wind over the earth to make the waters recede, that is, after they had flooded the earth for 5 months. This, of course, is showing us that if He had not done something supernatural to those waters, it may have taken some years for them to completely disappear from the face of the earth. And if that should happen, then, Noah and His people and the animals and birds with them would all have perished of hunger.
Thankfully, God stepped into the situation to quicken their salvation, even though we are not told that they prayed to Him about it. If they had prayed to Him about it, it would not have been reported that God remembered them. But does He ever forget His people? No! He always has us in mind. But when we allow ourselves to be so carried away in discouragement or hopelessness that we stop praying to Him about our situations, any experience of His power that we witness will most likely give us the impression that He has just remembered us.
So, it is most likely that Noah and his people had already concluded at some point during those 150 days that the waters were flooding the earth that God had forgotten them. But when He sent that wind, their hope was renewed, and they began to say to themselves, "God has remembered us." And did He ever forget them? No, He never forgot them.
In any case, even though God sent that wind to miraculously intervene in hastening their salvation, it still took almost seven more months for the earth to be completely dry, as we see in the bible (Gen 8:14). So, just as Noah and those with him had to wait for God's judgment to end the world of their time, they also had to wait for His works of salvation for them to be complete.
Did they, then, wait or not? They did! Could they have had moments of fear, doubt, depression or hopelessness while in the ark? Possibly! But since they knew that God had them in mind and was working for their deliverance and restoration, they did not kill themselves but waited for Him. And because they waited for Him, they saw His glory. Yes, because they waited patiently for God, they were able to receive His blessings that turned things around for all mankind. That, of course, is why you and I are alive today.
Now this is telling us that even though God is working for our salvation, restoration or exaltation, it is not every time that everything He is doing will be immediately obvious or perfected. Sometimes, it takes a while for all that He is doing for us to become obvious or perfected. And if we will not be patient with Him, as Noah was, we may destroy ourselves before His good works for us become obvious and perfected.
So, let us learn to be patient with God, since we know that He is always mindful of us and also always working for our good. Then all His blessings that can only manifest and be perfected through our patience will surely be ours to enjoy at the right time.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is always mindful of us and always working for our good.
- Prayers that our hearts will be daily strengthened to be patient with God, even when we cannot comprehend what He is doing for us, so that we may fully witness His glory in every area of our lives.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught to always stay in communion with God, so that we will never think He has forgotten or abandoned us and give room to depression or hopelessness.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and restore us wherever we have missed manifestations of His blessings because of our impatience.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
4th January 2025 - Take advantage of His grace
“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them — yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.” (1Cor 15:10NIV)
Who said these words? It was Paul the apostle. And why did he say them? He said them to let God’s people everywhere know that they can become all that God wants them to be and also do all that He wants them to do by His grace.
Now what is God’s grace? God’s grace is all that God has done or provided for people to become whatever He wants them to become and also do whatever He wants them to do. For instance, in order for people to be saved and not perish, God had to provide the payment for their sins. And all they need to do is accept what He has done for them. They do not need to pay for it. They do not need to cry for it. They just need to come to Him and say, “I accept Jesus Christ, the one you offered as the payment for my sins, as my Lord and Saviour.” And salvation will be theirs free of charge. That is what we call grace. (Cf. Rom 3:23-26; Eph 2:8-9)
Furthermore, in order for those who have come to believe in the Lord Jesus to live lives that are worthy of God, He gave them His Holy Spirit to live in them. They did not need to pay or beg to have Him. They just need to receive Him into their hearts by faith. And He will live in them and through them in order to make their lives what they ought to be in the sight of God. That also is what we call grace.
In addition to that, in order for every child of God to serve Him faithfully and daily increase in usefulness, God, by His Spirit in him, gives him at least one spiritual gift. And he does not need to pay for this gift or beg for it. He just needs to be a child of God to have it or to be able to ask for it. That, again, is what we call grace.
You can see, then, that the life of a child of God is entirely a life of grace. It is a life that is lived on the basis of God’s provisions. The problem, however, is that many of God’s children are not living this life of grace. No, they are not living their lives on the basis of God’s provisions for them. Why? They are not taking advantage of His grace or learning to do so. That, of course, is why they often find themselves too weak or afraid to live as God wants them to live and to do all that He expects them to do.
But as we see in our opening text, Paul became all that became in the kingdom of God by taking advantage of the grace of God. Also, according to him, he worked harder than all the other apostles by taking advantage the grace of God. In fact, he said that God’s grace towards him was not in vain, that is, not wasted. On the contrary, His grace accomplished in his life all that it was meant to accomplish. And that was all because he gave himself to taking advantage of it.
Now we too can become all that God wants us to be and also do all that He wants us to do, if we will take advantage of His grace given to us. And as we see in the bible, His grace has been freely lavished on us in all wisdom and understanding (Eph 1:6-8). We just need to settle down with His word to see what He, out of His generosity, has provided for us and begin to utilise it to function in life as He wants us to. Then we will no longer make excuses for failure or weakness. Instead, we will find ourselves daily increasing in fruitfulness and usefulness. And if we remain steadfast in doing this, one day, we too will be able to say, “I am what I am by the grace of God. And His grace to me was not without effect.”
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for His grace that He has freely and gloriously lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.
- Prayers that God will daily open our eyes, as we give ourselves to His word, to see all that His grace is meant to do for us, in us and through us, so that we can begin to take advantage of it to win in life.
- Prayers that God will strengthen our hearts everyday to make the most of all that He has provided for us to fully please Him in life instead of making excuses for failure.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy wherever we are currently wasting His grace in our lives and lead us to repentance in it before it is too late.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
28th December 2024 - Don’t remain a spiritual baby
“Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God, instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. And God permitting, we will do so.” (Heb 6:1-3NIV)
Who is the writer of the book of Hebrews addressing in our opening text? Certain believers in Christ Jesus! And what is his message to them? It is that they need to move on to Christian maturity. That, of course, is telling us that one can be in the church for years and still be nothing but an infant Christian.
Now is it God’s will that any of His children should remain an infant, as far as Christian living is concerned? No! Does it make God happy that any of His children remains an infant Christian? No! As we all know, no earthly parent will want his child to keep acting like a baby when that child is already supposed to be taking care of himself like an adult.
In like manner, God does not want any of His children to keep acting like a spiritual baby, having been born again for months or years. Instead, He wants them to grow up into mature sons and daughters that He can depend on to represent Him in this world to do any kind of good work.
How, then, do we know that we are growing into mature children of God? One of the ways to know that, as we see in our opening bible text, is our devotion to increasing in the knowledge of biblical truths. In the chapter before the one we have above, the writer of the book of Hebrews accuses his readers of being slow to learn (Heb 5:11). And does that mean that their brains are not working well and cannot grasp the things he is seeking to teach them? No! Rather, it means that they are not making effort or applying themselves to learning the things he wants to teach them. So, they cannot increase in the knowledge of the truth.
But as we know from the word of God, we cannot grow in the grace of God beyond the knowledge of His truth that we know. No, we cannot increase in usefulness in His hands beyond the knowledge of His truth that we have. Of course, it is possible to have some knowledge of His truth that we are not applying. And that also will affect our growth and usefulness. But we cannot grow at all on the basis of the truth that we don’t know.
So, if we don’t want to remain spiritual infants, first, we must be hungry for His word. Peter tells us to be hungry for the word of God so that we may grow up in our salvation through it (1Pet 2:2). Then we must feed on His word, not on human ideas or philosophies. There are many believers who mistake human ideas, experiences and philosophies for the word of God. And that is largely because they find it hard to put up with the truth. What such people are feeding on is junk, something that will not nourish their faith or make it grow. (Cf. 2Tim 4:2-4)
If your own spiritual growth, then, is of importance to you, don’t be like them. Instead, give yourself to sound doctrine. Sound doctrine sometimes, of course, may be hard to bear, especially when it comes with a word of rebuke or correction or when it is driving you to accept your responsibilities and begin to fulfil them. But it will surely make you grow up in your faith to be the mature man or woman that God can depend on anytime, any day and anywhere.
Not only that, nourishing yourself with sound doctrine will build you up into someone that cannot be dragged here and there by the devil or tossed up and down by all kinds of strange doctrines or ideas (Eph 4:14). And don’t you like to be that kind of person, a child of God that is firmly established in the will of God for his life and that won’t allow himself to be misguided or distracted or harassed by the devil at will? I like to be that kind of person. I want to be that kind of person. And that is why I am ready to give myself to learning all that God wants to teach me and move on to Christian maturity instead of remaining a spiritual baby.
Now, as we are told in the Scriptures, those are hungry and thirsty to be fed by God in this sense will surely be satisfied by Him (Matt 5:6). In other words, God will surely find a way to get His truth to them, even if they are living among ignorant and unserious believers. So, the most important thing in growing up to Christian maturity is the eagerness to do so. Once you are eager, hungry and thirsty to learn from God and grow, He will take care of your growth and bring you to maturity in due time. Are you, then, eager, hungry and thirsty to leave spiritual infancy for Christian maturity and usefulness?
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for giving us His word to build us up in our faith and make us grow up to be all that He wants us to be.
- Prayers that God will daily increase our hunger and thirst for His word of truth, so that we can be daily fed to satisfaction by Him and progressively grow in our walk of faith.
- Prayers that God will clear the way for everyone that He has appointed to feed us to spiritual maturity to come into our lives and fulfil His will in them, so that our Christian growth and usefulness will no longer be hindered or slowed down.
- Prayers that as God is feeding us with His word of truth our hearts will also be strengthened by Him to retain it, so that we may be firmly established in it.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
21st December 2024 -
You will have what you say
Praying workforce
“So Jesus answered and said to them, "Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”” (Mark 11:22-24NKJV)
Who said these words? It was our Lord Jesus Christ. Why did He say them? He said them to show His disciples that they also could do what He was doing and even greater things. And what did He do on that occasion? He spoke to a fig tree, and the tree died immediately.
But how did that happen? Well, as the account goes, one day, as the Lord and His disciples were passing by a place, He saw a fig tree that was in leaf and thought that it would have some fruit on it. But when He got to it, He saw that it had no fruit on it, for it was not the season for figs. Why, then, was this tree in leaf, giving everybody the impression that it had fruit on it, even though it was not the season for figs? We wouldn’t know. But we do know that the Lord, in response to that, placed a curse on it, saying, “Let no one eat fruit from you ever again.” (Cf. Mark 11:12-14)
Now when He said those words, all His disciples that were with Him heard Him. And they must have wondered why He would be talking to a tree that did not offend Him. Then, as if to make matters worse, nothing obvious happened to the tree to show them that it heard what He had said. So, all of them must have dismissed the incident as a non-event.
However, the following day, when they came to the same spot again, they realised that this fig tree that the Lord had judged right before their eyes had withered from the roots. That, of course, shocked all of them. It was, then, that the Lord said the words of our opening text to them. And His point was that they too could do similar things. In fact, He said that they could make mountains change positions.
How, then, would they do that? How would they make mountains obey them and move? Well, as the Lord pointed out, it was speaking words of faith to them and never taking them back. And pay attention to that. It is not just by speaking to mountains, whether physical mountains or spiritual mountains, that we will get them to move; rather, it is by speaking words of faith to them.
Now what are words of faith? They are words spoken on the basis of what God has said. In other words, they are words spoken in agreement with God. This, of course, is where some believers who are in the business of ‘Name it and claim it’ often miss it. They think it is just by claiming things that they are going to have them. So, they claim anything they like, including other people’s wives or husbands. That is wrong and devilish. And no wonder their method hardly works.
See, Jesus does not just tell us to speak to mountains whatever we like and as we please; instead, He tells us what to say to them. And what are we to say to them? We are to say words of faith to them; we are to say to them words that are based on what God has said.
So, first, I need to know what God has said about the mountains or situations before me. Then I need to be saying the same thing He has said to them in agreement with Him, that is, without ever changing my mind, even though those situations don’t seem to be hearing me. And as long as I maintain my words of faith, I will have whatever I have been saying. Why? The reason is that God’s power in His word will make me have it.
Is there, then, any situation that must change its position in your life? If there is, then, you need to know what God has said about it in His word and begin to say it to it. And even if, like that fig tree our Lord cursed, the situation does not seem to be showing any obvious response to what you are saying or seems to be getting worse, you must not change your mind or what you are saying to it. Instead, you must keep on speaking the word of God, the word of faith, to it. And before you know it, you will have whatever you are saying to it, that is, in an obvious manner.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because we can speak to our lives’ situations on the basis of His word and expect them to respond accordingly.
- Prayers that God will fill our hearts with the exact and adequate knowledge of His will about every situation of our lives, so that we may speak to it accordingly.
- Prayers that God will strengthen our hearts everyday to remain firm in speaking His word to our mountains, regardless of what we see or hear or feel, so that we may witness obvious manifestations of His glory concerning them.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 08146472876)
14th December 2024
They are bound to come
“Jesus said to his disciples: "Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. So watch yourselves...”
(Luke 17:1-3NIV)
Why does the Lord tell us to watch ourselves in our opening text? It is so that we do not become instruments that Satan will use to make other people stumble and fall.
As He shows us, the things that make people sin are bound to come. Why? The reason is that we live in a fallen world, a world that is filled with all kinds of wicked spirits. And these wicked spirits are continually filling people with all kinds of wicked thoughts and desires. So, as long as we are here in this world, people will not stop doing and saying things that will result in the pollution and destruction of the lives and souls of others.
However, the Lord warns you and me to watch ourselves, so that these wicked beings will not be able to use us to destroy or ruin anybody’s life or faith. Yes, they will try to use us. In fact, they will never stop trying to use us to say or do things that will make others sin and destroy their lives or souls.
That is why the Lord says, “The things that cause people to sin are bound to come.” That means Satan and his demons are bound to present us with temptations to mislead, corrupt or destroy others. So, we must be watchful and sensitive. Otherwise, they may succeed in using us to destroy even those that we are meant to protect.
Now, if we allow ourselves to be used by the devil or his demons to make anyone sin, stumble and fall, God will not fail to judge us accordingly. As our Lord Jesus further points out, it is better for us to allow ourselves to be drowned in the sea than to yield to the temptation of being used by the devil to destroy anyone’s life or soul. That must mean that the punishment for making ourselves useful to the devil is unspeakable. Only God knows how severe it will be.
For instance, for leading the nation of Israel into the sin of idolatry, God said this concerning King Jeroboam and his household:
“Because of this, I am going to bring disaster on the house of Jeroboam. I will cut off from Jeroboam every last male in Israel — slave or free. I will burn up the house of Jeroboam as one burns dung, until it is all gone. Dogs will eat those belonging to Jeroboam who die in the city, and the birds of the air will feed on those who die in the country. The LORD has spoken!'” (1 Kings 14:10-11NIV)
Did you see that? The entire family line of Jeroboam would be destroyed because he allowed Satan to use him to mislead the nation of Israel. And that was just the earthly punishment for his sins. What about the punishment he would receive on the Judgment Day for his wickedness? That is beyond something anyone can contemplate.
Therefore, both earthly and eternal punishments await anyone that allows himself to be used by the devil to make another person stumble and fall. That is why we must continually watch what we say and do and see to it that it does not become an occasion for the fall of anyone in our lives or in our world.
In like manner, we must watch ourselves so that no one being used by the devil will make us stumble and fall. We may not be able to prevent people from being used by the devil to tempt or corrupt us. But we can refuse to be corrupted or ruined by anybody. Otherwise, God will not spare us for allowing ourselves to be misled and corrupted by anyone. Instead, He will deal with us as our sins or errors deserve.
In the case of Jeroboam that I mentioned above, for example. God did not spare the nation of Israel, even though it was their king that misled them. Instead, He judged them as their sins deserved. Look at what He said concerning that:
“And the LORD will strike Israel, so that it will be like a reed swaying in the water. He will uproot Israel from this good land that he gave to their forefathers and scatter them beyond the River, because they provoked the LORD to anger by making Asherah poles. And he will give Israel up because of the sins Jeroboam has committed and has caused Israel to commit." (1Kings 14:15-16NIV)
So, don’t think you will escape God’s punishment, if you allow your life to be corrupted or ruined by anyone, whether it is a friend, a colleague at work or in school, a family member, a neighbour or a church leader. That is because you will not escape it but will receive from His hand punishments that are due for your folly, especially if you fail to repent in time. Guard yourself, then, against anything anyone may be doing or saying to corrupt your life or soul. And may God strengthen to daily stay safe from the corruption of this world, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for showing us how important it is to daily watch ourselves against the evils in this world.
- Prayers that God will daily equip us with everything we need not to ever yield to any satanic prompting that will make us mislead or corrupt anyone in our lives.
- Prayers that God will fill us with sufficient wisdom, strength and determination not to allow ourselves to be polluted by anyone in our lives, regardless of how close the person may be to us and what level of respect we may have for him.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and cleanse us of all our unrighteousness wherever our lives are being polluted by others and wherever we have allowed ourselves to be used to pollute others, so that we will stand blameless before Him at the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
7th December 2024 -Because you say so
“Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets."” (Luke 5:5NIV)
Those were Peter’s words to the Lord Jesus after He had asked him to launch out into deep water and let down his nets for a catch. And he said those words to Him because doing what the Lord had asked him to do did not appear to be reasonable or logical at all.
Why did it not appear to be reasonable for Peter to do what the Lord had said? First, it was because he and his companions had laboured all through the night on the sea and had caught no fish. So, asking them to go back and start toiling all over again not only seemed unreasonable but also callous.
Second, what the Lord told Peter to do appeared unreasonable to do because He was not a fisherman. So, He wasn’t in a position to be giving instructions to a seasoned fisherman like Peter on what to do to catch fish. Yet He told him to go back again to the same place where he had just failed. What audacity!
Now, based on the reasons I just gave, Peter could decide not to listen or pay attention to what Jesus had said to him that day. And if he had done that, we would not have had this story in the bible. But he did not do that. He did not treat Jesus’ words as the words of an arrogant and overrated young preacher. Instead, he chose to act on them.
However, as we also see in our opening text, Peter was clear to the Lord about the fact that he was not going to do what He had said because it made sense to him, for it did. In addition, he was not going to do what He had said because he was expecting anything good to come out of doing so., for he wasn’t. Rather, he was going to do what He had said to him simply because he wanted to honour Him.
But why would he want to honour Jesus in that manner, at the cost of his time, energy and rest and also at the cost of the time, energy and rest of his men? It must have been because the sermon he heard from His mouth that morning blessed him greatly. So, he reasoned that even if what He had told him to do did not make sense at all, it made sense for him to do it in order to honour Him as a true man of God.
Now, as the account further shows, because this man honoured Jesus by acting on His word, even though it did not make sense to him and even though he was not expecting anything to come out of acting on it, he received a miracle of a lifetime that same day for his obedience. How? Well, the moment he and his men let down their nets, as they had been instructed by Jesus, fish began to swim into them. And they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. (Cf. Luke 5:6)
In fact, they had to signal to their partners in another boat to come and help them with the fish they had caught. Yet both boats were so full of fish that they began to sink. And when Peter eventually came back to meet Jesus at the shore, all he could do was fall at His knees and ask Him to go away from such a sinful person as him. (Cf. Luke 5:7-8)
Why did Peter say that? it was because the miracle he had witnessed was just too much for him to handle. And it all happened that way because he acted on the word of the master, even though it made no sense to him.
In like manner, if we will act on the written word of God or the spoken word of His servants, even though it makes no sense to us and even though we don’t expect it to change anything about our situation, we will surely see the glory of God. Yes, we will witness miracles that are beyond our expectations or comprehension.
So, let us lean to take every word of God coming to us seriously by acting on it, as long as it is not in disagreement with the body of truth given to us in the Scripture. And even if what He is saying to us does not make sense to us, let us still honour Him by acting on it, inasmuch as we are convinced that He is the One talking to us. And whether we expect any miracle to follow our obedience or not, whatever miracle that is meant to follow it will surely follow it.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for His word is sure to produce results any day and any time, as long as we act on it.
- Prayers that God will teach our hearts to always honour Him by acting on what He says to us, whether it makes sense to us or not, so that we may daily witness the results of our obedience.
- Prayers that God will send His angels to remove everything preventing us from witnessing those miracles that should follow our obedience to His word in our lives, so that our hearts may be encouraged to be steadfast in obedience to Him.
- Prayers that God will give us the very word we need to turn every failure we have experienced in life around to outstanding success.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministry.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 08146472876)
30th November 2024 - The touch of perfection
"Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly." (Mark 8:25NIV)
Who did Jesus touch once more? It was a blind man that some people had brought to Him for healing. And why did He have to touch him once again? It was because after ministering to him, the man had said, "I see people; they look like trees walking around." (Cf. Mark 8:24)
Now this is the only recorded bible case in which Jesus would minister to someone and the person would say that His work was not perfect. And why was that so? Was something wrong with Jesus at the time? Was He not on fire in the Spirit enough that day?
As we know from Scriptures, Jesus was always on fire in the Spirit. He was always full of the Spirit and the power of God. And He was always full of grace and truth. So, the problem was not with Him at all. The problem could not even have been with Him. Who, then, was responsible for the inadequate manifestation of God's power in that man's eyes on that occasion?
Well, though we are not given any clear or express answer to that in the account, we can safely say that the man was the one responsible for what happened. How could that be? As we see in the gospels, in most cases, Jesus ministered to people according to their faith and not just according to the power of God at work in Him. So, wherever people would not put their faith in Him, the flow of God's power from Hom to them would be hindered or limited.
Now we see an example of this in what happened when He went to His hometown. He could not do many mighty works among them because of their unbelief. In fact, He was amazed at their unbelief. That was because their unbelief limited the manifestation of the power of God through Him for their good. (Cf. Mark 6:1-6)
Therefore, we can safely say that it was this man's partial unbelief or little faith that was responsible for his blindness that was partially healed. Thankfully, nonetheless, Jesus was too loving and compassionate to send him away partially healed. So, He asked him, "Do you see anything?" And the man too was sincere enough to say things the way they were. He told Him that he was not seeing adequately yet. So, Jesus touched him one more time and fully restored his sight. Hallelujah!
What, then, is this telling us? It is that the Lord is always willing to touch us one more time, if that is what will bring perfection to the good works He has done for us. Yes, our little faith or partial unbelief may have hindered the full expression of His power for our healing, deliverance, promotion or prosperity. But if we will open our mouths in prayer and tell Him to perfect what He has started in our lives, He will answer us without delay.
But you know that we can choose to be satisfied with what God has already done about our jobs, businesses, health, marriages, children or finances, even though it is not perfect yet. And if that is our choice, God may let things remain as we want them. But I choose not to accept anything less than God's perfection. I choose not to accept anything less than excellent health, excellent marriage, excellent children, excellent ministry and excellent life.
All of this is why I will keep asking God to touch my life again and again until I see His perfection in every area of my life where it is needed. And I know that He will not fail to answer? But what about you?
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is a compassionate and good Father who wants nothing else for us but perfection in all good things.
- Prayers that God will rid us of all forms of average mentality, so that we will no longer settle down for anything that is inadequate or excellent in life.
- Prayers that God will touch again every area of our lives where we need perfection, so that His power will freely flow in them again for our fullness of joy.
- Thanksgiving for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
23rd November 2024 - You are never alone
"But a time is coming, and has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.” (John 16:32NIV)
Those were Jesus’ words to His disciples just before He went to the cross. And from these words we can tell that He knew that all these disciples would desert Him when He needed them the most. And why would they do that? Was it because they did not love Him? No! They all, apart from Judas Iscariot, loved Him dearly and were even willing to die with Him. And He Himself knew this.
However, the Lord also knew that when His hour came, none of them would have sufficient boldness or inner strength to stand by Him and not run away. That was because what would happen to Him would be beyond their expectations or imaginations; it would be a full manifestation of the power of darkness against Him. So, even if any of them should summon sufficient courage to stand with Him at the time, that person was bound to be crushed by what was coming for Him.
This, of course, is showing us that it is not every time that the reason people abandon or forsake us is that they want to be deliberately wicked, irresponsible, disloyal or ungrateful. There are times that the reason they do so is that they feel powerless or helpless in the face of the forces of darkness that are contending against us. And they may indeed not be spiritually strong enough to stand with us in such moments. If they should, then, force themselves to do so, in spite of the obvious, they may end up becoming victims of the circumstances of our lives, something we ourselves may forever regret. But unless we have revelations from God about things like this, we may find ourselves blaming innocent people for our being alone to face our life’s battles.
As we see in the Lord’s case, He already had revelations about how His disciples would respond to the trials that would come to Him during those last hours of His life. So, He would not blame them or be bitter towards them because they were going to desert Him. Instead, He prayed for them that what would happen to Him would not permanently drive them away from Him (Luke 22:31-32).
But then, even though Jesus already had revelations that all His disciples would abandon Him in that hour of darkness, He may still choose to be bitter towards them for not being people that He could rely on in His moment of need. Some of us would be bitter, if we had revelations that certain people that we thought we could rely us would abandon us when we most need them. And we may, in fact, change our attitude towards them before they even forsake us.
Jesus, however, would not be bitter towards His disciples or change His attitude towards them because of what He knew about them. And that was because He knew that He was never going to be alone, even though all of them left Him – God, His Father, would be with Him all through.
Now was God with Jesus all through that dark hour or not? He was with Him. In fact, even in hell, He was with Him. He did not abandon Him there to experience decay. Instead, He raised Him from the dead on the third day. And who did He first find, when He rose from the dead? The same disciples that had abandoned Him some days before!
Why did the Lord find these disciples? First, as I said before, it was because He was not bitter towards them for forsaking Him. Second, it was to restore them into fellowship with Him. And did He succeed or not? He did! So, these same men that once forsook Him went on to carry His message to the ends of the earth. That, of course, is why you and I are saved today.
What is the point of all this? It is that you should never be bitter towards anyone for abandoning you. That is because the circumstances that make them do so may just be beyond their strength. Besides, even if people deliberately abandon you, God will never abandon you. So, you will never be alone in life. And as long as you have God with you, you will walk in victory all the way over whatever Satan may throw at you.
In addition to that, if you will not be bitter towards anyone for forsaking you in a moment of need, you may just be able to lead them to repentance and to a place where they will be more loyal and useful to you in life than you could ever imagine. So, keep your heart free of bitterness. You are never alone.
- Thanksgiving to God for always being there with us and for us, regardless of the challenges we may be facing in life.
- Prayers that God will rid our hearts of all forms of bitterness towards the people in our lives, so that we may be able to fully take advantage of His presence in our lives to win all the time.
- Prayers for all those who have abandoned us because Satan got them scared that God will visit them and supply all that they lack in strength, boldness and determination to do what is right all the time, so that they will never again diminish in fruitfulness and usefulness.
- Prayers that God will show Himself mighty on our behalf in every situation in which we have been left all alone, so that we will walk in victory over it.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
16th November 2024 - We can never be defeated
“They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.” (Jer 1:19NIV)
God is a realist. Therefore, He does not lie to people or give them false hopes. Instead, He tells them things exactly the way they are. That way, nobody will be able to say that God has deceived him about any matter of life.
For instance, in our opening text, we see God preparing Jeremiah for the work He was giving him. How? It was by telling him that the work He was giving him would not be all smooth and easy. Instead, the people He was sending him to would surely oppose him, fight against him and do all that they could to bring him down. But as God further told him, they would not be able to defeat him, regardless of their number. And that was because He would rescue him and give him victory over them.
Now God told Jeremiah these things in advance so that he would brace himself for action and also for persecution. Sadly, Jeremiah did not really take this warning to heart, as he should have done. So, at some point in his life, when opposition against him grew intense and horrifying, he began to complain. Look at some of the things he said to God:
“O LORD, you deceived me, and I was deceived; you overpowered me and prevailed. I am ridiculed all day long; everyone mocks me.” (Jer 20:7NIV)
But did God actually deceive him? No! God already told him that the people would not take it easy with him at all. Instead, they would fight him and do all that they could to silence him. But he assumed that the fight God was talking about was nothing more than petty insults and slanders. So, when they began to beat him and harass him in all manner of ways, he began to say that God did not tell him that things would be as bad as that for him.
In any case, even though this man of God experienced all kinds of terrible insults and maltreatment from the hands of his people and their kings, they could not defeat him. Instead, as God had promised him, he overcame and survived all of them. And even when the Babylonians eventually attacked the land and sacked it, his life was preserved by God. He was not killed, neither was he taken to exile. God kept His word to him. Hallelujah! (Cf. Jer 40:1-6)
Now why am I showing you these things? I am doing so to let you know that we too must be prepared for challenges and opposition in this world. And we are to be prepared for them because the Lord has said, “In this world you will have trouble.” What sort of trouble is that? And where is it coming from? (Cf. John 16:33)
Well, it can be any kind of trouble, including a life-threatening one. And it can come from anywhere, even from our most trusted friends or family members. So, we must not assume, as Jeremiah did, that what is coming for us will be nothing more than a piece of cake. The Lord has not promised us that at all.
However, we don’t need to be afraid of any kind of trouble, regardless of how frightening it may seem. That is because the Lord has also said to us, “Cheer up! I have overcome the world.” Who did the Lord overcome the world for? He overcame the world for all of us who believe in Him. So, while we may not be able to stop some problems from coming our way or prevent some people from fighting us, we have assurances from the Lord that we cannot be defeated by any problem or challenge. Instead, we are now in a position to walk in victory over whatever the enemies may throw at us. And that is why the Lord says, “Cheer up!” (Cf. John 16:33)
Therefore, cheer up and don’t lose your mind or joy because of any challenge or opposition you are facing. Instead, talk to God about it and also speak the word of God to it. And you will be made to experience victory over it.
Remember Daniel. Remember that he faced all kinds of opposition in Babylon. He was constantly in confrontation with sorcerers, fortune-tellers, magicians and all kinds of wicked and unreasonable people, men would stop at nothing to get rid of him. But did he lose his mind, peace and joy because of them? No! And did they overcome him? No! Instead, he was the one that overcame and survived them all. And how did he do that? It was through faith in God.
In like manner, our faith in God is our victory over every challenge of life and over every opposition of men (1John 5:4). So, instead of complaining or getting frightened because of what the enemies are throwing at us, we should be praying and speaking the word of God to ourselves and to those challenges coming our way. And victory will surely be our experience all the way.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because of the assurance that we have from Him that we cannot be defeated by any challenge or opposition.
- Prayers that our hearts will be strengthened never to be afraid or frightened because of any challenge but to always address our challenges with the word of God and prayer, so that we may daily experience the victory Jesus has already obtained for us.
- Prayers that God will release His power to crush every challenge or opposition that may be threatening our lives, faith or prosperity, so that those of the world may indeed see that in Christ Jesus we can never be defeated.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
9th November 2024 - He too was distressed
“In all their distress he too was distressed, and the angel of his presence saved them. In his love and mercy he redeemed them; he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.” (Isa 63:9NIV)
Who was distressed, as we are told in our opening bible text? It was the Israelites that Moses led out of Egypt that were distressed. And who was distressed along with them? It was God that was distressed along with them. How could God be distressed? Is that even possible?
Well, the word of God tells us plainly in our opening text that God too was distressed all the time that the Israelites were distressed in Egypt and on their way to the Promised Land. And it should not surprise us that God could be distressed in this manner or in any way at all. Don’t forget that He created us in His own image and after His likeness. And all the attributes of concern and grief that we have came to us from Him. So, it should not surprise us that He can be concerned or grieved about something as we can.
But then, did the Israelites that He was concerned about know these things? No! Most of them did not know that God was so concerned about them that everything that distressed them also distressed Him. And because they did not know this, they were often quick to complain and grumble against Him anytime they were faced with a challenge.
Nonetheless, God was always distressed whenever they were distressed. So, He told Moses this, when He was sending him to Egypt to deliver them:
“I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey — the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites.” (Ex 3:7-9NIV)
Did you see that? God was concerned about the suffering and pains of His people. That, of course, was why, as we are told in our opening text, He sent the angel of His presence to be with Moses in saving them and in carrying them on eagles’ wings to the Promised Land.
Now what this is showing us is that God is ever-concerned about the condition of living of His people. So, if they are in distress, He too becomes distressed along with them. And what human father will not be distressed, if his son or daughter is in distress? What true human father will not be concerned about anything that may be hurting his child? None!
If human fathers, then, as wicked they may be, get distressed when their children are distressed, will God, the Father of all fathers and the God of all compassion, not be even more readily distressed by anything that distresses His children? He will. And because He will, He will take whatever necessary steps He has to take to rescue them from their distress and establish them in His rest.
Therefore, as a child of God, if you are in any kind of distress, I want you to know that you are not alone in it. God, your Father, is in it with you as well. He knows exactly what you are going through and how you feel about it. So, you can expect the angel of His presence, the Holy Spirit, to move on your behalf, save you and also carry you on eagles’ wings to experience divine rest.
Don’t give up, then. Instead, keep on praying and keep on meditating on the word of God. And don’t say, “I am too tired to pray or meditate on the word. I don’t even know what to say or do any more.” Instead, however tired, weary or confused you may be, still keep on praying and keep on meditating on God’s word and confessing it. That is because the Spirit of God is with you, even in your moment of tiredness and confusion, to pray with you and to also strengthen you to win.
Look at what the bible says about Him:
“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.” (Rom 8:26-27NIV)
Did you see that? The Spirit of God is with us and in us to help us overcome every weakness, including our prayer weaknesses. Then observe that we are told that He too groans with us, when we are groaning because of our challenges. In other words, He can fully relate to whatever we are going through. Therefore, He is able to intercede for us with compassion and according to the will of God.
No wonder, then, that certain problems of our lives, problems that probably frightened us to our bones, were miraculously solved, even though we ourselves knew that we were too tired, weak or disturbed to pray about them as we would love to. What happened was that the Spirit of God, knowing what we were going through then, took over the praying for us and got us the victory and rest we needed. Hallelujah!
Can you now see that you have no reason to fail or give up on life? You are not alone in facing whatever you are facing in life. God, by His Spirit, is with you in facing it. And He is even more concerned about your experience of victory over it. So, cheer up and be encouraged to live and be victorious. And as long as you are encouraged like this, you will consider it no trouble to keep on praying and standing on the word of God in every situation of life.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is ever-concerned about everything that concerns the peace and fruitfulness of our lives.
- Prayers that our hearts will be daily strengthened to always remember that God too is concerned about whatever bothers us, so that we will not give on Him and turn to people or things that will destroy us.
- Prayers that God, who is concerned about all that concerns is, will move in every situation of our lives that is distressing us and end our distress in it.
- Prayers that God, by His Spirit in us, will deal with every weakness of our lives, so that it will not be able to limit us again and keep us in stagnation or misery.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
2nd November 2024 - He will never forget or forsake you
"But Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me.” “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!"" (Isaiah 49:14-15NIV)
Who said that the Lord had forsaken and forgotten her? It was Zion, that is, the nation of Judah, that said so. And why would Zion say that? It was because of all the trials and hardships that came upon her and her people. Those trials and hardships, of course, came upon them because of their sins. So, like Gideon of the days before Israel started having kings, they too began to say that God had forsaken and forgotten them. (Cf. Judges 6:11-13)
But in response to that, God said that it was not possible for Him to forget or forsake them. Yes, they had messed up indeed. But He was not going to abandon them and not show them compassion. And that was because He loved them.
Now, to make His commitment to showing them compassion and lifting them out of the mud of shame known to them, God went on to ask them a very relevant question. And what was it? It was this: "Can a mother forget or abandon her own baby?" It is unlikely that a true mother will forget or abandon her own baby, even if that baby is sickly, weak and consuming her time, energy and money. On the contrary, she will want to do whatever she can to care for that baby, so that he will be well and sound like other babies of his age.
But then, there have been situations in which certain women abandoned their babies. Yes, there have been situations in which some mothers totally turned away from their own babies and never looked back to find out whether those babies survived or not. Why? Well, only those mothers could answer that. But some have abandoned their babies in this manner for reasons as dumb as the quest for the love of another man.
In any case, the point God was making to His people through Isaiah in our opening text was that, even though a nursing mother may for some reasons abandon her own child, He would never abandon or forget them. Instead, He would show them compassion, heal them and restore them.
In like manner, regardless of the challenges or trials we may be facing at the moment, if we are believers in God in through Jesus Christ, He will never forget or abandon us. Yes, our own sins and errors may be the reason life is hard for us and nothing seems to be working. Yet God says that He will never forget or forsake us. Instead, He will show us compassion and perfect all that concerns us.
Now exactly when are we going to experience God's compassion, restoration and perfection in our lives, homes and affairs? It is already happening. I mean that we are already experiencing His compassion, healing, restoration and perfection. Our being alive is a proof of that. We just need to continue to patiently rely on Him to perfect what He has started. Then we will witness a full manifestation of what He is doing for our perfection. (Cf. Philippians 1:6)
But we must never think that God has forgotten us or forsaken us because of how things are for us currently. Did He forget our Lord Jesus or abandon Him in the grave? No! Instead, He raised Him from the dead. The bible, in fact, shows us that the reason Jesus freely gave Himself to die for us the way He did was that He was relying on the Scripture that says, "Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest in hope, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, you will not let your holy one see decay." (Cf. Psalm 16:9-10; Acts 2:26-27)
Think about that. Jesus trusted God not to forsake or leave Him in hell. So, He endured the agony of the cross and died for us. But it was not the same moment that He died that God raised Him from the dead. It was not even the second day or night that God raised Him from the dead. Instead, it was on the third day, when His sacrifice had fully accomplished its objectives, that He raised Him from the dead.
In the same vein, at the right time, all that God is doing for our total experience of healing, salvation, joy, peace of mind, elevation and restoration where we are will manifest. Let us just hold on to His word that says even if a nursing mother forgets or forsakes her baby, He will never forget or abandon us. Hallelujah!
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is ever faithful to His word and so can be relied on by us in every situation.
- Prayers that God will daily strengthen our hearts to always remember that He will never forget or abandon us, regardless of what we may be facing in life, so that we will not give up but stay encouraged.
- Prayers that just as God released His power of resurrection to snatch our Lord Jesus from the jaws of death and bring Him back to life, He will also cause His power that is already in our lives to be mightily released for us to experience resurrection wherever we have been battling with stagnation, death or decay.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and comfort us wherever we are in pains in our lives because certain people abandoned or forgot us.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
26th October 2024 - God will take it for you
“So Jacob sent word to Rachel and Leah to come out to the fields where his flocks were. He said to them, "I see that your father's attitude toward me is not what it was before, but the God of my father has been with me. You know that I've worked for your father with all my strength, yet your father has cheated me by changing my wages ten times. However, God has not allowed him to harm me. If he said, 'The speckled ones will be your wages,' then all the flocks gave birth to speckled young; and if he said, 'The streaked ones will be your wages,' then all the flocks bore streaked young. So God has taken away your father's livestock and has given them to me.”” (Gen 31:4-9NIV)
I was speaking to someone the other day and she was trying to justify herself for stealing from certain individuals she used to live with. According to her, though these people were very rich, they were mean to all of them that were living with them. They would not provide them with the basic things they needed as teenagers. All they were after was using them to make more and more money in their business.
Therefore, they too decided to be stealing from them as often as they could. And it was easy for them to do so because those people had no system of monitoring what was going on in the shop. In fact, according to her, they really did not care about monitoring anything. That was because they were relying solely on the practice of witchcraft to promote their business. So, regardless of what was stolen from them or what they were cheated of, they didn’t feel a thing. Instead, they continued to make more money in business.
Sadly, like those people, there are many all around us that rely heavily on witchcraft, cheating, extortion, swindling, embezzling of public funds or some other wicked means to make money and get rich. We also have all around us and perhaps even in our lives people who are cruel and stingy and who only think about using others to advance themselves in life. And if we find ourselves working for or living with any of them, we too, like that woman, may find ourselves trying to justify stealing from them.
But if we begin to steal from someone because he is mean to us or because he is making his money in dubious ways, first, we are showing that we are not any better than him. In other words, if we should find ourselves in the same circumstances as the person, we would do exactly what he is doing or even worse than him. Second, we are giving God no reason to be quick in judging that person and vindicating us.
See, one of the reasons God is sometimes not quick to judge those who oppress others is that those who are being oppressed are not any better. They themselves are wicked, cruel and mean and will do worse things than their oppressors, if they too had their way. So, though they are crying for relief from the oppression of their oppressors, the truth is that they have no moral right to ask for relief. And unless God just decides to show them mercy, oppression will never be far from them. (Cf. Matt 7:1-5; 2Cor 10:5)
Well, the point I am making is that we must not use anybody’s unfaithfulness as our excuse for being unfaithful too. Otherwise, we will just be shutting against ourselves doors of God’s favour. And where that is the case, we may end up stagnant and unproductive for life.
As we see in our opening text, even though Laban was really cruel and mean in dealing with Jacob, the man still ended up becoming wealthy while working for him. Why was that so? It was so because God stepped into the situation and vindicated him. Yes, God, who saw all that Laban was doing to cheat him and keep him in poverty, moved in on his behalf and turned every evil scheme of Laban around for his good. In other words, God took away from Laban all that he was supposed to give to Jacob and gave it to him.
Now why was it alright and just for God to do that? It was alright and just for Him to do so because Jacob did not use Laban’s unfaithfulness to him as an excuse to be unfaithful to him or as an excuse to be stealing from him. If he too had been stealing from Laban, then, whenever God was ready to judge the matter, it would not be Laban alone that he would judge; He would also have to judge Jacob. Otherwise, He would not be a just God.
But Jacob was not stealing from the man. On the contrary, as he told his wives, he worked for him with all his strength. And when the time came for God to step into the situation, He vindicated him and balanced the scales. So, he left the house of Laban a prosperous man, not empty-handed.
Do you too want to leave that place where you are living or working a prosperous person? Then do whatever you are doing there wholeheartedly, as unto the Lord and not as unto man. Yes, your bosses or employers may be lying to you, cheating you, stealing from you or harassing you. But as long as you are there, don’t use their misbehaviour as an excuse for slothfulness or theft. Otherwise, you will be shutting the door against your own promotion from God.
Perhaps you know certain people that used to steal from their workplaces or employers. How are their lives faring? People like that never rise above the level of thieves. They will always need to steal to make all ends met in their lives, regardless of where they are or what positions they are occupying. So, they are bound to end their lives in emptiness, unless they are shown mercy by God.
So, don’t be like them. Instead, work wholeheartedly and with the fear of God wherever you are and regardless of what people may be doing to cheat or oppress you. That way, when the time is ripe, God, who sees and knows everything, will step in to vindicate you. And just as He took Laban’s wealth away from him and gave it to Jacob, He will also take away from all those who are cheating you all that is yours and give it to you.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is a just God and will never let any kind of injustice go unaddressed.
- Prayers that God will rid our lives of all forms of unfaithfulness that may be hindering Him from vindicating us, so that the promotion that should be ours will no longer elude us.
- Prayers that God, who sees and knows everything, will step into every situation in which we are being cheated without delay and take for us all that is meant to be ours.
- Prayers that God will, in His mercy, begin to turn our hearts in this country away from all forms of unfaithfulness, so that He will be free to break every rod that our oppressors are using to oppress us and bring us times of refreshing.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
19th October 2024 - He can show you what is wrong
“This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Give careful thought to your ways. Go up into the mountains and bring down timber and build the house, so that I may take pleasure in it and be honored," says the LORD. "You expected much, but see, it turned out to be little. What you brought home, I blew away. Why?" declares the LORD Almighty. "Because of my house, which remains a ruin, while each of you is busy with his own house. Therefore, because of you the heavens have withheld their dew and the earth its crops. I called for a drought on the fields and the mountains, on the grain, the new wine, the oil and whatever the ground produces, on men and cattle, and on the labor of your hands."”
(Hag 1:7-11NIV)
One of the most annoying things we can deal with in life is not to know why certain things are not working for us as they ought to be working. It can really be frustrating. You are doing everything you know you are supposed to be doing, working hard and giving it your all. Yet you cannot see the fruit of your labour. It is just as if you were working like an elephant and eating like a rat. And to make matters worse, you can’t even tell what is wrong.
What do you do in such situations? Well, the right thing to do is to turn to God in prayer and also to His word for counsel. If you will sincerely and patiently turn to Him in this manner, He will answer you and show you what you need to know. There are actually examples in the bible of people who turned to God when they could not tell why certain things were wrong in their lives. And did He answer them or not? He answered them. So, you too can expect Him to answer you, if you will act similarly. (Cf. Gen 25:1-23; 2Sam 21:1)
But then, there are also times that God just decides to talk to people about why certain things are not working in their lives, not because they have prayed to Him about those things but because He just wants to show them mercy and rescue them from fruitless labour. For example, in our opening text, we see God talking through Haggai to the people of Judah about the national poverty and stagnation they were experiencing. And we are not told in the account that He did that in response to their prayer. So, He must have done it because He just wanted to show them mercy.
Now what was the problem these people were having? It was that of vain labour. First, there was drought all over the land for no clear reason. So, they all had to work harder day after day in order to be able to make all ends meet. Then though they were working hard and diligently, it was not showing at all. That was because, in some mysterious ways, the fruit of their labour just kept on disappearing. Therefore, life was very hard for them in every part of the land.
What, then, did they do about this? Well, they just kept on working harder and more diligently. And did that change anything? No! I imagine that doing so just led to more frustration for them all. And like these men and women of Haggai’s day, there are many today in different parts of the world that are experiencing more frustration in their lives. Why? The harder they work, the worse things get for them. Something just keeps happening to make nonsense of their hard labour.
What do such people need? They need divine revelations. Yes, they need divine counsel that will open their eyes to what is missing in all their hard work, so that it will stop being fruitless. And where will they get that? As I said before, it is by turning to God in His word and in prayer. But will they do this, or will they continue to put in more effort, more hard work?
Evidently, more effort and more hard work did not change the financial conditions of the people of Haggai’s day. But God showed them mercy, even though we are not told they sought divine revelations or counsel. He sent a prophet to tell them what was wrong. And what was wrong? Were they living wicked and immoral lives? No! What, then, was it?
Well, as God said through Haggai, the reason things were like that for those Jews was that they had neglected the building of the temple of their God. Really? But who could have thought something like that could cause national poverty, stagnation and setbacks? No one! Yet it did. And it took God to point it out to the people before they could tell what they needed to do and rescue themselves from vain labour.
So, if we do not have divine revelations, we may never know what is responsible for our experience of stagnation, barrenness, poverty, insecurity or illness. We will just be guessing. And our guesses may lead us to taking wrong medications for our problems. Then we will become even more frustrated in life.
All of this is why we should not wait until God speaks to us Himself about what is not working in our lives before we speak to Him about it. That is because He may not even speak to us about it, if we won’t speak to Him about it. Then we will end up struggling through life and never arriving in our place of prosperity and rest. So, if there is anything that has refused to work your life, anything that has subjected you to days, weeks, months or years of vain labour, start asking God for divine revelations on what to do about it. And you can be sure that He will answer your honest prayers and show you the way out.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is the revealer of all truths and is ever-ready to show us all that we need to know in order to separate ourselves from vanity.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to areas of our lives where we are labouring in vain but are not conscious of it, so that we may turn to Him for divine counsel and be saved.
- Prayers that God will fill our hearts with divine revelations concerning everything that is not working in our lives or that is bring us frustration, so that we will know the exact thing to do to experience rest over it.
- Prayers that God will be merciful to us and show us those areas of our lives in which we are losing or are behind because of our unfaithfulness in giving, so that we may repent and begin to do the needful.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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12th October 2024 - Prayer works
“Then Jacob prayed, "O God of my father Abraham, God of my father Isaac, O LORD, who said to me, 'Go back to your country and your relatives, and I will make you prosper,' I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant. I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan, but now I have become two groups. Save me, I pray, from the hand of my brother Esau, for I am afraid he will come and attack me, and also the mothers with their children. But you have said, 'I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.'"” (Gen 32:9-12NIV)
What was the focus of Jacob’s prayer to God on the occasion mentioned in our opening bible text? It was salvation from his brother Esau. Why did he need to be saved from his brother? He needed to be saved from him because of the way he had treated him in the past.
As the account goes, Jacob cheated his brother Esau on two different occasions. Of course, we cannot blame him for everything that happened. Esau too had his own faults. He himself was a godless man. And it was because he was godless that he did not think twice at all before selling his right as the firstborn of the house to Jacob. (Cf. Gen 25:29-34)
Then their parents had their own faults too in the way these men treated themselves. Each of them had a favourite out of the young men and did not even hide it. And this was why Isaac still chose to give the blessing of his father, Abraham, to godless Esau, even when he was well aware that the young man had sold his right to receive the blessing. It was also why it was Rebekah herself that encouraged Jacob to trick his father Isaac into giving him the blessing he had wanted to give to Esau. (Cf. Gen 27)
In any case, Esau nursed a terrible grudge against Jacob and was determined to harm him for what he had done to him. That was why Rebekah told Isaac to send Jacob away. But even years later, when Jacob was on his way back home, having raised his own family, he was still unsure about how Esau would treat him. And when he sent some of his men to give this man his greetings, he did not say any reassuring word to them. Instead, he mustered his four hundred warriors and set out to meet him. (Cf. Gen 32:3-8)
Now what was Esau coming to Jacob to do with his four hundred warriors? If all he had wanted to do was to welcome him home or say ‘Hello’, a few escorts would have been enough. Why, then, did he have to take an army with him?
Well, Jacob took that as a bad sign. He saw that as an indication that Esau had not forgiven him of his sins against him, even though it had been about twenty years that they had last seen each other. And there are people like that. They don’t ever let go of any offence against them. They will continue to hold grudges against those who have offended them until they have an opportunity to revenge or until they die.
How, then, do you appease someone like that, someone that is bent on paying you back in your own coin? As far as Jacob was concerned, it did not appear that there was anything he could do to appease Esau. And that made him more afraid. Nevertheless, in that moment of fear and distress, he did the only wise thing he could do. He prayed to God.
Now having prayed to God in that manner, did it look like Jacob’s problem was solved? Well, from what we see in the account, it did not look like his problem was solved at all. That was because his prayer did not stop Esau from coming to him. His prayer did not bring fire down from heaven on Esau and his men. His prayer did not bring terror on Esau and his men to frighten them away.
On the contrary, Esau still came to him with his four hundred men. However, when he met him, he did not fight or hurt him, his family or any of his possessions. He did not even demand an apology for all the bad things Jacob had done to him. Instead, he ran to meet him, embraced him, kissed him and wept aloud with him. (Cf. Gen 33:1-4)
What, then, happened to Esau? What changed his mind? Why would a man that came out with an army of four hundred men to harm his own brother end up loving him and weeping with him? The only explanation for that is that God stepped into the situation and took control. We would not know what He told Esau or did to him on account of Jacob’s prayer. But whatever He did to the man worked. Whatever He did to him cleansed him of decades of bitterness and anger. So, instead of harming Jacob and his family, he ended up loving them and even offering to give them protection on their journey.
What is this telling us? It is that prayer works. You may not know how God will solve your problem or give you what you desire. And you don’t need to know. It is, in fact, not your business to know. Your business is to pray to Him about whatever matter you need Him to handle for you. And when you pray to Him, you will surely find out that prayer works. Yes, prayer works in ways that are beyond our understanding.
So, don’t let any problem or challenge of life, however frightening it may be, give you sleepless nights again. Just pray to God wholeheartedly about it. And He will do the needful about it. Now, of course, He may not make it melt away the way He made Esau’s hatred and desire to harm Jacob melt away in almost an instant. But He will surely handle it. And you will see that it has been handled.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is an ever-present help to us, not just in times of trouble but in every moment.
- Prayers that God will strengthen our hearts to always pray to Him, regardless of how frightening the challenges of our lives may be, knowing that He will surely handle them for us.
- Prayers about that challenge that has been haunting you or threatening you for months or years that God will deal with it right away and give you absolute rest from whatever pain or embarrassment it is causing you.
- Prayers that God will daily fill our hearts with sufficient boldness to confront every challenge we have committed to Him in prayer, even if it appears unsolved, knowing that it will never again be able to hurt us, since it is already in His hands.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
5th October 2024 - A difficult time to give
“Some time later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land. 8 Then the word of the LORD came to him: "Go at once to Zarephath of Sidon and stay there. I have commanded a widow in that place to supply you with food." So he went to Zarephath. When he came to the town gate, a widow was there gathering sticks. He called to her and asked, "Would you bring me a little water in a jar so I may have a drink?" As she was going to get it, he called, "And bring me, please, a piece of bread." "As surely as the LORD your God lives," she replied, "I don't have any bread — only a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it — and die."” (1Kings 17:7-12NIV)
The Spirit of God once told me this about giving: “Anybody can give when it is convenient. But true givers give even when it is not convenient.” And He told me this because I was reluctant at the time to give some support to someone because it was not convenient for me to do so. So, I changed my mind when He said it and went on to do what He wanted.
Now that is what God wants from every one of us. He wants us to be willing and ready to give whatever He wants us to give to whomever He wants us to give it and whenever He wants us to give it. Yes, we may find ourselves in a difficult time to give. But even if it is difficult for us to give, as long as it is the will of God for us to do so, we must do so and do so cheerfully. Otherwise, we will miss the reward that is meant to follow our obedience.
As we see in our opening text, the time that God sent Elijah to the widow of Zarephath to be fed by her was a most difficult time for her to take care of anybody. It was a time in which all she had left was hardly enough to make a single meal for her son and her. And that was because there was drought in the land. Yet, even before Elijah came to her, God had commanded her to be ready to take care of Him for as long as the drought and famine in the land lasted.
But how was she going to take care of this man of God for as long as the drought and famine lasted, when she did not even have enough food to last her son and her a day? God did not tell her how until Elijah showed up. And even after Elijah had announced to her what God intended to do, she still needed to believe what he said enough to feed him from the very little that she had left. (Cf. 1Kings 17:13-14)
In any case, when she obeyed the command of God to her, a miracle of unending supply of food began in her kitchen. So, she, her son and Elijah had enough food to eat every day until the drought and famine in the land ended. Not only that, because she had accommodated Elijah in her house at the time, when death came for her son unannounced, the man of God was there to drive it away. That means her obedience made her receive chains of miracles from God. Hallelujah! (Cf. 1Kings 17:17-24)
Now what if that woman had disobeyed God, simply because it was a difficult time for her to obey Him? What if she was not willing to listen to Elijah or entertain him at all, giving that the times were hard then? Would she have received that prophetic word that resulted in the miracle of provision that she experienced? No! And supposing she and her son somehow managed to survive the drought and famine on their own. What would she have done when death suddenly came for her son and took him away? Who would she have cried out to? Who would have interceded on her behalf to bring her boy back to her?
So, it pays to obey God, even though it is difficult for us to do so. Yes, it pays to give in line with the will of God for us, even if it is a difficult time for us to do so. Remember that Jesus says that even if it is just a cup of cold water that we are able to give to others because of Him, God will not fail to reward us for it (Matt 10:42).
Therefore, deal right away with whatever reluctance you have towards giving the things God wants you to give to others. Yes, this may be a difficult time for you to give to anyone, considering the current economic situation of our country. But if you will only obey God, even in your difficulties, He too will surprise you with chains of miracles that will beat your imaginations and expectations.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is always with us to take care of us, regardless of the times we may find ourselves in.
- Prayers that God will daily open our ears to ear whatever His Spirit may be saying to us about our giving, so that we may obey it.
- Prayers that God will teach and strengthen our hearts to always give whatever He wants us to give, freely and cheerfully, however difficult times may be for us, so that the chains of miracles that are associated with our generosity will not elude us.
- Prayers that God will clear the way for all the miracles that we ought to have received from His hand to begin to happen right away, so that our joy may be full in every area of our lives.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
28th September 2024 - Address it
"She kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so annoyed that he turned around and said to the spirit, “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!” At that moment the spirit left her." (Acts 16:18NIV)
What got Paul annoyed as see in our opening bible text? It was the fact that a female slave was following him and his companions up and down and embarrassing them with her fortune telling. As the account goes, it was while Paul and his companions were in Philippi that they came in contact with this young lady. And because she had a spirit of divination in her, she was able to tell that they were servants of the Most High God immediately she saw them. So, she began to follow them everywhere and to announce to everyone who they were.
Now wasn't that supposed to be a good thing? Should Paul and his men not have been happy that Satan was doing publicity for them? No! God and His people don't need Satan's publicity in order to get people to believe or saved, even if he is offering it for free. Why? It is because that will confuse people; it will give them the impression that there is no difference between God and Satan, between God's children and Satan's children and between God's works and Satan's works.
But God and Satan are different. They don't stand for the same thing. God is the creator and saviour of all things. Satan is a liar and destroyer of all things. If he, then, begins to publicise God and His works, it is not to honour God but to dishonour Him and give people the impression that they are on the same page. And are they on the same page? No!
Therefore, Jesus would not allow demons to publicise Him or talk about His works when He was here on earth. Instead, He drove them out. In like manner, we have no business encouraging or employing Satan's publicity. In fact, we have no business ignoring it. Instead, we must always stop him in the name of Jesus. (Cf. Mark 3:11-12)
Sadly, many church leaders don't understand this. That's why they freely employ the publicity and even the advertisement of certain men and women who have clearly shown themselves as of the devil in promoting the image of their assemblies or certain programmes they want to hold. And by doing so, they are confusing everyone around them, giving them the impression that there is no difference between God's kingdom and Satan's kingdom. They will receive in full the payment for their errors.
Well, as we see in Paul's cause, he too, like Jesus, was not comfortable at all with the publicity of Satan through that slave girl. But unlike Jesus, he and his companions did not immediately do anything about her matter. Perhaps they had felt that the girl would soon get tired of following them and find something else to do. But she did not. On the contrary, she made it her personal business to follow them everyday and trouble their ministry with her satanic publicity. In fact, Luke says that she did this for many days.
Now when Paul saw that the problem this lady was giving them would not naturally disappear or go away with time, he addressed it. He addressed the demon in the lady that was responsible for the problem, in the name of Jesus. And that same minute, he left her. So, she was free and they too were free from her embarrassment.
In like manner, there are problems that won't solve themselves or go away, if we won't address them. Such problems will continue to embarrass or torment us until we are utterly frustrated. So, instead of watching them and allowing them to drive us crazy or take away our joy, we must address them in the name of Jesus. And when we do, they will meet their end.
But then, observe that when Paul was going to deal with that lady that was giving them trouble, he did not curse her or ask her to die. Why? He knew that she wasn't their real enemy. The spirit of divination in her was their real enemy. So, it was that spirit that he addressed and drove out.
In the same vein, we are not to make anybody our enemy and be praying to God to kill or destroy them, even though they are giving us serious problems. Instead, we are to address the spirits pushing them or using them to work against us. And once we do that, they will be delivered and we too will have our peace.
Remember that the bible says, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:12NIV) So, know your real enemy in every battle of life. That way, you will not be wasting your time fighting the symptoms of your problems instead of their real cause.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for the name of Jesus that has been given to us for our salvation and also for our walk of victory over the devil and his hosts.
- Prayers that our hearts will be made sensitive by the Spirit of God to always know when Satan is trying to use us to mislead others about light and darkness, truth and error, so that we will give him no chance.
- Prayers that God will daily embolden our hearts to be quick and immediate in using our authority in Christ Jesus to address situations of our lives that are contrary to His will, so that they will be handled instead of getting worse.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught by the Spirit of God to always remember that our real enemies are not human beings but Satan and his demons, so that we will never again engage in wrong battles.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
21st September 2024 - We can’t outgrow sound counsel
“But Esther had kept secret her family background and nationality just as Mordecai had told her to do, for she continued to follow Mordecai's instructions as she had done when he was bringing her up.” (Est 2:20NIV)
Who continued to follow Mordecai’s instructions? Esther! Why did she continue to follow his instructions? First, it was because he was the one who brought her up, seeing that she lost her parents at a very tender age. Second, it was because she had learnt by experience that his counsel and instructions were sound and profitable for her. In fact, it was by following his counsel that she became King Xerxes’ queen.
Therefore, even after she had become queen, she still continued to listen to the man’s sound and godly counsel. In other words, she did not see herself as someone who had outgrown sound counsel. And because of that, God was able to use her to save all the Jewish people that were in the kingdom of Xerxes from the wickedness of Haman. (Cf. Esther 3-10)
What is the point all of this? It is that sound and godly counsel is not one of the things we are meant to outgrow in life. Yes, as we increase in age, there are things that we should naturally outgrow in life. Paul refers to these things in his letter to the Corinthians as childish things (1Cor 13:11). That means they are things that mature people should not be found doing or saying. That is because they are unprofitable for them.
But then, regardless of how old or prosperous we become in life, sound and godly counsel is not something we can outgrow or should outgrow. That is because we will continue to need it, if we don’t want to end up becoming foolish old people or end up losing the good things God has done for us or given to us.
Unfortunately, there are many who don’t know this. They think increase in age or increase in prosperity is synonymous to omniscience. But regardless of how old or prosperous you become in life, there will still be things you don’t know and that you will need to know, if you want to continue to be relevant. Therefore, you cannot outgrow sound counsel. You will need it from time to time. And if there have been people in your life whose counsel has never failed you, it will be wisdom for you to continue to listen to them.
See, it is not everyone that has the privilege of having people in their life that they can rely on for sound and godly counsel all the time. In short, people that are loaded with sound and divine counsel are rare. So, if you have any of them in your life, you should be thankful to God for giving that person to you as a gift. Then you should do your best to stay close to them and to always make the most of their counsel. Otherwise, as I said before, you may end up showing yourself as a fool to everyone around or losing those things God has blessed you with.
For example, why did King Saul lose his kingdom to young David? It was because he, at some point, thought that he had outgrown the need to take sound and godly counsel from Prophet Samuel. But when he was nobody, it was Samuel that led him to realise the will of God for his life. And at that time, all he knew about being the kind of king God wanted him to be was taught to him by Samuel. So, it was not long before he became a celebrity in the land. Some even began to think of him too as a prophet, as a man of God. (Cf. 1Sam 9-11)
But not long afterwards, after everyone had accepted as king, he began to think that he no longer needed the counsel of Samuel, the counsel of the man that ordained him to be king. And that was the beginning of his decline. Yes, that was when he began to make foolish decisions that ended up making him lose his throne. (Cf. 1Sam 13-15)
Sadly, there are still many like King Saul today. These ones too are now making foolish decisions and losing the gifts of God to them because they are no longer listening to those that used to give them sound and godly counsel. And why did they stop listening to them? They thought that they had arrived. They thought that they had grown up enough or become wealthy and influential enough to know what was good and right for them. And if they continue to act like that, in the pride of their hearts, it may not be long before they become frustrated out of life as King Saul was.
Well, the word of God that is coming to us is that we must not outgrow sound counsel. Of course, we cannot outgrow it, as I have already pointed out. But we may think that we can. And that will surely prove dangerous. So, mind yourself and see to it that you don’t allow any form of pride to make you stop listening to those that God has planted in your life to give you godly and sound counsel, as occasions demand. That will be a safeguard for your soul.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for all the good and godly people He has given as gifts to us to minister to us from time to time in sound and godly counsel.
- Prayers that God will keep the doors of our hearts shut against any form of pride that could make us think we have outgrown sound and godly counsel, so that Satan will not be able to possess us and drive us to destruction or disgrace.
- Prayers that God will continually preserve for us the good counsellors He has planted in our lives, so that they will be able to fully accomplish His will in our lives through their sound counsel.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and restore our lives wherever our lives are already declining in goodness because of our rejection of sound and godly counsel.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
14th September 2024 - Seek supernatural intervention
“The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, "Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the LORD. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves."” (2Kings 4:1NIV)
Among the prayer dimensions that our Lord Jesus mentions in the Scriptures is seeking. He says, “Seek, and you will find.” What are we to seek? Whatever we need! It could be a house to stay. It could be a well-paying job. It could be a love partner. It could be some divine insight into a matter. And it could be help or favour. Whatever it may be, it is definitely something that we do not at the moment know where it is. So, we have to seek it out in order to possess and enjoy it. (Cf. Matt 7:7)
How, then, are we to seek what we need? As our Lord Jesus points out to us, first, we seek it in the place of prayer. In other words, we pray to God about it. We ask Him to lead us to where the thing is and to also open our eyes to see it. And when we pray to God like this, He will surely answer us, lead us in the direction we should go and also open our eyes to see that thing that we need to find.
The second thing we must do, in response to the leading of the Lord about whatever we are seeking, is to take appropriate and adequate steps towards finding that thing. What I mean is that if God has given you some inspiration or brought you a clear word on where to look for what you want to find, then, you have to go where He is leading you. God is not going to do that for you. You will have to do that yourself. And if you are waiting for Him to bring to you what you are meant to go and find yourself, you may end up losing that thing.
So, first, it is important that we learn to pray to God to daily fill our hearts with revelations of those things that will never come to us, if we won’t go out to find them. Also, it is important that we learn to pray to Him that in seeking whatever we need to seek, we will always look in the right place. Then it is equally important that we learn to pray to God to keep us away from seeking the wrong things. That is because it is possible to be seeking the wrong things. And where that is the case, even if we find what we are seeking, it may not meet our needs at all or it may not adequately take care of them.
Now, as we see in our opening text, a widow of a prophet once went to seek help from Prophet Elisha. Why did she go to him? Why did she not go to her family members or to her husband’s family for help? Or why did she not go to her neighbours or friends for help?
Well, we don’t have answers to these questions in the bible. But we do know that even if she sought help from friends or family members before coming to Elisha, they either did not help her at all or did not give her sufficient help to save her and her children from their financial predicament. So, she must have concluded that the kind of help that would be adequate for her in that situation would have to be supernatural.
How, then, would supernatural intervention come to this woman? She would have to seek it herself. If she waited for it, she may end up losing her sons. Where, then would she find it? Well, there are only two sources of supernatural intervention in this life. The one is God and the other is the devil. If she sought supernatural intervention from God, she would not just find it but also find it satisfactory, pleasant and perfect (James 1:17). But if she sought it from the devil, she would end up with more and greater problems in her life, even if she found it. And she was not guaranteed to find it.
Thankfully, that woman sought the supernatural intervention she needed from God. How? It was by going to meet the man of God, Elisha. And did she find it or not? She did. (Cf. 2Kings 4:2-7)
Now perhaps what you too need to get certain problems permanently dealt with in your life is supernatural intervention. Yes, you have been getting help to solve these problems. But the help you are getting is not just adequate. Then you should know that what you need to solve them totally is supernatural intervention.
But how will the supernatural intervention you need come to you? Well, as in the case of that woman, you too may have to seek it out. Where? With God, of course! If you seek supernatural intervention from the devil, as I already pointed out, you will be exposing yourself to more and greater problems, even if you find it. That is because Satan is not your friend but your enemy. So, whatever he does for you, however good it may seem to you now, is aimed at destroying you. (Cf. 1Peter 5:8)
If you, on the contrary, seek supernatural intervention from God, you can be sure that whatever He gives to you will do you good and not add any form of sorrow into your life (Prov 10:22). How, then, do you seek it? Do you too have to go and meet a man or woman of God? Not necessarily! Of course, you will not be wrong to meet a trusted man or woman of God to support you in seeking God’s supernatural intervention for your situation. But you too can seek God’s face yourself for supernatural intervention wherever you may need it in your life and expect Him to answer you. And if He wants you to meet any of His servants for support on this note, He will lead you to do so.
What is important, at any rate, is that you know when and where you need to seek supernatural intervention in your life and to lose no time in seeking it. And my prayer is that your eyes will be opened to see all the areas of your life in which you need supernatural intervention and be strengthened by the Spirit of God to go for it without delay. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because of the assurance we have from Him that if we seek whatever we need we will find it.
- Prayers that our eyes will opened to see all those things that will not come to us unless we seek them, so that we may begin to rely on God to lead us to find them for our good.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see every area of our lives in which we need supernatural intervention and also lead us to turn to Him for it without delay.
- Prayers that God will urgently intervene in every matter of our lives that has defied human wisdom and help, so that His name may be glorified on account of us.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
7th September 2024 - He prayed for her
“This is the account of Abraham's son Isaac. Abraham became the father of Isaac, and Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah daughter of Bethuel the Aramean from Paddan Aram and sister of Laban the Aramean. Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. The LORD answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant.” (Gen 25:19-21NIV)
Who did Isaac pray for, as we see in our opening bible text? His wife! Why did he pray for her? It was because she was childless for about 19 years. How did we know that? Well, as we see in the account, Isaac was forty years old when he married his wife, Rebekah. And from what we further see in the account, he was 60 years old when Rebekah gave birth to their sons, Esau and Jacob (Gen 25:26).
So, it is safe for us to say that Rebekah was childless for at least 19 years. And did Isaac because of that marry another woman? No! Why did he not do that? It was because doing so would only have made a bad situation worse for the two of them; it would have ruined their beautiful home.
Then did Isaac resign to fate and conclude that it was not God’s will for them to have children? No! Why did he not come to such a conclusion? It was because he was aware that God blessed mankind in the beginning and told them to be fruitful and multiply on the face of the earth (Gen 1:28). That being the case, it could not have been His will for them to be barren or childless. If they did not want to have children, that would be a different thing entirely. But to say that it was the will of God for them to be barren was completely out of it.
Furthermore, did Isaac turn the heat on Rebekah, blaming her for their childlessness? No! Why? Well, even if he was right, would that have solved their problem? No! Instead, that would have utterly ruined the joy in their home. And many have ruined the joy of their homes in this manner, playing blame games and holding the wrong persons responsible for their poverty, stagnation or barrenness in life.
In any case, Isaac would not do any such thing. Instead, he would pray to God about his wife’s childlessness. And why did he pray to God for her? First, it was because he knew that God answers prayers. Second, it was because he was the head of the woman. So, he was in the best position to talk to God on her behalf. Third, it was because he loved her dearly and so wanted her to be fruitful and happy. Fourth, it was because he knew that Rebekah’s fruitfulness and happiness were his own fruitfulness and happiness too.
Now when he prayed to God, did He answer him or not? He did. When did God answer him? When he prayed to Him. And when did he pray to him? Well, judging from what we have in the account, it must have been in the nineteenth year of their marriage.
Why, then, did he wait for as long as that before praying to God for his wife? We are not told the reason for this in the bible. All we are told is that when he prayed to God for her, He answered him and she became pregnant with two boys. So, it was better late than never.
What is the point of all this anyway? First, it is that if we truly love and care about the people in our lives, we will never say or do anything that will further hurt or harm them in their moments of distress. Instead, we will do all that we can to stand by them, keeping in mind the fact that their pains are our pains, just as their happiness is our happiness.
But then, standing by our loved ones in their moments of distress is not the same thing as solving their problems or lifting them out of distress. In other to lift them out of their distress, we must give ourselves to praying for them. And when we pray for them wholeheartedly and in line with the will of God, as those who love them and, perhaps, who also have authority over them, God will answer us and cause our joy to be full over them.
Another lesson for us in the account is that even if we have, for years, ignored or overlooked our prayer responsibilities to our loved ones, it is not too late to start fulfilling it. In fact, it is better late than never. So, as Isaac did, let us begin to talk to God about them and their welfare, fruitfulness and prosperity. And we will be amazed at the results we will be getting, as we do this, and also with the speed with which we will be getting them.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because regardless of how late we are in calling upon Him, He will never reject our heartfelt prayers that are offered in line with His will.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see all the areas in which we have been neglecting or ignoring our prayer duties to our loved ones and also lead us to begin to do the right thing about them.
- Prayers for all those in our lives whose pains and sorrow are our pains and sorrow as well that God will heal and comfort them wherever they are hurting right away, so that our joy can become full over them.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
24th august 2024 - Yet I will rejoice
“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.” (Hab 3:17-19NIV)
As we see in Scriptures, God’s will is for us to rejoice in Him all the time (Phil 4:4). But is it possible to rejoice in Him all the time? Yes, it is possible. It is possible because we choose to rejoice or to be sad in life. We may not choose situations that bring joy or sorrow to our hearts. But we can choose to either be joyous or sorrowful, regardless of the situations we are faced with in life.
Now, of course, it is natural for us to rejoice in the face of prosperity, progress and peace, just as it is natural for us to be sad in the face of death, failure or stagnation. But God does not want the circumstances of our lives to control our joy in life. That is why He commands us to rejoice in Him all the time, even if there is nothing to rejoice over about the situations of our lives.
Why is that so? It is so, first, because being sorrowful over the situations of our lives will not change them or make them better. But it will change us. It will make us weaker and more afraid to carry on in life. And if care is not taken, it may end our lives before our time.
Second, God wants us to rejoice in Him because He wants us to be happy in life. Unhappiness and sorrow were never a part of His original purpose for us. These things were not present in man’s life until the fall. So, they are actually strangers, strangers that must go. That is why you must not embrace them in your life.
Truly, as it was the case with our Lord Jesus, we can express sorrow over what is going on in the world around us, how those of the world keep bringing ruins on their own lives by rejecting God (Luke 19:41-44). But we must never be sorrowful over own lives or situations. That is because God Himself is not sorrowful over us. Instead, the bible says He is rejoicing over us with singing (Zeph 3:17). In fact, what He wants is for us to live in such a way that He will continually rejoice and be happy over us. So, join Him in rejoicing over your life all the time, in spite of the circumstances you may be confronted with.
Third, God wants us to rejoice in Him because He has the power to truly fill our hearts with joy over every situation of our lives. No, there may not be anything to rejoice over in certain situations of our lives. But as long as we keep on rejoicing in the Lord and in the fact that He has everything about our lives under control, He will give us reasons to truly rejoice over those things that have been seeking to fill our hearts with sorrow.
As we see in our opening text, Habakkuk had nothing to rejoice over in the circumstances of his life at the time he wrote those words of prayer. He looked around him, and all he could see was emptiness and lack. Yet he said that he would rejoice. In what would he rejoice? In the Lord! Why? Well, according to him, he would rejoice in the Lord because he knew that He was his strength and that He would make him walk in victory over the lack and emptiness that he was seeing.
In like manner, even if all that we too can see at the moment is lack and emptiness, we should still choose to rejoice in the Lord. And as we rejoice in Him and also commit our burdens to Him in prayer, He will move in our situations, turn things around for our good and make our joy full.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is our source of joy and our real reason for rejoicing in life.
- Prayers that God will daily strengthen our hearts to rejoice in Him, in spite of what the current situations of our lives may be saying, so that His works on our behalf will be perfected and not elude us.
- Prayers that God will release His power over every situation that is currently seeking to fill us with sorrow or depression and turn it around for our good, so that our joy will be perfect over it.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will move in our country and bring times of refreshing to us wherever we are in trouble without delay.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
17th August 2024 - Don’t be afraid of opposition
“But when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites and the men of Ashdod heard that the repairs to Jerusalem's walls had gone ahead and that the gaps were being closed, they were very angry. They all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and stir up trouble against it. But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat.” (Neh 4:7-9NIV)
What is the first lesson for us in our opening bible text? It is the fact that it is not everyone around us that we can expect to be in support of our progress or welfare. When the walls of Jerusalem remained fallen and the people were exposed to all kinds of threats and attacks, nobody around the Jews bothered or disturbed them. But the moment they began to rebuild these walls, as a sign of their readiness to rebuild their national life and heritage, those around them started raising opposition against them. They started insulting them and plotting to fight them.
In like manner, if you are living a low life, a life of shame, ruin and poverty, those around you may not give you any special attention. But the moment you decide to take charge of things and begin to move in the direction God wants you to go, you will begin to see people who will want to insult you, talk you down or oppose your progress in any way they can. And if you allow that to discourage or deter you, you will soon find yourself back in your low state.
As we see in our opening text, the Jews, under the leadership of Nehemiah, would not allow the opposition of Sanballat and his men to discourage them or make them quit. Why? They knew that God was with them and would stand by them to give them success.
Therefore, instead of quitting or becoming discouraged in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and their national life, these Jews did two things. First, they prayed to God to handle their opposition for them. Second, they posted guards to watch what their enemies were up to. Eventually, they succeeded in what they had set out to do, without having to engage in any direct fight with these enemies. So, all the noise being made by Sanballat and his people was just for nothing.
In the same vein, we too must continually remind ourselves that God is with us and will never leave us or forsake us (Heb 13:5-6). So, no opposition against our progress or success will ever be successful. And as we function with this consciousness, we will know that quitting on the path of progress and excellence is not an option for us.
Then, as did those Jews, we too must learn to pray to God about whatever opposition we are encountering in life. We may not be able to stop people from opposing, abusing or threatening us. But we can cause their opposition, insults and threats to amount to nothing. And that is exactly what we will happen when we take up their matter with God.
Also, we must, as those Jews did, keep an eye on those who oppose us. That is so that we can be on our guard against whatever evil they may be plotting against us. We don’t have to foolishly or carelessly walk into anybody’s traps. And we will not walk into anyone’s traps, if we will learn to keep our eyes and ears open to what is going on around us.
In any case, because God is with us, no opposition, however mighty it may seem, will succeed in stopping us or pulling us down. So, don’t be afraid of opposition. Don’t stop your life because of opposition or threats. And don’t quit the path of progress because of opposition. That is because with God on your side, you can handle them all. So, cheer up and elbow the devil.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is always with us to give us victory over any form of opposition.
- Prayers that God will daily strengthen our hearts never again to quit our journey to experiencing His best for our lives because of opposition or threats of men.
- Prayers that as God frustrated all the schemes and plots of Sanballat and his men against the Jews of Nehemiah’s time, He will also frustrate all the schemes and plots of those who are against our prosperity, peace and progress in life.
- Prayers that God will strengthen us to always operate with a sharp presence of mind, so that we will be able to identify the traps of the wicked and avoid them.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
10th August 2024 - Know enough about their reputation
“Now the Israelites had been saying, "Do you see how this man keeps coming out? He comes out to defy Israel. The king will give great wealth to the man who kills him. He will also give him his daughter in marriage and will exempt his father's family from taxes in Israel."” (1Sam 17:25NIV)
The bible is full of lessons of life to guide us in our relationships with men. And if we will study and embrace these lessons, applying them to our lives and relationships, there are problems we will never encounter in life.
Now one of those life lessons we are taught in Scriptures is that must take our time to know people’s reputation and abilities before committing ourselves to doing anything for them or with them. Otherwise, we may end up labouring in vain or risking our lives for nothing.
For instance, as we see in our opening text, when Goliath of Gath, that champion of the Philistines, began to threaten the armies of Israel unchecked for days, King Saul promised to give anyone that fixed him his daughter in marriage and to also exempt the person’s family from taxes in Israel. So, besides the honour of Israel that David intended to save, the promises of this king also motivated him to fight and kill Goliath. In fact, he took his time to ask the soldiers that were willing to talk what the king would do for anyone that handled Goliath before choosing to fight him (1Sam 17:26-30).
But did Saul give him his daughter right after killing Goliath, just as he had promised? No! Instead, what we see in the bible is that he asked him to bring him a hundred foreskins of the Philistines as the bride price for his daughter Michal? Why would he do that? Did he forget his promises? Or what exactly happened? (Cf. 1Sam 18:20-27)
Evidently, Saul did not make those promises because he intended to keep them. He just made them on the spur of the moment. Perhaps he did not even expect anyone to be foolish enough to fight Goliath, not to talk of kill him. So, when David did, he just acted as though he had totally forgotten that he made certain promises about the matter. What that means is that if David had died in the process, he would have risked his life for nothing – his family would not have been compensated by Saul at all.
What is this teaching us? It is that before you commit yourself to do anything for anybody, an organisation or a government, make effort to know enough about their reputation. There are, of course, things we can do freely for people, institutions or governments, as a sign of patriotism. And we should, as we have opportunity, do those things without expecting any reward.
But anything that we want to do for others that is of business nature or that can expose us to danger should not be embarked on, if we do not have enough clarity about the reputation of those that will benefit from it. Otherwise, we may end up having ourselves to blame and being in need of several miracles before we get what we deserve.
As we also see from the bible, when Jacob was parting with Laban, his father-in-law, he accused him of cheating him of his wages ten times in twenty years. In fact, the man cheated him in marriage matters as well. He made him work for seven years for Rachel but gave him Leah instead. And why did he succeed in cheating Jacob like that, even though Jacob himself was a very clever person? It was because Jacob was initially gullible in relating to him. (Cf. Gen 31)
Remember that Laban was Jacob’s mother’s blood brother. So, he must have assumed that he could trust him. But he was wrong. If he had patiently studied the man and also asked questions around about the kind of person he was, he would have known that the man was not that sort of person that he could count on. Then he would not have foolishly committed himself to serving him the way he had done. And if God had not been merciful to him, the man would have sent him away empty-handed without feeling bad about it at all.
Sadly, we have people who, like Jacob, have been terribly cheated by others that they trusted. These ones have nothing to show for their many years of hard labour and suffering because they were cheated by their employers, employees, clients, business partners, family members or church leaders. And some of them are now bitter old people who are plagued by all kinds of maladies.
But you don’t have to be like any of them. And you will not be like any of them, if you will learn to research, observe and seek divine revelations about the trustworthiness of anyone you are dealing with in life, especially in business matters. So, don’t gullible. Don’t be in a hurry to engage in that business deal or to enrol for that employment in that organisation. Do your bit first in getting sufficient information about those involved from both men and God before you do anything. That may just be your salvation from days, months or years of fruitless labour.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for the wisdom of His word too guide us away from fruitless relationships and labour.
- Prayers that God will strengthen our hearts not to be lazy in examining the reputation of the people or organisations we are dealing with before committing ourselves to them in any way.
- Prayers that God, in His kindness, will always load us with divine revelations about hidden or unsearchable dangers that those we are dealing with in life may pose to us, so that our lives and labour will not be endangered by them.
- Prayers that wherever we are suffering because we have been cheated by men God will step in, fight for us and also take whatever is ours for us.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
3rd August 2024 - His help can locate you anywhere
“But when all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness; mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison. For I was forcibly carried off from the land of the Hebrews, and even here I have done nothing to deserve being put in a dungeon."” (Gen 40:14-15NIV)
Among the things we must keep in mind is that life is not designed by God to make anyone self-sufficient. We all have to depend on one another in one way or another and for one thing or another. In other words, we all need helpers in our lives.
Now it is one thing to know that we need helpers in our lives; it is another thing to know where to find them. Ask some people why they are stagnant in life, and they will tell you that the reason is that they have no one to help them. And is it true that some people really do not have anyone to help them in life?
Well, the bible tells us that woe to that person that is alone in life and has no one to help him, if he falls or when he needs a hand to help him rise (Ecc 4:10). So, if anyone is confidently saying that he has no one to help him in life, the person is simply confidently saying that he is cursed. It is only cursed people that helpers run away from. It is only cursed people that helpers avoid like a plague.
So, don’t ever again say, “There is no one to help me,” if you are a child of God. That is because as God’s child, you have been blessed by Him with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus (Eph 1:3). And one of the ways His blessings will manifest in your life is through the provision of adequate and appropriate helpers for you, regardless of where you are.
See, to say the fact, there is no one in this life that God has not provided helpers for. Of course, all the helpers provided by Him for us may not show up in our lives at once. Also, all these helpers may not faithfully and freely give us the help He has commanded us to give to us. These things, however, will not change the fact that God has chosen them to help us at different times and in different situations. We just need to learn to pray to Him that He will daily bring about circumstances that will connect us with the helpers He has appointed for us and cause them to fulfil His will in our lives.
Look at Joseph, for instance. Who could have thought that it was in the prison that he would meet the helper God had appointed for his exaltation in life? No one! But that was how God planned it. And thankfully, Joseph took advantage of their meeting and interaction to plead with him for his freedom.
But as we see in our opening text, all that Joseph thought God could use that man for was his release from the prison. He did not know that God intended to use him to help him beyond his imagination, to help him rise to become one of the two most powerful persons in the Egypt of his time. But that was exactly what happened. The man helped him to rise from the prison to the throne. And that was because it was God that was using him. (Cf. Gen 40&41)
Now what is point of that? It is that there is nowhere God’s help cannot locate us, even if we are in some dungeon. What is important, first, is for us to have the right attitude towards life and whatever we are doing where we are. Then we must also learn to pray that God will daily bring about those circumstances that will connect us and our helpers together and also cause them to fulfil His will in our lives. And even if we are in the darkest of places in life, help will locate us and lift us to where we out to be.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is our ever-present help all the time, not just in times of trouble.
- Thanksgiving to God for all the helpers He has prepared for our exaltation and enjoyment in life.
- Prayers that God, by His Spirit and through His word, will build into us the right attitudes, attitudes that will daily connect us with the people He has sent to help us succeed and stay safe in life.
- Prayers that God, according to every day’s need, will bring about circumstances that will cause all the helpers He has chosen for us to locate us and begin to fulfil His will in our lives without delay.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will cause us to experience restoration in every area of our lives in which we missed the helpers He had sent to us.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
27th July 2024 - Don’t be resistant to change
“And no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for he says, 'The old is better.'” (Luke 5:39NIV)
Is it true that old wine is better than new wine? That is actually subject to scientific analyses. Yes, for those who drink wine, old wine may taste better in their mouths than new wine, leading them to consume more and more of it until they get drunk. But that is not to say that old wine actually does better in the body than new wine. We, as I already said, will have to rely on well-proven scientific analyses to know the truth about the matter.
Now that, of course, is the point our Lord Jesus is making in our opening bible text. According to Him, when people have taken old wine, they don’t want to take the new. Why? Someone already told them that the old is better and enough. But have they themselves tried some new wine? No! Have they tasted it to see how it does in the mouth? No! Have they carried out any research on it to see how it does in the body? No!
How, then, can they freely say that it is better? The problem with them is that they are resistant to change. And they are resistant to it because they want to remain traditional or orthodox. Why? It is easier to identify with what is traditional, what is generally acceptable, than to go for what is new and is yet to be tried or proven by many.
But that something is traditional does not mean that it is good or better than something new. And that something is new does not mean that it is good or better than what is traditional. How, then, shall we know which is better between that is which is traditional and that which is new? It is by testing them using appropriate methods and rules.
So, the word of God tells us to test everything and then hold on to that which is good, better or best, as the case may apply (1Thess 5:21). That means we must not resist or reject something just because it is new and unfamiliar. Rather, we are to test it. With what? With the truth! With the word of God!
Also, we are not to accept and hold on to something just because it is old, traditional or orthodox. Instead, we are to also test it with the word of God to see what is made of. Then we can tell whether it is something we are to hold on to or not.
In our opening text, our Lord Jesus is actually challenging the religious leaders of the Jews to stop resisting change. That is why He says, “No one after drinking old wine wants the new, for he says, 'The old is better.'” In other words, because the way He handles the word of God and His ministry is new and unorthodox, these people are resisting Him and will have nothing to do with Him.
But instead of resisting Him, what they should have done is to settle down with the word of God to check whether the things He is saying and doing are consistent with the truth in it or not. Unfortunately, they will not do that. Why? They are afraid that they may find out that He is the one that is right while they are the ones that are wrong. So, they just stand to resist Him and the wonderful change He is bringing into the religious life of their nation. What a shame!
Well, we too can be like those Jewish leaders. We can be resistant to change in our Christian assemblies, homes, workplaces, schools or communities. And that will be because we are lazy and unwilling to examine the new thing that is coming to us. As I pointed out before, it is easier to stay traditional than to go for something new. That is because something traditional requires no effort in examination – it is something people have been using or applying for years or even centuries.
But something new requires examination in order to see its worth, its usefulness and even its side-effects. And that surely will take something of our time, effort and resources. But if we will commit ourselves to examining it, apart from the fact that we will know the truth that we need to know about it, we will also have become better in making sound judgment about matters of life when we are done.
So, don’t take anything, spiritual or natural, as worthless or inferior to what you already have, just because it is new to you. Instead, test it using appropriate truths and rules. That way, you will not be cheating yourself of a better, easier and fuller experience of life. There are people today that are often trying to catch up with others in the experience and enjoyment of certain technological advancements. And that is not because they do not have the money or brains to keep in step with those ahead of them in the enjoyment of these things. Rather, it is because their traditional mindset won’t just allow them to test all things on time and see what they are really worth.
You, however, must not be like such people. And if you have been like that, you need to stop being resistant to change and start labouring to test everything to see what they are made of. That way, even if you have to maintain a traditional approach in handling anything, it will not be because you are ignorant; instead, it will be because you know the truth and are walking in its light.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for every new wine of better and fuller experience of life He is giving to us through His word and in the world.
- Prayers that our hearts and minds will be strengthened to always examine everything that comes our way in the light of available and applicable truths, so that we will know the right thing to do with it and not cheat of its enjoyment or hurt ourselves with it.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and lead us to restoration wherever we are suffering or behind in life because of our resistant to a change that is good and beneficial to us.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see every wrong and injurious change that we have embraced in life and strengthen us to take adequate steps in experiencing true liberation from it.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
20th July 2024 - Stealing from God
“"Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. "But you ask, 'How do we rob you?' "In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse — the whole nation of you — because you are robbing me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit," says the LORD Almighty. "Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land," says the LORD Almighty.” (Mal 3:8-12NIV)
Those were God’s own words to His people, the nation of Judah. And what point was He trying to get across to them by saying these words? It was the fact that they needed to stop stealing from Him. But is it possible to steal from God Almighty! Yes, it is possible.
Judas Iscariot, for instance, had a habit of stealing Jesus’ money that He was keeping with him. We would not know how much he ended up stealing from Him. But we do know that he was audacious and reckless enough to steal from the Lord of life. And we still have some like him in the church today, who are audacious and reckless enough to steal offerings meant for the church or anything else that can be stolen from their Christian assemblies. (Cf. John 12:4-6)
Also, as we see in our opening text, God accused the Jews of stealing from Him. How? It was by not bringing to Him all the tithes and offerings they were meant to be bringing into His house. But what was God going to do with their tithes and offerings? Was He going to use them to buy food and wears and build houses for Himself? No!
See, God has no personal need or use for any physical thing we bring to Him. That is because God is a Spirit. So, whatever we bring to Him is never for His personal use. What, then, is it for? It is to aid the work that He is doing in our lives and in our world and to also support those that He is using to do this work. If we, then, will not bring to Him whatever He has commanded us to bring to Him, we will be hurting His work and also those that He is using to do the work. And that is what He refers to as stealing.
But does God have any right to say that anyone is stealing from Him? Yes, He does. He does because He is the owner of our lives, the world we live in and everything we have. There was nothing we brought into this world when we came, just as there is nothing we will be taking out of this world when we are leaving it. Everything we have in the world and are using in it has been given to us by God. And anything we give to Him is simply what He has given to us. A clear understanding of this, of course, is what destroys greed and selfishness in people’s lives. (Cf. 1Chro 29:14-16; Ps 24:1; 1Tim 6:7&17)
In any case, because these Jews were stealing from God by not bringing to Him all the tithes and offerings they were supposed to be bringing to Him, He told them that they were under a curse. What sort of curse? The curse of the Law of Moses! The curse of poverty! The curse of vain labour! And the only way for them to get away from this curse was to repent and begin to bring to Him everything He had instructed them through the Law to bring.
Now is this applicable to us at all? Can we too rob God? Yes, we can rob Him. And I already pointed that out. We can rob Him by not bringing to Him everything we are meant to bring to Him, based on the revelation of His word that we have. Of course, as we see in Scriptures, we don’t have the same instructions as the Jews on tithes, offerings and sacrifices. But we have very similar instructions on supporting the work of God and those that He is using for this work and also on how to do so. And if we are not obeying these instructions, we are robbing Him, regardless of what our excuses may be. (Cf. 1Cor 9:14; 2Cor 8:12; Gal 6:6)
All those Jews too may have had a million and one excuses for not obeying God’s instructions on matters of tithes and offerings. The unfaithfulness of their priests in handling their ministries may even be one of those excuses. Interestingly, God indeed accused the priests in land of unfaithfulness, negligence and corruption through the same messenger (Malachi) that He had sent to them. But He did not see that as an acceptable reason for the people to be stealing from Him. (Cf. Malachi 2:1-9)
So, even if your church leaders are unfaithful, negligent and corrupt, as far as you can see, it is not an excuse for you to be stealing from God. They will be the ones answering for their unfaithfulness, negligence and corruption, not you. And you too will be the one answering for stealing from God. Are you, then, prepared to answer for stealing from Him?
As I pointed out to you already, those Jews were under a curse for robbing God, the curse of disobeying the Law given to them by Moses. But we who are Christians have not been given that Law. So, we are not under any curse it has placed on those who steal from God. That, however, does not mean we won’t be facing any consequence for stealing from God or that we are not already facing the consequences of stealing from Him.
Anyone who is stealing from God in any way will surely face the consequences, if he does not repent while God’s mercy is still able to save or restore him. Ananias and Saphirah, for instance, received death penalties for arrogantly stealing from God. And only God knows how many Christians have also died before their time like them because they also were arrogantly stealing from Him. (Cf. Acts 5:1-10)
So, none of us can tell how God will deal with us for stealing from Him. None of us can tell how He is dealing with us for stealing from Him. Perhaps the reason our progress in life is slow or certain illnesses have refused to leave our bodies or we are afflicted with barrenness or we are continually making bad investments is that we are stealing from Him. Only God can tell. But if our minds are made up to do what is right, He will open our eyes to see those areas of our lives in which we are suffering because we are stealing from Him. He did so for the people of the time of Prophet Haggai. He will do so for us too, if we will humble ourselves and be ready to repent.
Let us pray:
- Prayers of thanksgiving to God for the opportunity to live at this time and for all things He has provided for us to live godly, meaningful and enjoyable lives.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see all the ways in which we are ignorantly or stubbornly stealing from Him, so that we can immediately begin to make amends.
- Prayers that our hearts will be rid of all forms of stubbornness and ignorance that are promoting stinginess towards God in our lives, so that we will never again hold back from Him whatever we are meant to give to Him.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will heal and restore us wherever we are suffering or behind in life because we robbed Him.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
13th July 2024 - Don’t let Satan hijack it
“Now in those days the advice Ahithophel gave was like that of one who inquires of God. That was how both David and Absalom regarded all of Ahithophel's advice.” (2Sam 16:23NIV)
Who was Ahithophel? Ahithophel was David’s friend and counsellor (2Sam 15:12). And as we see in our opening text, he was not an ordinary counsellor to David. He was not gifted or rewarded with that position because he was David’s friend. Rather, he was placed in that position because he was indeed a man with the Spirit of counsel.
In the book of Isaiah, chapter 11, we are told that one of the attributes of the Spirit of God is divine counsel. In other words, He is able to give men divine and unbeatable counsel. And those who are favoured to receive this gift of counsel from Him and know how to utilise it can hardly give you any counsel that will fail. So, if they counsel you, you had better follow their counsel. That is because their counsel is divine. In other words, even if you were to consult God directly about the same matter, He would not be telling you anything different from what they have told you.
You can, then, see why we are told that any advice Ahithophel gave was like that of one who inquires of the Lord. The man had the gift of counsel from the Lord. So, his counsel was unbeatable. It makes sense, then, that David would make him his counsellor.
Unfortunately, a day came when David had to pray to God to frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel. Why? Was that not like praying that God would frustrate His own counsel, since He was the one that gave Ahithophel his gift of counsel? Would God even answer that kind of prayer? (Cf. 2Samuel 15:31)
Well, David was right to offer such a prayer to God because Ahithophel, at the time, had joined Absalom’s rebellion. That means he was no longer on the path of truth, righteousness and loyalty. Therefore, the gift of counsel he had could easily be hijacked and employed by Satan to accomplish his own evil intentions. And that was exactly what happened. Satan hijacked his gift of counsel the very moment he joined Absalom and began to employ it to serve purposes contrary to the will of God.
For example, we see Ahithophel counselling Absalom to sleep with his father’s concubines that he had left behind, that is, in the full view of everyone. Where was that kind of counsel coming from, if not from the devil? But that was the counsel Ahithophel gave Absalom. Why? According to him, doing so would make all the Israelites know that Absalom no longer cared about his father and was fully ready to get rid of him. That way, all the people with him would see that there was no going back. (Cf. 2Sam 16:20-22)
But was there no other way for Absalom to show the people with him that he was resolute about his rebellion? Was sleeping with his father’s women in the full view of everyone the only way to show his utter commitment to his men? Evidently, there were other ways, righteous and sensible ways. But Ahithophel could not think at the time of any other way apart from the one he had come up with. And that was because Satan had hijacked his gift of counsel.
Now did his counsel work or not? It did, even though it was satanic and ungodly. That is to show us that satanic counsel is also powerful and capable of getting results. Yes, satanic counsel can make people win battles and lift them to great heights in life. However, his counsel is also selfish and destructive. Therefore, while it seems to be serving your purpose on the one hand, it will equally be secretly destroying your life and the lives of other people on the other hand.
Well, because David knew that Satan would certainly hijack Ahithophel’s counsel and try to use it to totally destroy him, he prayed to God that He would frustrate it. And did God answer his prayer or not? He did. So, Ahithophel’s counsel, which would have given Absalom the needed victory over David, was rejected. And knowing that the battle was already lost before it started because his counsel was rejected, Ahithophel decided to end his own life. He did that in order to escape the execution that was most likely bound to follow their defeat. What a shame! (Cf. 2Sam 17:23)
What, then, is the point of all this? It is that we should be careful not to allow Satan to hijack whatever God has given to us as a gift. Every gift of God is given to us to serve His good purpose of blessing humanity. But once we allow Satan to hijack it, it will become a curse. That means instead for that gift to be a true blessing to you and the people in your life, it will become a weapon of destruction. And though it may not be immediately obvious that what used to be a blessing in your life has already become a curse, sooner or later it will become clear that that gift, position or wealth that God gave you has become a curse.
Now where that is the case, it will only take someone who is spiritually discerning to pray to God to frustrate your use of that gift that has become a curse in your hand. And just as He answered David, He will answer the person as well. Therefore, see to it that you stay away from anything, bitterness, lust, envy, greed, rebellion or pride that can give Satan an opportunity to hijack the gift of God in your life. And you will not end up being frustrated out of life like Ahithophel.
Similarly, if you observe that Satan has already hijacked the gift of God in someone’s life in order to use it against you, your simple prayer should be that God will frustrate the person’s use of that gift. That way, they will not be able to harm you with it. More so, you should ask for mercy for that person, so that their frustration will lead them to repentance and not destruction. And God will answer your prayer and honour you.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for all His gifts that He has freely bestowed on us for our prosperity and for the benefits of the people in our world.
- Prayers that God will keep our feet away from paths of unrighteousness, pride, greed, bitterness, lust and envy, so that Satan will not through these things hijack and corrupt any of His gifts in our lives.
- Prayers that God will visit everyone that is using the gift, wealth or position God has given him to hurt us, frustrate all their schemes against us and also use their frustration to lead them to repentance, so that they will not end up destroying themselves.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and restore us wherever Satan has hijacked and corrupted His gifts in our lives, so that we will begin to know peace and happiness in those areas of our lives.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
6th July 2024 -
Refuse to recognise obstacles
“Fifty men of the company of the prophets went and stood at a distance, facing the place where Elijah and Elisha had stopped at the Jordan. Elijah took his cloak, rolled it up and struck the water with it. The water divided to the right and to the left, and the two of them crossed over on dry ground.” (2Kings 2:7-8NIV)
Who divided the Jordan river so that he could cross over to its other side on dry ground? It was Elijah. Why did he divide it? It was because he did not see it as an obstacle powerful enough to prevent him from going to where God wanted him to be. If he had seen the Jordan as an unconquerable obstacle, he would most likely have gone back the way he had come. And if he had gone back in that manner, he would have missed the will of God for his life that day.
But Elijah did not see that river as capable of preventing him from being where God wanted him to be. Why? First, it was because he knew that God was with Him. Second, it was because he knew that he was in the will of God for his life – he was going to where God wanted him to be. That being the case, all he needed was to trust God for divine revelations on what to do to the obstacle before him and to also act on whatever he was told. And the obstacle would be gone.
Now that, of course, was exactly what happened. Elijah received divine revelations from God on what to do to the Jordan in order to cross it. Not only that, he also acted on the basis of the revelation he had been given by God. Otherwise, that river would not have been divided the way it was. And if it had not been divided for him to cross it on dry ground, this man of God would most likely have missed his flight to heaven that day.
But we see that he did not hesitate at all to act on the revelation he had been given. He did not first spend some time to pray or to sing to worship God before doing what he was supposed to do. He just took his cloak and struck the water with it. And right away, the water divided to the right and to the left before him.
So, it is one thing for God to reveal to us what to do to walk in victory over a situation; it is another thing for us to be bold to act on it. And until we boldly take corresponding steps of faith in doing what God has revealed to us about the situations of our lives, we may not see His glory in those situations.
Mind you, it was not only Elijah that witnessed and enjoyed that miracle. Elisha, his servant, was also there with him. They both crossed the Jordan on dry ground. And when it was Elisha’s turn to cross the Jordan again and back to where they had come from, he too did not hesitate to do what Elijah had done. He too smote the water with Elijah’s cloak and divided it. But how did he know that it was going to work? It was by revelation and faith. (Cf. 2Kings 2:11-14)
Now remember that Joshua also once divided this same River Jordan for the children of Israel to go through it on dry ground. How? It was by revelation. God had told him exactly what things to do for the impossible to happen. And when he did as he had been instructed to do, the impossible happened – the Jordan was divided for the people to go through on dry ground. (Cf. Joshua 3)
In like manner, Moses also divided the Red Sea for the children of Israel to go through on dry ground. And how did he know that was possible? It was by divine revelation. And when he acted in faith on that revelation, God unleashed His power to divide the waters of the sea for His people, Israel, to go through on dry ground. But the people themselves also had to demonstrate faith in walking through that sea on dry ground, believing that its waters would not run over them and get them drowned. And when they did, they were not put to shame. (Cf. Exodus 14; Hebrews 11:29)
When the Egyptians who were pursuing them, however, tried to do the same thing, they were drowned. Why? They were not going through that sea by revelation or on the basis of faith in God. They just assumed that they also should be able to do what they could see the Israelites doing. But that assumption cost them their lives, their chariots and their horses. What a shame!
So, it takes divine revelations from God and also faith in Him to experience breakthroughs in the face of impossible situations. Yes, in some situations of life, it will take divine revelations from God and faith in Him for us to be able to cross over from where we are to where we should be without getting hurt. And as long as we have the needed revelations and are ready to act on them in faith in those situations, we will surely see God’s glory, whether we are standing as a nation, as a church, as a family or as individuals.
But where we do not have divine revelations to divide the Jordan or the Red Sea standing before us, it will be wisdom for us to continue to talk to God until He shows us the right steps to take. Otherwise, if we should choose to act on the basis of another person’s revelation by taking steps to walk through a river or sea that God has not divided for us, we may end up getting drowned or seriously injured, if we are not shown mercy.
Well, the point of all this is that we must refuse to recognise obstacles or hindrances on our way to wherever God is leading us. That is because God is ever with us and His power is also ever available for us to access. All we need is to seek His face for divine revelations on what to do to walk in victory over whatever obstacle that is keeping us from being where we ought to be and also for divine strength to act according to whatever revelations we are given. And we and others with us will see the glory of God.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for making His indescribable power available for us who believe in Christ Jesus to access and employ.
- Prayers that our hearts will be daily loaded with divine revelations of what to do in the face of every obstacle, so that instead of allowing any obstacle to keep us away from God’s will for our lives, we will be ever advancing in fruitfulness, usefulness and prosperity.
- Prayers that God will daily strengthen our hearts with His word, so that our faith will always be strong enough to act on the revelations He is giving us to win in life.
- Prayers that God will continually teach our hearts patience and humility in our walk with Him, so that we will never again act on the basis of revelations that we don’t have and expose ourselves to destruction.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and restore us wherever we are currently having our hands burnt because we attempted to act on the basis of revelations that we did not have.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving answers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
29th June 2024 - Wisdom in manifestation
“His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Eph 3:10-11NIV)
According to our opening text, whose wisdom needs to be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms? It is God’s wisdom. And how will it be made known to these beings? It is through the church of God. In fact, as we see in the text, it has always been God’s intention to demonstrate His wisdom to all the heavenly beings, including the devil, through all those who would come to Him through faith in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, as a child of God, the wisdom of God should be in manifestation in me and through me daily. And as a child of God, the wisdom of God should be in manifestation in your life and through your life daily. That is how we show forth His praises and make all His creation remain in awe of Him.
You know that the world is well acquainted with the manifestation of the wisdom of the devil. People see it every day and all around them. They see it in their workplaces, in their neighbourhoods and in politicians, terrorists, kidnappers, rapists, swindlers, burglars, robbers and so forth. But there is nothing commendable, praiseworthy or beneficial in the manifestation of satanic wisdom. That is because it always leaves in its wake pain, sorrow, bitterness, chaos, barrenness and death.
Manifestations of God’s wisdom, on the contrary, always results in a greater experience of peace, rest, development, fruitfulness and life for people. Not only that, it also always results in the praise of God. This, of course, is why God wants His wisdom to daily and fully find expression in all His children.
Look at Solomon, for instance. His everyday life was a manifestation of the wisdom of God. His words were words of wisdom. His judgments were judgments of wisdom. His administration was an administration of wisdom. The projects he handled manifested indescribable wisdom. And his wisdom was so baffling to the Queen of Sheba that stayed with him for some days that she said:
“Praise be to the LORD your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the LORD's eternal love for Israel, he has made you king, to maintain justice and righteousness." (1Kings 10:9NIV)
Did you see that? Solomon’s demonstration of God’s wisdom resulted in the praise of God by an unbelieving Queen. So, if our lives are manifesting God’s wisdom, if our words are words of divine wisdom and all our acts in our homes, workplaces, schools and so forth are acts of wisdom – acts that are promoting peace, love and prosperity for mankind and also solving their problems – men will surely praise God on our behalf.
Not only that, the world of angels and demons will also remain in awe of God, when the manifestation of His wisdom through us begins to beat their revelation and understanding. And that, again, is also one of the things God has always wanted. So, He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die and become wisdom for us (1Cor 1:30). If our lives, then, are not manifesting His wisdom as He desires, we are definitely not living up to His expectations and also robbing Him of the praise that is due Him.
Now I don’t want to live below God’s expectations on my life and I also don’t want to rob Him of His praise in any way. That is why I am interested in seeing His good purpose of manifesting His wisdom through me come to pass. And you too should be interested in seeing this same purpose of His come to pass in your life.
But is there anything we can do to make this happen, to make the wisdom of God daily find expression in us as God intends? Yes! And what is that? First, we can and should give ourselves to His word. That is because His word is able to make the dullest of men wise for salvation and prosperity. If we, then, will give ourselves to His word, His wisdom will naturally begin to fill our hearts and find expression in all that we say and do. (Cf. Ps 19:7; 2Tim 3:15)
Also, we must give ourselves to prayer, if want to daily see the wisdom of God in manifestation in our lives. That is because the bible tells us that we can access and activate God’s wisdom in our lives through prayer (James 1:5). If we, then, will commit ourselves to prayer, God will surely cause His manifold wisdom to find expression in us, according to every moment’s need.
But are we going to commit ourselves to doing these things, so that God’s wisdom can be in full manifestation in our lives and affairs and so that our lives can daily cause men and angels to remain in awe of Him? That is a question for you and me to answer. And I pray that we will do the right thing, as far as this matter is concerned, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for choosing to showcase His wisdom through earthen and weak vessels like us.
- Prayer that our hearts will be daily strengthened to be devoted to the word of God and prayer, so that God’s divine wisdom will freely be in manifestation in all that we say and do.
- Prayers that God will daily cause His manifold wisdom to be mightily unleashed in us in solving all kinds of problems in our lives and in the lives of those around us, so that angels and men will stand in awe of Him all the time and also be moved to praise His glorious name on account of us.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2024, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
22nd June 2024 - God has plans for you
“However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"— but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.” (1Cor 2:9-13NIV)
What do we see in our opening bible text? First, it is that God has plans for those who love Him, for all His children. If you, then, are one of His children, you must know that He has plans for you. You may not be a preacher or the president of your country. That does not change the fact that God has plans for you. Your birth may not have happened in a spectacular way. It still does not change the fact that God has plans for you. God has plans for you. And what is important is simply for you to know that He has plans for you and to be ready to know these plans and align yourself with them.
The second thing we see from that text is that God’s plans for us are so wonderful and great that our eyes, ears and minds cannot handle them. In other words, we cannot search out or reason out God’s plans for us. They are beyond human contemplation or understanding.
How, then, do we align ourselves with those plans of His for our lives, if we cannot search them out, know them, understand them or relate to them? Of what use are those great plans of God to us, if we cannot know them and conform our lives to them? Of no use!
So, it is not enough to know that God has great plans for us; it is equally important that we know what these plans are in order for us to align ourselves with them. Otherwise, we are bound to adopt our own plans for ourselves. And many have actually set up their own plans for their lives because they did not know that God has plans for them. But such plans that we set up or adopt for ourselves, however grand they may be, can only make us live lives that are quite inferior or totally foreign to the ones God has purposed for us. And whose fault will it be, if we should live lives foreign or inferior to the ones God wants us to live? Ours!
But someone may ask, “Why should God blame me for not living according to His plans for me, when He has not shown me those plans that He has for me?” Well, the reason is that God has already given us His Spirit to reveal His great plans for us to us. Not only that, He has given this Spirit to also show us and make us understand everything He has freely provided for us to realise His plans for our lives. It is, then, up to us to take advantage of the presence of His Spirit in our lives to know the great plans that He has for us and to also know everything He has provided for us to realise these plans and begin to live accordingly.
How, then, can we do this? How we can we take advantage of the presence of the Spirit God has given to us to know these things and live accordingly? We can do so, first, by giving ourselves to the word of God. For example, our Lord Jesus, as we are shown in the bible, located God’s great plans for Him by giving Himself to the Scriptures. And He made this clear to His disciples and others on several occasions. If we too, then, will give ourselves to the Scriptures, God’s Spirit that is in us will use them to reveal every one of us God’s great plans for our lives to us. (Cf. Luke 4:16-21 & 24:25-27)
Another way to take advantage of the presence of the Spirit of God in us to know God’s great plans and provisions for us is through prayer. What I mean is that if we will daily pray to God to open our eyes by His Spirit to see His beautiful plans for us and to also see His provisions to accomplish these plans, He will answer us. And He will answer us because one of the reasons He has given us His Spirit is that He may through Him make these things known to us. So, if you are not progressively getting to know God’s great plans for your life, it may just be that you are not praying to Him at all about knowing them. That, of course, will show that you are most likely not serious about knowing what He has in store for you. (Cf. Col 1:9-12)
Also, we can get to know God’s great and beautiful plans for our lives by staying in fellowship with other people of God. As we see in the bible, it was while Paul and Barnabas were in Antioch, fellowshipping with the people of God there, that they both received a revelation of God’s plans to use them as apostles and partners in ministry. And they went on from that place to shake all the known world of their time with the good news of Jesus Christ and with all kinds of miraculous works. So, if we will take our fellowship with the people of God in our lives seriously, all kinds of things about God’s beautiful plans for our lives can be revealed to us through them. (Cf. Acts 13:1-3)
But then, God may not reveal all of His beautiful plans for us to us at once. He rarely does that. Aso, He may not show us all the challenges that may come to us as a result of His great plans for us. He did not do that with Joseph. So, He may not do it with us as well. But as long as we trust Him and keep on walking in His righteousness, He will surely and gradually reveal all His good plans for us to us. That way, we will not waste our lives any more on irrelevancies or on plans that will make us live inferior lives or lives that are totally foreign to His eternal and good purpose for us.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He did not send us into this world without having great and beautiful plans for us.
- Prayers that God will daily fill our hearts with divine revelations of His earthly and eternal plans for our lives, so that we may align ourselves with them and not waste our lives pursuing shadows.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes every moment to see His free provisions for us to be established in His good and eternal purpose for us and also strengthen us to make the most of these provisions.
- Prayers that God will lead us to take seriously every relationship that will enhance our realisation and understanding of all His good and wonderful plans for us, so that we may gain speed in living lives that are established in His good purpose.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
15th June 2024 - In the right place at the right time
“Just as Gehazi was telling the king how Elisha had restored the dead to life, the woman whose son Elisha had brought back to life came to beg the king for her house and land. Gehazi said, "This is the woman, my lord the king, and this is her son whom Elisha restored to life." The king asked the woman about it, and she told him. Then he assigned an official to her case and said to him, "Give back everything that belonged to her, including all the income from her land from the day she left the country until now."” (2Kings 8:5-6NIV)
Solomon tells us in his book, Ecclesiastes, that there is a time for everything, a season for every activity under the sun. He also goes on to tell us that when things are done at the right time, God makes them beautiful. This, of course, explains why God hardly works with our schedule. We want things done when we want them done. We want things to happen in our lives when we think they should have happened already. But God does not do things just because we want them done. He does things at the right time, at a time when they will be most beautiful, at a time when they will accomplish His good intentions for us and for His entire creation. (Cf. Ecc 3:1&11)
So, we will do well to learn to patiently keep in step with God, as we go through this life. He may not be moving as fast as we think He should be moving. But if we will patiently walk with Him, He will make everything about our lives beautiful at the right time.
Unfortunately, because many of us don’t understand this, we often miss God’s provisions for us. Yes, we are praying and probably fasting too, asking God to do all kinds of things for us. And God always answers. The problem, however, is that we often don’t keep in step with Him, so that we can be guided to receive the manifestations of His answers to our prayers. If we are not ahead of Him, we will behind Him. And either way, we are bound to lose, unless we are shown mercy.
If we, then, don’t want to continue to be ahead of God or behind Him and be losing His abundant provisions of favour for us, we must learn to always pray that He will fill our hearts with the perfect knowledge of His will for us, so that every step we take in life will be a step taken in the right direction and at the right time. That is what we daily bring us to the right place for us to enjoy His provisions for us at the right time.
Look at our opening bible text, for example. The Shunamite woman that used to care for Prophet Elisha had just returned to the land of Israel after sojourning among the Philistines for seven years. Why did she go to live among these uncircumcised people? It was because the word of the Lord had come to her to do so. A famine was coming upon the land, and God did not want her and her family to suffer. Why? It was because she had been generous to a man of God. So, generosity pays. Generosity to ministers of God pays. You may not be able to tell in what ways God will reward you for it. But He will surely do so at the right time. (Cf. 2Kings 8:1-9)
Well, when this woman came back with her family, her properties had already been taken over by the government. So, she had to go and beg the king to release them. And think of how difficult that could have been for her. Think of the layers of palace officials she would have to see before gaining access to the king. Then, even if she eventually met the king, what was the guarantee that her matter would be favourably dealt with? There was none.
However, because God was guiding her steps on the day she went to see the king, the way was cleared for her to meet him. Then, to let us see that it was God Himself that was leading her that very day, she came into the king’s presence exactly when Gehazi was sharing her testimony. What testimony? It was the testimony of how God raised her son, her only son from the dead through Prophet Elisha. Interestingly, by the leading of the Spirit, she also took that son of hers that was raised from the dead along with her to see the king that day.
So, that woman and her son went in to the king at the exact time that God’s favour for them and their family was working. And without probing her about why she abandoned her country the way she did, the king simply assigned an official to see to it that she got her house back. Not only that, the official was told to make sure that all the money made on her properties since the time she left was given to her immediately.
Now what do you call that? Indescribable favour! And I declare that doors of such favour are opened for you too, in Jesus’ name. But then, what made that woman a recipient of that unusual and mind-blowing favour? It was the fact that she was in the right place at the right time. Yes, she was in God’s place of favour at the right time.
If we too are going to be experiencing similar favour in our lives, we must always be in the right place at the right time; we must be where God’s favour for us is happening when it is happening. And we can always be there, if we will keep in step with God, as I pointed out before. So, if there is any prayer we should daily offer, it is that our hearts will be taught and enabled everyday to keep in step with God, so that we will always be in the right place and at the right time.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for giving us His Holy Spirit to always lead us into what is best for us.
- Thanksgiving to God because He is a God who is abundant in favour and love towards His children.
- Prayers that God will shower His indescribable favour of restoration on us, so that everything that we have lost or that we have been cheated of will be restored to us in multiple folds.
- Prayers that God, by His Spirit, will guide us everyday to be where His favour is working for us when it is working for us, so that we can freely and easily receive and enjoy His provisions for us.
- Thanksgiving for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
8th June 2024 - An opportunity that does not exit
“Now all the Moabites had heard that the kings had come to fight against them; so every man, young and old, who could bear arms was called up and stationed on the border. When they got up early in the morning, the sun was shining on the water. To the Moabites across the way, the water looked red — like blood. "That's blood!" they said. "Those kings must have fought and slaughtered each other. Now to the plunder, Moab!" But when the Moabites came to the camp of Israel, the Israelites rose up and fought them until they fled. And the Israelites invaded the land and slaughtered the Moabites.” (2Kings 3:21-24NIV)
What led to the slaughter of the Moabites, as we see in our opening bible text? It was a misjudgement of their battle situation. Three powerful kings had come to fight them, namely, the king of Israel, the king of Judah and the king of Edom. So, even though they had called up everyone that was fit to fight to get set for battle, it would take a miracle for them to defeat these kings and their men. That being the case, they were watchful for any opportunity that would be their miracle to defeat these enemies that had come against them and drive them away from their land.
Now, as if their gods were working in their favour, when they got up early in the morning, in readiness for battle, they saw blood in the water flowing close the camp of their enemies. So, they concluded that the kings of Israel, Judah and Edom must have turned against themselves over the night and killed themselves along with their armies. And that changed their mood. It made them relax and forget about the battle ahead. So, they just freely and happily ran into the camp of their enemies to carry away whatever was left of their provisions and weapons.
But were they right in their judgment? Did the armies of Israel, Judah and Edom actually slaughter themselves? No, they were not right in their judgment at all. As the account shows us, what they saw as blood was not blood but water. It was the early morning sun that was shining on it that made it look red like blood. So, there was really no miracle where the Moabites had seen one; there was actually no opportunity where they had seen an opportunity.
Unfortunately for them, they did not realise this until they got into the camp of their enemies unprepared for battle. So, they were slaughtered in their large numbers and their country was invaded and terribly ruined. In short, it was a sad day for them all, one that they probably did not forget in a long time.
What, then, is the lesson for us in the account? It is that it is not everything that looks like an opportunity for success or prosperity that is one. And if we see and pursue an opportunity that does not exist, we may end up with terrible losses or injuries, that is, if we still have our lives. So, before we jump on anything that looks like an opportunity to make quick money or to attain certain position in life, we need to take time to diligently verify it.
Assuming the Moabites had first sent some people to verify what was really happening in the camp of their enemies, they would not have foolishly gone into their camps to carry plunders that were not free for them to carry. Contrast what they did with what the king of Israel did in the days of Elisha the Prophet. When certain lepers told him that the Arameans that had come to besiege their land had abandoned their provisions, weapons and equipment and run away, he did not ignore them or dismiss their good news as nonsense. But he also did not immediately gather his people to go to the camp of these enemies to carry the plunder. Instead, he sent some of his horsemen to go and search the whole area to see what was really happening. (Cf. 2Kings 7:1-16)
But just the previous day, there was a prophecy from Elisha to this king that there was going to be a miracle of supply that would end the terrible famine that the land was experiencing at the time. Why did this king, then, not assume that it was the prophecy that was being fulfilled? He did not assume anything because he and his officers were smart.
See, as far as they were concerned, it could just be a trap set for them by the Arameans to lure them out of the city and capture them. And even if it was the miracle that they were expecting that had happened, it would not hurt at all to first check things out before celebrating and sharing testimonies. So, they sent some men to check things out. And when those men came back and reported things, it was clear to them that they would not be walking into any trap, if they went to the camp of the Arameans, but would be going to possess and enjoy God’s miraculous supply for them.
In like manner, even though we too are praying to God and looking forward to miracles of provisions or promotion from Him, we must not assume that every opportunity for success or promotion that shows up is His answer to our prayers. Instead, we should learn to first verify things with open and sincere hearts to see what they are really made of. Also, we should learn to pray to God to always keep us from seeing opportunities or miracles where they don’t exist. That way, we will not ensnare our own lives or souls through ignorant or foolish assumptions.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is a God who performs great miracles for His children every day.
- Prayers that God will daily keep us from seeing opportunities and miracles where they do not exist, so that we will not expose ourselves to Satanic attacks.
- Prayers that God will daily fill our hearts with the wisdom of His Spirit to recognise and test every opportunity or miracle He provides for our elevation or prosperity instead of ignoring it as unreal, so that we can possess and enjoy it.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and restore us wherever we are in pains because we went after opportunities that did not exist.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
1st June 2024 - An end to wandering
“Some wandered in desert wastelands, finding no way to a city where they could settle. They were hungry and thirsty, and their lives ebbed away. Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He led them by a straight way to a city where they could settle. Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” (Ps 107:4-9NIV)
What was the main problem of the people mentioned in our opening bible text? Cluelessness! They were clueless about where they ought to go in life. They were clueless about how to find a place of rest for themselves to settle. They were also clueless about how to deal with their hunger and thirst.
Therefore, even though they were constantly on the move, they were really heading nowhere. They were just some aimless wanderers, who could not find a place where they could settle down, work with their hands and flourish. No wonder they were hungry, thirsty and tired. No wonder their lives were ebbing away.
You know that when someone has spent all his time, energy and resources wandering and not finding a place of rest, at some point, the person will get tired and worn out. And if the person does not get help at that point, that may just be his end. So, wanderers in life need urgent help. Yes, those who are wandering from place to place in search of prosperity, healing, love or joy need urgent help. Otherwise, having become tired and worn out through their months or years of wandering, they may just surrender to hopelessness and die before their time.
But is help available for such people? Can wanderers receive an end to their lives of wandering and be established in a safe, peaceful and prosperous dwelling place? Yes, help is available for wanderers in God. Yes, wanderers can receive from God’s hand an end to their lives of wandering and be settled in a place of abundant joy, peace and prosperity. How? They just need to cry to Him for help. That is all.
As we see in our opening bible text, when those wanderers saw that their lives were almost going out, they cried out to the Lord in their distress. And did He answer them or not? He did! How? First, He delivered them from their distress. In other words, He first of all provided them with immediate comfort, so that they would not lose their lives. Second, He ended their wandering by leading them through a straight way to a place of rest. You can now see why they were told to praise God for showing them His unfailing love and for quenching their hunger and thirst.
In like manner, any wanderer can still cry out today to God for help. And he will be helped. Yes, anyone that is tired of moving around aimlessly in life can reach out for God’s help through Christ Jesus and be saved from their life of wandering. How will He save them? That is not something that I can say. But He will surely save them from their distress and pains and also lead them to a place of rest, a place where their lives can flourish.
So, if you think or feel that you have been wandering in life or in any area of your life, cry out to God for help now. Don’t wait until all your strength or resources are gone before you call to Him for help. Don’t wait until you have no one else to turn to before you cry out to Him. Don’t wait until all your time here on earth is almost gone before you call to Him for salvation.
Yes, regardless of where you are or how messed up you are when you call to Him, He will answer you and save you. But is it not better for you to call on Him right early, when you have not lost much, than to wait until almost everything is lost before you call on Him? I am sure you know it is. So, call on Him right now to save you from everything that has to do with aimless wandering in your life and to lead you to a place of rest. And you will surely have great testimonies of thanksgiving to share.
But what if you don’t even know that you are wandering? You will most likely keep on wandering for the rest of your life. So, you also need God to open your eyes to see if you are wandering in any way in life, so that you can reach out for His help. And may He indeed open your eyes to every area of your life in which you are simply wandering and not making any progress and also put an end to your wandering there, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because the lost, the hungry and the thirsty can count on His unfailing love wherever they are.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see all the areas of our lives in which we are ignorant of the fact that we are wandering, so that we can reach out for His help in them.
- Prayers that God Himself, the Father of all comfort, will comfort us wherever we are in pains or are fainting because of our aimless wandering.
- Prayers that God will put an end to everything that has to do with wandering in our lives by leading us to the place of rest and goodness that He has prepared for us to flourish in life.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2024, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
25th May 2024 - Power to retain
“Through Ahaziah's visit to Joram, God brought about Ahaziah's downfall. When Ahaziah arrived, he went out with Joram to meet Jehu son of Nimshi, whom the LORD had anointed to destroy the house of Ahab. 8 While Jehu was executing judgment on the house of Ahab, he found the princes of Judah and the sons of Ahaziah's relatives, who had been attending Ahaziah, and he killed them. 9 He then went in search of Ahaziah, and his men captured him while he was hiding in Samaria. He was brought to Jehu and put to death. They buried him, for they said, "He was a son of Jehoshaphat, who sought the LORD with all his heart." So there was no one in the house of Ahaziah powerful enough to retain the kingdom.” (2Chron 22:7-9NIV)
What is our first lesson from our opening bible text? It is that association with the wrong people can make us partakers of their sufferings. It is true, as we see in the bible, that Ahaziah was not walking in the will of God, even though he was a grandson of Jehoshaphat. Nevertheless, he may still have lived longer than he did, if he had not been in alliance with the house of Ahab. It was his alliance with that house that exposed him to untimely death by the hand of Jehu.
So, stay away from ungodly associations. Truly, we cannot totally avoid ungodly people in this world. Some of them are our family members. Some are our neighbours. Some are our colleagues at work or in school. Then some of them are our clients, employers or employees. Therefore, we have to relate to them, one way or the other.
But as we are warned in Scriptures, any kind of relationship with an ungodly person that may not allow us to faithfully serve God, that may make us compromise our faith or that may make us neglect our responsibilities is wrong. It amounts to being unequally yoked with them. And it is that kind of relationship that exposes people to unnecessary wars or dangers. So, completely avoid it. (Cf. 2Cor 6:14-18)
Then the second lesson from our opening bible text is that it takes power to retain any position in life. To say the fact, the power required to get to any position in life is often far smaller than the power required to retain or maintain it. That is why we should not just be praying to God to take us to greater heights in life; we should also be praying that He will furnish us with the power to retain any position He places us in life and equally prosper in it.
As we see in that passage, when Ahaziah died, his position as king evidently became vacant. But there was no one in the family that was powerful enough to retain it. In other words, a number of people tried to occupy his position as king. But none of them could survive there. Therefore, Ahaziah’s mother, Athaliah, who was a daughter of Ahab, proceeded to take over the kingdom for herself. (Cf. 2Chro 23:10-12)
Now Athaliah’s reign was nothing but a reign of terror. And what do you expect from a descendant of Ahab, if not terror? Well, her reign was so horrible that when she was eventually executed, all the people rejoiced. Why? The reason was that they felt unusual quietness and peace in the land. (Cf. 2Chro 23:21)
But why did the rulership of the land of Judah fall into the hands of that wicked woman in the first place? It was because there was no good person in the house of Jehoshaphat that was strong enough to take it and retain it. Unfortunately, this is often the explanation for the presence of wicked people in positions of power. No, we don’t like to have wicked people as leaders over us in any place. But do we have good people that are powerful enough to lead us and not be messed up or destroyed by the wicked in the land? Are you, as a good and righteous person, powerful enough to take up any leadership position in the land and retain it for good?
Now you must understand that the power I am talking about here goes far beyond physical power. Among others, it includes spiritual power, mental power, monetary power and interrelationship power. And if you do not have enough of these kinds of power, there are positions you cannot handle in life. Even if you are gifted with those positions, you will still lose them.
Why did Rehoboam lose the larger part of the kingdom and wealth handed down to him by his father, Solomon? It was largely because he did not initially have sufficient spiritual, mental and relational power. So, even though the man that he lost to eventually proved to be utterly unfaithful to God, he lost to him nonetheless. (Cf. 2Chro 10-11)
See, the reason someone like Daniel survived in all the positions he attained and held in Babylon was that he had sufficient spiritual, mental and relational power. Otherwise, he could not have survived all the terrible things he faced from the hands of the wise men and sorcerers of Babylon. (Cf. Dan 6)
In view of this, don’t just be desirous of great positions in life; also learn to pray that God will equip you with sufficient power to handle whatever position He places you in life. Then learn to also pray that God will equip large numbers of good and righteous people in our land with the ability to attain high positions of life and thrive in them. Otherwise, we will not stop having people like Athaliah as leaders over us.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because all power belongs to Him and so we can count on Him to exalt us to great heights in life.
- Prayers that God will daily teach our hearts to recognise relationships that can prove injurious to our lives and faith and strengthen us to do the needful about them.
- Prayers that God, from the fullness of His Son in us, will equip us with sufficient power to attain all the great heights He wants us to attain in life and to also retain them to honour Him.
- Prayers that God will furnish all the good and upright people that can save and revive our nation with every form of power they need to do so, so that times of refreshing can come to us without delay.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and restore our lives and fortunes, wherever we lost the things He had given to us because our strength was too small.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege to pray and receive.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2024, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
18th May 2024 - When you perceive danger
“Now when much time had been spent, and sailing was now dangerous because the Fast was already over, Paul advised them, saying, "Men, I perceive that this voyage will end with disaster and much loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also our lives." Nevertheless the centurion was more persuaded by the helmsman and the owner of the ship than by the things spoken by Paul. And because the harbor was not suitable to winter in, the majority advised to set sail from there also, if by any means they could reach Phoenix, a harbor of Crete opening toward the southwest and northwest, and winter there.” (Acts 27:9-12NKJV)
That is Luke’s brief introduction to the shipwreck that he and apostle Saul were a part of on their way to Rome. Thankfully, God saved them and all the other people that were with them on board. But as we see in the account, the shipwreck could have been totally avoided, if the sailors and the owner of the ship had listened to Paul. Why, then, did they not listen to him? They did not listen to him because they believed that they knew better than him.
Now we would not know how knowledgeable Paul was about sea matters. But as we see in our opening text, he perceived and was also convinced in his spirit that their journey would be dangerous. And he did not keep quiet about what he felt. Instead, he spoke to the people in charge about it. In fact, he told them that it was not only the ship or the cargo that would be endangered, if they should proceed with the journey, but their lives as well.
Unfortunately, they did not listen to him. Instead, they embarked on the trip. And because they did not listen to him, they lost the cargo and the ship, as he had told them. If God, then, had not been merciful to them because of Paul and his companions, all of them would have lost their lives as well.
What is the point of all this, then? First, it is that we must never ignore our perception of danger, whether it is spiritual or it is simply based on our judgment of the things happening around. Instead, we must do whatever is in our power to stay away from the danger or trouble we may have perceived. Otherwise, we may end up having ourselves to blame.
Second, we must not keep quiet about our perception of danger, even where we don’t have the right words to explain ourselves. Otherwise, those around us may have their lives or souls endangered, where they could have been preserved. And God, of course, will not take us guiltless in such situations. (Cf. Ezekiel 33:7)
Third, we must learn to commit ourselves and those with us into God’s hands, where circumstances of life may prevent us from doing anything to stay away from perceived danger. As we see in Paul’s case, even though he was convinced in his sprit that danger lay ahead of them, if they should embark on that trip, he still had to travel with those involved. Why? It was because he was a prisoner that was being taken by some soldiers to stand before the Roman emperor of the time, Nero. So, he could only go in the direction that the soldiers handling him were going. Otherwise, he was going to lose his life by their hands.
However, even though we are not expressly told this in the account, Paul must have been asking God, all along, for mercy for himself and all the other people during that journey. So, even when all the others on the ship had lost all hope of survival, God sent an angel to encourage this man of God and assure him that he had given the lives of all of them to him. In other words, none of their lives will be lost. And it was so. (Cf. Acts 27:21-34)
But why would God give the lives of all the people on the ship to Paul, if he did not ask for their protection and preservation? The only reason He gave their lives to him was that he had asked for them. So, the man was not selfish. He was not considering his own safety alone. He could have prayed for his safety and the safety of his companions alone, seeing that the sailors had refused to listen to him in the first place. But he did not do that. Instead, he acted like a true child of God by asking for mercy for everyone. And that gave him the opportunity to minister to all the people on board, including the soldiers. It also gave the centurion in charge of his escort a very good reason to protect him when the soldiers were thinking of executing all the prisoners on board.
So, even where the circumstances we find ourselves will not permit us to separate ourselves from some people who are headed for certain failure, danger or destruction, we should not act clueless or hopeless and abandon ourselves to destruction. Instead, we should selflessly ask God for mercy for us and for them as well. And He will surely answer us, for He has told us never to hesitate to approach His throne of grace for mercy and grace to help in our time of need (Heb 4:16). The salvation we receive in such situations, then, may be our only opportunity to witness to the unbelieving or disobedient ones around us and lead them to Christ.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is ever committed to keeping us safe, even where others are trying to drag us into trouble.
- Prayers that God will always keep our judgment of the happenings around us sound, so that we will be able to see danger from afar and avoid it.
- Prayers that God will always fill us with adequate wisdom to deal with all the unbelievers, ignorant and stubborn people in our lives that we cannot avoid, so that we will not be endangered through our relationship with them.
- Prayers that wherever we are trapped in unpleasant situations because of certain legitimate relationships of ours that God will show us mercy and rescue us and others with us from such situations, for the glory and praise of His name.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
11th May 2024 - An opportunity to shine
“Then the king said to Amasa, "Summon the men of Judah to come to me within three days, and be here yourself." But when Amasa went to summon Judah, he took longer than the time the king had set for him. David said to Abishai, "Now Sheba son of Bicri will do us more harm than Absalom did. Take your master's men and pursue him, or he will find fortified cities and escape from us." So Joab's men and the Kerethites and Pelethites and all the mighty warriors went out under the command of Abishai. They marched out from Jerusalem to pursue Sheba son of Bicri.” (2Sam 20:4-7NIV)
Who was Amasa? Amasa, like Joab and Abishai, was a nephew of King David, the son of his sister, Abigail (1Chro 2:13-17). Unfortunately, he participated in the rebellion of Absalom. In fact, he was the commander of the rebel forces (2Sam 17:25). So, he was someone that was meant to be executed.
Nevertheless, when the war with Absalom was over, David decided to reconcile with everyone. And to solidify that reconciliation, he decided to make Amasa the commander of the army of Israel, that is, in place of Joab. That, of course, must have looked outrageous to all the king’s men. They must have wondered why he decided to make a former rebel their commander. But what could they do, since the king had spoken? Nothing!
However, to clear the air and make everybody see Amasa as worthy of the position given to him, David, being a wise king, chose to saddle him with the task of crushing another rebellion that was just gathering momentum and that was being led by a troublemaker called Sheba son of Bicri. His thought must have been that if Amasa was able to end this fresh rebellion before it became a national problem, everybody in the army and also in the country would start taking him seriously. In other words, no one would see him anymore as an overrated army general but as a worthy one. So, it was an opportunity for him to shine.
Unfortunately, as we see in our opening bible text, Amasa was slow in gathering the men needed to end the rebellion. He took longer than the time set for him. Why? What kept him? We are not told in clear details in the account. But it is clear that the man did not fully realise that the task given to him was an opportunity for him to prove himself worthy of his new position as commander and shine. Otherwise, he would have given it his all and even over-deliver.
Also, it is clear that Amasa did not function with a serious sense of appreciation of the problem at hand. Remember that the land had just suffered from the rebellion of Absalom, which resulted in a civil war. And this civil war was not one between some tribes and the others; rather, it was a war that turned members of the same households against themselves. In other words, people killed their own family members and relatives for being on the other side. Even the king ended up killing his own son, Absalom.
So, to have another rebellion immediately after that one was not good for the nation at all; it was going to further tear it apart. That was why Amasa was told to immediately end it. And he had three days to get his men ready to do that. But he failed to prove himself worthy of the task. He failed to utilise the opportunity he had to shine. King David, then, was left with no other option but to give Abishai the task he had given to this man. So, he and his brother Joab left to do Amasa’s job with the men readily available to them.
What, then, became of Amasa? Well, when he eventually caught up with Joab and Abishai, he once again failed to show himself ready to lead the nation’s army and shine. He was not on guard against the deceit of Joab. So, his life was ended with just one thrust of his dagger. (Cf. 2Sam 20:8-10)
But how could Amasa not be on his guard against this wicked man, given his history as a ruthless warrior? Did he not hear of how he killed Abner, another great general that was going to take his position? How could he have thought that he was going to lead Israel’s army successfully without keeping an eye on someone like Joab? That was an error of judgment on his part. And he paid for it with his life. (Cf. 2Sam 3)
Now what is the point of all this? First, it is that every position or task given to us in life, whether by God or man, is an opportunity for us to shine. How we handle it, however, is what will determine whether we shine with it or not. If we are diligent, serious, immediate and prayerful in handling it, God Himself will make sure we shine with it. But if we are lazy, slow and unserious in handling it, there is every tendency that someone else may just be used to replace us. Then the reward and praise that should have come to us will be lost to them.
Second, this account shows us that we must always be on our guard in whatever position we are, however low that position may be. That is because what you think of as a low and insignificant position may be seen by some other persons as everything they need to rise and shine in life. And where that is the case, you may not be able to tell how far they will be willing to go in order to take over that position from you.
For instance, while you don’t think much of your position as a husband or wife in your home, somebody may just be standing by and looking for any available opportunity to displace you. So, while it is wrong to suspect everyone that comes close to your family, it will be wise of you to always take your spouse seriously and to put appropriate measures in place to protect your home from wicked and unreasonable people.
Remember that Joab was Amasa’s cousin. Yet, because of his desire to maintain his position as Israel’s army commander, he killed the innocent man. So, the fact that you are innocent does not make you less vulnerable to attacks from wicked and unreasonable people who may want to take what you have from you. You, then, are the one that must always be on your guard against their schemes.
Now, of course, if God does not keep you safe, you won’t be safe at all, regardless of what you do. So, you must always commit yourself and everything that is yours into His hands for safe-keeping. But then, by being on your guard all the time to protect that which God has given to you, you will be showing yourself worthy of it. That way, God’s commitment to keeping you and what He has given you safe will not amount to nothing.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is committed to providing us with opportunities to rise and shine in life at the right time.
- Prayers that God will rid our lives of every attitude or culture that has been keeping us from rising and shining with the opportunities He has been bringing our way, so that we will no longer waste them.
- Prayers that God will daily fill us with sufficient wisdom and discipline to recognise and make the most of our opportunities to shine in life.
- Prayers that God will teach our hearts how to be on guard against the activities of wicked and unreasonable people, so that we will never again in life be preys for them to devour.
- Prayers that God will expose and frustrate every enemy that is posing as a friend to us in order to secretly take from us what He has freely given to us for our enjoyment and glory.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy wherever we are behind or are in pains because of our failure to utilise the opportunities He brought to us to rise and shine in life.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
4th May 2024 - Prosperity can breed pride
“When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God for the good land he has given you. Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, then your heart will become proud and you will forget the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.” (Deut 8:10-15NIV)
Those were God’s words to the children of Israel through Moses, when they were about to enter the Promised Land under a new leadership, the leadership of Joshua. And what is the first thing we learn from what He said to them? It is that it is His will for us to have enough food to eat and be satisfied.
Now if you read this bible text carefully, you will see that twice the Lord says in it, “When you eat and are satisfied...” He does not say, “If you eat and are satisfied…” Instead, He says, “When you eat and are satisfied…” That means He actually wanted them to eat and be satisfied. Not only that, it means that He was going to make sure they ate to satisfaction in the land that He was leading them into.
If we, then, are not eating to satisfaction where we are now, we should take up our matter with Him in prayer. Yes, we should say to Him, “Our Father in heaven, just as you made sure the Israelites ate to satisfaction when you brought them into the Promised land, begin to see to it that I too am eating to satisfaction.” And will He answer us or not? He will surely answer us.
The second thing we learn from what God said to those Israelites is that it is His will for us to build fine houses, live in them and multiply in all good things. His words are, “When you build fine houses and settle down, and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied…” Did you see that? Their prosperity was a sure thing, as far as God was concerned. It was not a matter of ‘if’; rather, it was something that was going to happen. And it was going to happen because He was going to make it happen.
In like manner, our prosperity is a sure thing. It is something that is meant to happen because God is devoted to making it happen. Of course, we will have to learn from Him and also cooperate with Him to make it happen. But we need to understand that He wants us to prosper. He wants us too to increase in all good things and not decrease in them.
Why? It is because it is when we are increasing in good things that God also can use us to increase in generosity to those in our world. Therefore, we must never think of our lack of money and other good things of this life as the will of God for us, if severe persecutions are not the reason for this lack. Instead, we must continue to earnestly pray to Him to make sure all His plans for our prosperity are fulfilled.
However, even though it is the will of God for us to be satisfied with all the good things of this life, it is not His will for us to allow any of these things to make us forget that He is the one responsible for our salvation and prosperity. As we see in our opening text, God fully assured the Israelites that He would make them prosperous in the land He was taking them. But He also warned them that prosperity can breed pride.
Is prosperity supposed to breed pride? No! Is prosperity given to men by God to promote pride? No! But when people have everything they can ever hope for in this life and are satisfied, they may begin to think there is no need for God again. Or they may totally forget that the one who lifted them up to where they are is God and begin to do as they please. And where that is the case, their destruction may be unavoidable.
So, as you are praying to God and looking forward to seeing Him lead you to experiencing immense prosperity, also keep in mind the fact that prosperity can breed pride. To say the fact, there are many poor people whose hearts are loaded with pride. And in their poverty, all the time they conceive proud notions, notions of how they will use their wealth or prosperity to oppress others or to punish those who have hurt them in the past. Yet they wonder why they are not yet prosperous. They cannot prosper unless they get rid of their pride. That is because God resists the proud – only the humble enjoy His grace (James 4:6; 1Pet 5:5).
If you, then, don’t want to be resisted by God or brought down by Him, keep your heart humble before Him always. And He will see to it that you are established in prosperity and also satisfied with it.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He delights in our prosperity and satisfaction in life.
- Prayers that God, who saw to it that the Israelites had enough food to eat and be satisfied when they came to the Promised land, will also see to it that we daily have enough food to eat and be satisfied.
- Prayers that God will cause His breath of multiplication to be on everything we have and every legitimate work of our hands, so that we will daily multiply in all good things and not diminish.
- Prayers that God Himself will keep our hearts ever humble before Him, in spite of what degree of prosperity we experience in life, so that we will never forget that He is the reason for every good thing in our lives and hurt our own prosperity.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and restore us wherever we are currently experiencing limitations in our lives because of pride.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
27th April 2024
Hidden from their eyes
“As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, "If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace — but now it is hidden from your eyes.”
(Luke 19:41-42NIV)
Who wept over the city of Jerusalem? It was our Lord Jesus Christ. Why did He weep over her? He wept over her because, as a prophet, He saw something about the city that those living in it and all around it were not seeing. And what did He see about this city? It was the fact that the thing needed for her to experience peace and prosperity had been from her eyes. How, then, would she experience peace and prosperity, when what she needed for them had been hidden from her? No way!
Sadly, there are still many all around the world today that the Lord is most likely weeping over, just as He wept over Jerusalem. Why? The things needed for their peace and prosperity have been hidden from them as well. So, it does not matter how hard they labour, what position they occupy or what abilities they have, peace and prosperity will not be theirs. Even if they are where peace and prosperity are flowing like rivers, they will still not see them. And that is because their eyes are blind to them.
In Genesis 21, we have the account of how Hagar and her son Ishmael wandered for some time in the desert of Beersheba, having been driven out of Abraham’s household. And while wandering, their water got finished and the boy Ishmael began to faint. So, his mother, not wanting to watch him die, went a little distance away from him and began to cry.
But then, could Hagar’s crying have kept her boy from dying? No! Yes, it is okay to cry, if the circumstances warrant it. But crying is nothing but crying, an expression of our emotions. It does not solve anybody’s problems. It cannot solve anybody’s problems. The only one with the ability to solve people’s problems is God. And if our crying does not lead us to call out to Him for help, salvation or deliverance, our problems may remain unsolved, if we are not shown mercy.
Hagar was crying because her son was dying. And her son did not stop dying because of her crying. But when God decided to show her mercy, her son lived. How, then, did He show her mercy? The bible says, “Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.” (Gen 21:19NIV)
Now where was the well of water that Hagar got water from for her son? The well was there with them all the time. But it was hidden from their eyes. Think about that. What they needed for their survival was there with them all the time. But it was hidden from their eyes. So, if they had fainted and perished in that desert, it would not have been because they had to; rather, it would have been because what they needed for survival was hidden from their eyes.
In like manner, there are many that are failing, fainting, barren or dying where they are today. And that is not because they have to fail, faint, die or remain barren. Rather, it is because what they need to prosper and experience fruitfulness, health and peace are hidden from them. They too may be crying, weeping or grumbling because of their situation. But unless they cry out to God to open their eyes to see all that they need for their peace, fruitfulness, health and prosperity, they may end up perishing, even if everything they need is right where they are.
Now perhaps that is your situation. Perhaps you are barren, failing, fainting or dying at the moment despite all your hard, honest and diligent labour. Perhaps your life or home is still loaded with confusion, miseries and pains, even though you are doing all you can to make things work. Then it means that what you need for your peace and prosperity has been hidden from your eyes. And unless your eyes are open to see it, things may never change for you.
Thankfully, the same God that opened Hagar’s eyes to see a well of water in the desert is ever-living. Not only that, He is always and instantly available for any of us to call upon. Therefore, don’t hesitate to call unto Him to show you mercy and open your eyes to see everything you need for your peace, fruitfulness and prosperity. Yes, call to Him and tell Him to see to it that the things that are meant for your peace, fruitfulness and prosperity are no longer hidden from you. And He will answer you.
Remember that Hagar did not call out God for mercy when her boy was dying in that desert. Yet God showed her mercy and opened her eyes to see what was hidden for their survival. What if she had called upon God for help before their water was exhausted? Her boy may not have come near death at all!
In any case, if that was how God treated a needy and hurting woman who could not even think of calling out to Him for help, will He not readily attend to those who call to Him? He surely will. So, don’t wait any moment longer for your confusion, failure, barrenness or pains to end your life, home or business because you reach out for God. Reach out for Him now. And your eyes will be opened to see His provisions for your peace, prosperity, fruitfulness, health, safety and elevation.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is ever-living and can instantly be reached by us for anything we need.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see all His provisions for our peace and prosperity that have been hidden from us, so that we will no longer wallow in confusion, failure, stagnation, barrenness, insecurity or pains.
- Prayers that as God is opening our eyes to see His provisions for our peace and prosperity, He will also load us with sufficient wisdom, strength and boldness to go for them and begin to make the most of them.
- Prayers for all the people that we care for that are crying or weeping now because what is needed for their peace, healing, fruitfulness or prosperity is hidden from them that God will open their eyes to see what they need to see to be comforted and be at rest.
- Prayers that God will teach us never again to wait until things totally get out of hand for us before we will reach out for His help and be saved and comforted.
- Thanksgiving to God for answering our prayers and for the testimonies that will follow.
By Johnson O. Lawal
20th April 2024 - Before you team up with them
“But a man of God came to him and said, "O king, these troops from Israel must not march with you, for the LORD is not with Israel — not with any of the people of Ephraim. Even if you go and fight courageously in battle, God will overthrow you before the enemy, for God has the power to help or to overthrow.”" (2Chron 25:7-8NIV)
Those were God’s words to King Amaziah of Judah. And they came to him as a warning not to take certain individuals to battle with him. Who were the people he was not supposed to take along with him? They were certain soldiers of Israel that he had hired with a lot of money.
But why would God tell him not to take with him these people that he had paid a lot of money to hire to fight his enemies? It was because He was not with them. But He was supposed to be with them, seeing that they were His people too. I mean that it was not only the people of Judah that were His people; the Israelites also were His people. So, He was supposed to be with them. But He said that He wasn’t with them.
Why, then, was He not with them? He was not with them because they had utterly given themselves to idolatry and vanity. That being the case, they could not expect His blessings to work in their lives and among them as they were supposed to be working. All they could expect were manifestations of the curses He had said would come upon them, if they should forsake Him. (Cf. Deut 28)
Now, if the people of Judah should join forces with them in that condition, would they not become partakers of the curses at work in their lives and among them? They would! That was why the man of God that came to Amaziah told him that even if he and his people fought courageously, they would still be overthrown by their enemies. And that would not be because they had sinned against God but because they joined forces with certain cursed individuals.
What is this teaching us? It is that we need to watch the kinds of individuals we team up with to do things in life. We need to be certain that they are not individuals that are under God’s judgment or operating under some terrible influences or curses. Otherwise, we may end up experiencing failure or losses where we should have prospered.
How, then, can we tell that we should not be joining forces with someone to do something? Or should we just conclude that we should not do anything together with anyone that is not a child of God? No! Yes, the word of God tells us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. But His word is also clear about the fact that we will need to leave this world, if we don’t want to have anything at all to do with unbelievers. (Cf. 1Cor 5:9-10; 2Cor 6:14-18)
So, there are situations in which we cannot avoid doing things with the unbelievers in our work places, schools or communities. And we must not make any issue out of doing things with them in such situations, if it is not going to affect our devotion to God and our usefulness in life. But where we are in a position to choose to either team up with them or not, the wise thing will be to choose not to do so. That is because, by doing so, we may be unconsciously exposing ourselves to certain destructive influences at work in their lives.
But then, it is not only unbelievers that we are to treat in this manner. We are also to treat in the same manner any so-called Christian that is obviously living contrary to the will of God. Look at what Paul says to us about this:
“I have written you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat.” (1Cor 5:9-11NIV)
Can you see that there is a clear distinction between how we are to relate to unbelievers and believers that are living contrary to the will of God? While we may freely eat with an unbelieving friend or family member, we may not freely eat with a believer that is living in sin. Why? The reason is that such a believer is already exposed to satanic presence and afflictions, even if that is not yet obvious. And if we should be careless in our dealings with them, even if we are working and praying hard and diligently, we may just become partakers of their sufferings and fail where we should have succeeded.
So, don’t just join hands with someone to do a business or carry out a project or in a marriage, just because the person claims to be a believer. Also watch the person’s life. And if it is obvious that they are involved in adultery, in the practice of witchcraft or in business, office or academic malpractices or are living in bitterness or jealousy, you may want to watch the kinds of things you do with them, even if they are your church member. Otherwise, you may end up having unspeakable regrets through your dealings with them.
Finally, there are times that it takes divine revelations to know when not to deal with certain individuals. That is because nothing seems wrong with them or harmful in teaming up with them. But their lives or hearts are not right. And unless God shows you the hidden secrets of their lives or hearts, you will not know that doing things with them will come with failure, regrets or even death.
So, before we make any decision to team up with someone to do anything, we should endeavour to talk to God about it. Yes, we should earnestly tell Him to fill our hearts with the perfect knowledge of His will about what we want to do, so that it will result in success and not in failure, pains and regrets. And He will answer us and make known to us whatever we need to know to prosper and not fail.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is always with us to counsel us and keep us from taking steps that will result in pains or destruction for us.
- Prayers that God will teach and strengthen our hearts to always pay attention to those things that matter in the lives of those we are relating to, so that we will never again carelessly get them involved in our affairs.
- Prayers that God will always teach our hearts to never forget to commit all our dealings with the people in our world into His hands, so that we will be getting sufficient divine revelations on making the right decisions.
- Prayers that will show us mercy and heal and restore us in every situation where we are in pains because we got the wrong people involved in certain matters of our lives.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
13th April 2024 -
Don’t set aside God’s way
“But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them."” (Num 20:12NIV)
Why would God not permit Moses and Aaron to lead the children of Israel into the land of promise, despite all the effort they had put into doing so? It was because they disobeyed a very clear instruction that He had given to them.
As the account goes, there was a time that the children of Israel wanted water so badly that they began to grumble against Moses and Aaron. So, they went to present their matter to God. And in response to that, God said this to them: “Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink." (Num 20:8NIV)
What instructions did God give Moses and Aaron? First, it was for them to the take the staff that they had been using to perform miracles with them and gather the people of Israel together. Second, it was to speak to the rock that was before the people right before everyone’s eyes. Why? It was so that the rock would pour out the water in it for the people to drink.
That means God’s provision of water for the Israelites at the time was in the rock that was present with them. And there are times that God’s provisions for us may just be right where we are. But our eyes need to be opened to see them and our hearts taught what to do to access them.
The water the Israelites wanted was in the rock that was standing before them. And God opened Moses’ eyes to see that. Not only that, God told him what he needed to do in order to bring the water out of the rock for the people to drink. And what was it? He was to speak to the rock. In other words, he was to order that rock to pour out the water in it for the people to drink.
But did Moses do that? No, he did not. What, then, did he do? He smote the rock twice with the rod in his hands. Why did he do that? He did that because he was angry with the Israelites because of their stubbornness. So, in his anger, he failed to make a distinction between speaking to the rock, as God had commanded, and striking it with a rod.
Now did water come out when Moses disobeyed God and smote the rock twice with the rod in his hand or not? Yes, it came out. And was it real water that came out for the people to drink or something else? Yes, it was real water. So, even though Moses disobeyed God on that occasion, he still got results, real results. And that is telling us that we too can get real results, even while acting in disobedience to God’s will.
But then, did Moses have God’s approval for what he did? No! Of course, he had the praise and approval of the Israelites. But he did not have God’s praise and approval. Instead, what He received was His judgment, as we see in our opening bible text. And His judgment was a very severe one, a kind that prevented him and Aaron from enjoying the fruit of their labour over the Israelites.
What is this telling us? Well, one of the things it is telling us is that there is danger in setting aside God’s word for human strength or wisdom in accessing His provisions for us. Yes, our strength comes from God. And our wisdom also comes from Him. But where He has already shown us His will about a matter, we had better follow it instead of resorting to our strength or wisdom. Otherwise, we may never get the results that we are expected to get. And even if we get our desired results, we will still have to pay for our rejection of the word of God.
Remember that it was God Himself that told Moses and Aaron to take the staff that Moses used in striking that rock with them. But He did not tell them that they needed it to bring out His provision of water for the people. Why, then, did He ask them to take it with them, when He did not intend for them to use it? I wouldn’t know. You may put that on the list of the questions you will be asking God in heaven.
But as I said, the fact that God has given us something does not mean that He wants to use it to accomplish His will in our lives. And the fact that He has used something to accomplish His will in our lives before does not mean that He will always use it to accomplish His good purpose for us. If we, then, do not keep that in mind, we may find ourselves, as Moses did, setting aside God’s way of accomplishing His good purpose in our lives for our own way. That, of course, is going to cost us something, as it cost Moses and Aaron something. And what it will cost us may be something that will bring an entire lifetime of pain to us.
So, let us watch ourselves and not allow anger, overconfidence, fear or anything else to drive us into acting contrary to God’s clear instructions to us on any matter. And may we always find sufficient strength to do so, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is always there for us to provide for us whatever we need, regardless of where we find ourselves.
- Prayers that God will daily open our eyes to see His provisions for our prosperity and peace of mind, so that we will not be wasting our time crying or grumbling instead of taking steps to enjoy what He provided for us.
- Prayers that as God is revealing His provisions for us to us, He will also be filling us with adequate knowledge of what to do to access and enjoy them.
- Prayers that God will strengthen our hearts to never turn aside from His revealed will to us about any matter of our lives, in spite of how we feel or what we think about the matter, so that we will not abandon His ways for our own ways and suffer defeat or punishment.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will comfort and restore us wherever we are in pains for replacing His will for us with our own.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
6th April 2024 - Be willing, ready and determined
“And Ahab had summoned Obadiah, who was in charge of his palace. (Obadiah was a devout believer in the LORD. While Jezebel was killing off the LORD's prophets, Obadiah had taken a hundred prophets and hidden them in two caves, fifty in each, and had supplied them with food and water.)” (1Kings 18:3-5NIV)
Ahab, as we are shown in the bible, was one of the most wicked kings of the nation of Israel. Here is some of the things said about him: “There was never a man like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, urged on by Jezebel his wife.” (1Kings 21:25NIV) Did you see that? Ahab was a man that completely gave himself to doing evil. In other words, he showed no restraints or caution at all in being wicked.
To make matters worse, Ahab was married to another ruthless bible character, Jezebel. She was so ruthless that even that great man of God, Elijah, once fled from her presence and begged God to kill him instead of allowing him to fall into her hands (1Kings 19). Now there may have been other women that went by the name ‘Jezebel’ during that time. But this particular Jezebel demonised the name through her wickedness. And she was so effective in demonising it that no one in their right mind wants to give their daughter the name today.
Well, I shared all that with you so that you will have a little appreciation of the kind of wickedness that must have been going on in the land of Israel when Ahab was king over it. Nevertheless, we are told in our opening bible text that Ahab had a man working for him that was a devout believer in the Lord. His name was Obadiah.
Now how was it possible for wicked and ruthless Ahab and Jezebel to have a true worshipper of God working in their palace? Interestingly, this man was not just a casual worker in their palace; he was actually their palace administrator. That means he was the one in charge of everything going on in that palace. So, no one could lift a finger there except at his command. Yet he was not a part of the wickedness going on there. Instead, he utterly gave himself to worshipping and serving God. And I am asking, “How did he succeed in doing that?”
To say the fact, the only way Obadiah could have succeeded in serving God wholeheartedly as Ahab’s palace administrator was that God strengthened and also preserved him. And God could only have done that because the man himself was willing, ready and determined to worship and serve Him. So, if our hearts are willing and determined to live for God, He will make sure that we have all the favour, wisdom and protection to do so, even if we are living or working with Ahab or Jezebel.
That, of course, is a huge lesson for those of us that continually use the wickedness of our parents, husbands, wives, bosses, landlords, community leaders or government leaders as our excuse for not being devoted to living for God and serving Him. The problem is with our hearts. They are not right. They are not willing and determined to live for God. So, His grace cannot flow to aid us in doing so. But a day is coming when God will call Obadiah, Ahab’s palace administrator, and use him to show some of us that we have no excuse for not taking Him seriously while in the world.
Now all this does not mean that Obadiah was in a position to defeat or prevent the wickedness in the land at the time. He was not in a position to do that. In fact, he could not have tried that without being injured or destroyed. So, it is not every time that righteous and godly people can challenge or confront the evil where they are without being crushed by it. It all depends on how entrenched it is in the place. But regardless of how entrenched evil is in a place, those who are willing, ready and determined to serve God will always find sufficient grace to do so.
Well, apart from Obadiah’s devotion to worshiping God, in spite of the wickedness of where he was, he also did something memorable for God, something that will ever remain on God’s record, something that he will surely be greatly rewarded for on Judgment Day. He protected and also supported with food and water a hundred prophets of God, when Jezebel was killing off all the prophets of God in the land. How did he succeed in doing that, without being found out? Evidently, it was by the wisdom of the Spirit of God.
But then, the only reason the wisdom of God was released in this man’s life to successfully protect and take care of a hundred of prophets for as long as he had to was that he saw himself as one in a position to help them. If he had not seen himself as one in a position to help them, he would not have made any move towards helping them, even though he had enough resources and influence to help them. But because he saw himself as one that could help them and was also willing to help them, God gave him the needed wisdom and favour to succeed in doing so.
So, once again, we learn from this man that as long as the willingness and determination to do the will of God is in us, where we are will not be able to stop us from doing His will. That is because God Himself will arise on our behalf and make sure that we have access to sufficient strength, wisdom and courage to do what we need to do. The question now is, “How willing, ready and determined are we to do the will of God?”
See, if we are not willing, ready and determined to do His will when things are smooth and easy for us, is it when the circumstances are hard and dangerous for us that we will show willingness, readiness and determination to do His will? If Obadiah had not been taking care of God’s prophets when things were calm and peaceful in the land, would he have remembered or laboured to help them when things got tense and all their lives were in danger? And I want you to seriously think about that.
Well, the point of those bible verses is very clear, which is that the wickedness of the people or the place in which we are is not an excuse for us not to live for God and serve Him faithfully. If Obadiah could live for Him and be faithful in serving him, even in that palace of wickedness, we too can do the same, regardless of where we find ourselves. We just need to be willing, ready and determined to do so. And God will make it happen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is able to keep us pure and faithful to Him, regardless of how wicked the place in which we have found ourselves may be.
- Prayers that God, out of the fullness of His Son Jesus Christ, will supply all that is lacking in our willingness, readiness and determination to worship and serve Him faithfully wherever we find ourselves in life.
- Prayers that as we demonstrate willingness, readiness and determination to please God where we are, God will fill us with sufficient wisdom to do so, even though we are relating to wicked and unreasonable people who have no fear of God.
- Prayers that God will teach our hearts to always make the most of our moments of peace to train ourselves in godly living and in doing the good works He wants us to do, so that if things should become difficult for us, our hearts will still continually be yearning to do His will.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
30th March 2024 - Are you going to keep waiting?
“Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.” (Eccl 11:4NIV)
Those are Solomon’s words to us. But what do they mean? Is he actually telling us that it is useless for a farmer to pay attention to the prevailing weather conditions of the place he is in handling his farm? No, that is not what he is saying. What, then, is he saying?
Well, what he is telling us is that anyone that is waiting for all the conditions of his life to be right or favourable will never get anything tangible done in life. Why? The reason is that there are no entirely perfect conditions in this life. Goal posts are constantly being shifted. So, if you are not taking your shots, as you have your chance, you may not score a goal till your life here is up.
Look also at what Paul tells us along this line:
“Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” (Eph 5:15NIV)
What do we need to pay a careful attention to in this life? It is how we live. And how should we live? We should live as wise people and not as fools. Thankfully, all of us who are children of God have Christ Jesus as our very wisdom (1Cor 1:30). So, we can do this. Yes, we can live as wise people. But how?
Well, one of the ways to live as a wise person, as Paul shows us in that text, is to make the most of the opportunities of the days we are living in. And notice that he tells us that the days we are in are evil. So, we should not be surprised if the conditions we find ourselves in are unfavourable. It is a sign that the days we are in are actually evil.
However, Paul also goes on to tell us that the so-called evil days are equally days of opportunities. Yes, they are days of opportunities to do great things for God, for ourselves and for others in our lives. But if we do not know this and keep our eyes open to see those opportunities to make sense out of living and utilise them, we may be forever kept stagnant in life by focusing on the evil of the time.
So, what are you seeing? Are you seeing the opportunities to be all that God wants you to be and to also do all that He wants you to do in this life? Or is it only the challenges, the difficulties and the unfavourable natural, social and spiritual conditions of the world around you that you are seeing?
In a vision that Isaiah saw, he said this about the angels around the throne of God that he had seen:
“Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory."” (Isa 6:2-3NIV)
What were those seraphs saying about the earth? They were saying that it is full of God’s glory. We hardly think or speak of the earth in that manner. We only see it as full of evil and unfavourable circumstances. And the earth truly is full of those. Even God speaks of the fact that human beings are continually filling the earth with evil. That, however, does not cancel out the fact that the earth is equally full of the glory of God.
Is it not interesting to find that both evil and good are co-existing in this world? Yes, it is. It is because it shows that we are not stuck with the evil in the world. We can choose to go for the good in it. And remember that God Himself, speaking through Moses, tells us that we have both life and death being presented to us in this world. It is up to us, then, to choose the one we want. (Cf. Deut 30:19-20)
As for me, I choose life. Yes, I choose to go for life, for the glory of God and for all the opportunities for doing great things that are available in this world. Therefore, unless God expressly tells me to wait, I won’t be waiting until all the conditions around me are favourable before I do what God has shown me that I can do with my life. Instead, I will work with the conditions I find myself in as they are, knowing that God will fulfil every good purpose of my heart and every step of faith that I take. (Cf. 2Thess 1:11)
Now what about you? What are you going to do? Are you going to keep waiting for all the circumstances of your life to be right before you do the will of God for your life? Are you going to keep waiting for everything to be favourable before you begin to use that gift or start that business or learn that skill or get that education?
Well, the word of God already tells us that anyone who is waiting like that will not plant any seed. Therefore, he will have no harvest of success or prosperity. And even if he plants something, it is while he is wating that his harvest will be ruined. I pray that none of these will be your lot in life, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
But you seriously need to start making the most of those opportunities to do big things in life that God is showing you. And may you find sufficient strength, boldness, wisdom and determination from the Spirit of God to do so. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because the world we are living in is not only full of evil but also of His glory and goodness, so that we can still rise and shine.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to daily see His glory and all the goodness that accompanies it, so that we can take advantage of it to be all that He has destined us to be in this life.
- Prayers that God, from the fullness of His Son Jesus Christ, will daily fill us with sufficient wisdom, strength, boldness and determination to make the most of every opportunity He presents to us to shine in this life.
- Prayers that our lives will be rid of attitudes of procrastination and negativity that are keeping us from taking steps of faith to adequately utilise for our fruitfulness and success every opportunity God brings our way.
- Prayers that God will count us worthy of His calling and fulfil every good purpose of our hearts and every step of faith that we take towards living excellent and meaningful lives.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
23rd March 2024 - Since He is not ashamed of us
“Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.” (Heb 2:11NIV)
What is the first thing we see in our opening text? It is that those of us who have put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ have been made holy. In other words, we have been washed from our sins and separated to be God’s. So, you can joyfully say, “I am holy! And I belong to God.”
The second thing we see in the text is that we are now members of God’s family. All of us are in the same family as God and Jesus Christ. Therefore, we are entitled to God’s provisions and protection, for He is the head of our family. And isn’t that glorious? It is!
Now, on the basis of these things, on the basis of the fact that we are now holy to God and have become members of His family, as we are further shown in our opening text, our Lord Jesus is not ashamed to call us His brothers and sisters. Think about that. Jesus is not ashamed to identify with us, regardless of what terrible things we may have done in life and regardless of our weakness of character. Jesus, righteous Jesus, is not ashamed to be seen with us and to walk with us? Why? He loves us and knows that we are now who God says we are.
What I am saying is that our Lord Jesus is not ashamed to identify with us because He knows that we are no longer who we used to be. We are now new creations in Him. We are now holy and righteous in Him. The world may not see us that way. That is not going to change the fact that we are now who He has made us. So, while those of the world may not want to have anything to do with us because of our past failures or because of our low background or because we are not rich or educated enough, He wants to do everything with us, in us and through us.
By the way, even when we were still in our sins, He was not ashamed to identify with us and die for us. And now that He has already paid for our sins, will He not all the more want to live with us, in us and through us? He will. We, then, are the ones that need to wake up and stop relating to Him with a feeling or sense of shame. Yes, we are the ones that need to stop being ashamed of identifying with Him. (Cf. Rom 5:8)
Why was Mary Magdelene not ashamed to stay with Jesus, even after His death? Why was she not ashamed to identify herself with the one that was condemned by the whole nation of Israel to death? It was because Jesus too was never ashamed of identifying with her. Though this woman was once occupied by seven wicked demons that made her life miserable, Jesus did not reject her. Instead, He delivered her. Not only that, He also kept her close to Himself, made her a part of His ministry and never treated her like one who used to be demon-possessed. Therefore, this woman too was not ashamed to identify with Him in His death. And after His resurrection, she was still not ashamed to embrace and love Him more. (Cf. Luke 8:2; John 20:1-18)
In like manner, we don’t have to be ashamed of identifying with our Lord Jesus, since He is not ashamed to identify with us in whatever situation we may find ourselves. We should not be ashamed of letting people know that we are His brothers and sisters wherever we go. And it is when we are not ashamed of being known as His people that we will not be ashamed of using His name.
You know that He has already given us His name to use in this world. He has said that whatever we do should be done in His name (Col 3:17). And His name is above every name, every title and every position (Phil 2:9-11). It is above any challenge we may be confronted with in life. All we need, then, is to use it to take for ourselves all that God has provided for us and to also protect ourselves and others in our lives from every scheme of the devil.
But are we going to use this name as we are meant to? The answer to that depends on how seriously we take our identification with Him. If we see Him as our brother and Lord indeed and are not ashamed of being known as His, then, we will also not be ashamed to use His name in any situation. Instead, we will be confident to use it, knowing that He will back us up.
But if we are ashamed of identifying with Him, perhaps because we still see ourselves as useless sinners, we will often find ourselves being ashamed or afraid of using His name. The confidence will not just be there. And this is why many believers are suffering needlessly. They are not confident of their relationship with the Lord. So, they are not confident to use His name, even though that name completely belongs to them and they can use it anytime in accordance with His will to live victoriously in this life. But you don’t have to be like that. And you won’t be like that, if you will learn to embrace Jesus just as He has embraced you.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for making us true and complete members of His family.
- Thanksgiving to God because Jesus is not in any way ashamed of us.
- Prayers that God will rid our lives of every form of fear that is keeping us from fully identifying ourselves with our Lord Jesus and everything He represents to us, so that we can begin to fully enjoy His presence in our lives.
- Prayers that God will cleanse us with His word, so that we will be rid of every kind of sin consciousness that is making our relationship and fellowship with Him uninteresting.
- Prayers that God will strengthen our hearts with adequate boldness to daily make use of the name of Jesus, the name that is above all names, in living a life of victory over all the works of the devil.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
16th March 2024 - Trust Him to drive them for you
“Because he loved your forefathers and chose their descendants after them, he brought you out of Egypt by his Presence and his great strength, to drive out before you nations greater and stronger than you and to bring you into their land to give it to you for your inheritance, as it is today.”
(Deut 4:37-38NIV)
Why did God bring the children of Israel out of Egypt by His mighty hand? It was because of His love for their forefathers and also for them. And why did He drive out the inhabitants of Canaan in order for them to take over their land? It was also because of His love for them. So, all that they enjoyed from God’s hand had nothing to do with their righteousness or holiness or integrity; instead, it had everything to do with God’s love for them. (Cf. Deut 9:5)
In like manner, because of God’s love for us, we can trust Him to take us from where we are to where we ought to be. What if there are forces that will not want us to leave where we are for where we are supposed to be? Then God will have to handle them, as He handled the Egyptians when they would not allow the Israelites to leave their land. He compelled them with His mighty hand until they had no choice but to let them leave.
So, if there are people or circumstances that are trying to keep you in stagnation, all you need is to hand them over to God. You don’t need tell Him what to do about them. He knows what to do about them. Remember that the Israelites did not need to tell God what to do to their Egyptian oppressors to let them go. God knew what to do what to do to them. And He did it. He knows what to do to those preventing you from rising or moving forward in life as well. And you can trust Him to do it.
But what if there are people or forces that are already occupying where God wants you to be and are unwilling to leave there? Then God will have to drive them out of there, as He did to the Canaanites when He was bringing the Israelites to occupy their land. Yes, the Canaanites were stronger and more powerful than the Israelites. Yet because God had already given the land they were occupying to the Israelites, He drove them out before them. So, they took over the land, settled in it and became possessors of it for all time.
In the same vein, if God has already given a place or position to you in life, then, even if someone is at the moment occupying it, you can trust Him to drive the person away from there, if they will not leave there peacefully. That, of course, may not happen overnight. King Saul was not removed from the throne of Israel the very day David was anointed to take his place. In fact, he spent some more years on that throne afterwards. But God still removed him from the throne so that the man He had chosen could occupy it.
So, sometimes, it may take a while for God to dislodge those occupying the positions or places He has appointed for you in life. But He will surely dislodge them for you to take over. You just need to be patient and allow Him to do things His own way. Otherwise, you will most likely get yourself into trouble.
Remember that Jacob got himself into trouble with his brother, Esau. How? It was by trying to use his own wisdom and schemes to displace him from his position as the firstborn of the family and heir to the promises given to Abraham, their forefather. Indeed, even before they were both born, God had already said that Esau would serve him. In other words, God would make him greater than Esau. But did He tell him he to buy his brother’s firstborn place or to steal his blessing in order for that to happen? No! Those were the schemes that he and his mother came up with. And they would have cost him his life years later, if God had not stepped in and saved him. (Cf. Gen 26-27&32-33)
So, if God has made it clear to you that certain things are yours in life, then, allow Him to also handle the processes through which you will possess them. Yes, those things may be in the hands of some individuals at the moment. Yet He knows how to take them for you without exposing you to destruction or shame. But if you resort to using your own wisdom or schemes or strength to take for yourself what God ought to take for you, you may end up destroying your life or character in the process.
Mind you, God is not giving anything to us because of our righteousness but because of His love for us. So, even where He has to give to us what already belongs to others, it will not be because we are more righteous or better than them. Rather, it may be because they have been abusing His grace or because He has something better for them. Therefore, we should not allow arrogance to drive us to set aside God’s ways in taking over His provisions for us. Otherwise, as I said before, we may ruin ourselves in the process, if we are not shown mercy.
Then we need to seriously keep in mind the fact that it is not in every situation that God has to dislodge someone or take away something from someone in order to deliver His provisions to us. The children of Israel did not just wake up one morning and begin to desire the land of Canaan. They knew the land was theirs by revelation, the revelation given by God to their forefathers and later to Moses. That was why they went for it. And that, of course, was why God gave it to them.
But when, on their way to Canaan, they approached the lands of the descendants of Lot and those of Esau, God warned them not to go near them or desire them. Why? He was not going to give those lands to them, even if they exercised their faith for them. In fact, He told them not to harass the inhabitants of those lands for any reason and to also make sure they pay for anything they took from them. Otherwise, they would get into trouble with Him. (Cf. Deut 2)
I quickly drew your attention to that because there are believers who often go after possessing what belongs to others, all in the name of exercising their faith in God. Our faith in God can only deliver to us what God has given or provided. If we exercise faith for what He has not provided, we are going to get nothing. And if we do get something that He has not provided, we must know that it is our greed and evil scheming that has gotten it for us. That, of course, will come with consequences.
So, unless there is a direct revelation from God that He is using you to replace someone or that He is taking for you what currently belongs to another, don’t allow greed or selfishness to make you start offering prayers of wickedness. Remember that God does not need to displace anyone in order to promote you, neither does He need to take away what belongs to another in order to make you prosperous. Therefore, you can ask Him for your own promotion and also for your own prosperity, without expecting Him to make someone else suffer. And may the Spirit of God keep your heart right always, as far as this matter is concerned. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for all that He is doing for us and through us in love.
- Prayers that God will do the needful about everyone or situation that is labouring to keep us stagnant in life, so that we can move to those heights that are meant for us.
- Prayers that God, in according with His good purpose for us, will displace anyone that has to be displaced for us to occupy those places He has chosen for us in life.
- Prayers that God, by His divine power and wisdom, will take for us what is ours that is in the hands of others.
- Prayers that God will continually protect our hearts from being taken over by any kind of greed, selfishness or bitterness that may drive us to want to displace others and take for ourselves things that He has not given to us, so that we won’t open ourselves up for His judgment.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
9th March 2024 - Will He find faith in you?
“And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"” (Luke 18:7-8NIV)
Those were the words that the Lord used in closing the parable He told to His disciples about a widow and an unjust judge. And He said those words to let us know that God is never slow in answering the prayers of His people. Instead, He is always quick to answer them and to give them justice. (Cf. Luke 18:1-6)
Why, then, does it often look like God is slow in answering the prayers of His people? Why does it often look like He loves to take His time before attending to the cries and desires of His people? The reason God often appears to be slow in dealing with the matters of His children is that we are ignorant of most of the happenings in the invisible realm of the spirit that is all around us. If our eyes should be opened to see what is happening in that realm, especially as it concerns a matter that we have prayed about, it will become very clear to us that God is never slow in attending to anything that concerns us.
For instance, in chapter 10 of his book, Daniel shares an experience of his with us, one in which he prayed about a matter for twenty-one days (three weeks) before the answer to his prayer came. And it was when his answer came that he realised that God actually answered his prayer the very moment he offered it. But the angel that was bringing the answer to him was resisted by the devil for twenty-one days. Therefore, this angel could not come to Daniel with the answer to his prayer until another angel, Michael, came there to support him.
That is telling us that it is not only our physical world that is busy; the invisible realm around us is also busy with activities, in fact, busier than we can ever appreciate as humans. Angels and demons too are always on the move, doing all kinds of things that are impacting our physical world. And if we are not given a revelation of how the activities of these beings are affecting us, just as Daniel was given one, we may continue to misunderstand God and His commitment to taking care of us.
Apart from that, there are times that our own readiness or the readiness of others in our lives to do certain things may be the reason it looks as if God were slow in answering our prayers. For instance, when God was going to deliver the Israelites from the oppressive rule of the Philistines, He answered their prayers by sending Samson to them. But did Samson begin to deliver them the very moment his mother conceived him? No! Or did he begin to deliver them the very moment he was born? No! He had to first grow up to a certain age before the Spirit of God began to stir him up to do the job he had been born to do. (Cf. Judges 13)
So, there are times that God’s answer to a prayer we have offered is like a baby. And that baby first has to be conceived, born and nurtured, so that he may grow up to become a responsible adult that is fit to do what he has been born to do. That, of course, will take time. And if we are not aware of anything about the birth or growth of that child, we may think God is not doing anything about our prayer, even though, all along, He has been doing everything that needs to be done about it.
All of this is why what God expects from all of us is absolute faith in Him, when we pray to Him about any matter. He expects this from us because it is not every time that He will make known to us the process that is involved in bringing us answers to our prayers. To say the fact, in most cases, the processes through which answers to our prayers may come to us need to be hidden from us. Otherwise, we may unduly interfere with them and mess things up.
Remember that it was Rebekah that encouraged Jacob to rob Esau of his blessing. And why did she do that? It was because it had been revealed to her by God that Esau was going to serve Jacob. So, she tried to play God by controlling everything happening in the family to favour Jacob. That, of course, turned her two children into eternal enemies. (Cf. Gen 26-27)
So, what God really requires of us is faith in Him, even if our circumstances present Him as a slow God or as an absent God. And will He always find that in us? That is the question our Lord Jesus is asking in our opening text. He says, “When the Son of man returns, will He find faith on the earth? Will He meet His people praying without fainting?”
Now when is He going to return? It could be today. And if it is today, will He find faith in me? Will He find me still praying to God and trusting Him to move on my behalf and on behalf of my country, even though everything happening is giving me the impression that God is not listening to my prayers or that God has no interest in answering them? I pray that God will see to it that He does find faith in you and me, regardless of when He comes.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for the gift of faith that He has given to us by His Spirit and through which we are able to receive grace upon grace from Him.
- Prayers that God will daily strengthen our hearts to always trust Him to answer our prayers, regardless of how long we have to wait to see the manifestation of those prayers.
- Prayers that God will perfect us wherever we are not ready to receive answers to certain prayers we offered to Him, so that those answers may manifest without delay.
- Prayers that God will move in the life of everyone that is an answer to our prayers and make them ready to deliver on time.
- Prayers that God will continually build our faith in Him with His word, so that it will keep growing stronger till our Lord Jesus will return.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
2nd March 2024 - Unless a mighty hand compels him
“But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless a mighty hand compels him.” (Ex 3:19NIV)
Those were God’s words to Moses when He was sending him to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt. As He pointed out, in order for the children of Israel to move from where they were at the time, which was the land of Egypt, to where they were supposed to be, which was the land of Promise, a mighty hand must compel their Egyptian overlord, that is, Pharaoh. Why? He was a very stubborn king.
Read the accounts of the deliverance of the nation of Israel from Egypt, and you will not fail to see how stubborn the Pharoah of the time was. Despite all the plagues that came upon his people and the terrible loss of lives and possessions that they left in their wake, this man was still unwilling to let the Israelites go. Even when his own officials told him to stop allowing Moses to be a snare to them and let the Israelites go, he would still not humble himself before the Lord. (Cf. Ex 10:7)
So, God had to send an angel of destruction to kill all the firstborn in Egypt, including the firstborn of animals and the firstborn of the slaves in the prison. It was after this that Pharaoh agreed to let the people go. And as they were leaving, God made sure that they were abundantly paid for all their years of hard labour in Egypt. Concerning that, the bible says:
“The Israelites had done as Moses had said, and had asked the Egyptians for gold and silver jewelry and for clothes. The LORD made the Egyptians respect the people and give them what they asked for. In this way the Israelites carried away the wealth of the Egyptians.” (Ex 12:35-36GNT)
Did you see that? The Israelites were not just set free from the Egyptians on that day, they were also made extremely wealthy. They literally took away all the wealth of the Egyptians. Mind you, they did not steal the wealth of Egypt or force the Egyptians to give them anything they did not want to give to them. On the contrary, it was God that compelled the Egyptians to satisfy them with whatever they wanted.
How did God compel them? Well, it was through that final calamity that befell their land, the loss of all the firstborn in the country. Nobody knew what else would follow that. And nobody wanted to find out. So, if giving the Israelites all the wealth of Egypt was what would make them leave their land and give them some breathing space, they were ready to give it. And they did give it.
What, then, is the point of all this? It is that there are times that in order for us to move from where we are to where God wants us to be in life, He just has to compel some people to promote us, enrich us or let us be. This, of course, can be on a national scale, as it was in the case of the Israelites that God set free from Egypt, or on an individual scale, as it was in the case of Jacob when God set him free from the house of Laban.
Whatever the case may be, if we want to enter fully into God’s provisions for us in this life, He must stretch forth His hand to deal with the stubborn hindrances on our way. And He is ready to deal with all such stubborn hindrances, if we too are ready to go from where we are to where He wants us to be. As we see in the case of Moses and the Israelites that He set free from Egypt, they were all eager and ready at that time to leave Egypt and whatever little comfort it may be offering them for the Promised Land. All that they were simply waiting for was for Pharoah’s strength to be broken by God. And the moment that happened, they lost no time at all to leave.
We too must be ready to leave where we are for where God wants us to be. And we must be ready to take our wealth or provisions that are in the hands of others from them, when God commands us to do so. Otherwise, it may be pointless for Him to compel those limiting us to get out of our way and release to us what belongs to us.
Are you, then, ready to leave where you are right now for where He wants you to be? And are you ready to demand for what is yours from whoever is holding it? If you are ready, you will not stop praying to Him and declaring God’s word until the job is done, as Moses did not stop praying to Him and declaring His word until Pharoah was broken.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is ever concerned about us and is ever willing to use His power to perfect all that concerns us.
- Prayers that God will fill us with sufficient determination, boldness and strength to keep praying and declaring His word until we are fully planted in the place of rest and abundance He has prepared for us.
- Prayers that God will rid us of every excuse we are making for accepting poverty, lack, sickness or failure as our portion in life.
- Prayers that God will stretch forth His hand to compel every force, human or satanic, that is limiting us and preventing us, as individuals and as a country, from fully accessing the place of prosperity, rest and fruitfulness He has prepared for us in life.
- Prayers that our hearts will always be ready to take the needed steps of faith for us to move to higher heights when God wants us to move.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
17th February 2024 Don’t hate them
“When David was told, "Look, the Philistines are fighting against Keilah and are looting the threshing floors," he inquired of the LORD, saying, "Shall I go and attack these Philistines?" The LORD answered him, "Go, attack the Philistines and save Keilah." But David's men said to him, "Here in Judah we are afraid. How much more, then, if we go to Keilah against the Philistine forces!" Once again David inquired of the LORD, and the LORD answered him, "Go down to Keilah, for I am going to give the Philistines into your hand." So David and his men went to Keilah, fought the Philistines and carried off their livestock. He inflicted heavy losses on the Philistines and saved the people of Keilah.”
(1Sam 23:1-5NIV)
One of the things we learnt from Scriptures about David was that he was a man that took God seriously. Because he took Him seriously, there was nothing he wanted to do that he would not first talk to Him about, to see whether it was in line with His will for him or not. And the only time he did not inquire of the Lord concerning what he wanted to do was when he was moving the Ark of the Covenant from Baalah Judah to the city of David. (Cf. 2Sam 6; 1Chro 13)
Why did David not inquire of the Lord about the moving of the Ark on that occassion? It was because he simply assumed that it was not necessary, seeing that what he wanted to do was something good, something that should make God happy. And truly, what he wanted to do was something good, something that was supposed to make God happy. But did it make God happy? No! Instead, we are told that God’s anger burned against Uzzah, one of the men guiding the cart carrying the Ark, when he tried to steady it. So, He killed him.
That, of course, made David angry and afraid at the same time. So, he would not allow the Ark to be brought to his house again. However, when he went back to the Scriptures to find out what was wrong, he later confessed to the Levites in the land, saying, “It was because you, the Levites, did not bring it up the first time that the LORD our God broke out in anger against us. We did not inquire of him about how to do it in the prescribed way." (1Chron 15:13NIV)
Did you see that? The problem was not with God but with David and his men. They were the ones that did not inquire of the Lord about the prescribed way to handle the Ark of the Covenant. So, they exposed themselves to His judgment. And this is telling us that we should not never think that it is unimportant to pray to God and also learn His will from Scriptures about something that we intend to do or possess, merely because it is obviously a good thing. Instead, we should learn to seek His face and know His will about everything, even the seemingly insignificant things of our lives. Otherwise, in the process of doing or acquiring that insignificant or good thing, we may have our fingers burnt.
Then, inquiring of the Lord about a course of action we want to take is not sufficient; it is also important that we are absolutely sure that He is actually talking to us and that it is exactly what He is telling us that we are hearing, not something else. The word of God is very clear about the fact that there are deceiving spirits in the world. And these evil spirits can entice even God’s people to go for good or righteous things that are not meant for them and get wounded. (Cf. 1Tim 4:1)
So, even if you believe God is leading you to do something good, righteous or nice for yourself or for others, it won’t hurt for you to pray to be filled with the perfect knowledge of His will about that matter before taking any step about it. And this is, in fact, very necessary once you have one or two trusted people giving you a note of warning or caution about the matter. God may just be using them to keep you from missing it.
For instance, in our opening bible text, we see David inquiring of the Lord about saving the Israelites in a place called Keilah from the Philistines. And the Lord told him to go and save them. Wasn’t that a good thing? It was.
However, his fighting men quickly objected by telling him that it was a very risky and foolish thing to do, giving the circumstances in which they had found themselves. And how did David respond to that? Did he get angry with them for doubting his leadership and the word of the Lord? No!
Why? First, it was because he knew that those men were telling him the truth. Even though what he wanted to do and which he had prayed about was a good and righteous thing, the present situation that he and his men were made it a very foolish thing to do. Second, it was because he knew that he was not infallible. In other words, he could be wrong about hearing God. And what if he did not hear God correctly? Would he not jeopardise the safety of everyone with him? He surely would.
So, instead of getting angry with his men for questioning his leadership or his ability to hear God clearly, he went back to inquire of the Lord again. And he heard him say the same thing again. In fact, this second time, the Lord told him that He would give the Philistines into his hand. And it happened exactly the way He had promised.
The point of this, then, is that we must always labour to be absolutely sure we are in the will of God about anything we want to do. We are not the only children or servants of God in the world. And we are not the only ones that hear Him. So, that we have prayed to God about a matter does not mean we should not listen to the sound counsel of those in our lives or around us. Instead, we should listen to it. And if that has to drive us back to God to seek His face about the matter at hand again, so be it. It is better to do that than to act on the assumption that we have heard God correctly and get into trouble.
There are many who are in trouble in their marriages or businesses today and who will tell you how they prayed hard and believed that they were following the will of God for them when they were making their decisions. Yet their decisions were out of line with God’s will. Can God still help such people? Yes! But it is better not to miss it at all than to miss it and then require all the miracles of heaven to get restored. So, always be absolutely sure the steps you are taking are in line with His will for your life before taking them. And may God Himself always teach and strengthen your heart to do so. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is ever ready and available to lead and guide us into what is best for us.
- Prayers that God will teach our hearts to never again ignore Him in any matter of our lives, however insignificant it may seem, so that we will not open the doors of our lives for His judgment or for satanic afflictions.
- Prayers that our hearts will daily be filled with the perfect knowledge of the will of God for us in every situation, so that every step we take will honour Him and also accomplish His good purpose in our lives.
- Prayers that God will always keep us from arrogantly rejecting sound counsel, even where we believe He is leading us, so that we will never again ignorantly follow deceiving spirits.
- Prayers that God will heal and restore us wherever we may be hurting in our lives for not hearing Him correctly or for walking in confidence in our own wisdom.
- Thanksgiving for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
17th February 2024 Don’t hate them
“The king of Israel answered Jehoshaphat, "There is still one man through whom we can inquire of the LORD, but I hate him because he never prophesies anything good about me, but always bad. He is Micaiah son of Imlah."” (1Kings 22:8NIV)
Those were the words of Ahab, king of Israel, to Jehoshaphat when they wanted to find out the will of God about a battle they wanted to engage in. Actually, before he said these things, he had called on about four hundred prophets to ask them for the mind of God on the matter. And all of them had told him that he would be victorious, if he should go to that battle. (Cf. 1Kings 22:1-6)
However, Jehoshaphat, being a man of the Spirit himself, was not just satisfied with what he was hearing from those prophets, even though they were about four hundred and all them were saying this same thing. That was why he asked Ahab if there was no other man of God that they could hear from. In response, Ahab said that there was still another man of God that they could hear from. But he hated him. And because he hated him, he did not want to call him or hear anything from him.
Now why did Ahab hate this man of God? Was it because the man was evil? No! Was it because he was not submissive to him as king? No! Why, then, did he hate him? According to his own words, he hated him because he never prophesied anything good about him but evil.
But why was the man of God always prophesying only evil things about Ahab and never anything good? Was he doing so out of hatred for him? No! Or was he doing it to undermine his reign and paint him as a bad person to his people? No! The reason he was prophesying only evil things about Ahab was that God only had evil things to say about him.
As we further see in the account, when the said man of God, Micaiah, was sent for, the man that went to call him told him to speak favourably to the king by allowing his word to agree with the word of the prophets that had prophesied ahead of him. But he told him plainly, “I can only tell him what the Lord tells me.” (Cf. 1Kings 22:13-14)
So, we see that Micaiah, the man of God that Ahab hated, was not prophesying evil things about him because he enjoyed doing so; rather, he was prophesying evil things about him because those were the only things God was telling him to say. And why was God always telling him to say evil things about Ahab? It was because the man himself was evil. Look at the summary given about him in the bible:
“There was never a man like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, urged on by Jezebel his wife. He behaved in the vilest manner by going after idols, like the Amorites the LORD drove out before Israel.” (1Kings 21:25-26NIV)
Did you see that? Ahab was a man that was sold out to do evil. Why, then, was he expecting any prophet to prophesy good things about him? Is it not ironical that bad people never want people to say bad things but good things about them? It is!
Unfortunately, bad people often have people around them who are ready to celebrate them and sing their praises. If everyone would just tell a bad person that he is bad, he may just repent and change his ways. But everyone will not do that. In fact, most people will not tell the wicked people in their lives that they are wicked and need to change their ways. Instead, they may be celebrating and praising them. Why? They are receiving certain good things from them or benefiting from the rewards of their wickedness.
In any case, when we celebrate and praise bad people, when we act as though they were the best people in the whole world, would they not be encouraged to be do worse things? They would! And that is how we prolong the reign of evil in the world.
Ahab was an evil king. Yet he had hundreds of prophets that always prophesied good things about him because they were on his payroll. And it was these hundreds of prophets, who were always lying to him, telling him what he wanted to hear, that made him hate the man that was always telling him the truth.
Yes, the truths that Micaiah was telling Ahab were always bitter to swallow – they were always reminding him that God’s judgment would come upon him. But they were nothing but the truth. And if he had embraced them and acted on them, he would have been forgiven and restored by God. But because he would not tolerate the truth at all, even when Micaiah had clearly made it known to him that death was hanging on his head, he lost his life where he could have saved it.
Perhaps you too are like Ahab. There are certain people in your life that you hate with a passion. You don’t want to see them, be near them, do anything with them or hear anything from them. And why do you hate them? You hate them because they are always telling you the truth you don’t want to hear. Where everyone else will speak in your favour, these ones will not do so. Instead, they will point out the error in what you are doing or tell you why what you are doing will not work. So, you hate them.
But you don’t have to hate anyone as a child of God, not to even talk of hating someone that is telling you the truth. No, it is not good to never see nothing but evil in what others are doing. But even if all that someone sees all the time in you or in what you are doing is evil, don’t hate them, however hurting their words may be. Instead, examine carefully what they are saying for the truth and honestly deal with whatever you see. And by doing so, you will have become a better and more mature person.
See, those praising you may never open your eyes to see the need for improvement in your life or in what you are doing. In short, they may make you feel that you have arrived and no longer have any greater height to attain. But those who are saying negative things about you cannot but force you to look at things differently and wholly, even where they are wrong. Yes, they cannot but help you to see other perspectives of life and how things can be better done.
So, don’t hate them, even if they hate you or are wrong. You need them too in becoming all that God wants you to become and also in accomplishing all that He wants you to accomplish. Remember that all things are yours, including those who hate and persecute you (1Cor 3:21-23). And may God daily teach you how to make the most of everything and everyone in your life in accomplishing His good purpose for your life. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for giving us all things in this life to utilise for our enjoyment and for the fulfilment of His good purpose.
- Prayers that God will cleanse our hearts of everything that resists the truth, so that we will not open the door for sudden destruction to come upon us.
- Prayers that God will always strengthen us with adequate patience to relate to anyone speaking against us, regardless of their approach, so that we will not miss out on whatever truth they may be communicating.
- Prayers that our ears will never again be deaf to any truth coming to us from God, notwithstanding whom He is speaking through, so that we can take advantage of it for our safety and for the fulfilment of His good purpose in our lives.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will restore us and whatever we have lost as a result of our rejection of certain truths brought to us in the past.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
10th February 2024 - Working together for the truth
“Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers, even though they are strangers to you. They have told the church about your love. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans. We ought therefore to show hospitality to such men so that we may work together for the truth.” (3John 5-8NIV)
Who is John the apostle talking to here? He is talking to a Christian man called Gaius. And what is he saying to him? He is telling him to stay encouraged in supporting certain minsters of the gospel that have come to minister where he is.
Now why does this man have to support those ministers of the gospel? The first reason, as shown by John, is that those ministers are doing what they are doing for the sake of the name of Jesus. In other words, the reason those people abandoned their jobs, left their families and came to some strange land to preach the gospel was the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is only proper, as pointed out by John to Gaius, that other children of God support them. And they are to do that in a manner worthy of God. That means they must not support them in a lousy way. They must not give them the support of beggars.
It is unfortunate, however, that many of God’s people don’t usually relate to their church ministers with this understanding. They don’t think of them as those who are ministering to them because of the name of Jesus Christ. Instead, they often see them as those that are representing themselves or that are in for ministry because of the material profit and social prestige they may get through it. And can we blame them? Not entirely!
As it is obvious to many of us, there are actually many so-called preachers out there that are doing whatever they are doing for their own sake and not for the sake of the name of Jesus. And this is obvious because they don’t hide it. No, they don’t hide the fact that what they are after in preaching the gospel is money, prestige, power and sometimes women. And the presence of such people in the body of Christ is not a new thing at all. They have always been around, as Paul points out in his letter to the Philippians (Phil 1:15-17).
However, we must not allow such false ministers, ministers of self-interests, to make us disobey or ignore God’s word. And that is the point John is making to Gaius in our opening text. He is saying that inasmuch as we can tell that those ministering to us or around us are truly doing so for the sake of the name of Jesus, we should not hesitate to support them in a manner worthy of God and based on what we have.
The second reason John gives for telling Gaius to support those ministers is that they are not receiving any help from pagans. It is a common thing today for preachers to solicit support from any rich person that are opportune to come by. And they won’t care what the person’s beliefs are or what he does for a living. They just want his support. And you can see why it is also convenient for them to turn weddings, funerals, birthdays and even naming ceremonies to fund raising programmes.
But ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ are not supposed to be going after support from unbelievers, not to even mention taking support from those who embezzle public funds, steal or do money rituals. This, of course, is not to say that it is totally unacceptable for unbelievers or pagans to support preachers of the gospel. They are actually situations in which it is acceptable for a preacher to receive the support of an unbeliever.
For instance, if a pagan offers a preacher his facility or land for church meetings, it might not be wrong for him to accept it. It all depends on the circumstances involved. But the preacher should not be running after pagans for ministry support. True ministers of the gospel of bible days never did that, as John points out to Gaius in our opening text. And because they would not do that, God’s children ought to give them adequate support.
Now I know there is no acceptable excuse for this. But the truth is that one of the reasons we have many preachers going after anybody, politicians, thugs, swindlers, robbers and sorcerers for support is that God’s people won’t give them adequate and timely support. Yet it is these same people of God that will take the lead in abusing them for messing up the work of God by unduly interacting with sinners.
Well, the word of God is coming to you now, if you too are one of those who won’t support your ministers and yet who are quick to judge their errors, and saying that you are not doing well. See, as further pointed out by John in our opening text, when we support those who are truly ministering in the name of the Lord, we are working together with them for the truth. We may not be able to preach like they do. We may not possess the gifts of the Spirit that they are employing in ministering to people. And we may not be available to join them in every meeting or service. But as we support them, God will see us partners with them.
What that means is that when God is going to reward them for all the sermons they have preached and all the lives they have touched, He is going to reward us together with them. Why? We have done the job together. The question, then, is, “Are you working together with your ministers for the truth or have you utterly neglected them to do the job all by themselves?” Whatever your answer is, one thing you must keep in mind is that God is never going to reward you for any service you have not rendered to Him. So, you had better begin to find out how you can be of support to the ministers in your life and then begin to truly support them.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for all the opportunities He is making available to us to serve Him by blessing others.
- Prayers that God will fill us with constant awareness of the need to support His ministers that are in our lives, so that we may work with them for the truth of the gospel.
- Prayers that God will fill our hearts with the perfect knowledge of how He wants us to support His ministers in our lives and also strengthen us to do so faithfully.
- Prayers for all the ministers of the gospel in our land that have been caught in Satan’s traps while looking for ministry support that God will show them mercy, set them free from those traps and also restore their souls and ministries.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and restore us wherever His goodness is not manifesting in our lives as it should because of our failure to support His ministers in our lives.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
3rd February 2024 - He led them well in battle
“But all the people of Israel and Judah loved David because he led them well in battle.”
(1Sam 18:16NCV)
Who was loved by the people Israel and Judah? David! Why did they love him? They loved him because he led them well in battle. In other words, he was getting results for them in battle. So, their enemies could no longer freely harass them as they used to do.
Now what made it possible for David to do well in battle like that? First, it was the presence of God in his life. The bible says this concerning what happened to him on the day that Samuel anointed him as king in place of Saul: “So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came upon David in power. Samuel then went to Ramah.” (1Sam 16:13NIV)
Did you see that? The Spirit of God came upon David in power from the moment he was anointed king in place of Saul. So, he was no longer alone in doing whatever he was doing. God was with him. And He was with him to make him successful.
Another reason for David’s success in leading his people in battle was that he had an abiding consciousness of God’s presence in his life. See, it is one thing to have the presence of God in your life; it is another thing to walk in its consciousness. If you will not live, plan and act as someone who has God with Him and in Him, you will most like live an ordinary and unexciting life all through the days of your life.
David not only had God with him, he also faced life with the consciousness that God was with him. That was why he was able to challenge Goliath and defeat him. He told him this:
“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will hand you over to me, and I'll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give all of you into our hands." (1Sam 17:45-47NIV)
Did you see that? Even though David had a sling and some stones in his hand that day, he did not mention them when addressing Goliath. Instead, he told him that he had come against him in the name of the Lord Almighty. He also told him that he was going to kill him and cut off his head. And did he do so or not? He did so. What gave him the confidence to speak and act like that? It was the consciousness of the presence of God in his life that he possessed.
The third thing responsible for David’s success was the fact that he yielded himself to be trained by God. Look at what he says in a Psalm about this:
“It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze.” (Ps 18:32-34NIV)
What is David showing us here? He is showing us how God made him fit to win battles. First, he says that God supplies him with the strength to fight. Second, he says God trains his hands for battle. Think about that. It was God that taught this man to be a warrior. How did He do that? David would not say. But the fact remains that the man yielded himself for God to teach him. He was not lazy in learning. So, he became a great and successful warrior king, one that was loved very much by his people.
Now what are the lessons for us in all this? First, it is that if we are doing well in handling whatever is entrusted to us, whether in our workplaces, in our families, in our communities or in the church of God, those who are benefiting from our good works will love and cherish us. But if we are messing up whatever is committed to our care, it will not be long before we start irritating those counting on us, even if they have always been fond of us. And at some point, they will be left with no choice but to find someone else that will deliver to replace us. May another person not take the place meant for you in life, in Jesus’ name.
Second, it is that if we will walk with an abiding consciousness of God presence in our lives and also allow Him to train us to succeed, we will always succeed in all our endeavours. God is already with us and in us because we are His children. What is now important is for us to take advantage of His presence in our lives to handle well whatever is entrusted to our care.
How? First, we must devote ourselves to praying to Him to equip us with everything we need to succeed in all our endeavours (Heb 13:21). Second, we must not be lazy but give ourselves to learning whatever we need to learn to become excellent in handling our endeavours, knowing that God will make us understand it fast. Third, we must face every situation with the mindset of one that has been made victorious by God. Fourth, we must get busy doing whatever is our responsibility to do in attaining success. And if we will give ourselves to doing these four things, nothing will ever fail in our hands again. Instead, we will find ourselves going from success to success and causing those benefiting from our successes to love us dearly and to always praise God for making us so useful and profitable.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for His abiding presence with us and for His commitment to training us to be successful in all our endeavours in life.
- Prayers that God will strengthen our hearts to walk everyday with the consciousness that He is always with us and in us to equip us with everything we need for success and excellence in life.
- Prayers that God will equip us with everything that will make us continually successful and profitable in handling all our endeavours, so that those counting on our success will never be disappointed in us again.
- Prayers that God will rid us of every attitude that is making success impossible or difficult for us in life, so that we can gain speed in accomplishing great things in life.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
27th January 2024 - Your reputation matters
“And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All my fellow townsmen know that you are a woman of noble character.” (Ruth 3:11NIV)
Those were Boaz’s words to Ruth the Moabitess, when she came to request that he would take her under his wings, that is, as his wife. And what do we observe from what he said to her? It is that Ruth was a woman of noble character. But she was not just a woman of noble character, she was also known by all the people in her town as a woman of noble character.
How, then, was she known in that way? Evidently, it was through her interaction with the people of the land. That means she left a good and pleasant impression about herself with anyone she interacted with. Also, it means she consistently did that. She could not have built a reputation as a virtuous woman among the people, if she was kind in the morning but cruel in the evening or if she was good to the women but harsh to the men or if she was honest and hard working on Sunday but dishonest and lazy on Monday. She had to be good, kind, honest, diligent and pure all the time and in all her dealings with the people around her in order to build that kind of reputation.
So, we can actually build a good reputation among those in our world. All we need is to be consistent, that is, long enough in doing what is right in our lives and also in all our dealings with others. And before we know it, people will have no problem associating with us, relying on us or helping us in whatever ways they can.
As we see in our opening text, Boaz said that he was going to do for Ruth all that she asked for. But what she asked for was actually a hard thing. Yes, the law of the land at the time permitted a widow without a child to approach a brother or a close relative of her late husband and ask him to marry her. Why? It was so that she could bear a son for her late husband, a son that would carry on with his name and also inherit his properties. (Cf. Deut 25:5-10)
Nevertheless, it was not everyone that was approached in this manner that would show interest. People could actually say ‘No’ to such proposals and heavens would not fall down. And we see in Ruth’s case that the man that was most qualified to remarry her rejected the proposal. Why? Was it because he did not like to have someone like Ruth as his wife? No! Rather, it was because he did not want to do anything that would hurt his family. (Cf. Ruth 4:1-6)
Ruth, as Boaz points out to us in our opening text, was every man’s dream. So, unless you had a good excuse to give yourself, she was someone you, as a man, would want to marry by all righteous means. That explains why, as wealthy, busy, influential and old as Boaz was at the time, he set aside a whole day to make sure Ruth had a man in her life.
Therefore, your reputation matters. if you have a good reputation, you will often find people who will want to go to any extent to help or save you. But if what you have is a bad reputation, regardless of how rich, popular, educated or beautiful you may be, most of those who know you will avoid you like a plague, like a contagious disease. And that may shut certain doors of promotion or salvation against you when you are in serious need of them.
Look at Nabal of David’s time, for example. He had a reputation for being cruel and insensitive. And how did he gain that reputation? It was by being consistently harsh and mean to the people around him. His case was so bad that one of his servants said this about him to his wife: “He is such a wicked man that no one can talk to him.” (Cf. 1Sam 25:17)
That, of course, explains why no one attempted to counsel him on how to answer David’s men that came to him. In fact, when David and his men were going to attack his household, nobody still went to inform him about it. Instead, it was his wife that they went to talk to, so that she may save them. Why? It was because of his reputation as a harsh and mean man. (Cf. 1Sam 25:4-17)
Perhaps you too are like Nabal. You are so harsh and mean that even your own spouse and children cannot freely approach you. You should not be surprised, then, if no one warns you of certain traps you may fall into or if no one carries you along about what is going on in their lives. Your reputation doesn’t warrant it.
Well, as long as we are alive, it is not too late to change or rebuild our reputation, if it is bad and stinking. Zachaeus took a bold step to change his bad reputation the very day Jesus came into his life and home (Luke 19:1-10). You also can change whatever bad or ugly reputation you have. You only need to be consistent in doing what is right long enough. And before you know it, people will start changing their minds about you. But you have to start now. Yes, you have to identify those things you need to change about your life in order to build a good reputation and begin to change them right away. And may you receive sufficient strength, determination and boldness to do so from the Lord. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because through His word and by His Spirit we can change our lives and our reputation from bad to good.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see those things that are unrighteous or ugly about our reputation, so that we can begin to do the needful about them.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see all the right steps we need to take in order to build a truly godly reputation in our world.
- Prayers that God will fill us with adequate wisdom, strength, determination and boldness to begin to take every step we need to take to build a reputation that will bring Him praise among all the people in our lives.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and restore our lives and fortunes wherever we are suffering today because of the bad impression we left in others about ourselves.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
20th January 2024 - The good man and his good things
“The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.” (Matt 12:35NIV)
Those are the words of our Lord Jesus Christ. And they are showing us that it is not only the evil things that we see happening around us that come from the stores of people’s hearts; even the good things that we see people do are coming from the stores of their hearts.
Where did the GSM come from? It originated from someone’s heart. And now the whole world is enjoying its dividends. Where did automobiles and aircrafts come from? They came from the hearts of certain individuals who wanted transportation to be easier, faster and safer. And the whole world is now enjoying the dividends of these good things that they brought out of the stores of their hearts.
To say the fact, if we want to begin to list the good things that different kinds of good people have brought out of the stores of their hearts for the enjoyment of people everywhere, space will not permit us. It is just sufficient to say that if you are a child of God, then, as pointed out by our Lord Jesus Christ, there are good things God has deposited in the store of your heart. It is now up to you to either bring out these good things for your benefit and the benefit of those in your world or to let them perish in you.
Paul, writing to Timothy in a letter, says to him, “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” (2Tim 1:6-7NIV) What is Timothy’s instruction here? It is to fan into flame the gift of God, the good deposit of God in him. And what does that mean? It means that he is to bring that good thing God has given him out of the store of his heart and begin to utilise it, to the end that people may know about it and benefit from it.
Now you know that if you start a fire somewhere, people will surely see its flame, depending on how big the fire is. And they will not see its flame because you have invited them to come and see or watch it; rather, they will see its flame because flame its always calls for attention.
In like manner, if we will bring out whatever good thing God has deposited in us and begin to adequately utilise it, those around us will soon see the flame and be drawn to it. And only God Himself can tell to what degree doing that will benefit us and them. When electricity was first brought out of the store of someone’s heart, nobody knew at the time that almost everything being done in the modern world would revolve around it. But look at its unspeakable benefits today.
In the same vein, no man may be able to tell today the benefits that will be derived by mankind through the good things that God has deposited in each of us. But if we will bring these things out of the stores of our hearts, then, they may just become what the whole world will be talking about and praising God for in the next couple years. So, begin to bring out of the store of your heart all the good things that God has deposited in it. Yes, begin to fan into flame all the gifts of God in you.
Why should you do that? First, it is because God will someday hold you accountable for every one of the gifts He has deposited in your life. And how you have fared with them is one of the things that will determine how He will reward you. Second, it is because the proper functioning of the world you are living in depends on it. See, the world cannot function as it ought to function, even if it is only one person in it that is hiding the good deposits of God in him and not utilising them. So, before you start complaining that the world is not good or safe enough, you should first ask yourself, “Am I bringing out all the good deposits of God in me to make the world better and safer to live in?” (Cf. Matt 25:14-30)
But then, can you actually bring out the good deposits of God in you to make your life and your world experience more goodness? Yes, you can. First, you can, if you know what those good things are. Timothy, evidently, knew the good deposit of God in him that he was supposed to fan into flame. It was a spiritual gift. But do you know yours? It does not matter whether it is a spiritual gift or a natural ability or an acquired skill. What matters is that you know that you have it. Until you know that you have it, you cannot bring it out for use.
Now one of the reasons God has given us His Holy Spirit is that we may know and understand all the things that He has freely given to us, spiritual, mental and material (1Cor 2:12). He has given us His Spirit to shine the light on all the hidden treasures and riches in the dark and secret places of our hearts. So, there is no excuse for us not to know the good things in the stores of our heart. What we need to do, then, is to first begin to pray that God, by His Spirit in us, will open our eyes to see these things, so that we can begin to utilise them for His glory and for the betterment of life for us. Then we also need to begin to speak to our lives that they will release every good deposit of God in them for His glory and for the enjoyment of our lives and our world.
Finally, the second reason we can bring out the good deposits of God in us, as Paul points out to us in our opening text, is that He has not given us the spirit of timidity or fear. Rather, what He has given us is the spirit of love, power and self-discipline. So, we have all the motivation we need to bring out the good deposits of God in us to do our lives and our world good and to also bring God praise. What are we waiting for, then?
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for all the blessings and good deposits of His Spirit in the stores of our lives.
- Prayers that God, by His Spirit, will shine light on the stores of our hearts, so that we will see every good thing He has deposited in us for His glory and for the joy of our world.
- Declarations that all the good things God has deposited in us will no longer be hidden but begin to manifest themselves for the transformation of our lives and our world.
- Prayers that we will be daily strengthened will all power, love and self-discipline to make adequate and appropriate use of every good deposit of God in our lives this year.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
13th January 2024 - Cultivate the right attitude
“But the LORD said to Gideon, "There are still too many men. Take them down to the water, and I will sift them for you there. If I say, 'This one shall go with you,' he shall go; but if I say, 'This one shall not go with you,' he shall not go." So Gideon took the men down to the water. There the LORD told him, "Separate those who lap the water with their tongues like a dog from those who kneel down to drink." Three hundred men lapped with their hands to their mouths. All the rest got down on their knees to drink. The LORD said to Gideon, "With the three hundred men that lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands. Let all the other men go, each to his own place."” (Judg 7:4-8NIV)
Scriptures plainly show us that God, our Father, is a God who does good to all men, even when they are sinful. In other words, it is not every time that He treats people according to their good works or bad works. Instead, He often treats people according to His mercy and generosity. This, of course, is one of the reasons many have assumed that He will never be active in judging their wickedness. But at the right time, He will surely judge all forms of wickedness. He is only being patient with everyone at the moment, so that they will not perish in their sins but come to repentance. (Cf. Matt 5:45; Acts 14:14-17; 2Peter 3:9)
But then, even though God often treats all people according to His mercy and generosity, there are times that He considers people’s attitude to Him, to life or to their duties in order to determine what He does for them or does not do for them. For instance, in our opening bible text, we see God leading Gideon to separate his fighting men on the basis of the approach each one adopted in drinking water. And is there anything worthy of note in the way we drink water, whether we are dealing water from a tap, a river or a stream? For us, there may not be anything worthy of note in that. But for God, it shows something about our attitude towards life and may be the difference between success and failure.
As we further see in our opening text, God told Gideon to take the men he had gathered to fight on his side against the Midianites to the water and watch out for the approach each of them would adopt in drinking water. And what did he discover when he did that? He saw that many of them knelt down to drink from the water while only three hundred among them lapped the water with their tongues from their hands.
Now what was the significance of that to the battle they were going to fight? Watchfulness! Those who knelt down to drink water among those men did not function with a consciousness that they were in a war zone and that their enemies could break out on them anytime. And if that should happen, many of them would have been killed before they got themselves ready to fight.
But those who lapped the water with their tongues from their hands showed that they were vigilant. They showed that they were conscious of the place they were and of what mighty come upon them there anytime. So, even though they were only three hundred, they were the ones that God eventually chose and used to win the victory over the Midianites for the whole nation of Israel. (Cf. Judges 7-8)
The lesson here, then, is very simple. And it is that there are attitudes that will disqualify us for certain experiences of promotion, expansion or prosperity that God wants us to have in this life. It is important, therefore, that we recognise those attitudes and rid our lives of them before the seasons God will test our readiness for higher grounds come. Otherwise, our experience of what is meant to be ours may just be postponed or lost forever.
As we see in the bible, there was a day King David came home to specially bless his household, having blessed all the people of Israel that had come to celebrate the moving of the Ark of the Covenant to the place prepared for it. And that, of course, was the day God would have removed the reproach of barrenness from the life of Michal the daughter of King Saul, David’s first wife. But that did not happen at all. Why? Her attitude! (Cf. 2Sam 6:20-23)
First, her attitude towards praising God was wrong. While everyone, including King David her husband, was praising God and dancing before Him, she was not there with them to participate. Instead, she was spectating from a widow. Why? She most likely saw herself as too dignified to be involved in what was happening. (Cf. 2Samuel 6:16)
Second, her attitude towards her husband was wrong. It is was that of pride. Not only did she not join him in praising God and dancing before Him, she also despised him in her heart. In other words, she looked at him as an overrated king, as one that was not fit at all to be king in place of her father. To make matters, when he came home to bless her and every other person in his household, she confronted him and told him what she thought of him. So, instead for David to bless her, he just took his blessings away to others. And that was how her barrenness remained with her for life.
I share this story with you to let you know that if we will not pay attention to the wrong attitudes we have in our lives and urgently deal with them, when God moves to exalt or enlarge us, they may be the very things that will hinder Him. So, whatever that wrong attitude may be in your life, pride, greed, laziness, negligence, carelessness or recklessness, admit it and ask God to rid your life of it. Otherwise, it may just keep you stagnant for life.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for loving us enough to have plans of exaltation for us.
- Prayers that God, by His Spirit and through His word, will build into our lives all the right forms of attitude that will establish us in the path of progress and excellence in life.
- Prayers that our eyes will be opened to see every wrong and limiting attitude in our lives for what it is, so that we will embrace God’s word in ridding our lives of it.
- Prayers that God Himself will move in our lives and cleanse them of attitudes and habits that are bound to keep us in stagnation in life.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will restore to us seasons of elevation that eluded us because of our wrong attitudes in relating to Him or life and make us ready to utilise them for our good.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
6th January 2024 - All the land that you see
“The LORD said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, "Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever.”” (Gen 13:14-16NIV)
Why did God wait for Lot to leave Abraham before speaking the words of the above bible text to him? Clearly, it was because He wanted to make a clear distinction between what He was giving to him and what He was giving to Lot. Did He not care about Lot? He did. And because He cared about him, He gave him and his descendants their own inheritance as well. Then, to show that that He cared about him, He would later warn the Israelites, the descendants of Abraham, not to go near the lands of his descendants, for He would not give them any part of it. (Cf. Deut 2:9-22)
So, God cared about Lot and his future. But his future was not with Abraham. That was why He waited for him to leave before He began to reveal some things to Abraham about what He was giving to him. In like manner, there are times that the presence of some people in our lives or around us can be preventing us from experiencing certain plans of God for our lives. And that may not be because these people are bad or injurious. It may just be that God’s plans for them do not include sharing in His blessings for our lives. And if we are not discerning and decide to keep them with us by all means, then, certain things that God wants to deliver to us may never be ours.
Abraham, for example, loved Lot dearly and would not want them to separate for any reason. Why? First, he was his late brother’s son. Second, he was the one responsible for bringing him up to become the wealthy man that he was. Third, Abraham at that time had no son of his own. So, he must have taken Lot as his own son.
Nevertheless, when it became clear to him that keeping Lot with him would only cause daily conflicts among their workers, he decided to let him leave. And to show that he cared about him, he gave him the privilege to be the first to choose the part of the land that was before them that he would occupy. It was after this, then, that He began to experience the goodness of God in greater measures. (Cf. Gen 13)
So, regardless of how much you care for someone or how useful they are to you, don’t insist on keeping them, if it is clear that there is no way you will be together and experience peace or progress. This, of course, is not always easy, especially in marriage relationships. But instead for a man and his wife to destroy themselves, simply because they do not want to go for a divorce, is it not better for them to go their separate ways? I believe it is better.
Well, after Lot had left Abraham, God told him to lift up his eyes and look north, south, east and west. Why? It was because He wanted to give to him all the land that his eyes could see. That means the only limitation he could experience was that which his eyes placed on him. If his eyes were good enough to see clear and far, then, whatever he saw would be his. And it would be his not just because he saw it but because God was giving it to him.
Remember that Lot also, before he left Abraham, had looked up and had seen that the plain of Jordan, where Sodom and Gomorrah were situated, was like Eden. Therefore, he chose it for himself. But what he chose for himself was what was reserved for destruction. And if he had not been shown mercy, he would have perished there without any descendants to carry on his name.
So, the fact that we see something and choose it for ourselves does not mean it will be ours to forever possess and enjoy. It is only what we see by the leading of the Spirit of God that we can expect God to deliver to us for our enjoyment for life. But we still have to look and see what God wants us to see. And we need good eyes, good spiritual eyes to see all that can be ours to possess and enjoy. Otherwise, we will still not be all that God intends us to be here on earth or have all that He intends us to have.
How, then, do we get good spiritual eyes that can clearly see all that God wants us to see? First, it is by asking God Himself to fill our eyes with sufficient light to clearly see all that He wants us to see. Second, it is by giving ourselves to His word, for the unfolding of His word gives light and understanding to men. Third, it is by maintaining fellowship with God’s people that are themselves seeing clearly all that God wants them to see. That way, we can continually have our spiritual sight sharpened to see all that God wants us to see and possess. And I pray that your eyes will be made good enough by the Spirit of God to see clearly all that you need to see this year to enjoy God to the fullest in your life and affairs. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for all the beautiful plans He has for us and for His commitment to making them come to pass.
- Prayers that God will fill us with adequate wisdom and boldness to do the right thing about every loving or legitimate relationship that is hindering the manifestation of His goodness in our lives.
- Prayers that we will be kept this year from making choices only on the basis of what our physical senses can comprehend, so that we will not choose things that are reserved for destruction.
- Prayers that God will make our inner eyes completely whole to see all the beautiful things He wants us to see and possess for our prosperity and peace of mind this year.
- Prayers that God Himself will clear the way for us to possess every good thing He opens our eyes to see this year for our prosperity and enjoyment.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Equip the people in your life - 26th November 2022
“So on the day of the battle not a soldier with Saul and Jonathan had a sword or spear in his hand; only Saul and his son Jonathan had them.” (1Sam 13:22NIV)
When the word of God tells us not to look to our own interests alone but also to the interests of others, it is for our own good. Of course, we may not know exactly when or how or to what extent we will benefit from doing so. But there will surely be times in our lives when we will reap the fruit of genuinely taking interest in the welfare, growth and development of the people in our lives, be it our spouses, children, family members, neighbours, colleagues at work or church brethren. (Cf. Phil 2:4)
As we see in our opening bible text, there was a time during the reign of King Saul that none of the soldiers with him had a sword or spear to defend themselves or their country. Only he and his son Jonathan had them. What that means is that all the soldiers with him, whatever their number may be, were useless to him and to their country at the time. They were useless because they had nothing to offer for the safety of the land when their enemies came to battle against them.
But who was to blame for that? Saul was to blame for it. He was their leader. He was their king. And he must have known that there would surely be days in which their enemies would rise up to fight against them. Why, then, did he not labour hard to see to it that all his soldiers were adequately equipped with quality weapons to defend themselves and their beloved country? Or what exactly did he think he was going to do with soldiers that had no real weapons but farming tools? Could he even call those ones soldiers? Definitely not!
Now, of course, as are equally shown in the passage where this matter is recorded in the bible, it was the Philistines that orchestrated the whole thing. They were the ones that made sure there was no blacksmith in all of Israel. So, all the people had to go down to them to make or sharpen their farm tools. You can see, then, that these Philistines did what they did to keep the Israelites dependent on them for as long as possible. They wanted to make sure they would never be strong enough to liberate themselves or defend themselves against their hostility and oppression. And they succeeded. (Cf. 1Sam 13:19-21)
But why did they succeed? They succeeded because the king of Israel did not take the training and equipping of his own people very seriously. Even if the Philistines would not teach their blacksmithing skills to the Israelites, he could have sent spies to other countries around them to learn these skills and to come back and teach them to their country people. But he did not do that because he was not passionate enough about the equipping of his fighting men. And because he failed in this matter, on the day of battle, when he needed these men to stand with him in fighting their enemies, they were useless to him, for they had no weapon to fight with.
Unfortunately, similar things are happening in our country today and, in fact, in many other countries of Africa. Most of our leaders do not take the education, training and equipping of their people seriously. And though there are developed countries, here and there, that are willing to share their knowledge in various fields with anyone willing to learn, these leaders are not doing much to sponsor their people to go and learn and become well-equipped enough in various fields of life to be able to give back to their countries.
Therefore, many of our African countries have been depending on the developed nations of the world for almost everything modern we want or need. And we may forever remain dependent on these developed nations for our sustenance in this modern world, if we don’t change our ways. And God forbid, if any of them should decide to wage war against us, the outcome would have been decided even before the war started.
What is my point? It is that we should be concerned not just about our own personal development and usefulness in life but also about the education, training and equipping of the people in our lives, especially our spouses, children, siblings, workers and brethren in church. Yes, sometimes, this may not be convenient and may even cost us some things that are very dear to us. But if we equip the people in our lives or support them in whatever way we can to become adequately equipped and fit to handle life by themselves, a day may come when they will be the ones supporting us to win some battles of life that we can’t win alone or to expand our sphere of influence in life in very significant ways.
So, don’t let life be all about you alone. Be concerned about others too. Be concerned about those in your life and see how you can help them get fit for life, spiritually, academically and financially, according to the grace God has given you. And a day will come when you will be glad you contributed to their fitness or readiness to handle life.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for all that He has enabled us to know and acquire to be fit to handle life.
- Prayers that our eyes will be opened to see the training and development needs of those in our lives, so that we may know where they need our help.
- Prayers that we will be furnished with adequate wisdom and resources to support the equipping of everyone in our lives according to their needs.
- Prayers that God will touch the heart of everyone that is in a position to equip us or support us to increase in usefulness in life to begin to carry out His will in our lives without delay.
- Prayers that God will wake up the leadership of our nation and that of our various organisations and enterprises to begin to take the education and development of those under them very seriously, so that our country will not remain handicapped among the nations of the world.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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It can take a while -19th November 2022
“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, He who is coming will come and will not delay.” (Heb 10:35-37NIV)
How readily does God answer the prayers of His people and move on their behalf? Very readily! Immediately! Now, of course, there are people who think differently. And they think differently because they have been taught by some preachers that God does not always answer people readily. According to them, there are times that He may tell people to wait for a while before He answers them and times that He may tell them ‘No’ outright. But these ideas are not rooted in God’s word but in people’s imaginations.
From what we see in Scriptures, every prayer that is offered by God’s people that is in line with His will is answered by Him immediately (1John 5:14). In fact, our Lord Jesus says this about God’s attitude towards prayers offered to Him: “And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"” (Luke 18:7-8NIV)
Did you see that? God never puts off His people who are praying to Him. Instead, He always attends to them quickly. The Lord’s concern, however, is that God’s people may not see things like this and maintain their faith in Him. That is why He asks whether He will still find faith here on earth when He returns. In other words, will people still be trusting in God when He returns or will they have thrown away their confidence in Him?
Yes, sometimes, it may look like God is not active or answering our prayers at all. And sometimes, He may appear too slow in handling what concerns us. But God, according to Scriptures, is never inactive or slow in relating to matters that concern His people. Rather, He is always immediate and quick to respond to them. Nevertheless, there are times that it may take a while for what He has done or doing on our behalf to manifest for us to see.
For example, when He sent Moses to lead the nation of Israel out of Egypt, it was not the very day that he arrived in Egypt that he led them out. It probably took him some months, though we are not given any specifics in the bible about this. But, at least, we are shown in the bible that Pharaoh was unwilling to let the people go. So, Moses had to perform waves of miracles, one after the other, to bring Pharaoh to his knees and let the people go.
Now all the time that this was going on, things were getting rougher and more difficult for the Israelites. Pharoah saw to it that they were frustrated and oppressed more than ever before. It was so bad that even Moses had to cry out to God at some point, saying, “O Lord, why have you brought trouble upon this people? Is this why you sent me? Ever since I went to Pharaoh to speak in your name, he has brought trouble upon this people, and you have not rescued your people at all." (Ex 5:22-23NIV)
And who among us has never felt like that before? Who among us has never for once felt that God was not helping them at all? I have felt like that many times before. I have several times woken up to still find the same problems I have fervently prayed about staring me in the face, looking as though God had not even lifted any finger to address it. And that, of course, is exactly how Satan, the evil being behind all our problems and pains, always wants us to feel about God. He always wants us to feel that He in unconcerned or unmoved about what we are facing and praying to Him about.
But that is never true. God truly cares about us and is truly concerned about us. That is why He Himself is the one that has invited us to cast all our burdens on Him. All we need, then, is to cast them on Him and to maintain our faith in Him, knowing that He has gotten to work the moment we pass these burdens over to Him. (Cf. Ps 55:22; 1Peter 5:7)
In the case of these Israelites, the moment God heard their outcry in Egypt, He began to work for their deliverance. But first He had to wait for the man He was going to use to be ready. And He took him forty years to wait for the only person that was fit for the job to be ready. In fact, He almost literally dragged this man, Moses, out of his shell in order for him to go and save them. Perhaps that is also what He is doing at the moment to certain people that He has prepared to handle certain matters of your life. Perhaps He is dragging them out of their shells, so that they can attend to those situations. But would you know that, if your eyes were not open to see what He is doing? No! (Cf. Ex 3-4)
Then when Moses got to Egypt to work, he was met with very stiff opposition from Pharoah and his sorcerers. So, God had to send ten different plagues on the nation of Egypt before these Israelites could gain their independence. And that, as I pointed out before, took some time. So, you can see that it is not everything God is doing in response to our prayers that we can enjoy immediately or right at the instant that we pray. Some things can take a while before we begin to enjoy His works for us concerning them. And how long each situation of our lives that He is fixing will take before we witness a full manifestation of His works concerning it will depend on the nature of the situation.
Sometimes, we underestimate the nature of the problems we are dealing with, thinking that they should not take God a minute to fix. But what is behind those problems may be bigger than what our minds can handle. And God who knows this will not take half measures at all in dealing with such problems. Instead, He will do all that needs to be done for them to be permanently resolved. But this may take some time.
All of this is why we are told in our opening Scripture not to throw away our confidence in Him or give up on Him. Yes, it may look like nothing is happening or that things are getting worse. But that does not mean that God is not at work on our behalf. He is working and will not delay His works at all. We are the ones, then, that should continue to persevere in doing His will. That is because that is the only way we will receive a full manifestation of what He is doing for us and not miss His help or provisions.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He cares about us and is always working for our good, even when it looks like everything is falling apart for us.
- Prayers that our hearts will be strengthened to always maintain our confidence in God about every situation of our lives, so that we will witness a full manifestation of all that He is doing to save or elevate us.
- Prayers that our eyes will be opened to see the steps we need to take for ourselves while waiting for God’s work to manifest about those situations of our lives that are giving us the impression that God has abandoned us.
- Prayers that God will quicken and make ready everyone He has appointed to attend to matters of our elevation in life or salvation from certain troubles that is still sleeping, afraid or reluctant to work, so that they can get to work for our good without delay.
- Prayers that wherever there is a need for waves of miracles for us to experience the best God has purposed for our lives that God will stretch forth His hand and begin to perform them right away.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Too much for you - 12th November 2022
“Lord, I have given up my pride and turned away from my arrogance. I am not concerned with great matters or with subjects too difficult for me.” (Ps 131:1GNT)
In the book of Daniel, he narrates one of the visions he saw in which he heard certain things that he did not understand at all. And when he asked the angel that was sent to give him those revelations, he simply told him that it was not his business to understand what he had heard. The actual words of that angel were: “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end.” (Dan 12:9NIV)
Also, when the apostles of old began to ask Jesus questions about the signs of the end time and of His return, He told them without mincing words that no one, not even the angels or He Himself, knows the day or hour He will return. Only God, the Father, knows. And there is nothing anybody does to search it out that will amount to anything. Why? God, in His wisdom, has chosen not to disclose it. He has chosen not to disclose it because we don’t need to know it. That means that knowledge is not relevant to our steadfastness in the faith and also probably too much for us to handle. (Cf. Matt 24; Mark)
If we, then, insist of searching it out, we will surely get into trouble. And there have been people who got into trouble along these lines. In their attempt to search out the exact day that the Lord would return, they ended up being seduced by evil spirits to come up with misleading dates and times. Thus, they endangered their own faith and the faith of others who believed them and brought disgrace upon the body of Christ.
Now just as it is with spiritual things, so also it is with natural things. What I mean is that just as there are spiritual matters that are too much for us to know or handle, there are also natural matters that are too much or too deep for us to handle. And that is what David is drawing our attention to in our opening bible text. There he tells us that he does not concern himself with matters that are great or too difficult for him to process or handle.
Evidently, David was a very wise and godly man. Yet he knew his limitations and boundaries. So, he would not get himself involved in probing to know something that he had no business knowing. Why? He knew that could get him into troubles that were not meant for him.
We too need to know our limitations and boundaries in life. We need to be able to separate knowledge that we need from knowledge that is useless to us or that is too much for us to handle. Look, it is not everything we need to know about the people in our lives or around us. And it is not everything we need to know about the place we live or work in. Some knowledge is not good for us at all. That, of course, will be because we have no wisdom or character to handle it.
For instance, when I was working in the bank, there were times some compliant officers would meet me and ask questions like, “Did so and so actually do this?” And my response would be, “Well, that question is above my pay grade. It is not my job to know. I have not been saddled with the responsibility of knowing what so and so is doing. And I really don’t want to know.” Why? I did not want to be dragged into matters that I had no authority to comment on or to defend. Also, I did not want to make unnecessary enemies for myself in matters that had nothing to do with my job or reputation. So, I always excused myself from such things and allowed those employed to handle them to handle them.
But there are people who often foolishly put their noses where they do not belong in their offices or neighbourhoods. They want to know what is going on with everyone so that they will always appear up-to-date. And before they know it, they will have heard something too big for their ears to handle or too great for their mouth to speak of. Then people that should never have been their enemies will rise up against them to hinder their progress or to destroy them. And they may not be able to escape.
Also, personally, I always love to maintain a good notion about the people in my life and around me, based on my personal judgment of who they are. Therefore, I don’t encourage anyone to tell me ugly stories of their past, especially when they have nothing to contribute to my present relationship with them or their present situation. I consider such information to be useless to me. It will probably only stain the good picture of them that I have in my mind. Why, then, should I have it?
But there have been people who dug deep into the past of their friends or spouses only to find there things too terrible for them to bear. Yes, what they found out probably had no direct effect on their relationships. But it ruined their minds and the images of their partners they had always had. And before they knew it, their relationships were ruined as well, ruined for nothing.
Now don’t get me wrong here. I am not saying that if we are in certain relationships with people we should not seek to know what they are up to or capable of doing. We should by all means know these things. Otherwise, we may become victims of our own ignorance someday. Then I am not saying that if we are working somewhere we should not know what is going on there or what those we are working with are up to. We should by all means seek to know anything that concerns our job or that is related to it. Otherwise, we may end up foolishly getting into trouble and putting our job or reputation at risk.
However, in situations where we have no authority whatsoever to know what is going on in someone’s life or in a certain place, we should do our best not to put our noses where they do not belong. Also, where people have made it clear to us through their words or actions that it is not our business or in our interest to know certain things about them or about the place we are in, and if we too know that is not our business or in our interest to know these things, we should back off. Otherwise, our insistence on knowing what is too much for us to handle may end up bringing disgrace, bitterness or destruction of lives, relationships or reputations on us. And may that not be your experience, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for the wisdom of His Spirit that is ever available to us in His word for our safety in life.
- Prayers that our hearts will always be full of the wisdom of the Spirit to be able to separate the knowledge that we need from that which we do not need, so that we will never again invite unnecessary troubles into our own lives.
- Prayers that God will rid our lives of whatever unclean appetite we may have for seeking to know things that we don’t need to know.
- Prayers that wherever we are now in trouble because of our possession of certain information that we don’t need that God, in His mercy, will step in and rescue us and anyone else that is involved.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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What will you say? -
29th October 2022
"If I have denied justice to my menservants and maidservants when they had a grievance against me, what will I do when God confronts me? What will I answer when called to account? Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?”
(Job 31:13-15NIV)
Those were some of Job’s words, when he was labouring to show his friends that he had been leading a blameless life all his life and did not deserve to experience the terrible things that came upon him and his family. And was he right to think and speak like that? No! Was he right to think that his good works were enough to keep evil away from his life and family? No!
Nevertheless, the things he said about his consciousness of God, which we have in our opening bible text, are worthy of note. According to him, he was conscious of the fact that God was watching his every action and move and would someday hold him accountable for it. What, then, would he say to Him on the day He begins to question him about the way he had dealt with his workers, both male and female? What would he say to God, if he had treated them maliciously and denied them justice or their rights? What would be his excuse for using them despitefully and without consideration?
As he further points out, the same God who formed him in his mother’s womb also formed these workers of his in their mothers’ wombs. Therefore, even though he was occupying a place in life that was better than theirs, he was not better than any of them before God. If he, then, ignored this fact and began to abuse and maltreat them, he would someday have to answer to God for all his crimes. And since he knew that he would have no answer to give Him on that day, he would not treat anybody unfairly, whether highborn or lowborn. Instead, he related to everyone in his life with fairness and justice. No wonder God Himself testified that he was blameless in all his ways and that there was none like him on the face of the earth (Job 1:8).
In like manner, we too need to function in life with the consciousness that God is watching us and will someday hold us responsible for how we use our positions and how we treat others. What, then, are we going to say to Him, when He confronts us about how we are treating the people in our lives? What are we going to say to Him, when He begins to call us to account for all the cheating, abuses and wickedness that perhaps characterise our ways of dealing with others?
Recently, the internet was awash with news about a man that so beat his own two-month-old baby that one of the baby’s arms had to be amputated. And why did he treat the baby like that? It was reported that it was because he disturbed his sleep with his crying? But would he be able to say that to God when He eventually confronts him about the matter?
Now I am not in a position to judge that man for what he did. By the way, God is able to forgive even him for what he did. But I am saying this to let us know that we need to always be conscious that God is someday going to hold us accountable for whatever we say and do to ourselves and also to others, even if men will not hold us accountable. That way, we will think carefully and well before we say or do anything that we will not be proud of before Him.
Mind you, this goes beyond what will happen on the day that God will judge all men and the secrets of our hearts. It also involves what can happen while we are still here in the world. As we see in the bible, there was a day when God confronted King Belshazzar, son of Nebuchadnezzar, with the truth about his life and reign. God made this man know on that day that He had been watching him all along and examining his actions and motives, so that He may judge him accordingly and at the right time.
But did he know that he was being watched and examined by God? No! Or did he know that he was daily moving closer to taking the one step that would make the cup of his sins full? No. And why did he not know these things? It was because he was not conscious of God. But when he took that step, God gave His verdict against him, with a writing on the wall of his palace, which says:
“Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. Peres: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians." (Dan 5:26-28NIV)
Unfortunately, similar things are still happening to people everywhere in the world today because they are not conscious of God. Everyday God is judging the wickedness and stubbornness of men, just as He is rewarding their goodness and acts of righteousness. And that He has not come to you or me does not mean that He is not coming at all. He will surely come to us someday to either reward or punish us for what we are doing to ourselves and to others in our lives. What, then, shall we say to Him when He comes? Are we even going to be able to speak at all?
Well, these words are coming to you now so that you will be reminded again that we have a God who is watching us and who will not be passive in judging and rewarding our actions and motives, whether they are good or evil. And we will do well to take note of this and begin to handle all our affairs accordingly. May we not be found wanting by Him in any way, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for being patient in dealing with us, so that we may have opportunities to discover our errors and repent of them.
- Prayers that God will keep His consciousness forever in our hearts, so that we will not do anything to anyone without considering what He will say about it.
- Prayers that God will cause us to humble ourselves before His word and repent without delay wherever we are abusing or maltreating those in our lives with our authority, position, wealth or power, so that we will not take one more step in error that will lead to our destruction.
- Prayers that wherever we are suffering in our lives now because of the bad treatment we gave to others in the past God will show us mercy because of the death of Jesus and rescue us from the consequences of our errors.
- Prayers that God will keep our spirits, souls and bodies blameless before Him, so that when our Lord Jesus returns to judge we will not be ashamed to speak before His presence.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to all our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Recognise their authority - 22nd October 2022
“For even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than pulling you down, I will not be ashamed of it.” (2Cor 10:8NIV)
What kind of authority is Paul speaking of here? It is spiritual authority. He is speaking of the authority to supernaturally affect or transform people’s lives. And who gave him this authority? It was the Lord Jesus Christ. And why did He give it to him? As he himself points out in our opening text, He gave it to him to build people’s lives and not to destroy them. Therefore, whatever he said or did with this authority must be geared towards building lives up and not destroying them. And all church leaders must take note of this.
But then, even though Paul had the spiritual authority to build lives up, if those he was dealing with did not recognise this and relate to him accordingly, his authority to build them up will not be a blessing to them. For example, our Lord Jesus, once after using Peter’s boat to preach, told him to launch out into deep water and let down his nets for a catch. Now Peter had every reason not to be obey His word. He was the professional fisherman and not Jesus. Also, he and his men had laboured all through the night and had caught nothing. So, asking them to go back and waste more time trying to catch nothing was somehow insane.
However, instead for Peter to be arguing with the Lord and telling Him why it was insane for him to do as He had instructed, he said that he would obey. Why? It was because he recognised Jesus as one who had supernatural authority to bless him and his labour. He did not know exactly how things would turn out by obeying Him. But he was ready to obey. And when he did, he and his men received the shock of their lives. They received a miracle of provision that was just too much for them to handle. (Cf. Luke 5:1-11)
Similarly, there was a centurion that once sent men to beg Jesus to come and heal his servant that was sick and dying. And while Jesus was still on the way to his house, he sent some friends again to ask him not to bother to come to the house of an unworthy person like him. Why? As far as he was concerned, Jesus was a man of supernatural authority. And since authority could be communicated and, in fact, is often communicated through words, he reasoned that all Jesus needed to do was to simply give a word of healing for his servant and he would become well. That, of course, was exactly what happened. Jesus, excited because of the man’s faith, spoke a word of healing for his servant, and he was immediately healed. (Cf. Luke 7:1-10)
What is the point I am making? It is that there are people who have received supernatural authority from God to make us experience His goodness, mercy, salvation and protection in various ways. And we must recognise them and relate to them accordingly. We must recognise them and always take their words of authority seriously, regardless how quietly or simply they put such words. Otherwise, certain experiences of transformation, exaltation or salvation we desire to witness in our lives may never happen.
Our Lord Jesus once called His disciples to Him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and illness. All they needed to do, then, was to go out and speak healing and deliverance words to people, and they would be healed and set free. However, He also told them before they left that the working of the authority He had given them was not based on what they said or did alone but equally on how what they said and did were received. In other words, if they blessed someone and the person received their words and acted on them, the blessings of those words would rest upon him and work wonders in his life. But if the person did not receive their words, their blessing would return to them. (Cf. Matt 10:1-10)
So, words of blessing, healing, deliverance and exaltation can actually return to those who give them instead of settling to work in the lives of those being blessed. That is a shocking revelation. And only God knows the number of those who, through ignorance or pride, are daily sending back the words of blessing, healing or transformation that are coming to them from those authorised by God to bless them.
Perhaps you too are like that. Because of your failure to take seriously those authorised by God to supernaturally build you up and set you where you should be in life, their authority is not working for you. Yes, they pray for you and teach you God’s word to build up your life. But you are repelling their blessings because you are ignorant, proud, bitter or unteachable. You need to humble yourself and change your attitude towards these spiritual authorities in your life. Otherwise, as I pointed out before, there are great experiences of God’s goodness and mercy that you may never have in life.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for all the people He has sent and authorised to supernaturally bless us.
- Prayers that God will train our hearts to always recognise those He has authorised to fulfil His will in our lives, so that we will humble ourselves to receive and experience His provisions through them.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught and strengthened to always embrace divine words coming to us instead of arguing with them, so that they will accomplish the will of God in our lives.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and restore us wherever we are suffering or are behind in our lives because we rejected words or acts of blessings that He sent to us through His servants.
- Prayers for all those that God has given some measure of spiritual authority to for the building up of His children that their hearts will always be filled with patience and gentleness, so that they will not abuse or misuse the authority they have been given.
- Prayers that God will always confirm the words of all His servants all around the world with signs, wonders, miracles and the distribution of spiritual gifts, as they faithfully use the authority He has given them.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Don’t be manipulated - 15th October 2022
“Then Samson's wife threw herself on him, sobbing, "You hate me! You don't really love me. You've given my people a riddle, but you haven't told me the answer." "I haven't even explained it to my father or mother," he replied, "so why should I explain it to you?" She cried the whole seven days of the feast. So on the seventh day he finally told her, because she continued to press him. She in turn explained the riddle to her people.” (Judg 14:16-17NIV)
What was Samson’s weakness? Women! Yes, that is what almost every bible student or teacher would say. But Samson was not the first or only person in the bible to love women or to be involved with multiple women. Abraham, as we are told in the bible, had more than Sarah in his life. He also had an unspecified number of concubines in his life. Yet he was not led astray or into destruction by any of them. What about David? He also had many wives and concubines in his life. Yet not one of them led him astray or opened the door for Satan to come into his life and afflict him. (Cf. Gen 25:1-6; 2Sam 5:13)
Am I saying it is alright to be a lover of women or to be involved in polygamy or adultery? No! The word of God is very clear about God’s stand on such things. And though He did not punish these saints of old for their involvement with multiple women, He has now made it abundantly clear to us through His Son and through His holy apostles that people who give themselves to sexual immorality have no place in His kingdom.
However, I brought up these things just to show you that Samson did not fail God and fall simply because he was involved with all kinds of women. Rather, he failed Him and fell because he was weak in handling love manipulations and pressure.
As we see in our opening text, even in handling the very first love of his life, the only woman that he actually went after to marry, he was weak. He was weak in handling her manipulations and the pressure she mounted on him to do something that would put him in financial trouble. And though he gave in to her, he still ended up losing her to another man.
Similarly, in handling Delilah’s case, he was weak in handling her manipulations and pressure. Yes, he loved her. But when it became clear to him that the woman was up to no good, what should he have done? He should have walked away. Even if he was not going to walk away like that, he could have told her that he had no intention of discussing the secret of his power with anyone. But he did not do any of these. Instead, he kept on telling the woman lies and trying to play games with her. And when he could no longer handle her nagging, he told her the whole truth and exposed himself to destruction. (Cf. 1Sam 16)
Now there are many today that may end up being destroyed like Samson because they too are weak in handling the pressure or manipulations of certain individuals in their lives. These individuals may be their husbands, wives, parents, children, friends, neighbours or even religious leaders. But they are constantly on their necks, manipulating and pressuring them to do something that will put them in trouble.
They may be pressuring them to borrow money for them or for certain things they can do without, money that they have no capability to pay back on time. Or they may be pressuring them to acquire facilities they cannot manage or to go for a job that will take them away from the faith or to get involved in a love relationship that is bound to be deadly. But the truth is that when trouble eventually happens, as it will most likely happen, these people may not be there at all to save them.
So, if you have people in your life at the moment that are constantly manipulating, threatening, enticing or pressuring you to do something that you know is not good for your life, home or future, you must not yield to them. Will that be easy? No! Taking our stand against threats, manipulations and pressure, especially if they are coming from those that we love, respect or adore, is usually not easy. But we must always remember the word of the Lord that says, “My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them.” (Prov 1:10NIV) We must also always remember His word that says, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked.” (Ps 1:1NIV)
Now, of course, it is not every time that these words apply only to sinners and ungodly people. There are times that it is godly people, who ought to know better, that yield themselves to be used by the devil to harass, threaten, manipulate, entice or pressure us to go overboard and destroy ourselves. And where this is the case, we must take our stand against the devil using them, while still maintaining our love for them.
Truly, doing this may sometimes require that we end certain relationships altogether or that we endure the rejection and hostility of those that we love dearly. But we have to do so, as long as it is what will keep us in the will of God. All we need is to keep our Lord Jesus who, as an example for us to follow, endured the opposition of sinners all His earthly days, always before us. And we will never grow weary or be moved but always be vindicated by Him as being right and just in our ways. (Cf. Heb 12:3; Psalm 16:8)
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for He is always there for us to keep us steadfast, regardless of life’s opposition.
- Prayers that God will always fill our hearts with the wisdom of His Spirit to detect love manipulations, so that we can take our stand against them.
- Prayers that God will supply all that is lacking our boldness, wisdom, knowledge and understanding in taking a firm stand against every manipulation, enticement or pressure of men that is geared towards leading us away from His will.
- Prayers that we will be shown mercy and rescued wherever we are suffering as a result of yielding to the manipulations and pressure of men to do what was wrong.
- Prayers that God will quickly vindicate us in every situation where those we love are against us because we will not follow them to do evil.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Victims of another’s error - 8th October 2022
“So the LORD sent a plague on Israel, and seventy thousand men of Israel fell dead.”
(1Chron 21:14-15NIV)
Why did seventy thousand men of Israel fall dead on the occasion mentioned in our opening bible text? It was because the Lord sent a plague on the land. And why did the Lord send a plague on the land? It was because their king, David, sinned against Him.
Now what exactly did David do that got God so angry that He took the lives of seventy thousand men of Israel? Did he commit adultery or murder? No! When he committed adultery and murder, God did not punish the nation for his sins; instead, He punished him and his household. But on this occasion, it was not because of any personal sin that David committed that God punished the land; rather, it was because of a national sin that he led the people to commit.
Chapter 21 of 1Chronicles opens with these words: “Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel.” (1Chron 21:1NIV) Did you see that? Satan wanted the nation of Israel to suffer. He wanted an open door of opportunity to afflict them. But when he probably could not find any, he decided to lure David to take their census. And is anything wrong with taking a census of a nation? No! There are a lot of benefits to that, especially when it comes to resources management and allocation.
However, at that time, the nation of Israel could not be treated like any other nation of the world. That is because God chose them out of all the nations of the world for Himself (Deut 7:6). Therefore, though they had a king over them, they did not belong to that king but to God Himself. That means they could not be numbered by anybody or king, if the order did not come from God Himself. All of this is why it was God Himself that ordered Moses to take their census those two times that he took their census in the wilderness (Num 1 & 26).
Besides, God had given Moses a specific instruction of what the people must do anytime their census was taken. Look at how this is stated in the book of Exodus:
“Then the LORD said to Moses, "When you take a census of the Israelites to count them, each one must pay the LORD a ransom for his life at the time he is counted. Then no plague will come on them when you number them. Each one who crosses over to those already counted is to give a half shekel, according to the sanctuary shekel, which weighs twenty gerahs. This half shekel is an offering to the LORD. All who cross over, those twenty years old or more, are to give an offering to the LORD. The rich are not to give more than a half shekel and the poor are not to give less when you make the offering to the LORD to atone for your lives. Receive the atonement money from the Israelites and use it for the service of the Tent of Meeting. It will be a memorial for the Israelites before the LORD, making atonement for your lives."” (Ex 30:11-16NIV)
From what we see here, it is clear that apart from the fact that the people ought to be numbered only on the order of God, there were offerings they must also give anytime they were numbered. Otherwise, a plague would break out among them to destroy them. The question, then, is, “Was David aware of these things?” If he was aware of them, why did he not act accordingly? If he was not aware of them, what about the priests in the land, the priests that were supposed to be teaching the people the will of God? Were they also not aware of these things?
If the priests were not aware of these things, that means they were ignorant and not fit to be leading the people. And if they were aware of them, why did they not warn David not to expose the country to a national disaster by acting against the will of God? Were they afraid of facing him and telling him the truth? Or were they trying to run away from the tedious job of supervising the census themselves and collecting the ransom offerings required?
As the story goes, only Joab, the general of Israel’s army, opposed the king on this matter. And he too did not oppose him because he knew what was at stake but simply because he just did not like the idea. So, it is evident that while we must hold David responsible for the evil that came upon the land as a result of his act of numbering Israel, we must hold the priests and the elders of the land responsible as well. They also had a duty of knowing the will of God and insisting that even their king act accordingly, so that the land would always be safe. But they failed in this area.
Unfortunately for all of them, Satan, who lured David to take this census, was very well aware of these things. He knew that if he could get them to miss the will of God in handling this matter, He could also get God to punish them. He must have thoroughly assessed the attitude of the leadership of the country at that time to the word of God before making that move. And it worked.
Now the most painful part of the story is that when God began to judge the land for this sin, the lives of seventy thousand innocent men of Israel were taken. These men did not give the order for the nation to be numbered. Yet they died. But even David, who was the main offender in what happened, did not die. In fact, no member of his household died for his sin.
And what is that teaching us? It is that it is not every time that people make mistakes that they suffer directly for them. There are times that innocent people may be the ones that will suffer for the mistakes made by others. All this is why we must continually pray for those who have authority over us, however small the authority they have over us may be, that God will keep them from making any mistake that will put our lives in jeopardy.
Also, we must always pray for ourselves as well that we will not take any step that will ruin the lives of those under our authority. That is because we too can foolishly or ignorantly make decisions that will expose those under us to danger. And the only one that can keep us from doing such is God. So, we should always commit ourselves and our decisions into His hands.
Then we must continually pray that even if those who have authority over us or who are handling things that affect us should make mistakes or commit blunders, God will keep us from being victims of their blunders. As we see in the account we are considering, it was not everyone in the land that died as a result of David’s blunder. There were several others in the land that God spared in His mercy. And His mercy can speak for our protection too, even if certain people around us should get involved in things that can endanger us. And that is how it will always be for us, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is a merciful God whose mercy can keep us safe from any kind of trouble, even self-made troubles.
- Prayers that God will destroy every negative influence in the life of everyone who has authority over us, so that they will never again make any decision that will put our lives or affairs in jeopardy.
- Prayers that God will keep us from yielding to any satanic influence that will drive us to do or say things that will give room for those under our authority or care to be afflicted or destroyed.
- Prayers that God, as we progress in our walk through this life, will always keep us from being victims of anyone’s mistakes or blunders.
- Prayers that God’s mercy will overflow mightily to us and rescue us from every situation in which we are now suffering or being limited as a result of the past or immediate errors of those who have authority over our lives.
- Prayers for everyone now suffering as a result of our own past mistakes that God will show them mercy, heal them and also restore them without delay.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Recognise and appreciate your worth - 1st October 2022
“When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, "The LORD is with you, mighty warrior."” (Judg 6:12NIV)
Where was Gideon when the angel of the Lord first appeared to him? He was hiding in a winepress threshing his wheat because of his fear of the Midianites. But God had chosen him to be the deliverer of his people. And why did He choose him? First, it was because He knew what He had endowed him with. He knew the fighting and leadership abilities he possessed.
Second, God knew that He was going to be with this man every step of the way. So, he was never going to face the Midianites alone. Yes, the Midianites had so oppressed them that many of them had deserted their inheritance and gone off to hide in some caves and on some mountains. But God was going to be with him in handling them. And since He was going to be with him all the way in handling them, success was guaranteed.
Unfortunately, Gideon did not know these things at all. He did not know what he was worth in the sight of God. He had no true and proper appreciation of the abilities He had endowed him with. So, when the angel of the Lord addressed him as ‘Mighty warrior’, he was quick to protest and tell him that he was nothing close to a warrior. And for him, the facts could speak for themselves. His clan was the weakest in the tribe of Manasseh and he was the least important person among his father’s children. How, then, could he possibly be the leader and saviour of the entire nation of Israel? That wasn’t even something that he could day-dream or fantasise about. (Cf. Judges 6:11-16)
Similarly, there are many of God’s children today that He has chosen and equipped for great things in life but who do not see themselves as He sees them. So, they are hiding in caves of fear, rejection, ignorance, sin, wrong relationships or irresponsible living. And unless they experience a divine encounter that will open their eyes to see God’s plans for them, they may live and pass away in obscurity.
Also, as we see from the story of Gideon, before the Lord came to him, he had no abiding consciousness of the presence of God with him. So, even when the angel of the Lord said to him, “The Lord is with you,” he lost no time to protest again and say, “How can that possibly be true? If the Lord is with us, how come all these bad things are happening to us?”
Unfortunately, most of us who are God’s children also often think and talk as Gideon did on that occasion. That is because we think that if God is with someone, there is no way bad things can happen to them at all. But the bible shows us that the presence of God with us will not always keep challenges from coming to us. However, if we are walking in the consciousness of His presence in our lives, there is no challenge that comes to us that we will not walk in victory over.
Remember the story of Joseph. Remember we are told that God was with him when he was a slave in Potiphar’s house and that He was also with him when he was in the prison. And because he knew that God was with him, he did not lose his mind or lose his character. Instead, he took advantage of God’s presence with him to shine like a star in those bad situations of life in which he found himself. And when the time came for God to vindicate him, he was exactly where he was supposed to be and ready to assume his new status in life. (Cf. Gen 39-41)
Gideon, however, needed to be shown series of signs in order for him to fully embrace the reality of God’s presence with him to give him victory. Perhaps you too need to see some signs in order to embrace fully the reality of God’s presence with you in order for you to go to that place He has always wanted you to be. You can ask Him, as Gideon did, to show you those things that will build up your faith and lead you to accept the roles He wants you to play in His kingdom and to begin to play them. (Cf. Judges 6-7)
Whatever the case is, I want you to know that it will not be a good thing at all for you to come into God’s eternal kingdom and realise that you have actually been in the world something less or far less than what you have been endowed by God to be. So, wake up and get ready to come out of your hiding place. Yes, wake up and begin to talk to God about filling your heart with revelations of all that you can be for Him and also do for Him in this world.
Now I am confident that He will answer you, if you will wholeheartedly pray to Him about it. That is because He has said, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jer 33:3NIV)
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because the plans He has for us are great and lovely plans, plans to bring us prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future we hope for.
- Prayers that God will bring us divine revelations that will open our eyes to recognise and appreciate the places where He wants us to function in life and to begin to utilise His abilities in us to occupy them.
- Prayers that God will bring about circumstances that will drive us out of every cave in which we have been hiding away from His purpose for our lives.
- Prayers that God will supply all that is lacking in our faith and boldness to take our various places in His schemes and to begin to function accordingly.
- Prayers that God will strengthen our hearts never to accept to be anything less than He has ordained us to be in this life.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Be more determined - 24th September 2022
“But Manasseh did not drive out the people of Beth Shan or Taanach or Dor or Ibleam or Megiddo and their surrounding settlements, for the Canaanites were determined to live in that land.”
(Judg 1:27NIV)
Why did the people of Manasseh not drive out the inhabitants of the land God had given them through Joshua? Was it because they could not? No! If you look at our opening text carefully, you will see that it does not say, “But Manasseh could not drive out…” Otherwise, it would mean that they lacked the ability to drive them out. But the text says, “But Manasseh did not drive out…” That means it was a matter of will. The will to drive out their enemies was not strong enough. So, they left them in the land.
But why was their will not strong enough to drive out those people? At least, God’s instruction was that they must drive them out. In fact, He said that they must not make any treaty with the people or intermarry with them. Instead, they must totally rid the land of them and of their idols (Deut 7:1-6). So, it was utterly against the will of God for them to allow those Canaanites to continue to live among them and to enjoy the goodness of the land with them.
Unfortunately, that was the situation. And why was it so? Why did they leave their enemies in the land and not drive them out completely? As we see in our opening text, it was because those enemies of theirs were determined to stay in the land with them. Yes, they had been subdued and the land taken over from them. But they were determined not to get out of the land. And their determination worked. Why did it work? It worked because the people of Manasseh were not more determined to root them out of the land.
Yes, they had already overpowered these Canaanites, as I pointed out before. So, if they had wanted to make an end of them, they could have easily done so. But their determination to do so was not strong enough.
Now we are not told how those people weakened their determination to permanently and totally get rid of them. But they somehow did so. They somehow made the people of Manasseh let them be. They somehow managed to let them think it was not altogether a bad idea to allow few of them to remain in the land. What sort of threat could few of them be to them anyway?
But they were wrong. Yes, they were wrong to allow any of those Canaanites to stay with them in the land. That was because God had said that any of them left behind would end up becoming a thorn in their flesh. And that was exactly what happened. Those few Canaanites that the men of Manasseh and those of other tribes of Israel left behind ended up luring them into idolatry and all kinds of sexual perversion. And before they knew what was happening, God’s wrath had come upon them and they had begun to gradually lose the land they had possessed. (Cf. Ex 34:15; Joshua 23:12-13; Judges)
What is the point of all this? It is that God does not expect us to permit any work of the devil or of the flesh in our lives. He has already set us free from these things and also given us authority in His Son, Jesus Christ, not to permit them in our lives again. But Satan and his demons, like those Canaanites mentioned in our opening bible text, are very stubborn and determined. So, they will never want their works of sin, sicknesses, failure and death to end in our lives. If we, then, are not more determined to get rid of every trace of their works in our lives, we will find that they will settle down to live and dine with us. And if that should happen, it won’t be long before they again take over our lives and renew their old works in them.
This explains why people get born again and certain evil experiences or generational problems that have been part of their lives before they got born again remain with them. Why? Satan is determined to keep those bad experiences or problems on in their lives. And because they are not more determined to take authority over him and permanently end his works in their lives, because they do not mind cohabiting with some of his works in their lives, perhaps because of certain degree of comfort or progress they are now enjoying because of the presence of the Lord Jesus in their lives, Satan continues to quietly afflict them. If they, then, allow those works that he is doing to go on unchecked in their lives, after a while, he will take over again those areas of their lives in which they are already experiencing God’s rest and make them lose their experience of His rest in them.
So, regardless of how determined Satan may be to work in your life, be more determined to resist and drive him out through prayers, the word of God and the support of God’s people. And since you have authority in Christ Jesus over him and his works, you will surely succeed in expelling him and his works from your life and affairs.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for rescuing us from the dominion of darkness and bringing us into the kingdom of His dear Son, Jesus Christ.
- Prayers that your heart will always be strengthened not to accept any work of the devil or of the flesh as normal or insignificant in your life.
- Prayers that your heart will be strengthened and encouraged to always make use of the authority that is yours in Christ Jesus to destroy the works of the devil instead of accommodating or overlooking them.
- Make declarations in the name of Jesus against every activity of the devil and of the flesh that you can recognise in your life, asking them to cease.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Don’t use love as your excuse - 17th September 2022
“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.” (Eph 4:15NIV)
As we see in the bible, walking in love is not an option for the child of God. Rather, it is a must for him. However, love that is not based on knowledge and insight can get us into trouble with men and even with God. And when people are saying that love is blind, they are speaking about situations in which people walk into trouble all in the name of love.
But there is nowhere we are told in the bible that love is blind. That is because love is not blind. For instance, the bible tells us that God is love (1John 4:8). But is God blind? No, He is not blind. On the contrary, He sees everything going on in life and also judges everything going on in it, appropriately and adequately. So, though He loves us and wants the best for all of us all the time, He does not ignore sins or iniquities but judges them.
He once said this to Moses about Himself: “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation." (Ex 34:6-7NIV) Did you see that? Even though God is always multiplying in love, He does not leave sins unpunished. Otherwise, human beings will not take Him seriously.
Why did He send Jesus Christ to die for us? It was to duly punish our sins, so that He would not have to punish us for them again. And those who will not accept His payment for their sins and His offer of the gift of righteousness will ultimately be made to pay for those sins, every one of them, at the right time.
So, you can see that though God is love, He does not accept just anything from anybody. He does not bend His standards of justice because of love. And that is how He wants us to be functioning in life as well. He does not want us to use love as our excuse for allowing anyone to ruin our lives or home, destroy our business or put our finances in jeopardy. Also, He does not want us to use love as our excuse for allowing our loved ones to ruin themselves or to create for us problems that we should have no business encountering at all in life. Instead, He wants us to confronting them with the truth in love.
As we are shown in our opening bible text, one of the things that aid Christian maturity is speaking the truth in love. That means we cannot mature in Christ, if there is no one telling us the truth we need to know in love. See, love does not deceive people. True love does not pretend that it is okay with what is unacceptable. True love does not suffer in silence, even though it is patient and persevering, giving room for bitterness. Instead, it always speaks the truth out in love.
Yes, of course, true love is not harsh or unfeeling. However, it always speaks the truth, for that is what will heal, build up and set free our lives and our relationships. And where people will not accept the truth spoken to them in love, love must judge them. Otherwise, they will take it lightly or even trample upon it, if they have a chance to do so.
As we see in the bible, Eli was judged by God not because he did not rebuke his sons at all for their sins but because he did not judge them. Out of love for them, he rebuked them for their many sins. But when they ignored the rebuke of his love, God expected him to judge them by putting them out of the priestly office. And by failing to do so, he was judged by God along with them and the priesthood was taken away from his family. (Cf. 1Sam 2-4)
If we too don’t want certain good things God has blessed us or our families with to be taken away from us, we must allow our love for people to confront them with the truth and to also judge their failures where necessary. In other words, we must not allow love to make us weak in rebuking, correcting or punishing those in our lives, as occasions demand. That kind of love that weakens righteousness is not the love of Christ. It is the love of men. And we must not allow it to dominate, subdue or replace the love of Christ in us. Otherwise, it may end up putting us in much trouble with God.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for pouring out His love into our hearts by His Holy Spirit.
- Prayers that God will cause our love to increase continually in knowledge and in depth of insight, so that love will never again be our reason for dealing with people based on sentiments instead of based on the truth.
- Prayers that God will perfect our love with boldness, so that we will never hesitate to correct, rebuke or judge wickedness in those that we love.
- Prayers that God will heal us and lead us to take appropriate steps for comfort wherever we are suffering or are in pains in our lives because we have misrepresented the love of Christ for weakness.
- Prayers that God will cleanse our lives of everything causing us to resist the truth in any area of our lives and everything causing us to make people feel bad or sorry for confronting us with the truth in love, so that we can attain the degree of Christian maturity He wants us to attain in Christ Jesus.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Where there is no hope for greatness - 10th September 2022
“This is what Jeremiah the prophet told Baruch son of Neriah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, after Baruch had written on a scroll the words Jeremiah was then dictating: "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says to you, Baruch: You said, 'Woe to me! The LORD has added sorrow to my pain; I am worn out with groaning and find no rest.'" [The LORD said,] "Say this to him: 'This is what the LORD says: I will overthrow what I have built and uproot what I have planted, throughout the land. Should you then seek great things for yourself? Seek them not. For I will bring disaster on all people, declares the LORD, but wherever you go I will let you escape with your life.'"” (Jer 45NIV)
Baruch son of Neriah, as we see in the book of Jeremiah, was his secretary. He was the one responsible for documenting the events of this prophet’s life and also his prophecies. So, he too was a victim of the hostility of all those who were against Jeremiah and who wanted to take his life. That, of course, is showing us that who we work with sometimes can determine the nature of circumstances we are confronted with in life. (Cf. Jer 36)
But then, it was not only the hostility of those who hated Jeremiah that Baruch had to deal with, he also had to deal with God’s judgment that was resting on their land. Evidently, as revealed in our opening bible text, Baruch, being a learned person, had great dreams and visions for himself. He wanted to be big in the land and to do big things. Therefore, when he started facing all kinds of challenges, especially with the kings and leaders of the land, as a result of his association with Jeremiah, he became grossly unhappy and began to protest.
Now, in response to this man’s protest, God gave Jeremiah a word for him. And what was the word? It was that he should forget about all his hopes and plans of becoming great in the land and of doing great things. What! Why would God tell a man with great education and prospects for becoming rich, influential or mighty in his country to give up on his hopes of becoming great?
Did he do anything wrong? No! Baruch was a good man. That was why he stuck with Jeremiah in documenting his prophecies and making their copies available to those who wanted to read them, even though the hostility against that man of God was great. Why, then, would God tell this man not to think of great things for himself? It was because He was bringing judgment on his country, a kind of judgment that would spare no one, whether they were rich or poor, great or small. And the only reward that he would have for his devotion to God was the preservation of his life.
So, it was not wise at all for Baruch at that time to embark on any grand project for himself or for his family. It was not wise for him to start any business or organisation to make a name for himself or to contribute to the development of the land. It was not even wise for him to raise a family at that time. That is because God had ordained destruction for everyone and everything in the land. And He had not promised to preserve any business or family member for him; He had only promised to preserve his life, regardless of what happened or where he went.
What is the point of all this, then? It is that there are times that the situation of the place we live or work in may not give room for our desire for greatness in life to materialise. I mean that there are times that living or dwelling in a certain place can take away from us any hope of greatness we may have. If God’s hand is against a place, as His hand was against the nation of Judah during Jeremiah’s time, and He is determined to uproot it or bring it down, then, whatever hope of greatness anyone in the place has can only amount to nothing. Yes, the person may work hard and diligently. It will all still amount to nothing.
It is important, therefore, that we do not fold our arms and allow our country, town or wherever we find ourselves become a place where it is useless for people to hope or labour to become great. And to say the fact, if we consider the current situation of our country, one might be tempted to say it has become such a place. How many dreams and visions have died or become shattered in the country? Only God can tell. How many are even looking forward to becoming anything important in the country at the moment? In most cases, it is only little children, who do not yet comprehend what is going on in the country, that do have such high hopes and expectations. Many who have come of age and can see how things are going in the country don’t have any hope of living a significant life in the country at all. And that is why they want to leave.
But it is impossible for all of us to leave this country. In fact, it is impossible for most of us to leave. That is because there are no countries of the world that would welcome or absorb us. So, instead of allowing all our hopes of having great and wonderful lives in the country to vanish, while we are trying to run away, we need to begin to passionately and steadfastly talk to God about showing us mercy and healing our land. He alone has the power to heal us and make our country once again a place where dreams of greatness come true. And if many of us will humble ourselves before Him and ask for His intervention, He will answer us, for He is a merciful God.
Personally, I am grateful to Him for the gift of life. But if there is no hope of using this gift of life to make our dwelling place more peaceful and enjoyable for us, will living not result in frustration? And many in the country are frustrated today. Yes, they are alive. But they are frustrated. They are frustrated because all their desires and efforts towards making life beautiful and meaningful for them have accomplished nothing for them. And that will continue to be the situation unless God steps into our situation, shows us mercy and once again gives the command for our nation to be built up.
Therefore, let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is a God who pardons sins and who forgives iniquities.
- Prayers that God, because of the death of His Son, Jesus Christ, and because of His great love for His children in this country, will have mercy on us and forgive our many sins, especially the sins of idolatry, bloodshed and injustice.
- Prayers that God will clear the way for those who will sanitise our nation to take over the leadership of the nation, so that He will withdraw His hand of judgment from us.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will speak tenderly to our country and give the command for us to be built up and not torn down, so that we can freely have dreams of greatness again and also see those dreams come true.
- Prayers for all on this platform that are frustrated at the moment that God will comfort them and rid their lives of frustration.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Where you should not imitate Job -27th August 2022
“As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.”
(James 5:11NIV)
One of the lessons that the story of Job teaches is perseverance in the face of life’s challenges. As we see in the bible, this man faced tribulations that many who have lived and died never faced. He lost all his children and all his possessions in one day. And as if that were not enough, he lost his health too and became an object of scorn among those who had once revered and honoured him. To make matters worse, he did not experience any of these things as a wicked man but as a righteous man. (Cf. Job 1&2)
According to the bible, God Himself testified before all His angels and even the devil that Job was an upright and blameless man. If fact, as God pointed out to the devil, there was no one on the face of the earth like Job. Yet this man was severely afflicted. So, you should never think that Satan is incapable of touching you or afflicting you because you are righteous or holy or because you give generously for God’s cause and to people. If he is permitted, Satan will step into your life and afflict you, regardless of what degree of righteousness, holiness or blameless you or others may think you have. (Cf. Job 1:8)
Now we are not told how many days, weeks, months or years that Job’s afflictions lasted. But we are told that the man endured everything. He did not give up on God because of his afflictions. Even though his own wife took advantage of the situation to torture him and to pressure him to denounce God, he still would not denounce him. And though his friends also seized the period to harass him and express their reservations about his devotion to God, he did not give up on Him.
Yes, at some point, he became offended and got angry with God for everything he was going through. But he never for once denied or cursed him. He maintained his integrity all through. So, at some point, God, who is full of compassion and mercy, stepped in, set him right where he was wrong, healed him, made him whole and restored his life, home and fortunes. What a good God!
Therefore, whatever you may be faced with, don’t give up on God. No, do not deny Him or disown Him because of your trials or challenges. That is because the bible says:
“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, "He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him." (Heb 10:35-38NIV)
Did you see that? Our unfailing confidence in God will be richly rewarded, just as Job’s unfailing confidence in Him was rewarded. All we need is to persevere, even as we do His will. And in just a very little while, we will see Him move on our behalf. Yes, sometimes we may think He is not fast enough or that He is just too quiet about our situation. But we are told in that text that He will not delay His work or action for our salvation, deliverance or exaltation. That means even when we think He is not working at all or when we cannot see what He is doing, He is working fast for our good. And if we do not shrink back, we will see what He has been doing all along for our good.
But then, there is another side to Job’s story, which we hardly notice or pay attention to. And that has to do with the fact that he did not resist the devil at all in his life. Of course, God permitted the devil, as the story goes, to touch his family, possessions and even body. And that was to show the devil that his faith in him was true and genuine. But even though God permitted the devil in that manner, he too had a right here on earth and through his faith in God to resist him.
Unfortunately, he did not even know at the time that Satan was the one responsible for all that he suffered and was going through. He thought God was to blame for everything. He thought that God was always the one behind everything good and everything bad. And his ignorance in this matter gave Satan all the time and space he needed to make matters go from bad to worse for him. If God, then, had not limited the devil and his works and told him not to touch his life, he would have killed him.
In like manner, many are suffering in the hands of the devil today because of ignorance of different kinds. It may be ignorance that is associated with his works or one that is associated with not knowing that he can be resisted in the name of Jesus Christ. The bible tells us that we can resist the devil and that we should resist him steadfastly. It also tells us not to give him any opportunity to work in our lives. Then it tells us the nature of his work – it tells us that he is a thief, killer and destroyer. So, anything that is geared towards stealing from us, killing us or destroying us or anything that belongs to us is a work of the devil, and we must not allow it. (Cf. John 10:10; Eph 4:27; Eph 6:10-18; James 4:7; 1Pet 5:8)
This, then, is one area in which we must not imitate Job. Job did not resist the devil at all. Instead, he accepted his problems as coming from God and allowed Satan to persist in afflicting him. And as I pointed out before, if God had not been merciful to him, he would have been utterly destroyed by this enemy of his soul. But we have been clearly told that we can resist the devil and that he will run away from us when we do so. Job did not resist the devil because he did not know that he could resist him. But we know. So, if we allow Satan to work in our lives and mess us up, we must blame ourselves and ourselves only.
Now I don’t want to end up blaming myself for giving Satan any room at all to work in my life. So, I have got my mind made up to daily take advantage of the grace of God to say ‘No’ to this wicked being’s works in my life and affairs. And I enjoin you too to make up your mind to do the same.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for the authority that He has given to us in Christ Jesus to resist the devil and frustrate his works in our lives and wherever we go.
- Prayers that the eyes of our hearts will always be opened to recognise the works of the devil wherever we are, so that we may firmly take our stand against them.
- Prayers that our spirits will be taught and strengthened to always utilise the authority that is ours in Christ Jesus to destroy and frustrate the works of the devil in our lives and in the lives of others around us.
- Prayers that God will comfort and encourage our hearts to remain true to Him, regardless of the challenges of our lives, knowing that He is working to make all things cooperate for our best.
- Speak in the name of Jesus against everything you consider to be a work of the devil in your life or affairs and demand that it end.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Learn to walk away - 27th August 2022
“Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written: "'He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.'" Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"”
(Matt 4:5-7NIV)
The language of the Scriptures can sometimes be very funny and shocking at the same time. For example, as we see in our opening bible text, there was a time that Satan took Jesus, the Son of God, to Jerusalem and had Him stand on the highest point of the temple. That means it was not the Holy Spirit that led Him on this trip. Rather, it was the devil that led Him on it. And he led Him on the trip for the sole purpose of destroying Him – He wanted Him to commit suicide. Interestingly, the Lord went with Him.
So, don’t think that Satan cannot lead you to go to places you should not go or to meet with people you should not meet or to engage in ventures you have no business engaging in or to say things you are not permitted to say. He can lead you to do any of these things or even something worse, regardless of how spiritual you think you are. He led Jesus to go to a place where He could freely commit suicide without being stopped, as spiritual as He was. And he led Him to do this when He was just done fasting for forty days and forty nights.
That you are fasting and praying and feeling very spiritual, then, does not mean that Satan cannot lead you to do the unthinkable. It does not mean that he cannot in that moment lead you to commit adultery, murder, theft or suicide. If you do not have the word of God in you, as did Jesus, and be ready to act on it, Satan may end up destroying you, even when you feel most spiritual.
And this is something those who have all kinds of prophets and prophetesses in their lives and over their lives ought to be paying attention to. If Satan could lead Jesus to go and attempt suicide, he can lead your prophets too to do things contrary to the will of God for them or for you. So, you need to be loaded with the word of God in order to know when Satan is leading you or someone in your life and to take appropriate and adequate measures to frustrate him.
On the occasion mentioned in our opening bible text, though Satan succeeded in leading Jesus to the highest point of the temple in Jerusalem, he did not succeed in realising the purpose for which he had brought Him there. Yes, the urge to go to that place must have been strong in the Lord. However, because He had the word of God in Him, He resisted the temptation to commit suicide all in the name of proving that He was God’s Son.
Now what particular word of God kept Jesus on that occasion? It was His word that says, “Don’t put the Lord your God to the test.” In other words, recognise the boundaries God has set for you and don’t go beyond them. As Satan pointed out to Jesus, God has clearly said that He would use His angels to protect Him, if he should find Himself in danger. But was the Lord in danger at that point? No! There was nobody pursuing Him or trying to push Him off that temple height. So, if He had thrown Himself down, as suggested by the devil, He would have been the one putting Himself in danger. That being the case, God’s plan of protection may not have worked for Him.
But the Lord knew better. So, He would not listen to the devil but simply walked away. Why? It was because He knew that He would be stepping out of His boundaries by deliberately putting Himself in danger, just to prove to the devil that God would protect Him as His Son. That, actually, would be like saying that God would keep His people safe and sound, regardless of what they did, good or bad. And is that so? Will God always keep His people safe and sound, regardless of what they do? No!
So, like Jesus, we too must learn to walk away from anything that takes us outside the boundaries of God’s love and provisions for us. In other words, once something is not within your boundaries, whether financial boundaries, professional boundaries, mental boundaries, physical boundaries or spiritual boundaries (gifts or knowledge), don’t go for it, if there is no legitimate need to do so. Don’t go for anything that is beyond you just because you want to prove a point. Otherwise, you are guaranteed to get wounded or injured in the process.
Yes, if there is a clear need to confront a situation that is beyond you, God will certainly step in and grant you the victory you need. But don’t deliberately throw away caution and put yourself in harm’s way or get yourself involved in things you have no abilities for and that are of no benefit to you or anyone, just because you think God is with you and that you can do all things in Christ. You will be putting God to the test by acting in that manner. And you can be sure that you will be wounded just as some have been wounded who acted similarly.
See, the one always behind all such things that involve people going to the extremes or needlessly going for things they have no abilities for is the devil. And his aim always is to destroy them. If you, then, don’t want to get destroyed by him in this manner, learn to walk away from every thought, idea or suggestion that is leading you to do something dangerous or something beyond you for no reason other than to prove that you are something.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for giving us His word for our protection from the schemes of the devil.
- Prayers that God will always keep your heart humble before Him, so that you will not open the door for Satan to afflict you through confidence in any degree of spirituality you may think you have.
- Prayers that God will keep your heart ever sensitive to recognise every scheme of the devil to twist Scriptures to mislead you and get you into trouble.
- Prayers that your heart will be adequately taught to always recognise the boundaries God has set for you in life and to never yield to any temptation or pressure to go outside them just to show off or to prove that God is watching over you.
- Prayers that God will show you mercy wherever you are now suffering because you stepped outside the boundaries He has set for you and also heal and restore you completely.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Revelation for safety - 20th August 2022
"When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. "Get up," he said, "take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him." So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called my son." When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.”
(Matt 2:13-17NIV)
Why did Herod give orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem, two years old and under? It was because he wanted to get rid of the boy Jesus at all cost. That, of course, is to show us how wicked and unreasonable some people can be. They don’t care what steps they take or what things they destroy in order to have their desire granted. This man was king already. And he knew that there was no way he could possibly be king forever. Yet when he heard that another king had been born, he could not just take it, even though he knew nothing about the nature or character of the kingdom of this boy-king.
At any rate, he made up his mind to get rid of the boy-king. In fact, as the angel that warned Joseph about this matter pointed out, this wicked king was determined to use all the resources at his disposal to find the boy and to kill him. And when it was clear to him that locating the boy Jesus would be very hard, if not impossible for him, he decided to kill all the boys in Bethlehem, where he had been born, within his age bracket. He did that and succeeded because there was no one in the land powerful enough to withstand or resist him.
Thankfully, God had already warned Joseph in a dream to take the boy Jesus and His mother and leave for another country, Egypt. And he lost no time at all in obeying. Our bible text says that he took the child and his mother that same night and made good their escape. That, of course, was how Jesus was kept alive to fulfil God’s purpose for His life.
What, then, is the point of all this? First, it is that there are times we need specific divine revelations to escape from certain danger or trouble that are bound to destroy us or prevent us from fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives. If it had not been revealed to Joseph what Herod was planning, there was no way he would have known what was coming for his family. And if he had not known what was coming for them, there was no way he would have been able to lead them to safety. So, it is in proper order for us to constantly pray to God to continually fill our hearts with divine revelations for our safety and for the safety of everyone and everything dear to us.
The second point of the story is that innocent people can be victims of circumstances they did not ask for or bring upon themselves. All the boys that were killed by Herod in his attempt to get rid of Jesus knew nothing at all about the matter. They did not ask for Jesus to be born. And they did not ask the wise men that told Herod about his birth to spread the news. Yet they ended up losing their lives and not fulfilling whatever purpose God may have had for them here on earth. What about their families? They too suffered for nothing.
So, don’t think that you need to commit a crime or to be involved in a fight with someone before you can become a victim in this world. You don’t have to do any of these things. You may, for some reasons, unexpectedly become a victim even of crimes you did not commit or fights you did not start or ask for. Therefore, learn to pray that God will always keep you and all that is dear to you from being victims of other people’s problems, errors or bad judgments. And He surely knows how to keep you and also possesses the power to keep you.
Now the last point of that account is that it is not enough to receive divine revelations for our safety or anything else. It is also important that we are prompt to act on it. Joseph was prompt to act on the revelation he received for the safety of his family. So, he was able to save them from destruction. Lot, on the contrary, was not prompt to act on the revelation brought to him by God’s angels about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. He was hesitant. If God had not shown him mercy, his hesitation would have been his doom. And eventually, that hesitation to leave Sodom was what brought destruction upon his wife. (Cf. Gen 19)
So, never think you will be safe or exalted just because you have God’s revelation. If you won’t act on it or be prompt in acting on it, you may end up suffering like one who had no divine revelation at all.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He cares about us and because He has the power to keep us safe in any situation.
- Prayers that God will always fill your heart with adequate and accurate revelations for your safety and for the safety of all that is dear to you, regardless of the circumstances you may find yourself in.
- Prayers that God will keep you and all that is yours at all times from being victims of other people’s problems, errors or bad judgment.
- Prayers that God will strengthen your heart so that you will always be prompt in acting on whatever instructions or revelations He brings you about your safety or exaltation or the safety or exaltation of other people.
- Prayers that God will continually keep all His children in this country and all over the world safe from the activities of wicked and unreasonable people.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Until you are ready - 13th August 2022
“I will send the hornet ahead of you to drive the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of your way. But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you. Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land.” (Ex 23:28-30NIV)
Anyone who has children or has been spending time with children will certainly know that when you promise to do something for them, they will want you to do so immediately. That is because they do not like to be told to wait for anything that they can enjoy right away. So, they will not care whether you have the ability to fulfil the promise you have made to them immediately or whether they themselves have the ability at that moment to manage what you have promised to give to them or do for them. They just want what you want to fulfil your word and to fulfil it right away.
However, those of us who are parents know that it is not everything that our children need in life or everything that we want to do for them in life that we can do for them right away, even if we have the ability to do so. Why? It is because it is not everything that they are wise, knowledgeable and strong enough to handle or keep. So, regardless of how responsible and capable we are, we won’t do certain things for our children until they are ready to have them, until they are mature enough not to lose what we have done them and not to destroy themselves or others with what we have done for them.
In like manner, it is not everything that we need in life that God will give us access to immediately and all at once. As we see in our opening bible text, even though God had already determined to fulfil His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by giving the land of Canaan to their descendants, yet, as a responsible God, He knew that the people were not many enough at the time to occupy the whole land. If He should, then, drive out all the inhabitants of the land at once for them, He would be creating some other problems for them. First, He would be putting them in a position where the unoccupied part of the land would become desolate right before their eyes, seeing that they did not have the manpower to manage it. Also, He would be giving wild animals a room to multiply greatly against them and begin to devour them and their children.
So, He told them that He would not drive out all their enemies from the land all at once. Instead, He would drive them out little by little, giving them time to multiply enough in number and be ready to take over the entire place. How thoughtful and wise of Him! But He had to announce this ahead to the people. Otherwise, they may grow impatient with Him, rush ahead and mess things up, not realising that they were actually the ones He was waiting for – He is always ever ready to do whatever He needs to do.
How, then, does this apply to us? It applies to us in the sense that even though God has already given to us everything we need for life and godliness and blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, our experience of His provisions for us will only come with the growing level of our maturity day after day. This is why though our hearts are yearning and praying that we may experience or enjoy certain provisions of God for us, we may yet not enjoy them until we attain some degree of maturity in our walk with Him.
See, it does not cost God anything to lift us up to the greatest position anyone can attain in life or to deliver all the wealth of this world into our hands. But do we have the right measure of character, love, patience, boldness, humility, wisdom, knowledge and understanding to manage what He is giving to us? Are we not going to destroy ourselves and others through our inability to manage it? And are we not going to make Him regret giving to us what He gives to us, having abused or mismanaged it?
God made Saul the first king over His people Israel. But He later regretted doing so, for the man did not have enough character to handle the office and use it to promote His purpose. So, when He made David king in his stead, He did not immediately put on the throne of Israel, as He did with Saul. Instead, he first allowed him to grow up and lean to earn the trust and respect of small groups of people. He allowed him to first learn to lead few people to trust Him for their safety in difficult times and through dangerous situations, without losing his mind or their trust. Therefore, when He eventually put him on the throne, he did not disappoint Him or fail the people He made him king over.
What this is showing me is that when I think I am being patient with God, the reverse may just be the case. He may just be the one being patient with me, waiting for me to mature enough to be able to possess, protect and enjoy what He has provided for me, without destroying myself or others with it. Or it may be that His patience is for certain people, systems or organisations to fade away or make an end of themselves first, so that I will be able to fully take my place in His programme and enjoy what He provided without any form of harassment or disturbance.
Remember that Joshua and Caleb had to wait for all the people (twenty years of age and above) that turned their back on God and the land of Canaan to die before they could enter that land and begin to enjoy it. Yes, God was ready to give them the land. They too were ready to have the land. But because those with them were not ready, they had to wait for forty long years before they could enter the land. It was not their fault that they had to wait in that manner. But they just had to wait and make themselves happy while waiting. Otherwise, discouragement and depression may set in and make them also lose what they have believed and laboured for.
At any rate, my point is that God’s patience in dealing with us is always about our own readiness and other people’s readiness to receive from Him and never about His own readiness to give to us. And if we will begin to relate to Him with this consciousness, we will never again lose our mind or go into depression because of anything we want Him to do for us or give to us.
Now let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is a responsible Father who never does anything without being certain that it is for our good.
- Prayers that God will supply all that is lacking in our patience, as we relate to Him, so that we will not foolishly hasten our feet to take for ourselves what we do not yet have the capability to handle and mess things up for ourselves or others.
- Prayers that our hearts will always be filled with the humility of the Spirit, so that God will be able to build into us all the competence we need to possess and enjoy all that He has freely given to us, without hurting ourselves or others.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see every area of our lives in which we need to walk with patience, even though we are not the reason for the delay of our experience of His provisions, so that we will not frustrate ourselves by engaging in things that will not make anything better for us.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will come to our aid in all the areas of our lives where we are losing because of our lack of fitness for what we are handling and give us all the support we need to recover and stand strong.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal13th August 2022
“I will send the hornet ahead of you to drive the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of your way. But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you. Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land.” (Ex 23:28-30NIV)
Anyone who has children or has been spending time with children will certainly know that when you promise to do something for them, they will want you to do so immediately. That is because they do not like to be told to wait for anything that they can enjoy right away. So, they will not care whether you have the ability to fulfil the promise you have made to them immediately or whether they themselves have the ability at that moment to manage what you have promised to give to them or do for them. They just want what you want to fulfil your word and to fulfil it right away.
However, those of us who are parents know that it is not everything that our children need in life or everything that we want to do for them in life that we can do for them right away, even if we have the ability to do so. Why? It is because it is not everything that they are wise, knowledgeable and strong enough to handle or keep. So, regardless of how responsible and capable we are, we won’t do certain things for our children until they are ready to have them, until they are mature enough not to lose what we have done them and not to destroy themselves or others with what we have done for them.
In like manner, it is not everything that we need in life that God will give us access to immediately and all at once. As we see in our opening bible text, even though God had already determined to fulfil His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by giving the land of Canaan to their descendants, yet, as a responsible God, He knew that the people were not many enough at the time to occupy the whole land. If He should, then, drive out all the inhabitants of the land at once for them, He would be creating some other problems for them. First, He would be putting them in a position where the unoccupied part of the land would become desolate right before their eyes, seeing that they did not have the manpower to manage it. Also, He would be giving wild animals a room to multiply greatly against them and begin to devour them and their children.
So, He told them that He would not drive out all their enemies from the land all at once. Instead, He would drive them out little by little, giving them time to multiply enough in number and be ready to take over the entire place. How thoughtful and wise of Him! But He had to announce this ahead to the people. Otherwise, they may grow impatient with Him, rush ahead and mess things up, not realising that they were actually the ones He was waiting for – He is always ever ready to do whatever He needs to do.
How, then, does this apply to us? It applies to us in the sense that even though God has already given to us everything we need for life and godliness and blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, our experience of His provisions for us will only come with the growing level of our maturity day after day. This is why though our hearts are yearning and praying that we may experience or enjoy certain provisions of God for us, we may yet not enjoy them until we attain some degree of maturity in our walk with Him.
See, it does not cost God anything to lift us up to the greatest position anyone can attain in life or to deliver all the wealth of this world into our hands. But do we have the right measure of character, love, patience, boldness, humility, wisdom, knowledge and understanding to manage what He is giving to us? Are we not going to destroy ourselves and others through our inability to manage it? And are we not going to make Him regret giving to us what He gives to us, having abused or mismanaged it?
God made Saul the first king over His people Israel. But He later regretted doing so, for the man did not have enough character to handle the office and use it to promote His purpose. So, when He made David king in his stead, He did not immediately put on the throne of Israel, as He did with Saul. Instead, he first allowed him to grow up and lean to earn the trust and respect of small groups of people. He allowed him to first learn to lead few people to trust Him for their safety in difficult times and through dangerous situations, without losing his mind or their trust. Therefore, when He eventually put him on the throne, he did not disappoint Him or fail the people He made him king over.
What this is showing me is that when I think I am being patient with God, the reverse may just be the case. He may just be the one being patient with me, waiting for me to mature enough to be able to possess, protect and enjoy what He has provided for me, without destroying myself or others with it. Or it may be that His patience is for certain people, systems or organisations to fade away or make an end of themselves first, so that I will be able to fully take my place in His programme and enjoy what He provided without any form of harassment or disturbance.
Remember that Joshua and Caleb had to wait for all the people (twenty years of age and above) that turned their back on God and the land of Canaan to die before they could enter that land and begin to enjoy it. Yes, God was ready to give them the land. They too were ready to have the land. But because those with them were not ready, they had to wait for forty long years before they could enter the land. It was not their fault that they had to wait in that manner. But they just had to wait and make themselves happy while waiting. Otherwise, discouragement and depression may set in and make them also lose what they have believed and laboured for.
At any rate, my point is that God’s patience in dealing with us is always about our own readiness and other people’s readiness to receive from Him and never about His own readiness to give to us. And if we will begin to relate to Him with this consciousness, we will never again lose our mind or go into depression because of anything we want Him to do for us or give to us.
Now let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is a responsible Father who never does anything without being certain that it is for our good.
- Prayers that God will supply all that is lacking in our patience, as we relate to Him, so that we will not foolishly hasten our feet to take for ourselves what we do not yet have the capability to handle and mess things up for ourselves or others.
- Prayers that our hearts will always be filled with the humility of the Spirit, so that God will be able to build into us all the competence we need to possess and enjoy all that He has freely given to us, without hurting ourselves or others.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see every area of our lives in which we need to walk with patience, even though we are not the reason for the delay of our experience of His provisions, so that we will not frustrate ourselves by engaging in things that will not make anything better for us.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will come to our aid in all the areas of our lives where we are losing because of our lack of fitness for what we are handling and give us all the support we need to recover and stand strong.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Be wise in dealing with them - 6th August 2022
“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.” (Col 4:5NIV)
Our Lord Jesus once told His disciples that the children of this world are more shrewd or clever in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light (Luke 16:8). What does this mean? Well, it means that those of the world use their head when dealing with unbelievers like them. They don’t ever assume that that they are nice, kind or trustworthy. Instead, they see each of them as unkind and someone not to be trusted. So, in dealing with them, they put up measures, systems and boundaries that will prevent them from being cheated, robbed or hurt by them.
But many of us who are Christians don’t often relate to those of the world in this manner. Having become Christians and filled with the love of God, we somehow and deliberately begin to assume that everyone is like us, nice, trustworthy, patient and peace loving. So, we find ourselves entrusting precious things to people that are not trustworthy or competent at all, without putting in place measures, systems and boundaries that will prevent them from putting us in trouble. And it is after they have hurt us or injured us in some big way that we will wake up. Then we will go to the extreme of being hostile and loveless in dealing with others in our lives, including believers.
Now God does not want us to live like that, to live like fools or ignorant persons in this world. He does not want us to function in ways that will make it easy for wicked, unreasonable or godless people to continually mess us up and rob us of our peace, joy and goodness. That is why, as we see in our opening bible text, He instructs us to be wise in the way we deal with unbelievers. Otherwise, they will constantly take us for granted and abuse our kindness, generosity, trust or tolerance. Then when we react, they will be the first to say, “And he calls himself a Christian.”
So, first, whether at work, in school, in the neighbourhood or anywhere, when dealing with an unbeliever, always remember that they are not Christians. So, don’t try to treat them like a child of God that you know well and that is full of the fruit of the Spirit. Instead, relate to them just as they are. Is that to say you are not to walk in love with them? No! You must always walk in love with them, however terrible they may be.
However, always put up measures, systems and boundaries that will prevent them from turning you into a victim of their wickedness. For instance, if you want to lend an unbeliever some money, lend them only what you can afford to lose. Don’t assume that they will be diligent to pay back, just the way you would do. That is because they may not even have it in mind to return your money. And if you have given them what you cannot afford to lose, you may end up in a messy quarrel or fight with them that will ruin your testimony as a child of God or that will further endanger your life or faith.
Of if you must do business with an unbeliever, it won’t not be a bad idea at all to document everything or to involve a lawyer. That is what a clever unbeliever will naturally do, if he does not want to be cheated. He doesn’t trust himself. So, he does not trust anybody. If he will do business with anyone, then, he will make sure everything that needs to be documented is well documented, even if the person is his family member. That way, it becomes difficult for anyone to cheat or unduly take advantage of him.
Then if you set up a business and have to employ unbelievers, don’t assume that they will be nice to you, just because you are nice to them. All they may have at heart is how to steal from you the fruit of your labour. I was once told of certain poultry employees that used to steal eggs from their employer. And anytime the man came around and complained that the eggs they were getting were too small for the number of birds they had, they would secretly throw some crates of eggs into a nearby river, just to justify their claims that the birds were not performing. That is how wicked people can be.
Am I now saying that it is only unbelievers that always act like this? No! There are also many so-called believers that are capable of doing even worse things. So, whether you are dealing with an unbeliever or a believer, give no room for the devil to work (Eph 4:27). Yes, give no place for Satan to use anyone to steal from you, abuse your goodness or injure you.
How, then, do you do that? First, always make a distinction between favours and responsibilities. That means when you are doing people favour, let them know that is what you are doing. But when you are giving them responsibilities, put in place sound measures that will make them accountable and responsible for their actions or inactions. That way, there are problems you will never have with them.
Furthermore, always be vigilant when dealing with people that have not proved themselves over a long period of time to be trustworthy and when you are around those that have shown themselves as hostiles. Remember that everyone is not a child of God. And you cannot tell how far some will go to hurt you, ruin your business or take over your position at work.
Therefore, be like Nehemiah and his builders. Once it was clear to the that were building with enemies all around them, they made it a business, first, to always pray to God for protection. Second, they posted guards to watch enemy movements. Third, each of them held a weapon in his hand while working. And God made sure they succeeded in handling their project. (Cf. Nehemiah 4)
Now you don’t need to hold any weapon in your hand while working or while dealing with men, though you can do so, if your job requires it and if the law of the land permits it. But you must always put on God’s full armour for your protection and safety in this world (Eph 6:10-18). And you must also be vigilant all the time, so that you can take necessary steps that are humanly possible for your preservation and for the preservation of all that is yours. That will be your wisdom in dealing with those of this world and also in handling false brethren.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because His word imparts us with wisdom for living.
- Prayers that God will open your eyes to see every area of your life in which Satan is working and ruining you through those you are directly involved with in this world, so that you can end his works.
- Prayers that your heart will be filled with adequate wisdom, knowledge and understanding from the Spirit of God to put up measures in your life and affairs that will keep devourers away from you or totally frustrate them.
- Prayers that your heart will be taught to take God’s provisions for your safety and peace of mind in this world seriously, so that you can always take advantage of them in your dealings with those of this world.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Ignore an ungodly command - 30th July 2022
“But the king said, "You will surely die, Ahimelech, you and your father's whole family." Then the king ordered the guards at his side: "Turn and kill the priests of the LORD, because they too have sided with David. They knew he was fleeing, yet they did not tell me."” (1Sam 22:16-17NIV)
Anyone under authority may, for one reason or the other, find himself in a situation in which he is instructed or commanded by his superior to abuse or misuse his office or power. And if there is no fear of God in his heart, he will succumb to such commands and do evil, especially if he feels that his superior can protect him from the reaction or protest of others against his wickedness.
But even if certain people are able to protect us from the judgment of men like us, can they also protect us from God? No man can protect us from God’s judgement. No man can save us from His hands. So, regardless of what measure of fear or respect we have for those who are superior to us in this life, we must never allow them to drive us to do anything that is contrary to the will of God. Otherwise, we will not fail to pay the penalty for allowing ourselves to be used to do evil.
As we see in our opening bible text, there was a time that King Saul, in his quest to get rid of David, was bent on destroying anyone that stood in his way or anyone that was associated with the young man. In fact, he once hauled his javelin at his son, Jonathan, because the latter was trying to protect David. So, when he heard that Ahimelech, the leading priest of God in a town of Israel called Nob, helped David with some food and a weapon, he was mad at him. He was so mad at him that he commanded his guards to execute him and all the people with him. And did Saul’s guards obey him on this occasion? No, they did not obey him.
Why did they not obey him? Why would these men, who were trained to take orders, even at the risk of their lives, not obey their lord the king? They would not obey him because they knew that even though he was their king and lord, they had yet another King and Lord over them and over him as well. That is God. And since his own command was an abuse of his office as king and contrary to the will of God, they had to ignore it.
Now were these men not afraid of the consequences of disobeying their king on this occasion? Maybe they were. But whatever measure of fear they had for him was not strong enough to make them disobey God, who is sovereign over all beings and things. And what did he do to them for disobeying him in this manner? The bible shows us that he did nothing to them. Yes, he got someone else to carry out his wicked desire for him. But he did nothing to those guards for not obeying him. Why? God was protecting them. How He made this mad king overlook their disobedience on this occasion is not something anyone can say. But He sure made him overlook it.
So, anytime you are wondering what will become of you if you disobey a superior that is often commanding you to act against the will of God, remember these guards. Remember that God protected them against their ruthless and mad king, when they chose to honour Him by not touching His anointed ones. Also, remember that when the Hebrew midwives, because of their fear of God, disobeyed Pharaoh’s order to kill all the male boys of the Israelites, He not only protected them but also gave them families of their own. And He is able to protect you too, when you disobey men in order to honour Him. (Cf. Exodus 1:15-21)
However, He may not protect you in the manner that He protected those people I just mentioned. On the contrary, He may allow you to first be thrown into a lake of fire or a den of lions before He moves to rescue you (Dan 3&6). But as long as you choose to honour Him, even if it means disobeying those who have power to harm you, He will not let you down. So, don’t allow anyone, however highly placed or powerful they may be here on earth, to use you or your office to perpetuate evil. Instead, fear the Lord.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because His eyes are always over us to keep us safe and sound in this dangerous world.
- Prayers that God will always fill us with adequate boldness to say ‘No’ to evil commands or instructions, regardless of who is giving them to us.
- Prayers that God, who is forever faithful, will always keep us safe and sound wherever men are hostile to us because we will not allow them to use us to perpetuate evil.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and heal and restore us wherever we are suffering in our lives because we allowed ourselves to be used by others in the past to hurt the innocent.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Faithfulness in little things - 23rd July 2022
“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own?” (Luke 16:10-12NIV)
Among the funniest things that happen too frequently in our local home videos are situations in which rich and influential people would pick up some guys they just met recently and put them in charge of their multimillion-naira businesses or organisations, that is, without first proving them in any way. And those guys would call that favour, God’s favour, when sharing their testimonies.
But is that how God favours people? Does He just pick up people from where they are and make them rulers over nations, businesses or organisations without considering their capabilities? No! People may do that. Satan also may do that in order to accomplish certain evil schemes of his. But God never does such things.
Yes, there are scriptures that point to the fact that God is able to raise the poor from the dust of the earth and sit them with princes. But how many poor people do you personally know that God has treated in this manner? I am guessing you are saying, “Very few, actually.” (Cf. 1Sam 2:8; Ps 113:7-9)
But why? Why is God not lifting every poor person He finds around and putting them in places of honour? The answer is in our opening bible text. There the Lord Jesus gives us one of the basic principles God follows in lifting people in life and in entrusting them with more resources, authority, power or people. And what is this principle? It is that of faithfulness in little things.
As our Lord Jesus points out in that text, as far as God is concerned, anyone who is not faithful in handling little things, position, resources, education, time and so forth, is not faithful in handling much. Yes, the person may be a child that God loves dearly and wants to take to very great heights. But as long as he cannot show himself faithful and honest where he is and with whatever abilities, resources or opportunities he is given, however little those things may be, God will not give him more of them. That is because he will not be faithful in handling them as well.
Also, our Lord says if we cannot show ourselves faithful in managing what belongs to other people, God will not see us as fit to manage His provisions for our own good, elevation and development. In fact, Jesus says our unfaithfulness in handling natural things, especially things that belong to others, will only show God that we cannot manage true riches, that is, spiritual wealth. It is no wonder, then, that when preachers or church leaders start manifesting unfaithfulness in handling God’s money and people, they also stop receiving more and better knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures from Him. He will just block their access to more revelational knowledge. So, they end up cresting and living on past glories.
Unfortunately for many of us, we usually assume that such retrogression or stagnation, which is associated with our unfaithfulness, can be dealt with just by praying to God and praying more to Him. But things don’t work like that with God. He has already said that we must show ourselves faithful in little things before He can entrust us with great things. Therefore, the only way our prayers for exaltation or breakthrough will work is for us to get busy with being faithful in handling whatever is in our care, whether it is for us or for others. Otherwise, we will just be wasting our prayers.
To say the fact, the most reasonable prayer we can offer for our exaltation in life is that God will teach and strengthen us to be faithful to Him and to men in all things, especially little things. Then exaltation and abundance of all good things will naturally follow.
Now, of course, it may take a while for our exaltation or promotion or increase in wealth to become obvious to us and to others around us. But it will surely happen, as long as we devote ourselves to being faithful where we are and with whatever has been entrusted to us by God and men. Remember Joseph. Remember that this was the process his exaltation followed: faithfulness in little things and faithfulness in handling what belong to others. And it is the same process our own exaltation will follow as well.
So, let us get busy with promoting faithfulness in all things in our lives. And before we know it, we will begin to see the light of the glory of God in us shining forth and causing men to glorify Him on account of us.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He cares about us always and has our exaltation and prosperity in mind.
- Prayers that God will lead us to repentance in every area of our lives in which we are manifesting unfaithfulness in handling the things He or others have entrusted to us.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught and strengthened to begin to faithfully manage everything God has blessed us with and everything men have entrusted to our care.
- Prayers that we will be abundantly shown mercy by God in every area of our lives in which we are now suffering or experiencing stagnation because of our unfaithfulness.
- Prayers that God will remember us for exaltation in all the areas of our lives in which He has seen our faithfulness to Him and others.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Deal with that devourer - 16th July 2022
“Jesus told his disciples: "There was a rich man whose manager was accused of wasting his possessions. So he called him in and asked him, 'What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer.'” (Luke 16:1-2NIV)
One of the things anyone who wants to continually enjoy God’s prosperity and elevation must pay attention to is how the resources under his control are being managed or used. That is because God Himself is paying attention to it. And what He sees is one of the things that will determine whether He entrusts more of the good things of this life to that person or not.
As we are shown in the bible, there is nothing good we have in this life that we have not received from God. At least, we all can relate to the fact that none of us brought anything into this world when we came. We simply came into the world to meet God’s provisions for us. So, naturally, we should know that whatever we are able to take for ourselves here does not originally belong to us but to God, the creator and owner of the heavens and the earth. That being the case, we should not be surprised that He is interested in knowing how we use our possessions. (Cf. Gen 1:1; Ps 24:1; 1Cor 4:7; 1Tim 6:6)
Now since God is interested in how we use our possessions and will judge us accordingly, we too should be interested in how others use our possessions, so that we may judge them accordingly. And we see our Lord placing His fingers on this in our opening bible text. There He tells a story about a man whose manager was accused of wasting his possessions. And how did this man respond to what he heard? Did he ignore it? No, he did not ignore it. Instead, he told the man to tidy up his desk because he was going to be sacked.
We are not told how long that manager served this man. But it did not matter to him. What mattered to him was putting an end to a waste of his resources. In like manner, we too must never allow sentiments to prevent us from putting an end to any waste or mismanagement of our resources. So, first, we need to pay attention to how whatever belongs to us or is entrusted to us is being used by those with us or under us. Then if we observe that they are wasting things, mismanaging things or stealing things, we should deal with them accordingly and not allow any kind of sentiments to prevent us from doing the needful. Otherwise, God will hold us responsible for their errors. And who knows how He will judge?
Why was Eli condemned and punished by God? The bible tells us that it was because he failed to restrain his sons. His sons were messing up with the offerings and sacrifices brought by the people to the Lord. And though he was not involved in their crimes, the Lord expected him, as the chief priest, to do more than merely rebuking them. He expected him to put them out of office, that is, sack them, even though they were his sons. And if he had done that, the sins of those young men would have been appropriately atoned for. But he did not do so. Instead, he allowed them to continue to serve and to mismanage what God entrusted to him. So, he was judged along with them. (Cf. 1Sam 2-4)
Under the old covenant, God said the following about how to handle anything entrusted to us by others:
"If a man gives a donkey, an ox, a sheep or any other animal to his neighbor for safekeeping and it dies or is injured or is taken away while no one is looking, the issue between them will be settled by the taking of an oath before the LORD that the neighbor did not lay hands on the other person's property. The owner is to accept this, and no restitution is required. But if the animal was stolen from the neighbor, he must make restitution to the owner. If it was torn to pieces by a wild animal, he shall bring in the remains as evidence and he will not be required to pay for the torn animal.” (Ex 22:10-13NIV)
Did you see that? God does not expect anybody to treat you with sentiments, if, as a result of your negligence, you lose what they have kept with you or entrusted to you. Instead, He demands that you pay back what has been lost under your care. And even if you claim that it is not your fault, He demands that you swear an oath before Him to that effect. Otherwise, you must fully settle the owner.
Similarly, under that covenant, if, as a result of your activities, another person suffers a loss of their properties or farm produce, you must settle them fully for what they have lost. And why did God give His people such laws? It was so that they would learn to operate with seriousness and carefulness in life and not take others and their properties for granted. (Cf. Ex 22:5-6)
Now since this is how God reasons, we must not only handle whatever belongs to others with a high sense of responsibility, we must also demand that others handle what belongs to us with a high sense of responsibility. Of course, as children of God, we must be forgiving and merciful in dealing with people’s errors or mistakes in handling our things. That is because there is none of us that does not make mistakes or commit blunders.
However, when we observe that someone using or managing our things or what has been entrusted to us has developed a culture of wastefulness or theft, we must not allow them to carry on with whatever nonsense they are doing, regardless of how close they may be to us. Instead, as the man in the story of our Lord did, we need to sack them. That does not necessary mean that we are to send them away from our lives, for there are people we can’t just send out of our lives as we please. But it means that we must take away from them whatever measure of access they have to what belongs to us or whatever system or set up that permits them to mismanage our properties or steal them.
This, of course, will require some measure of boldness from us. But it is the will of God for us. And if we won’t do it, such people will not stop being the door through which devourers will continue to devour our lives and prosperity. Will it be wise of God, then, to keep giving more resources to a man that is living or working with devourers and who will do nothing about them? No! If, as human beings, we will not give certain good things to those we love because we believe certain people with them will not allow them to enjoy those things, will God not even do better? I tell you, He will. So, do the needful about all those that you know Satan has been using to steal your prosperity, for it is your job to do so.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for freely giving us all things for our enjoyment.
- Prayers that God will expose every human devourer or system devourer that Satan is using to steal or drain our prosperity, so that we may deal with it.
- Prayers that God will fill our hearts with adequate wisdom and boldness to do what is right about the people or systems in our lives that have become devourers of His goodness.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see wherever we are functioning as devourers of His goodness in the lives of others, so that we may repent without delay and save ourselves from His judgment.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will restore to us every good thing we have lost to devourers in our lives and which we still need for us to enjoy the quality of life He wants us to enjoy.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to all our prayers and for the testimonies that will follow them.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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The sin that so easily entangles - 11th July 2022
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (Heb 12:1NIV)
There is no way we will talk about the fall of Samson and not talk about his dealings with women. And that is because, as recorded in the bible, most of the problems he had in life came through his dealings with them. Yes, he was an unusually strong and powerful man because of God’s anointing upon his life. He was so strong that killing a lion was as simple for him as killing a baby goat. In fact, he once personally caught three hundred foxes and tied them tail to tail in pairs and used them to destroy the farms of his enemies. That is just to mention some of his exploits.
Yet, when dealing with women, especially the ones he loved, Samson’s superior strength could not keep him from becoming a victim of their nagging, seduction or manipulation. All they needed was just to put more and more pressure on him and make him feel that he did not know how to love enough or properly. And he would begin to say or do what he was never meant to do. That, of course, was how they eventually became responsible for his failure in ministry and also his early death. (Cf. Judges 14-16)
Now what is that telling us? It is telling us that even if we have been anointed by God from the womb, as long as we would not identify and deal with those things that constitute a weakness of character in our lives, they may end up being the trap that Satan will use to make us fail God or to destroy us.
In our opening bible text, we are told that there are sins that easily trap people, even God’s people. Is this supposed to be so? No! Or are we supposed to be weak in handling any kind of sin? No! The bible already tells us that sin shall not be our master (Rom 6:14). It also tells us that God’s grace is more than enough for us to say ‘No’ to any kind of sin (Titus 2:11-12). So, we are not supposed to be caught in any trap of sin, if we will duly take advantage of God’s grace and also watch ourselves. And even if we are caught in the trap of a sin, there is forgiveness for us in Christ Jesus, which we can freely take, just as we have the gift of God’s people whose job is to seek our restoration, should we be caught in any trap of sin (Gal 6:1-2; 1John 2:2).
But then, the situation we are dealing with here is not one in which a Christian errs in a situation and then repents. Rather, we are talking about one in which he finds himself being consistently caught in the traps of a particular sin or weakness. That was the case with Samson. He was not a godless or useless person that did not care at all about God or about pleasing Him. He cared about God. He cared about his people. And he wanted to see the will of God done in their lives through his labour. But he was a man that was easily falling into the traps of sexual immorality. And because he did not see it and deal with it as a problem, his enemies used it against him.
In like manner, it is possible that you too have in your life a sin that easily entangles you, using Paul’s words, or a weakness that easily surfaces in your life once you are confronted with certain circumstances. You need to admit the reality about your situation and deal with it. It may not be sexual immorality, as it was in Samson’s case. It may be the love of money, envy, bitterness, rage or impatience. It may even be a relationship with someone. Whatever it is, you know that it is something that easily takes charge of you, makes you lose yourself and drives you in a way nothing else is able to, in a way you yourself do not like. The Lord’s command to you about it is that you are to throw it off your life.
Therefore, you must no longer make excuses for it. Instead, you are to separate your life from it by taking advantage of the grace of God through prayer, meditation on the Scriptures and the fellowship of God’s people. Otherwise, a time will come when it will be the door through which Satan will come into your life and destroy you.
And perhaps this is already happening. Perhaps Satan has already found in this sin or weakness in your life an opportunity to do all kinds of evil. It is not too late for you to end his works and receive God’s mercy for restoration. You just throw off this evil thing that easily entangles you. If you have to end some relationships, deny yourself of some privileges or dispose certain valuables of yours in order to accomplish this, do so. Just make sure you don’t put yourself anymore in any position again where you will be easily trapped or ensnared by that which the enemy is seeking to use to destroy you. And your salvation and restoration will show up without delay.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for His grace that is more than enough for us to walk in victory over any sin or character weakness.
- Prayers that our hearts will be made to accept the truth about any kind of sin or character weakness that is constantly endangering our souls or preventing us from fully living in the will of God for our lives, so that we may do the right thing about it.
- Prayers that our hearts will be strengthened to know and to take every necessary step towards separating our lives from sins or weaknesses that are already opening the doors of our lives for Satan to come in and work.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy in every area of our lives where we have been captured by the enemy, as Samson was captured by his enemies, through our persistence in certain sins and break our bonds, so that our souls and lives can escape to safety (Ps 124:7).
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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What sort of change? - 2nd July 2022
“So the two women went on until they came to Bethlehem. When they arrived in Bethlehem, the whole town was stirred because of them, and the women exclaimed, "Can this be Naomi?" "Don't call me Naomi," she told them. "Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the LORD has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The LORD has afflicted me; the Almighty has brought misfortune upon me."” (Ruth 1:19-21NIV)
When Naomi came back with Ruth from Moab, the people of her town, Bethlehem, could not believe their eyes. Why? It was because she was not looking like the happy and joyous Naomi they had always known. Instead, she was looking worn-out, horrible and extremely depressed. In fact, she herself told them not to call her Naomi, which means ‘pleasant’, again but to call her ‘Mara’, which means ‘bitter’.
But why would Naomi say such things? Why would she want her town’s people to begin to associate her with bitterness instead of sweetness? It was because of the losses she suffered in the land of Moab. As she pointed out in our opening bible text, she, her husband and her two sons had left for Moab as wealthy and influential people. But all that disappeared in Moab. Her husband and her two sons died mysteriously in that strange land. And whatever measure of wealth or fortunes they had equally died with them.
So, Naomi was left all alone, with nothing so show for her ten years or so of staying in Moab. That, of course, was when she, like the prodigal child, decided to come back home to the land of her inheritance and to her people. And she would most probably have died of depression or fatigue on her way back, if Ruth, her precious daughter-in-law, had not lovingly and stubbornly joined her in coming back.
It is sad, however, that Naomi, as many today often do, blamed God for all that happened to her and her family. She blamed him for her bitterness, emptiness, afflictions and misfortunes. But was He really the one to blame for all that this woman experienced? No! Was God the one that told them to go and sojourn in Moab? No! Did they even consult Him before leaving for Moab? No! If they had, we would have been told in the bible. It was their choice to go and live in Moab. And they made that choice because there was a severe famine in their land. They must have thought that a change of location must definitely be the answer to the famine. And since they had the resources to relocate somewhere else, they moved to Moab and settled there.
Unfortunately, Moab did not end up being the pleasant place they had thought it would be for them. Moab instead swallowed up their wealth, happiness and lives, leaving only Naomi as the survivor. And if she too had lingered in Moab any longer than she did, she would most likely have died there like the rest of her family members. But when she came back to her land and submitted herself to the will of God, she was shown mercy, healed and restored by God. (Cf. Ruth 2-4)
Why, then, do we have this story and other similar ones in the bible? We have them in the bible to teach us that there are changes in our lives that we must not make based on our current situations alone but also based on adequate revelations of God’s will for us. Perhaps things are tight or very rough for us where we are. And having thought about the matter carefully, our conclusion is that we must make a change of certain things in our lives, if we do not want to be consumed by our present circumstances.
But what kind of change must we make exactly that will turn things around for our good? That must go beyond head knowledge. It must go beyond a response to pressure. It must be based on a clear revelation from God of what to do. Otherwise, things may end up for us as they did for Naomi. In other words, with one wrong move from us, we may end up making a bad situation terribly worse for ourselves.
See, it is not a change of location, job, business, Christian assembly or even lifestyle that solves man’s problems. Rather, it is what God does with this change that solves our problems. So, He has to be the initiator and a full part of whatever changes we are making about our lives for such changes to save, support or exalt us. Otherwise, more pains, bitterness and miseries are what we are most likely to find through the changes we are making, when all has been said and done.
So, I am not saying that we may not need to make certain changes in our lives in order to separate ourselves from some problems or pains. We may need to. But what sort of change do we really need to make to see the difference we want to see? Do we know it or are we just gambling? Do we know it or are we just trying to run our lives based on what we think is working for certain people we know?
But that something seems to be working for someone close to you, even if the person is your family member, does not mean it will work for you too. As the bible shows us, God did not stop Abraham from going down to Egypt when a severe famine hit his land. Instead, he blessed him while he was in Egypt so much so that he left there a very wealthy man (Gen 12:10-16). But when Isaac, his son, wanted to do the same thing under a very similar circumstance, God did not permit him. Instead, He told him to stay where he was and that He was going to prosper him there. And he stayed. (Cf. Gen 26:1-6)
Now by staying in Gerar, Isaac was able to learn from God that what he really needed at that time was not a change of location but a change of business. He had been into the business of rearing animals. But while he was in Gerar, he was led to go into crop production. And God so blessed his new business that he became exceedingly wealthy and great through it. (Cf. Gen 26:12-29)
In like manner, we all too can learn from God what sort of personal changes we need to make to turn our lives around and be all that we could be in this life. All we need is to pray continually to Him, as Paul used to do for the Colossian-church, to fill our hearts with adequate and precise knowledge of His will for us about our lives’ situations (Col 1:9-12). And He will answer us, for He has said to us, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jer 33:3NIV)
So, stop making changes in your life on the basis of the pressure you are getting from your situations. Instead, seek God’s revelations and let them guide you. Then let whatever revelation you are acting on be founded solely on the word of God. So, don’t change your wife or husband or abandon your parents or children on the basis of some so-called revelations from God. Such changes are contrary to God’s word and can only ruin your life utterly and ultimately. Therefore, be well-guided.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for He alone possesses the power to change our lives and situations and make them conform to His good purpose for us.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy wherever the changes we made in our lives or to our lives are terribly hurting or ruining us and lead us to the right things to do to experience His restoration.
- Prayers that God will fill our hearts with perfect and accurate knowledge of His will for us about every situation of our lives that is a problem to us, so that we may know what sort of changes we need to make to experience His victory.
- Prayers that, henceforth, our hearts will never lack divine revelations of the right steps to take to always move our lives and homes forward and also keep them safe.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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They can delay what is yours - 25th June 2022
“See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.” (Heb 3:12-13NIV)
Why are we given the instruction in our opening bible text? Why must we see it as our responsibility to watch the people of God in our lives and do all we can to prevent them from turning away from God? It is because their falling away from the faith or unfaithfulness to God can affect us in ways that we can’t imagine.
Of course, God will not hold us responsible for the sins of anyone in our lives, whether it is a family member, church member, neighbour, friend or colleague at work, if have not contributed to such sins in any way and if we have done our duty of warning them, rebuking them or praying for them. Notwithstanding, when He is judging sinners, we may not be able to totally escape the consequences that follow.
For instance, before the writer of the book of Hebrews gives us the instruction in our opening bible text, he first reminds us that many of those that Moses brought out of Egypt did not enter God’s rest, the Promised Land (Heb 3:7-11). Why? It was because God was not pleased them. In fact, as the story goes, God was so angry with them that He said that they would all wander in the wilderness for forty years, until the last person among the rebels in their midst died. And it was so. (Cf. Num 14:26-35)
But there were two men among them that God promised to safely bring into Canaan, the Promised Land. And they were Joshua and Caleb. God promised to give them the land as their inheritance because they were faithful to Him when they were sent to explore the land. They were the only ones that brought back a good report about the land. They were the only ones that stood fast in honour of God’s power and faithfulness.
However, even though God had promised to bring these men, Joshua and Caleb, into the Promised Land, and He did fulfil this promise, they could not enter it until all their rebellious brethren spent the forty years God had said that they would spend in the wilderness. They could not possess their inheritance until the very last person among those rebels died. That means they too wandered liked the rest of the people for forty years. They too were subjected to the harsh conditions of the wilderness for forty years like the rest of the people, even though they were not partakers in the sins of their brethren.
Now what is this teaching us? It is that the sins or errors of the people in our lives can delay our experience of God’s goodness, exaltation, promotion or liberty. We don’t often pay attention to this. But it is the reality that all of us need to deal with.
For many of us, once our lives are right before God, we assume that nothing should stop us from fully experiencing His goodness. But the word of God shows us that it does not always work like that. While it is true that God will not fail to keep His promise to us or deny us any good thing meant for us because others’ sins, sins we are not guilty of, it is also true that He may delay our experience of certain promises of His to us because of the sins of some people in our lives. And that may even be for our own good.
It follows, then, that we must always pay attention to how those in our lives, especially members of our immediate family or Christian assembly, are functioning in life. This is so that we can help them to always stay in the will of God for their lives. Otherwise, they may just be the reason we will not move forward or experience the right measure of progress on time in life.
Now perhaps this is already happening to us. Perhaps we are already locked in some unpleasant situations because of the sins of some individuals in our lives. Then we should ask for God’s mercy for them and for us too and also ask Him to give us revelations of what we must do to stop being a part of their sufferings. And He will answer us, for He is a merciful God. But we must never assume that the wrongdoings or falling away of the people in our lives is not our business, for it is our business. And our failure to see and treat things as such may eventually be the reason we too will never enjoy certain measure of God’s goodness in life.
Then it is even possible that we are the offenders, that we are the ones responsible for the delay of promotion, peace or freedom that those in our lives are experiencing in certain areas of their lives. Where this is the case, we need God’s revelation to know and repent without delay, instead of selfishly continuing in our path of error. Otherwise, God may just separate us permanently from such relationships, so that He may fulfil His purpose in the lives of those that we are limiting or hurting through our own sins. May that never be your experience, in Jesus’ name. Amen. But you need to do the right thing and to do it fast.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for being gracious to us and for always being full of mercy in dealing with us.
- Prayers that God will teach our hearts never to get so involved with ourselves that we forget the relevance of paying due attention to the lives of others with us and prevent them from becoming a source of hindrance to us in life.
- Prayers that God will show mercy to everyone in our lives that is being currently judged by Him and whose punishment is limiting or hindering our own experience of His goodness in one way or the other, so that we may begin to fully experience and enjoy His goodness and provisions for us.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see any area of our lives in which our errors are exposing the people in our lives to undeserved punishment or suffering, so that we can repent without delay and stop being obstacles to the experience of His goodness by all such people.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Give him no opportunity to work - 18th June 2022
“Don't give the devil any opportunity to work…” (Eph 4:27GW)
Among the things we don’t ever want to fail to recognise or utilise in life are opportunities. We want to recognise and utilise opportunities to demonstrate our talents, opportunities to make money, opportunities to attain some position of advantage, opportunities to do good for ourselves or others and even opportunities to punish our foes. And it is only the opportunities to serve God or to give to Him in some big way that we hardly desire not to miss or utilise.
In any case, my aim here is not to address the need for us to identify and utilise our opportunities to do good and fulfil the will of God for our lives. Rather, it is to let us see that just as we are after recognising and utilising opportunities to better our lot in life, there is also one who is seeking opportunities to destroy and ruin and our lives. And that is the devil.
For example, the bible says this about the way he once related to our Lord Jesus: “When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time.” (Luke 4:13NIV) Think about that. Satan, on that occasion, tempted Jesus with three different things. First, he tempted Him with His appetite, but he did not succeed. Second, he tempted him with His position and power, as the Son of God, but did not succeed. Then he tempted him with the riches of this world, thinking that would work, but he also failed. Therefore, he left Him. (Cf. Luke 4:1-13)
But as Luke further shows us in that account, Satan did not leave Jesus permanently. He only left Him for a while. He left him until there would be another opportunity for him to tempt Him again and perhaps make Him fall. And that is telling us something about how Satan reasons and works. He is always looking for opportunities to tempt and hurt us.
No, he may not consider today to be a perfect day of opportunity for him to tempt or harass us. But tomorrow may be. Also, the situation we are in now may not be considered by him as an opportunity to hurt us. But that does not mean that he has given up on hurting us. He never gives up on doing his evil works. And he never gives up on keeping close watch on us until he sees his opportunity to strike.
Now, concerning those recorded temptations of our Lord Jesus Christ that we considered above, Satan saw an opportunity to tempt Jesus when He went through forty days and forty nights of fasting. He came for him when he believed that, like most people, He would be feeling high, mighty and untouchable in the spirit. And if the Lord had been merely functioning on the basis of His feelings, He would have fallen flat on His face before this wicked and clever being.
Therefore, that we are regularly praying, fasting, giving or preaching does not mean that Satan will not be able to work in our lives. On the contrary, those very things we do and that we often pride ourselves in or put our confidence in may be the very things that will give him an opportunity to mess us up. So, first, as Peter tells us, we must keep in mind the fact that Satan is always on the lookout for opportunities to devour our lives (1Peter 5:8). Then, as Paul tells us in our opening text, we must always be careful not to give him any opportunity to work in our lives.
Now one major way not to give Satan an opportunity to work in our lives is to stay away from acts of the flesh. That is because any act of the flesh that we indulge in can be taken by him as an opportunity to ruin our lives or relationships. Anger, for instance, has given him countless opportunities to ruin several lives and relationships. Sexual immorality has also given him opportunities to destroy many lives, marriages and children. If we, then, do not want to open the doors of our lives for him to come in and freely work in them, we must desist from all acts of the flesh.
Another way not to give Satan an opportunity to work in our lives is to always resist him in prayer and with the word of God (James 4:7). The bible already tells us that we have authority over him and his works (Luke 10:19). But that will not stop him from testing us with evil. Remember that he once attempted to capsize a boat that was carrying Jesus and his disciples (Mark 4:35-41). And he can try something similar or worse with us as well. So, we too, like Jesus, must always be ready and willing to use our God-given authority to stop and frustrate whatever he is doing against us. Otherwise, he may not stop harassing us until he takes away everything from us, just as he did with Job. And may that not be your lot, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for the authority He has given us over the devil, his demons and all their works.
- Prayers that God will always strengthen us to walk by the leading of His Spirit and with the energy of His Spirit, so that we will never again put our hands into anything that will give Satan an opportunity to work in our lives.
- Prayers that God will teach our hearts to always count on Him instead of relying on any effort we are making towards being spiritual, so that Satan will not use our pride or self-confidence as a means for destroying us.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught by the Holy Spirit to always recognise every work of the devil in our lives and around us and also strengthened by Him to frustrate it instead of accepting it as of God.
- Prayers that God will cause us to experience the healing and restoration of the Lord Jesus in every area of our lives where we have in the past allowed Satan to mess things up for us.
- Thanksgiving to God for the wisdom, strength and privilege to pray and receive from Him.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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No showing off -11th June 2022
“At that time Merodach-Baladan son of Baladan king of Babylon sent Hezekiah letters and a gift, because he had heard of Hezekiah's illness. Hezekiah received the messengers and showed them all that was in his storehouses — the silver, the gold, the spices and the fine oil — his armory and everything found among his treasures. There was nothing in his palace or in all his kingdom that Hezekiah did not show them.” (2Kings 20:12-13NIV)
One of the things that often reveal the pride in humans is wealth. Yes, there are poor people in whose lives pride is clearly obvious. I am talking about individuals that you cannot spend few minutes with and not see that they are full of themselves, even though they know nothing and have nothing. But it those who are rich that are mostly prone to exhibiting pride in the way they function in life.
Now exhibition of pride is not always about taking credit for what God has done for us. We may acknowledge that God is the one responsible for our wealth or riches and still be exhibiting pride. For instance, when we begin to show off our wealth or increase, when we begin to do things that will let those around us know or feel that we are not on the same level with them, we are exhibiting pride. No, we are not saying that our power has obtained all that we have for us. Rather, we are merely pointing out to others that we are bigger than whatever they think or have known of us. So, they should take note and show us some respect.
For example, in our opening text, we see how King Hezekiah showed off his wealth to the envoys that had come to visit him from the King of Babylon. These envoys had come to congratulate him on his recovery from an illness that almost took his life. And if all he had done was throw parties for them and make them feel at home, it would have been okay. But he went further to show them everything he had and everything he had inherited from his ancestors, including the treasures in his armoury.
Why did he do that? It was because he wanted to impress them. He wanted them to take reports back to their master that he too was a great and mighty king.
Unfortunately, what Hezekiah did not know was that those envoys took to heart everything he showed them about his wealth and kingdom. And as Prophet Isaiah later told him by the word of the Lord, his exhibition of his wealth to them at that time would be the foundation for the attack that the Babylonians would launch against his country and his palace after his demise. So, it was foolish of him to exhibit his prosperity to them the way he did. But the harm had already been done, and there was nothing he could do to alter it. (Cf. Isaiah 20:14-21)
What is the point of all this, then? It is that as God increases us in good things, we need to be careful not to allow our hearts to be lifted up in pride to the end that we begin to show off our prosperity. We don’t need to prove anything to anybody. God is not increasing us in good things because He wants us to prove to somebody that we can make it in life. Rather, He is increasing us in good things so that we will not be unduly dependent on anybody and so that we can abound in good works. (Cf. Eph 4:28; 2Cor 9:8; 1Thess 4:11-12)
Am I saying you should not dress well, eat delicacies, build magnificent houses or use luxury cars, if God has enriched you to do so? No! Or am I saying you should be stingy to yourself or to others around you, simply become you don’t want anyone to know that God is lifting you? No! But I am saying be wise, as the word of God says, in the way you conduct yourself and manage your prosperity. Don’t use your wealth to do anything that will attract undue attention to you from those around you. Don’t use your increase in any way that will make those in your life unnecessarily jealous or envious of you or that will make them begin to make demands on you that you have no capacity to meet. And do not, through the use of your resources, lay a foundation for the deceitful, envious and wicked people around you to start wars with you that you are not fit to handle. Otherwise, you may end your enjoyment of the goodness of God before it even starts.
To say the fact, this is usually one of the reasons God limits the prosperity of some people. He knows that if they have more than they now have, they will foolishly expose themselves to unnecessary jealousies and wars that would ruin or cut short their lives. So, in His love, He waits for them to come to maturity before He entrusts to them the prosperity that He has always wanted them to have.
And perhaps that is the situation with you too. You have an unclean appetite to show off what is going on in your life. You don’t know how to discriminate at all between what is alright for public consumption and what is not. So, any little progress you make in your life must be reported to the world. They must see in on your WhatsApp status or on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or TikTok.
Therefore, because of His love for you, God, who sees your heart, has to limit your experience of His goodness till you come of age and learn from Hezekiah. But how long will it take you to come of age and learn from him? Will you even learn from him at all? Well, my prayer is that God will use these words to cleanse your life of every wrong desire to publicise yourself where and when it is not necessary, so that He may freely release for your enjoyment all the beautiful things He has in store for your life. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because His love for us is just too great for Him to allow us to mess up our own lives through reckless and foolish living.
- Prayers that God will open your eyes to see every area of your life in which you are foolishly exposing yourself to unnecessary and avoidable wars through your lifestyle and also lead you to do the right thing about it.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will set you free wherever you have ensnared yourself and made yourself a victim of the jealousy and bitterness of the wicked.
- Prayers that your heart will be adequately taught the proper way to handle God’s prosperity in your life and not attract to yourself unnecessary enemies.
- Prayers that your heart will be rid by God of every unclean desire to show off things that should be kept private, so that you will never again be the one showing your enemies where and how to destroy you.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Take care of all your debts - 4th June 2022
“Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.” (Rom 13:8NIV)
One of the things every child of God must learn to avoid in life is borrowing. Why? It is because, as the bible rightly puts it, the borrower is servant to the lender (Prov 22:7). In other words, borrowing from people can put you at their mercy, especially if they are wicked and unreasonable. It can place you in impossible situations in life. It can make you beg where you shouldn’t be begging, hide where you should boldly stand out or remain quiet where your voice ought to be loud and clear. Borrowing can even lead you to a place of depression or to an early grave. So, if you can totally avoid borrowing from people, especially money, then, do so. It will spell rest of mind for you.
But we know that, as long as we are in this world, we may not be able to totally avoid borrowing from people. Even the richest among men sometimes borrow to do some things. However, one main difference between them and the poor is that they usually borrow to invest in things they are certain will make them more money and not in liabilities. The poor, on the contrary, often borrow to take care of liabilities like weddings, house rents, funerals, luxury cars and so forth, things that will not earn them more money or put them in positions where they can access more resources. So, they end up getting in trouble for nothing.
Then the rich hardly borrow money that they do not have assets or resources to take care of, just in case they are faced with disappointments. The poor, however, borrow only on the basis of hope, the hope that things will soon get better for them or that a miracle will happen that will enable them to pay back what they have borrowed. So, they end up eating their future before it comes.
In any case, the Spirit of God, speaking to us in our opening bible text, instructs to see to it that we owe nobody nothing. He says let there be no outstanding debt. In other words, we are to live our lives in such a way that if our Lord Jesus comes today to take us home with Him, we will have no debt on our necks. Yes, we are to live in such a way that if our time in the world is up today, we will leave no unsettled debt for our children, families or loved ones.
In 2Kings 4 is the story of a man of God that died without settling all his debts. So, his creditors came to take away his two boys as slaves. And when his widow ran to Prophet Elisha for help, he did not say, “No! No! Call those people for me. They cannot do that at all. Don’t they know that your husband was a man of God? Why would they not cancel his debt?”
Elisha did not talk like that at all? Why? It was because he knew that it was not the will of God for His people, not to talk of His servants, to owe anybody anything. In fact, part of the word of the blessings that He gave to them through Moses was that they would be the ones lending to others instead of borrowing from them (Deut 28:12). So, by the leading of the Spirit of God, he told that woman what to do to pay their debt and begin to live lives free of debt.
Now my thought is that that woman’s husband could as well have taken the step his wife later took. He could have met the man of God for help while he was still alive. And the miracle that his wife and children received may have come to them sooner. Then maybe he would not have died as early as he did. Who knows?
What is my point, anyway? It is that you need to settle all your debts, whatever they are, now that you are alive and now that our Lord Jesus has not come. Pay up whatever you owe anybody, whether it is money or promises. Pay up whatever you owe the government, whether you are dealing with taxes, revenues or services. And pay up whatever you owe God, whether it is money, time or devotion.
But then, someone may say, “I really want to pay all my debts. But I just don’t have the money or means to do so at this time.” As honest as that may sound, it is still not an acceptable excuse before God for having outstanding debts. Do you know what He says about people who owe and do not pay back? He says they are wicked (Ps 37:21).
So, if you owe and will not pay back, whatever your excuses may be, you are a wicked person, as far as God is concerned. That is because you are cheating the person that lent you what you owe. You are hindering them from enjoying the fruit of their labour and from advancing in their lives. Also, you are repaying their acts of kindness with evil. If they had not lent you what you owe or sold to you what you bought on credit, would you have taken it from them by force? Quite unlikely! So, not to pay back what you owe them when due or at all is wicked in the sight of God. And it can hinder your own progress and enjoyment of life too in ways beyond understanding. Stop making excuses, then, and make up your mind to pay up everything you owe without any further delay.
Second, you need to wholeheartedly reach out for God’s divine supply to clear all your debts, however huge them may be. That was what that widow that went to Elisha did. And to say the fact, SOME PEOPLE CANNOT COME OUT OF DEBT IN LIFE UNLESS A MIRACLE HAPPENS. So, you too should reach out for God concerning your debts. Pray to Him about them. Study His word to know His will for your finances. Then get spiritual counsel from trusted people of God and act on it. And you will be amazed at how soon God will lead you to begin to live a debt free life.
Finally, you need to begin take legitimate steps that are within your ability in order to settle all your debts. One of such steps will be to stop borrowing, especially for irrelevances and things that won’t make you more money. Another will be to always find worthy alternatives that will cost you less for everything you want to do or acquire until you are financially independent. Then identify and ruthlessly cut off every form of waste of resources happening in your life. Otherwise, regardless of how much help God sends to get you out of debt, you may never be debt free.
Now let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because His desire is for us to prosper and be healthy, spirit, soul and body in this life.
- Prayers that we will be cleansed of every wrong attitude we have towards the acquisition of money and its use, so that we will stop attracting needless troubles into our lives.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will perform miracles of provisions for us that will enable us to quickly clear every debt that is hanging on our lives or families.
- Prayers that God will grant us favour in the sight of all those we owe, so that they can forgive our sins of failing them and also help us with repayment plans that we can faithfully handle.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will heal and restore everyone that has been hurt or harmed through our failure to pay back what we owed when it was due.
- Prayers that our hearts will be loaded with the wisdom of the Spirit of God to, henceforth, be true managers of every resource we are blessed with, so that we can multiply it instead of losing it.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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When you need help - 28th May 2022
“After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before. All his brothers and sisters and everyone who had known him before came and ate with him in his house. They comforted and consoled him over all the trouble the LORD had brought upon him, and each one gave him a piece of silver and a gold ring.” (Job 42:10-11NIV)
The story of Job, the calamities that befell him and how God restored him is one of those bible stories that we have a lot to learn from. First, it teaches us that our safety in this life is not a function of our righteousness or holiness; rather, it is a function of the love and mercy of God. So, we should never think the reason all things are going well for us and we are not faced with certain trials that others are faced with in life is that we are so good to God. If we think and function like that, then, a day may come when God will allow certain circumstances to upend our false religious philosophy, so that we may see that it is all about His love and mercy and never about our righteousness.
Another lesson for us from Job’s story is that if things should go wrong with us in any way, we should pray to God about them instead of seeking to justify ourselves. As we clearly see in the book, we do not have to do anything wrong for things to go wrong with our lives, jobs, businesses, families and so forth. Then that something goes wrong with us does not mean that God is negligent or irresponsible. It just means that Satan, our enemy, has come for us and we need to resist him, taking advantage of the armour of God that He has given to us (Eph 6:10-18; James 4:7).
But when Satan came for Job, he did not resist him at all by praying to God to put an end to his work in his life and home. Instead, he held God responsible for everything. And that was because he thought that God was always the one responsible for anything that happens to man, whether good or bad. And if God had not shown him mercy and revealed Himself to him in ways he had never known Him, he would have perished in his sufferings. So, if you are going through a bad time, don’t look for who to blame, even if you are the one to blame. That is not going to solve your problem. Instead, take advantage of the grace of God to resist the devil and end his operation in your life and affairs.
Then there is another lesson for us in Job’s story, which is revealed to us in our opening text. And it is that when we need the help of others, we should take it and not despise or waste it. As the account goes, after Job had repented of all the wrong things he said against God and also prayed for his friends that offended him, God made him prosperous again. In fact, the account says that God gave him twice as much as he had before.
How did that happen? As we are told in our opening bible text, God used his brothers, sisters and a number of other people who had known him before to support him. They all came to him with gifts of silver and gold. So, he must have started life again with the resources they gave to him.
But where was everyone in those days that he was suffering? At least, from what we are told in the bible, only three of his friends and another young man came to stay with him and to comfort him. And they also eventually ended up becoming worthless comforters to him. But apart from them, all the other people that later came to give him gifts did not show up when he lost everything and his body began to rot away. Instead, based on his own testimony, all of them were secretly abusing and condemning him (Job 19:13-20).
What, then, made these same people come back to comfort him and to bless him with gifts? It was the favour of God. It was God that moved their hearts in ways no one could explain to seek him out and comfort and support him, so that he may rise again. But what if Job had refused their help and gifts because of the way they had treated him before? He would most likely have remained poor for the rest of his life.
God, however, had earlier ministered to him to forgive and pray for his three friends that used all the time they spent with him to insult and falsely accuse him. And it was after he did so that his healing and restoration began. So, he must have reasoned that he needed to forgive others who abandoned him as well in order for His restoration to be total. And that was exactly what happened.
In like manner, there are times that we need the help of others in order to break away from certain situations that have held us bound. And we must recognise such times and embrace whoever God sends to help or support us, regardless of who they may be. Yes, some of them may be people who have hurt us or done us harm in the past. Yet we must drop our pride and freely forgive them. Otherwise, we may just miss the help God has sent them to give to us.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is in charge of our lives and everything going on in them.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught never to approach God on the basis of self-righteousness, so that we will not block the flow of His mercy and favour in our lives.
- Prayers that our hearts will be strengthened and emboldened to always take advantage of God’s grace to resist the devil in our lives instead of looking for who to blame for his evil works.
- Prayers that God will, without delay, drive everyone that He intends to use to help us, regardless of what our history with them may be, to locate us and give us the help He wants them to give us.
- Prayers that our eyes will be opened to recognise everyone God has sent to help us experience His goodness or salvation in our lives, so that we will not allow pride or bitterness to keep us from receiving the help they bring.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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The God who sees me - 21st May 2022
“She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen the One who sees me." That is why the well was called Beer Lahai Roi; it is still there, between Kadesh and Bered.” (Gen 16:13-14NIV)
Hagar, Sarah’s maidservant, was the one being referred to in our opening bible text. She was the one who had an encounter with God while she was running away from her mistress, Sarah. And why was she running away in the first place? She was running away because of the maltreatment she was receiving from her mistress. (Cf. Gen 16)
But why would Sarah, who is presented in the bible as a model for godly women to emulate, maltreat her maid? It was because she was trying to rectify a mistake she had made. What was the mistake? It was that of turning her maid into her husband’s concubine. She and her husband had been trusting God for years for a child of their own. And God had promised them that He would certainly give them a child. But at some point, Sarah felt that since it was her husband, Abraham, that received the promise from God, the child could as well come from anybody. And the only person she felt that she could trust with this plan at the time was Hagar, her maidservant. (Cf. 1Pet 3:6)
Unfortunately, as it is usually the case when we are dealing with love and marital matters, the moment Hagar realised that she was with a child, she began to despise her mistress. And Sarah blamed Abraham for this. Why? Maybe he was beginning to shower much love, gifts and praises on the lady for becoming pregnant for him and also for making him feel alive once again. If that was the case, as I think it was the case, then he was the one that unconsciously gave room for Hagar to disrespect his wife.
In any case, when Sarah brought up the matter with him, he decided to back off and allow her to fix the problem. At least, she was the one that created it in the first place. It was all her idea for Hagar to become her marriage mate. So, if there was anyone to fix the problem, she was the person. But in fixing the problem, she went overboard. She literally became oppressive in relating to Hagar. And so oppressive was she in relating to her that the young woman ran way with her pregnancy.
Now, though that looks like some Nollywood story, it is not. It is a true-life story. And one of the things it is teaching us is to be careful of elevating people into positions in which we may not be able to control them. See, it is not everybody that can handle promotion or a position of advantage well. Most people will abuse the opportunity or privilege. So, if you do not want to live with regrets for the rest of your life, don’t allow desperation, frustration or even excitement drive you to bring anybody into a place in your life that is not meant for them. Otherwise, they may end up creating a monster of you and ruining your testimony as a true child of God.
Then when people give you a rare opportunity or privilege of being a part of their lives or affairs in some special way, don’t get carried away and allow pride or greed to ruin everything for you. In other words, don’t forget your place in whatever relationship you are, however sweet things may become for you there. Don’t mistake privileges for rights. And don’t forget that you did not carry yourself up; someone else did. So, if you mess up, the same person that God used in lifting you up may also be used by Him or by the devil to bring you down.
Finally, always keep it in mind that God’s eyes are on you wherever you are and regardless of what people are doing to you or for you. And He will surely vindicate you and also fulfil His good plans for you, if you will maintain your confidence in Him and also humble yourself before Him and men. That was what Hagar found out when God appeared to her. She did not think that God cared about an ordinary slave girl like her. She did not think at all that God was watching her misery and was prepared to rescue her someday and give her descendants too numerous to count.
But God cared about her and had plans for her as well. And when He appeared to her, He told her what plans He had for her and how important it was for her to deal with the pride in her life and go back to submit to her mistress for those plans to come to pass. This encounter, of course, was what prompted her to give God a name. She called him ‘the God who sees me’ and also went back to submit to her mistress, as she had been instructed.
Now, as I said earlier, God sees you too where you are, regardless of how ordinary or uneventful your life may seem at the moment. Not only that, He is also committed to bringing to pass all His good plans for you. You just need to trust Him, humble yourself where you are and be careful not to waste any opportunity or privilege you are given to rise or shine. And may His grace continue to overflow on your behalf, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
- Thanksgiving to God for loving us eternally and for always being there for us, regardless of the circumstances of our lives.
- Prayers that God will always keep our hearts strong in faith in Him, so that we will never yield to any kind of pressure or sentiment to bring anybody into a place in our lives, homes or affairs that does not belong to them.
- Prayers that God will lead us to repentance in any area of our lives where we have allowed people’s betrayal or unfaithfulness to make monsters of us and also comfort and restore us.
- Prayers that our hearts will be rid of any attitude or culture that could make us waste our opportunities or privileges for exaltation and comfort in life.
- Prayers that God our Father, who sees us where we are now in life, will, in His mercy and favour, bring about circumstances that will elevate us to where we should be.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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The God who sees me - 21st May 2022
“She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen the One who sees me." That is why the well was called Beer Lahai Roi; it is still there, between Kadesh and Bered.” (Gen 16:13-14NIV)
Hagar, Sarah’s maidservant, was the one being referred to in our opening bible text. She was the one who had an encounter with God while she was running away from her mistress, Sarah. And why was she running away in the first place? She was running away because of the maltreatment she was receiving from her mistress. (Cf. Gen 16)
But why would Sarah, who is presented in the bible as a model for godly women to emulate, maltreat her maid? It was because she was trying to rectify a mistake she had made. What was the mistake? It was that of turning her maid into her husband’s concubine. She and her husband had been trusting God for years for a child of their own. And God had promised them that He would certainly give them a child. But at some point, Sarah felt that since it was her husband, Abraham, that received the promise from God, the child could as well come from anybody. And the only person she felt that she could trust with this plan at the time was Hagar, her maidservant. (Cf. 1Pet 3:6)
Unfortunately, as it is usually the case when we are dealing with love and marital matters, the moment Hagar realised that she was with a child, she began to despise her mistress. And Sarah blamed Abraham for this. Why? Maybe he was beginning to shower much love, gifts and praises on the lady for becoming pregnant for him and also for making him feel alive once again. If that was the case, as I think it was the case, then he was the one that unconsciously gave room for Hagar to disrespect his wife.
In any case, when Sarah brought up the matter with him, he decided to back off and allow her to fix the problem. At least, she was the one that created it in the first place. It was all her idea for Hagar to become her marriage mate. So, if there was anyone to fix the problem, she was the person. But in fixing the problem, she went overboard. She literally became oppressive in relating to Hagar. And so oppressive was she in relating to her that the young woman ran way with her pregnancy.
Now, though that looks like some Nollywood story, it is not. It is a true-life story. And one of the things it is teaching us is to be careful of elevating people into positions in which we may not be able to control them. See, it is not everybody that can handle promotion or a position of advantage well. Most people will abuse the opportunity or privilege. So, if you do not want to live with regrets for the rest of your life, don’t allow desperation, frustration or even excitement drive you to bring anybody into a place in your life that is not meant for them. Otherwise, they may end up creating a monster of you and ruining your testimony as a true child of God.
Then when people give you a rare opportunity or privilege of being a part of their lives or affairs in some special way, don’t get carried away and allow pride or greed to ruin everything for you. In other words, don’t forget your place in whatever relationship you are, however sweet things may become for you there. Don’t mistake privileges for rights. And don’t forget that you did not carry yourself up; someone else did. So, if you mess up, the same person that God used in lifting you up may also be used by Him or by the devil to bring you down.
Finally, always keep it in mind that God’s eyes are on you wherever you are and regardless of what people are doing to you or for you. And He will surely vindicate you and also fulfil His good plans for you, if you will maintain your confidence in Him and also humble yourself before Him and men. That was what Hagar found out when God appeared to her. She did not think that God cared about an ordinary slave girl like her. She did not think at all that God was watching her misery and was prepared to rescue her someday and give her descendants too numerous to count.
But God cared about her and had plans for her as well. And when He appeared to her, He told her what plans He had for her and how important it was for her to deal with the pride in her life and go back to submit to her mistress for those plans to come to pass. This encounter, of course, was what prompted her to give God a name. She called him ‘the God who sees me’ and also went back to submit to her mistress, as she had been instructed.
Now, as I said earlier, God sees you too where you are, regardless of how ordinary or uneventful your life may seem at the moment. Not only that, He is also committed to bringing to pass all His good plans for you. You just need to trust Him, humble yourself where you are and be careful not to waste any opportunity or privilege you are given to rise or shine. And may His grace continue to overflow on your behalf, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
- Thanksgiving to God for loving us eternally and for always being there for us, regardless of the circumstances of our lives.
- Prayers that God will always keep our hearts strong in faith in Him, so that we will never yield to any kind of pressure or sentiment to bring anybody into a place in our lives, homes or affairs that does not belong to them.
- Prayers that God will lead us to repentance in any area of our lives where we have allowed people’s betrayal or unfaithfulness to make monsters of us and also comfort and restore us.
- Prayers that our hearts will be rid of any attitude or culture that could make us waste our opportunities or privileges for exaltation and comfort in life.
- Prayers that God our Father, who sees us where we are now in life, will, in His mercy and favour, bring about circumstances that will elevate us to where we should be.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Count on His favour alone
- 7th May 2022
“But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.” (Gen 6:8NIV)
Why was Noah with his family spared when God brought floodwaters to destroy all life on the face of the earth? Was it simply because he was a righteous man? No! Indeed, he was a righteous man, as we are told in the bible (Gen 6:9). But as we are also told in the bible, no man’s righteousness is sufficient to save them in the day of God’s judgment. That is because all of men’s righteous acts are as filthy rags before Him (Is 64:6). Therefore, none of us should trust in their righteousness or righteous acts. They will never be enough to merit God’s salvation or exaltation.
This, of course, is not to say that God does not value people’s righteous acts at all. He does. He, in fact, created us to do righteous works (Eph 2:10). But He never wants us to rely on our acts of righteousness as a means of getting anything from Him. He never wants to think that our acts of righteousness qualify us to get anything from Him. Only His own righteousness qualifies us to get things from Him. And unless we understand this and function accordingly, there are things we will never receive or enjoy from His hands. (Cf. Luke 18:9-14)
Consider Job, for example. He was a righteous man. God Himself testified that he was a righteous man (Job 1:1). Yet He gave Satan permission to attack him, his family and his possessions. Why? First, it was to show Satan the genuineness of this man’s devotion to Him. Second, it was to uproot Job’s own wrong notion that his righteousness qualified him to enjoy God’s provisions and protection. And until he acknowledged this fact and repented of his dependence on his righteousness, his healing and restoration did not come. (Cf. Job 42)
So, though God commends and appreciates righteous living, it does not qualify anybody to receive anything from Him. It is only His favour that qualifies people to receive from Him. And that is why the first thing we are told about Noah when God first decided to destroy mankind from the face of the earth was that he found favour in God’s sight. Yes, he was a righteous man. But it was not his righteousness that saved him; rather, it was God’s favour that saved him.
In like manner, it is only God’s favour that can keep us safe too in this world of danger. And it is only His favour that can lift us up. Therefore, we must never approach Him or expect to receive anything from him on the basis of any righteous act of our own, though it is important that we are devoted to acts of righteousness. Rather, we must always approach and seek things from Him only on the basis of His own righteousness and grace. That way, we will never fail to experience His goodness in this life, regardless of how messed up things may get.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for His love and favour that always abound to us.
- Prayers that our hearts will be cleansed of every form of self-righteousness, so that Satan will never have any ground to work in our lives or to hinder the flow of the blessings of God in our lives.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught to always rely on God alone in all things, so that we will never lack any good thing we need in life.
- Prayers that just as Noah found favour in the eyes of God, we too will continually find favour in His eyes for our protection from every form of danger and for our exaltation in life.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Count on His favour alone
- 7th May 2022
“But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.” (Gen 6:8NIV)
Why was Noah with his family spared when God brought floodwaters to destroy all life on the face of the earth? Was it simply because he was a righteous man? No! Indeed, he was a righteous man, as we are told in the bible (Gen 6:9). But as we are also told in the bible, no man’s righteousness is sufficient to save them in the day of God’s judgment. That is because all of men’s righteous acts are as filthy rags before Him (Is 64:6). Therefore, none of us should trust in their righteousness or righteous acts. They will never be enough to merit God’s salvation or exaltation.
This, of course, is not to say that God does not value people’s righteous acts at all. He does. He, in fact, created us to do righteous works (Eph 2:10). But He never wants us to rely on our acts of righteousness as a means of getting anything from Him. He never wants to think that our acts of righteousness qualify us to get anything from Him. Only His own righteousness qualifies us to get things from Him. And unless we understand this and function accordingly, there are things we will never receive or enjoy from His hands. (Cf. Luke 18:9-14)
Consider Job, for example. He was a righteous man. God Himself testified that he was a righteous man (Job 1:1). Yet He gave Satan permission to attack him, his family and his possessions. Why? First, it was to show Satan the genuineness of this man’s devotion to Him. Second, it was to uproot Job’s own wrong notion that his righteousness qualified him to enjoy God’s provisions and protection. And until he acknowledged this fact and repented of his dependence on his righteousness, his healing and restoration did not come. (Cf. Job 42)
So, though God commends and appreciates righteous living, it does not qualify anybody to receive anything from Him. It is only His favour that qualifies people to receive from Him. And that is why the first thing we are told about Noah when God first decided to destroy mankind from the face of the earth was that he found favour in God’s sight. Yes, he was a righteous man. But it was not his righteousness that saved him; rather, it was God’s favour that saved him.
In like manner, it is only God’s favour that can keep us safe too in this world of danger. And it is only His favour that can lift us up. Therefore, we must never approach Him or expect to receive anything from him on the basis of any righteous act of our own, though it is important that we are devoted to acts of righteousness. Rather, we must always approach and seek things from Him only on the basis of His own righteousness and grace. That way, we will never fail to experience His goodness in this life, regardless of how messed up things may get.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for His love and favour that always abound to us.
- Prayers that our hearts will be cleansed of every form of self-righteousness, so that Satan will never have any ground to work in our lives or to hinder the flow of the blessings of God in our lives.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught to always rely on God alone in all things, so that we will never lack any good thing we need in life.
- Prayers that just as Noah found favour in the eyes of God, we too will continually find favour in His eyes for our protection from every form of danger and for our exaltation in life.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Count on His favour alone
- 7th May 2022
“But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.” (Gen 6:8NIV)
Why was Noah with his family spared when God brought floodwaters to destroy all life on the face of the earth? Was it simply because he was a righteous man? No! Indeed, he was a righteous man, as we are told in the bible (Gen 6:9). But as we are also told in the bible, no man’s righteousness is sufficient to save them in the day of God’s judgment. That is because all of men’s righteous acts are as filthy rags before Him (Is 64:6). Therefore, none of us should trust in their righteousness or righteous acts. They will never be enough to merit God’s salvation or exaltation.
This, of course, is not to say that God does not value people’s righteous acts at all. He does. He, in fact, created us to do righteous works (Eph 2:10). But He never wants us to rely on our acts of righteousness as a means of getting anything from Him. He never wants to think that our acts of righteousness qualify us to get anything from Him. Only His own righteousness qualifies us to get things from Him. And unless we understand this and function accordingly, there are things we will never receive or enjoy from His hands. (Cf. Luke 18:9-14)
Consider Job, for example. He was a righteous man. God Himself testified that he was a righteous man (Job 1:1). Yet He gave Satan permission to attack him, his family and his possessions. Why? First, it was to show Satan the genuineness of this man’s devotion to Him. Second, it was to uproot Job’s own wrong notion that his righteousness qualified him to enjoy God’s provisions and protection. And until he acknowledged this fact and repented of his dependence on his righteousness, his healing and restoration did not come. (Cf. Job 42)
So, though God commends and appreciates righteous living, it does not qualify anybody to receive anything from Him. It is only His favour that qualifies people to receive from Him. And that is why the first thing we are told about Noah when God first decided to destroy mankind from the face of the earth was that he found favour in God’s sight. Yes, he was a righteous man. But it was not his righteousness that saved him; rather, it was God’s favour that saved him.
In like manner, it is only God’s favour that can keep us safe too in this world of danger. And it is only His favour that can lift us up. Therefore, we must never approach Him or expect to receive anything from him on the basis of any righteous act of our own, though it is important that we are devoted to acts of righteousness. Rather, we must always approach and seek things from Him only on the basis of His own righteousness and grace. That way, we will never fail to experience His goodness in this life, regardless of how messed up things may get.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for His love and favour that always abound to us.
- Prayers that our hearts will be cleansed of every form of self-righteousness, so that Satan will never have any ground to work in our lives or to hinder the flow of the blessings of God in our lives.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught to always rely on God alone in all things, so that we will never lack any good thing we need in life.
- Prayers that just as Noah found favour in the eyes of God, we too will continually find favour in His eyes for our protection from every form of danger and for our exaltation in life.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Don’t try to help God -30th April 2022
“Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian maidservant named Hagar; so she said to Abram, "The LORD has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my maidservant; perhaps I can build a family through her." Abram agreed to what Sarai said. So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian maidservant Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife. He slept with Hagar, and she conceived. When she knew she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress.” (Gen 16:1-4NIV)
In Genesis 15 we have the account of God’s assurance to Abraham that He would give him a son of his own, who would be his heir. And he believed God. He believed every word God said to him about the matter. Therefore, God proclaimed him righteous on account of his faith.
But then, as we see in our opening text, after a while, his wife, Sarah, succeeded in convincing him to take her maid in as his concubine. Why? She probably felt that since God had assured her husband that he would have a son, the son might as well come from anywhere – he really did not have to come from her.
Now did her plan work or not? It worked. But was that what God wanted? No! Indeed, He promised Abraham a son of his own. But it was never His intention to do so through an illegitimate means. And all that they, then, needed to do was to wait for Him to fulfil His promise.
Unfortunately, Sarah would not let them wait. Instead, she felt that they needed to do something to help God. That was why she came up with the plan to use her maid, Hagar, to bring the promise to pass. And as I already pointed out, her plan worked, even though it was not in line with the will of God for them.
So, that you take steps outside the will of God in order to get something that God has already promised to give you or to get something that He wants you to have does not mean you are going to fail. I mean that people can be succeeding in what they are doing, even though it is contrary to the will of God for them. It does not mean that they are on the right track.
Yes, they may think they are just helping God to bring His will to pass in their lives. But nobody can help God to do what only He can do. And no one should try to help Him to do it. It is sufficient for us to carry out our own legitimate responsibilities in our lives’ matters, based on the abilities and opportunities given to us by Him. But to step outside that realm in order to aid Him is to look for trouble.
Again, as we see in Abraham and Sarah’s case, though their plans to help God seemed to work, it introduced into their lives and into the world troubles that should never have been there. First, it launched an attack on their marriage. And that attack would have destroyed it, if Abraham had not acted wisely in handling it. Second, it brought ageless bitterness in between the sons of both women and their descendants.
In like manner, whenever we resort to using our own wisdom or schemes to accomplish the will of God for us, we are bound to invite into our lives and world problems or wars that should never have been ours to fight. This is why the quarrels in some families may never end till Jesus would come. And it is also why some people may never enjoy peace or rest in life again, even though they have gotten certain things their hearts have been yearning for years to have.
So, be careful of any kind of desperation that may drive you to go outside the will of God in getting your needs met or in solving some of your life’s problems. Otherwise, though you have your way, the troubles that will follow may just be bigger than the ones you are trying to solve.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for the wisdom His word always communicates to us for safe living.
- Prayers that our hearts will be rid of every form of impatience or desperation that may drive us to move outside the will of God for us in meeting our needs or solving our problems.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught and disciplined to follow God’s way in all our quest to access or enjoy His provisions and promises for us.
- Prayers that we will be shown mercy and rescued in every area of our lives in which we have invited unnecessary troubles upon ourselves because we abandoned God’s ways for our own ways.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Don’t try to help God -30th April 2022
“Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian maidservant named Hagar; so she said to Abram, "The LORD has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my maidservant; perhaps I can build a family through her." Abram agreed to what Sarai said. So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian maidservant Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife. He slept with Hagar, and she conceived. When she knew she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress.” (Gen 16:1-4NIV)
In Genesis 15 we have the account of God’s assurance to Abraham that He would give him a son of his own, who would be his heir. And he believed God. He believed every word God said to him about the matter. Therefore, God proclaimed him righteous on account of his faith.
But then, as we see in our opening text, after a while, his wife, Sarah, succeeded in convincing him to take her maid in as his concubine. Why? She probably felt that since God had assured her husband that he would have a son, the son might as well come from anywhere – he really did not have to come from her.
Now did her plan work or not? It worked. But was that what God wanted? No! Indeed, He promised Abraham a son of his own. But it was never His intention to do so through an illegitimate means. And all that they, then, needed to do was to wait for Him to fulfil His promise.
Unfortunately, Sarah would not let them wait. Instead, she felt that they needed to do something to help God. That was why she came up with the plan to use her maid, Hagar, to bring the promise to pass. And as I already pointed out, her plan worked, even though it was not in line with the will of God for them.
So, that you take steps outside the will of God in order to get something that God has already promised to give you or to get something that He wants you to have does not mean you are going to fail. I mean that people can be succeeding in what they are doing, even though it is contrary to the will of God for them. It does not mean that they are on the right track.
Yes, they may think they are just helping God to bring His will to pass in their lives. But nobody can help God to do what only He can do. And no one should try to help Him to do it. It is sufficient for us to carry out our own legitimate responsibilities in our lives’ matters, based on the abilities and opportunities given to us by Him. But to step outside that realm in order to aid Him is to look for trouble.
Again, as we see in Abraham and Sarah’s case, though their plans to help God seemed to work, it introduced into their lives and into the world troubles that should never have been there. First, it launched an attack on their marriage. And that attack would have destroyed it, if Abraham had not acted wisely in handling it. Second, it brought ageless bitterness in between the sons of both women and their descendants.
In like manner, whenever we resort to using our own wisdom or schemes to accomplish the will of God for us, we are bound to invite into our lives and world problems or wars that should never have been ours to fight. This is why the quarrels in some families may never end till Jesus would come. And it is also why some people may never enjoy peace or rest in life again, even though they have gotten certain things their hearts have been yearning for years to have.
So, be careful of any kind of desperation that may drive you to go outside the will of God in getting your needs met or in solving some of your life’s problems. Otherwise, though you have your way, the troubles that will follow may just be bigger than the ones you are trying to solve.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for the wisdom His word always communicates to us for safe living.
- Prayers that our hearts will be rid of every form of impatience or desperation that may drive us to move outside the will of God for us in meeting our needs or solving our problems.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught and disciplined to follow God’s way in all our quest to access or enjoy His provisions and promises for us.
- Prayers that we will be shown mercy and rescued in every area of our lives in which we have invited unnecessary troubles upon ourselves because we abandoned God’s ways for our own ways.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Don’t act in haste - get sufficient knowledge - 23rd April 2022
“Desire without knowledge is not good – how much more will hasty feet miss the way!”
(Proverbs 19:2NIV)
E.W. Kenyon once wrote about his success in selling pianos. But he did not start in the business as a success but as a failure. Yes, he had great love and passion for selling pianos. Yet he first failed at it. Why? It was because when he first started selling them, he did not know much about what he was selling. So, he could not give those he was meeting much tangible reasons to buy his products, neither was he able to make good price bargains with them.
But when he got tired of failing, he went to the factory where pianos were manufactured and learnt almost everything a young man like himself could learn at the time about their production, usage and significance in life. Armed with this knowledge, he went back to the streets to sell again. And this time around, the story was different. In his own confession, he said that he was so successful in selling pianos that even those who had no music in them bought from him. Why? He had acquired so much knowledge about what he was selling that he was able to make those he met see that he was doing them good by bringing his products into their homes.
What, then, is the point of what I just shared with you about that man of God? It is that it is not enough to desire success at anything in life; it is equally important that we possess sufficient required knowledge for whatever form of success we want. Yes, it is good to desire or be zealous to be successful in life. That is because it is our desire or zeal that will drive us to work or labour hard to be successful.
However, desire for success without knowledge will, most times, only make us act hastily in getting involved in what we have no capacity to handle or make us fail in what might have been a huge success in our hands. This explains why many are not thriving in their businesses, jobs, vocations or academic pursuits. All that led them into whatever they got involved in was a burning desire for success in it, not adequate and appropriate knowledge of it.
Now that burning desire may have been fuelled by certain success stories of others that they heard or witnessed. But they did not labour to know enough about what they were getting involved in before getting involved in it. Therefore, their decision to get involved in it was not rational but impulsive or thoughtless. And now, having put in years or months of devotion and hard labour and resources into it, the success they originally thought they would have is nowhere to be found. So, they are depressed, confused and lost in sorrow. But who is to blame? They are to blame.
As Solomon shows us in our opening bible text, desire without knowledge is neither good nor profitable at all. It can only make us act in haste. And when we act in haste, without knowing where we are heading, what lies ahead of us or what we are up against, we can only miss the way and get ourselves in trouble.
So, before you get involved in any business, venture or project, be sure you get enough knowledge on what it is all about and what it will take from you. Don’t just hastily get involved in anything on the basis of someone’s smooth talk about it or your love for it or certain success stories you have heard or witnessed about it. Instead, get real and concrete knowledge and understanding about it. Doing that, of course, may cost you some money, time or energy. But it will pay off. Otherwise, you may end up wasting your time, energy, devotion and resources on what is never meant for you or on doing what is right the wrong way.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for the wisdom that His word offers us for fruitful and productive living.
- Prayers that God will cleanse us of every form of impatience that is capable of driving us to act in haste and mess our lives or work up.
- Prayers that God will drive us to true knowledge about every legitimate thing we are now involved in, so that we can multiply tremendously in productivity in it.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see everything we are never supposed to give ourselves to but which we are involved in and which Satan is using to devour our lives and also fill us with adequate courage and wisdom to do the right thing about it.
- Prayers that our hearts will be filled with discernment in handling people’s success stories or smooth talks about success, so that we will never again hastily or crazily get involved in what will never work for us.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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May they be summoned - 16th April 2022
When the years decreed by God for the nation of Judah to be in exile were fulfilled, He, according to the bible, moved the heart of King Cyrus of Persia, in the very first year of his reign, to make a proclamation for the release of these Jews and for the rebuilding of His temple in Jerusalem. And if what Cyrus did surprised any of them, it would be because that person had not been reading their prophetic books or had not been taking seriously the contents of those books.
As we see in our opening bible text, several years before the nation of Judah went to exile, God had spoken through His servant, Isaiah, that He would raise and summon a man, whose name would be Cyrus, to release them from Captivity. So, this king was particularly born, raised and placed on the Persian throne for the sake of the people of God. And did he fulfil the purpose for which he was summoned by God or not? He did! He did because God Himself moved him to do so.
Interestingly, Cyrus was one that we would call a pagan king, for he was not a Jew. As we even see from our opening bible text, God did not choose to use him because he knew and acknowledged Him; rather, He chose to use him despite the fact that he did not know or acknowledge Him.
So, that someone is an unbeliever does not mean that God cannot use him for the good of His people. In fact, there are times that it is those that we consider as pagans that He considers to be most suitable for certain good works that He wants to do for us. And if we are not discerning enough to grasp this, we may miss our experience of His goodness by looking for it in the wrong place and among the wrong people.
At any rate, whether those God wants to use for our experience of His goodness are believers or unbelievers, what is important is that they are summoned by Him without delay to do for us what He has chosen them for.
Therefore, let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for all the people He has chosen and brought into this world for our experience of His salvation, exaltation, prosperity, healing and peace of mind.
- Prayers that wherever they may be at the moment, God will summon all the people He has chosen to make us and our families flourish in this land and also move them to begin to carry out His will in our lives.
- Prayers that God will take out of the way of the people He has summoned for our good everything that is hindering them from fulfilling His purpose in our lives.
- Prayers that wherever they may be now, God will summon and move all the people He has chosen to deliver this nation from all our miseries and woes to begin to work without delay.
- Prayers that God will take out every obstacle on the way of the people He has chosen for the salvation of this nation, so that they may begin to do what He has summoned them to do as a matter of urgency.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers and also for the testimonies that will follow.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Begin to do your own job - 9th April 2022
“Then I said to them, "You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace." I also told them about the gracious hand of my God upon me and what the king had said to me. They replied, "Let us start rebuilding." So they began this good work.” (Neh 2:17-18NIV)
There are things God must do for us in this life. And if He does not do them, there is nothing we can do about them that will amount to anything. That is why absolute dependence on Him is important, if we want our lives to be what they ought to be.
But then, there are also things we must do for ourselves in order for our lives to be what they ought to be. And if we will not do these things for ourselves, there is nothing God can do about them. Why? It is because He has already given us the abilities, skills and resources required to them.
For example, when Nehemiah heard about the condition of the Jews in Jerusalem that had returned home from exile, he was not happy at all and wished he could be of help. But he also knew that if God did not intervene in the matter, there was nothing he or any other person could do to help. So, he turned to Him in prayer and asked for His favour before the only man that was in a position at that time to clear the way for him to help his people. (Cf. Nehemiah 1)
Now did God answer his prayer or not? He did! He granted him favour before the Emperor that the nation of Judah was under his rule at the time. So, the man was willing to let him go and help his people. More than that, he was willing to supply him with a small army for his protection and plenty of resources to accomplish his mission. Therefore, when we pray to God, we cannot even imagine what great miracles He can perform on our behalf to make things work for our good. (Cf. Nehemiah 2:1-9)
However, though it was God’s job to cause Nehemiah to be favoured before Artaxerxes, it was not His job to give this king the details of how long it would take Nehemiah to go and help his people or what sort of resources he would need to help them. That was Nehemiah’s job. And he had to do it in a very diligent and responsible manner. Otherwise, the king would not take him seriously at all.
Also, though it was God’s job to move the hearts of the Jews in Jerusalem at that time to get up and rebuild their lives and land, it was not His job to gather them, talk to them and organise them to start working. That was Nehemiah’s job. And he had to do with a demonstration of knowledge, understanding and enthusiasm. Otherwise, the people would not take him seriously at all.
Then, though it was God’s job to favour the people by sending Nehemiah to them and providing the resources they needed to rebuild their ruins for them, it was not His job to put the resources on ground together and rebuild. That was the people’s job. And they had to do it with a sense of urgency and seriousness. Otherwise, all of God’s favour lavished on then would simply go to waste.
What, then, is the point of all this? It is that we must go beyond praying to God for His intervention in our lives and affairs. We must also identify what we must do with His intervention and begin to do it with every sense of seriousness, understanding and care. Otherwise, our lives and situations will not leave where they are for where they could be.
So, as you are praying to God for better living conditions, also begin to do whatever legitimate things you can do to experience better living conditions in a very serious manner. That way, you will not be wasting His favour but utilising it to fulfil His purpose in your life.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because we can always count on Him to make all things work for our good, regardless how hard the times may be.
- Prayers that our hearts will be filled with adequate measure of wisdom to always distinguish what God must do for us from what we must do for ourselves, so that we will never again be waiting God where we should get our hands to work.
- Prayers that God will make His favour overflow over our lives and affairs this year, so that every ruin of our lives will be rebuilt.
- Prayers that God will always keep our eyes opened to see what we are required to do with every measure of favour He shows us, so that we will not waste it.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught to always handle our responsibilities with a high sense of diligence, seriousness and understanding, so that everyone in a position to help or favour us will take us seriously.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Cast your burdens on Him- 2nd April 2022
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1Peter 5:7NIV)
“Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.” (Ps 55:22NIV)
As long as we are in this world, there will always be burdens or loads for us to carry. Some people’s burdens may be heavier than those of others. But there is no one that does not have life burdens, which may be personal, family, societal or religious, to carry.
Now the truth about whatever burden any of us may have to bear is that we cannot bear it alone or by ourselves. I am saying that regardless of how little or insignificant a life burden may be, we cannot bear it by ourselves. Otherwise, we are going to get crushed by it.
See, the smallest of man’s problems is able to kill or destroy him, if it is not well and timely handled. Have you not heard of people who died of shock or excitement? Nobody touched them or did anything to them. Some information just came to them at the wrong time, and before anybody could figure out what was going on, they were already dead because of shock or excitement.
But how many times have you been shocked in life? How many times have been excited or afraid to the point of shaking? Yet you are alive and well today. What has kept you from dying of shock, excitement or fear? It is God.
The bible says this concerning Him: “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.” (Ps 68:19NIV) Did you see that? God is to be praised forevermore. Why? He is our Saviour in this world. He is the one saving us from being crushed by our life’s burdens and trials. How? It is by daily bearing them for us.
That means the reason we go through life everyday and are not crushed by our challenges or find things smooth and easy for us is that God is handling the matters of our lives for us. Yes, sometimes, we can see Him at work; we can tell that He is directly behind certain experiences of salvation or victory we are having. But most times, we don’t see or feel Him. So, we don’t associate Him with the progress, salvation and ease of doing things that we are experiencing or enjoying.
But the truth is that the reason life is worth living for us at all is that God is involved in it with us and bearing our burdens for us on a daily basis. And He has no problem doing this for us day after day because He loves and cares about us, as Peter tells us in our opening bible text. But then, in order for us not to forget but fully appreciate His place in our lives, there are burdens of our lives that He may leave untouched. And He may leave them untouched so that we can learn to reach out for Him and cast those burdens on Him.
As I pointed out earlier, there is no burden in life, however small or little it may seem, that we can carry by ourselves. All the burdens we have ever successfully carried were the ones God Himself carried for us. And if we will not acknowledge this and begin to cast every burden we have on Him, He too will have to sometimes let us learn by experience that apart from Him there is nothing we can successfully handle in life. This is why we have sometimes failed where we were so sure of success. It is also why certain problems we never thought would mess us up ended up messing us up.
Our problem is that we are refusing to acknowledge that there is no life burden of ours that we can carry by ourselves. God must carry everything for us. And He will carry everything for us, if we will allow Him, because He cares about us and also possesses the power to handle any of our problems and sustain us.
Mind you, He is already carrying many of our burdens for us without our asking. How readily, then, will He carry all of our burdens for us, if we will consciously and deliberately hand them over to Him! Therefore, cast all your worries and burdens, whatever they may be, on Him now, and He will take care of them for you and sustain you.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He loves us so much that He daily bears our burdens for us, even without our asking Him to do so.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught to always remember that there is no life burden, big or small, that we can carry by ourselves, so that we may learn to cast everything on our Father who cares.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will step in right away and set right every mess we have made in our lives and affairs because we would not cast our burdens on Him.
- Commit those situations of your life that have become burdens that are weakening, hurting, killing or paralysing you into God’s hand right now, so that He may carry them for you and bring you absolute comfort and restoration concerning them.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers and for the testimonies that are following.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Accidents sometimes happen - 26th March 2022
“But if without hostility someone suddenly shoves another or throws something at him unintentionally or, without seeing him, drops a stone on him that could kill him, and he dies, then since he was not his enemy and he did not intend to harm him, the assembly must judge between him and the avenger of blood according to these regulations. The assembly must protect the one accused of murder from the avenger of blood and send him back to the city of refuge to which he fled. He must stay there until the death of the high priest, who was anointed with the holy oil.” (Num 35:22-25NIV)
From what we see in our opening bible text, it is clear that even God acknowledges the fact that accidents can happen in this life, whether to good people or bad people. We don’t want them to happen. We don’t like them. But sometimes they happen.
Now though God has the power to stop any kind of accident from happening, He does not always prevent accidents from happening. Why? We will never know the reasons for these, if He does not reveal them to us. That being the case, we must always be careful in the way we use our bodies and the things of this life. We must also not keep quiet about the carelessness or recklessness of the people around us in handling life matters or resources. Otherwise, their activities may result in accidents. And they may not be the only victims of such accidents. We or (and) others with them may become victims as well.
You can then see why Solomon says this to us: “Whoever digs a pit may fall into it; whoever breaks through a wall may be bitten by a snake. Whoever quarries stones may be injured by them; whoever splits logs may be endangered by them.” (Eccl 10:8-9NIV) Did you see that? We ourselves can be victims of our own activities through carelessness or recklessness. So, in all that we do, we must function with safety in mind.
That means if, for example, we know that we are not well trained or qualified to do something, we should stay away from it, especially if there is no one to monitor or supervise us. And if we have an animal, a facility, an equipment or a system that can accidentally hurt us or others or destroy things, we should put safety barriers, equipment or signs around it that will warn others about it or keep them safe from it.
However, as we also understand through our opening bible text, even when we are most careful, accidents can still occur. An animal we keep may go wild and cause trouble for us or others. An equipment we are using may malfunction, for no machine is a hundred percent efficient, and endanger lives or properties acquired through many years of hard labour. Or an ignorant person may tamper with a system we have set up and cause unexpected trouble.
Interestingly, even if such things happen, God still expects our society to protect those responsible for them. He does not want us to punish them without first making sure that they did not deliberately cause what happened. And once their innocence is established, they have to be protected, even where a loss of lives is involved. Otherwise, God will hold our nation guilty of bloodshed (Deut 19:5-10).
Mind you, there are equally times that Satan uses nature or natural things that God created for man’s benefits to cause accidents for us and ruin us. For example, as we are told in the book of Job, one of the things Satan did in attacking him was to cause fire (lightning) to fall from the sky and consume all his sheep and their shepherds, leaving only one man alive to tell the story. That, of course, was an accident, which Job was not responsible for at all. But people were victims of it. And he and the families of those men involved just had to take heart and go on with life. Just think about it. (Cf. Job 1:16)
Well, all of this is why we must never rely on our carefulness at all for the safety of our lives, others’ lives or our properties. Instead, we must always rely on God for it. That is because if He does not keep us and the people and things in our lives or around us safe, we will not be safe. On the contrary, we may end up becoming accidental victims of the activities of men or of the devil. Or we ourselves may end up endangering the lives and properties of others through our activities and live in sorrow for the rest of our lives because of the accidents that happened through us.
Therefore, let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because our safety is always a matter of concern to Him.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught and disciplined to prioritise with safety wherever we find ourselves, so that we can always prevent avoidable accidents that may destroy us or others around us.
- Prayers that God, in His love and mercy, will always keep us, our families and all our loved ones from being accidental victims of people’s activities.
- Prayers that God will continually frustrate every plot of the devil to use anything created by God for man’s benefit to destroy us or our possessions.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Accidents sometimes happen - 26th March 2022
“But if without hostility someone suddenly shoves another or throws something at him unintentionally or, without seeing him, drops a stone on him that could kill him, and he dies, then since he was not his enemy and he did not intend to harm him, the assembly must judge between him and the avenger of blood according to these regulations. The assembly must protect the one accused of murder from the avenger of blood and send him back to the city of refuge to which he fled. He must stay there until the death of the high priest, who was anointed with the holy oil.” (Num 35:22-25NIV)
From what we see in our opening bible text, it is clear that even God acknowledges the fact that accidents can happen in this life, whether to good people or bad people. We don’t want them to happen. We don’t like them. But sometimes they happen.
Now though God has the power to stop any kind of accident from happening, He does not always prevent accidents from happening. Why? We will never know the reasons for these, if He does not reveal them to us. That being the case, we must always be careful in the way we use our bodies and the things of this life. We must also not keep quiet about the carelessness or recklessness of the people around us in handling life matters or resources. Otherwise, their activities may result in accidents. And they may not be the only victims of such accidents. We or (and) others with them may become victims as well.
You can then see why Solomon says this to us: “Whoever digs a pit may fall into it; whoever breaks through a wall may be bitten by a snake. Whoever quarries stones may be injured by them; whoever splits logs may be endangered by them.” (Eccl 10:8-9NIV) Did you see that? We ourselves can be victims of our own activities through carelessness or recklessness. So, in all that we do, we must function with safety in mind.
That means if, for example, we know that we are not well trained or qualified to do something, we should stay away from it, especially if there is no one to monitor or supervise us. And if we have an animal, a facility, an equipment or a system that can accidentally hurt us or others or destroy things, we should put safety barriers, equipment or signs around it that will warn others about it or keep them safe from it.
However, as we also understand through our opening bible text, even when we are most careful, accidents can still occur. An animal we keep may go wild and cause trouble for us or others. An equipment we are using may malfunction, for no machine is a hundred percent efficient, and endanger lives or properties acquired through many years of hard labour. Or an ignorant person may tamper with a system we have set up and cause unexpected trouble.
Interestingly, even if such things happen, God still expects our society to protect those responsible for them. He does not want us to punish them without first making sure that they did not deliberately cause what happened. And once their innocence is established, they have to be protected, even where a loss of lives is involved. Otherwise, God will hold our nation guilty of bloodshed (Deut 19:5-10).
Mind you, there are equally times that Satan uses nature or natural things that God created for man’s benefits to cause accidents for us and ruin us. For example, as we are told in the book of Job, one of the things Satan did in attacking him was to cause fire (lightning) to fall from the sky and consume all his sheep and their shepherds, leaving only one man alive to tell the story. That, of course, was an accident, which Job was not responsible for at all. But people were victims of it. And he and the families of those men involved just had to take heart and go on with life. Just think about it. (Cf. Job 1:16)
Well, all of this is why we must never rely on our carefulness at all for the safety of our lives, others’ lives or our properties. Instead, we must always rely on God for it. That is because if He does not keep us and the people and things in our lives or around us safe, we will not be safe. On the contrary, we may end up becoming accidental victims of the activities of men or of the devil. Or we ourselves may end up endangering the lives and properties of others through our activities and live in sorrow for the rest of our lives because of the accidents that happened through us.
Therefore, let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because our safety is always a matter of concern to Him.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught and disciplined to prioritise with safety wherever we find ourselves, so that we can always prevent avoidable accidents that may destroy us or others around us.
- Prayers that God, in His love and mercy, will always keep us, our families and all our loved ones from being accidental victims of people’s activities.
- Prayers that God will continually frustrate every plot of the devil to use anything created by God for man’s benefit to destroy us or our possessions.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Don’t make their problem your problem -19th March 2022
“But Elisha said to him, "Was not my spirit with you when the man got down from his chariot to meet you? Is this the time to take money, or to accept clothes, olive groves, vineyards, flocks, herds, or menservants and maidservants? Naaman's leprosy will cling to you and to your descendants forever." Then Gehazi went from Elisha's presence and he was leprous, as white as snow.” (2Kings 5:26-27NIV)
Sometimes, when some preachers want to get people to pray hard in their meetings, they will say, “You had better pray hard now. Otherwise, you may end up leaving here with another man’s problem.” And while it is truly important that we get serious with praying anytime we are in a congregation prayer meeting, people don’t just become carriers of other people’s problems because they would not pray hard in a prayer meeting. Rather, they become carriers or partakers of others’ problems because of their undue involvement or interaction with them.
What I am saying is that if we do not unduly get ourselves involved in some people’s lives or affairs, there are problems in their lives that we can never partake of. But if we keep unduly getting involved in other people’s lives, counselling them where we have no right to counsel them, helping them against the will of God or taking from them things that we have no right before God to take from them, we may end up become partakers or carriers of their problems.
For example, as we see in our opening bible text, Gehazi, the servant of Prophet Elisha, one day became the carrier of the leprosy of a man called Naaman. How did this substitution happen? How did a man who was never had a history of leprosy become the carrier of the leprosy of a man who had for years nursed leprosy in his body, while the leper himself went home free of his leprosy? It was through greed.
Naaman, as bible accounts show us, had come to Elisha for healing. And the man of God told him to go and wash himself in the Jordan seven times in order to be cured of his leprosy. When he did that, his leprosy left him. So, he did not come out of that river with it. Instead, he came out with a body that was clean like that of a boy. (Cf. 2Kings 5:8-14)
Now, in his great excitement, Naaman went back to the man of God with all kinds of gifts to appreciate him. But he would have none of his gifts, though he persuaded him hard to take something. Why? His healing was a gift from God, not something he could buy or pay for. And Elisha wanted him to go home with that testimony. He wanted him to go home telling everybody what a kind and gracious God the God of Israel was. (Cf. 2Kings 5:15-19)
Unfortunately, Gehazi was not happy with this at all. He saw in the healing of Naaman an opportunity to become rich. And since his master would not take advantage of it, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He went after Naaman, who was already going home happily and getting amazed that he was healed of years of leprosy free of charge, and lied to collect from him some of the gifts the man of God had already rejected. SO, HE CHANGED THE MAN’S TESTIMONY. Then he came back home, hid what he obtained from the man in his tent and went out to meet the man of God, acting as though he had done nothing wrong.
But to his surprise, by the Spirit of God, Elisha saw and knew everything he did. So, there was no place for him to hide. Then, to make matters worse for him, the man of God pronounced God’s judgment on him. He told him that he and his descendants after him would, henceforth, be the carriers of Naaman’s leprosy. And it was so.
In like manner, many have become carriers or partakers of other people’s problems by wrongly taking things from them. For instance, there are people that will not diligently and wholeheartedly do the jobs they are paid by their employers to do unless those they are serving encourage them with some money. And there are people who are continually commercialising the things God has given them to freely give to others or share with them. Then there are those who steal from others, borrow and deliberately will not repay, intentionally deny others what is due them or sleep around with any available man or woman. All such people are unconsciously opening the doors of their lives for problems that are never theirs to become theirs.
So, be careful not to walk in their paths. And if you have been walking in their paths, retrace your steps now and repent. Otherwise, you, like Gehazi, may not just be the only one that will suffer for your greed and wickedness; generations of your children after you may also end up suffering along with you. Today, we talk about hereditary sicknesses and diseases or generational curses. But the question we do not usually ask is, “At what point did those sicknesses, diseases or curses become hereditary or generational?” Exactly when did they enter the family lines of those who now have them or are suffering from them?
Now I am not saying that sin is responsible in every case where people are suffering from hereditary or generational problems. But based on what we see in Scriptures, we can bring into our lives problems that should never be ours and even make them generational through our greed, wickedness, immorality carelessness or lack of spiritual sensitivity. So, watch yourself and how you relate to others in order that you do not become the troubler of your own life and descendants.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for always filling us with His wisdom on how to live and be safe.
- Prayers that God will rid our lives of any form of greed or sin that may now or later make us partakers or carriers of other people’s problems.
- Prayers that our hearts will always be filled with the perfect knowledge of the will of God in all our dealings with men, so that we will never foolishly take from anybody things that will forever put us or our descendants in trouble.
- Prayers that God will teach us what to do to experience the liberty of Christ wherever we have become partakers of others’ problems because of our own errors or the errors of our ancestors.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Salvation from unreasonable and wicked people - 12th March 2022
“…and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith.”
(2Thess 3:2NKJV)
As bible accounts show us, there was a time that King Saul, in his quest to capture and kill David, was ready to kill and destroy anyone that associated with him. First, it was his own son, Jonathan, that he wanted to kill. He wanted to kill him because of his friendship with David. But originally, it was because he wanted the throne for Jonathan that he wanted to kill David. Why, then, would he want to kill him? And who would he give the throne to after killing the son that was the most qualified of all his sons to take over from him? He was not thinking about this at all the day he hurled his spear at him. Why? He had become wicked and unreasonable. (Cf. 1Sam 20:24-34)
Also, because he had become wicked and unreasonable, he made a move to attack Prophet Samuel and all the other prophets with him, just because he had learnt that David was with them. But God disgraced him that day and delivered them from his hand. (Cf. 1Sam 19:18-24)
Unfortunately, the story went differently with the priests at Nob. Their head priest, Ahimelech, had interacted with David briefly when he was fleeing from Saul. And he had innocently done this without knowing what was going on between the two of them. But because Saul had become wicked in heart and unreasonable in his actions, he did not even bother to investigate Ahimelech’s involvement with David at all. He simply ordered his execution and the execution of all his family members and the town of the priests. Think about that. (Cf. 1Sam 22)
Now, and this is something I want you to pay attention to, when Saul ordered his officials to rise and kill the priests of God, they would not listen to him. Yes, it was a royal order and these men could be executed themselves for defying it. Nevertheless, they would not carry it out. Why? First, it was because they feared God. In other words, these men knew that there was no way they would touch God’s anointed priests and be guiltless. And since He is greater than their king, they would rather obey Him than obey their king, even if that would bring punishment on them.
Second, those men would not carry out Saul’s order because they had not lost their minds like him. That means they could tell, based on the explanation of Ahimelech, that he had no fault at all in helping David. So, killing him, the priests with him and entire town of the priests had no justification whatsoever. Oh, that God would bless us in our various government and private institutions with such men and women, men and women that will not allow any unreasonable or wicked person to use them to condemn or punish the innocent!
Unfortunately, that same day, there was another wicked and unreasonable person like Saul with him. His name was Doeg the Edomite. He was just like Esau, his ancestor, who was godless and had no care at all for spiritual things. And it was he that rose up to strike down Ahimelech, all the anointed priests of God with him and the entire town of the priests, with all their women, children and livestock. Why did he do that? What was he going to benefit by killing innocent people? Had Saul promised him a great position? No, the account does not say that. So, he just did what he did because he was a wicked, unreasonable, godless and bloodthirsty fellow.
In like manner, unreasonable and wicked people do not need to have any justifiable reason to attack you or to seek to destroy you. In other words, even if there is no benefit for them in harming you, they may still want to harm you. Or if they simply feel like harming you or someone tells them to harm you, they may not mind doing so. Why? It is because they do not care about tomorrow or the future. No, they do not care about human lives, properties, love, justice or peace. They do not care about the consequences of their actions, even if they may result in their death or destruction. They only care about themselves and the immediate gratification or satisfaction they are going to get from what they do.
So, you cannot reason with them or counsel them because they are not different from wild animals. All they want is to consume to their satisfaction now. If tomorrow comes, fine. And if it does not come, it is fine with them as well. These ones are also not different from machines, which are being operated with a remote control. Therefore, they can only do what they are asked to do by those who have possessed them – they cannot ask questions.
You can see why kidnappers, bandits, terrorists, robbers, serial killers, rapists, paedophiles, thieves of public funds and those who use people for money rituals behave the way they do. They do not care about those things that God fearing and sensible people care about. They care only about themselves. So, unless they are destroyed or saved by God, most people will not be safe around them.
Which, then, is better, their salvation or their destruction? Evidently, their salvation is better. In fact, God, as the bible shows us, wants all such people saved (1Tim 2:1-4). However, while they are yet living their wicked and unreasonable life, we need to be protected against them, so that we do not become victims of their wickedness. That is why Paul, in our opening text, tells us that one of the prayers we should be offering is that we will be protected from unreasonable and wicked people, people who have no faith in God. And we will do well to continually offer this prayer for ourselves and for all our loved ones, for we all have around us wicked, unreasonable and godless people.
Therefore, let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is our protection and has promised to always be there for us and keep us safe from all harm (Ps 91; Ps 121; Heb 13:5-6).
- Prayers that God, in His love and mercy, will always fulfil His word concerning our protection, so that we and all our loved ones will always be safe from the activities and wicked schemes of the unreasonable, wicked and godless people in our world.
- Prayers that God will move all through our land and set free all those who are being harassed or tormented by the wicked and unreasonable people in the land.
- Prayers that God will cause our security agencies all across the nation to succeed in fishing out, frustrating and judging all those who have sold themselves out to the devil to be used to do wicked, godless and unreasonable things.
- Prayers for as many wicked and unreasonable people in the land that are being exposed to God’s word regularly that God will cause His word to take roots in their hearts and to deliver them from all that is seeking to destroy them.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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What if things get rougher? -5th March 2022
"If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?” (Jer 12:5NIV)
Why does God speak to Jeremiah in the manner that He does in our opening bible text? It is because He wants Him to know that things can actually get rougher for him. Therefore, if he will not take advantage of His grace in his present situation to walk in victory, how will he fare, if things should get rougher for him?
What, then, is the point of that? It is that we need to learn to use every situation we find ourselves to train ourselves for tougher or rougher situations, instead of grumbling or complaining. As the bible shows us, as long as we are in this world, we can expect trials of all kinds. And what forms these trials would take we cannot tell (Ecc 11:2). But, first, we can tell that God will never leave us or forsake us, regardless of what we are confronted with (Heb 13:5-6).
Also, we can be sure that God will not allow us to be fried or tempted beyond what we can handle. The word of God says, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” (1Cor 10:13NIV) The same Greek word that is translated ‘Temptation’ in this text can also be translated ‘Trials’. It follows, then, if God allows any trial to come our way, it is because He knows that we will be able to handle it, as long as we will take advantage of His provisions for us to do so. And we will always have His provisions to walk in victory over any trial of our lives, for this Scripture also tells us that when we are tried, God will make a way out for us to walk in victory.
Therefore, instead of grumbling, blaming God or others, running away or seeking solutions where there are no solutions, when we are being tried, what we should do is ask God to open our eyes to see His provision for us to experience victory. That was the way Moses functioned all through those years that he led the children of Israel. He turned to God every time a new challenge showed up instead of joining the Israelites in complaining, crying or losing faith. So, he always ended up having the solutions to their problems.
So, there is solution in the hand of God for every problem of life. However, if we will not learn to engage Him for the solution to whatever challenge we are faced with now, if we should be confronted with bigger issues (and we may be confronted with them), there is every tendency that we may lose ourselves and allow those challenges to ruin us.
All of this is why the Scripture says this to us: “Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. "Make level paths for your feet," so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.” (Heb 12:12-13NIV) It also says this to us: “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.” (Eph 6:10-11NIV)
What this means is that we must choose not to be weaklings in this life. We must choose not to be individuals that always complain, run away or lose heart when challenges come. And we will be such individuals, if we will not strengthen ourselves in the Lord. But if we will strengthen ourselves by putting on His whole armour, we will find that we are able to frustrate the devil any day and any time and walk in victory over all his works.
Now let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is always there for us in every situation and because we can always draw strength from Him to walk in victory over whatever challenge we are faced with in life.
- Prayers that our hearts will be strengthened to never be afraid of any challenge we may be confronted with in life but to see it as a ground to be trained to take advantage of God’s grace to be stronger and to experience His victory.
- Prayers for our hearts to be taught to always turn to God for His solutions to our life’s challenges instead of giving up, complaining or turning to other gods for help.
- Prayers that God will supply whatever is lacking in our Christian faith, so that we will always be strong enough to take advantage of His grace in frustrating the devil and walking in victory over any challenge we may face in life.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Looking beyond your limitations - 26th February 2022
“During that night the LORD said to Gideon, "Get up, go down against the camp, because I am going to give it into your hands. If you are afraid to attack, go down to the camp with your servant Purah and listen to what they are saying. Afterward, you will be encouraged to attack the camp." So he and Purah his servant went down to the outposts of the camp. The Midianites, the Amalekites and all the other eastern peoples had settled in the valley, thick as locusts. Their camels could no more be counted than the sand on the seashore. Gideon arrived just as a man was telling a friend his dream. "I had a dream," he was saying. "A round loaf of barley bread came tumbling into the Midianite camp. It struck the tent with such force that the tent overturned and collapsed." His friend responded, "This can be nothing other than the sword of Gideon son of Joash, the Israelite. God has given the Midianites and the whole camp into his hands." When Gideon heard the dream and its interpretation, he worshiped God. He returned to the camp of Israel and called out, "Get up! The LORD has given the Midianite camp into your hands."” (Judg 7:9-16NIV)
One of the lessons that the bible story of Gideon teaches is that it is not enough for God to choose and equip someone for greatness; it is also important that the person’s heart be encouraged and emboldened to take those steps that will result in their greatness. Otherwise, they may just live and die without attaining the height meant for them in life.
As the story goes, God had appeared to Gideon and told him that he was the one He had chosen and prepared to deliver His people, the Israelites, from the hands of the Midianites. The Midianites had been oppressing them for seven years. And they were so oppressive that the Israelites had to start living in hiding and also taking care of whatever little farm produce they had in hiding. (Cf. Judges 6:1-6)
So, when the Lord told Gideon that he had what it would take to defeat the Midianites and rescue his people, he could not see the possibility. And that was because he was looking only at his natural circumstances; he was not considering at all the fact that God, who had chosen him for the job, was able to bring about circumstances that would give him success. (Cf. Judges 6:11-16)
Therefore, to get his heart ready to embrace the job and do it, God gave him a number of undeniable proofs that He was the one sending him and that He would be with him to give him success. Nevertheless, even when this man had already gathered his fighting men for battle, he was still afraid to move. Why? He was looking at the size of the enemy-armies he had to lead his three hundred men to battle against. The bible says those people were as thick as locusts and their camels were like the sand on the seashore. So, going against them was a like suicide mission to Gideon. (Cf. Judges 7:12)
But then, God would not give up on him, despite the fact that he was afraid and unbelieving. Therefore, as we see in our opening bible text, He told him to discreetly go down with his servant to the camp of their enemies and listen to what they were saying. And when he got there, to his surprise, two among the enemy soldiers were talking about him and how God had already delivered their armies into his hands. Imagine that. Those people had already admitted defeat even before the battle started. And that was all that Gideon needed to move and take his place in God’s scheme of things.
In like manner, as human beings, we all have our sense or feelings of limitations in life. These feelings may be real or apparent. But they are there, and it is important that we do not ignore them but deal with them in the light of the word of God. Otherwise, we may find ourselves going for things we have no strength or capacity for and injure ourselves.
On a good day, Gideon had no capacity to handle the armies of their enemies. And if it had not been God that sent and empowered him against them, what he did would have indeed been nothing but a suicide mission. But because it was God that called and sent him, divine circumstances were created to eliminate all his limitations and give him success.
What is my point? It is that even though our limitations are real, if God has already chosen a place for us in life, He is able to bring about circumstances that will eliminate those limitations for us and bring us to where He wants us to be. So, while it is important for us to recognise our limitations, we must not allow them to keep us from seeing or going for those heights God wants us to attain in life.
See, many are stagnant or occupying the low places of life today not because they could not be great and mighty here on earth but because all they ever see are their natural limitations. They don’t ever see what God’s divine power could accomplish for them. But the bible says that God’s divine power is for those of us who believe (Eph 1:19). And we can expect Him to unleash this power to destroy our limitations, whatever they may be, and take us to where He wants us to be in life. What we need is to continually pray to Him to open our eyes to see what heights He wants to attain in life and to also bring about those circumstances that will enable us to count on His divine power to deal with our limitations for us and bring us to where He wants us to be.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for all His beautiful plans for our lives and for His commitment to bringing them to pass in spite of all our human limitations.
- Thanksgiving to God because He will not give up on us but be patient with us until He fulfils His purpose concerning us.
- Prayers that God by His Spirit will continually fill our hearts with revelations of His purpose for us in this life, so that we will begin to look at ourselves the way He is looking at us.
- Prayers that God will bring about an urgent renewal of all the dreams and visions of greatness He gave us, which we abandoned because we fixed our eyes on our limitations instead of on Him.
- Prayers that God, in His love, mercy and patience, will bring about all the circumstances that are necessary for our faith to be strengthened and emboldened to look beyond our limitations and go for what He has chosen for us in life.
- Prayers that as we begin to take steps of faith towards occupying the places meant for us in life, God will move on our behalf and take care of everything limiting or hindering us.
- Thanksgiving for answers to our prayers and for all the testimonies that will follow them.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Be generous with discernment - 19th February 2022
"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.” (Matt 7:6NIV)
All through the Scriptures are teachings, instructions and admonitions on giving and the blessedness of it. And if you are a true child of God, you will take these things very seriously. I mean that you will not make light of generosity, for you will know that you will receive your reward from God at the right time, if you do not faint. (Cf. Gal 6:9-10; Heb 6:10)
However, just as we are instructed in the bible to take generosity very seriously, we are also instructed in it not to be undiscerning with our generosity. Otherwise, we may find ourselves in situations in which we will regret our generosity. And once that happens, regardless of how kind-hearted with may be, our devotion to a life of generosity in accordance with God’s word may be seriously affected. Then we may find ourselves missing out on the rewards of generosity that could have been ours.
Therefore, it is very important that we always handle our acts of generosity with understanding. That way we can protect ourselves from doing something we may forever regret. For example, in our opening bible text, our Lord Jesus tells us that it is not every good thing that is in our power to do or give that we can give to some people. Why? Because we do not love them? No! Rather, it is because of their personality.
As our Lord further points out, some people are not any different from wild dogs or pigs. Now wild dogs and pigs have no sense of appreciation or value for anything. They only care about what they can consume right away. And if you should give them anything they can’t consume immediately, they will simply make a mess of it, regardless of how valuable or costly it may be, and may even attack you for giving it to them.
That, unfortunately, is how some people are. They only care about what they can consume or use now. They do not care much about the future or the need to prepare themselves for it. Therefore, if you want to do anything or them, you must keep this in mind. Give them only what they can consume now and nothing more. And they will thank you for it and go away.
But if you should go beyond that by giving them or doing for them something they have to maintain, preserve or sustain, you will most likely regret it. That is because they do not have the character or culture of preserving or sustaining anything. All they want is what to consume or devour. Give them a job, all they will be looking for in it is what to consume. Or bring them into your home in order to make life easier and better for them, all they will set their eyes on there is what they can consume. They may not even mind what steps they take, even if they have to go manipulative or diabolical, in order to get something to consume. And if they can’t find what to consume, they may end up tearing everything apart for you.
Perhaps you can remember one or two people in your life who are like this or who have been like this. You felt you could help them get their lives straight by doing something tangible for them or by giving them something that will enable them to stand on their own. But what did they make of it? Nonsense! They could not just maintain or prosper with what you gave to them. Instead, they messed up everything, tarnished your reputation and then blamed you for everything.
Now those are the kind of people the Lord says we should be generous to with discernment. Otherwise, they may do things that will fill us with bitterness and resentment and even discourage us from being generous to others in the future. And that way, they will be making us to sin against God and be prevented from reaping the harvest of our generosity.
So, as you labour to do the will of God by being generous and kind to others, always consider their character and disposition to life and resources before doing anything for them. Then you will know the kind of help that is suitable for them. And suppose you yourself have been a wild dog or pig to the people in your life or around you, you need to admit it and allow God to cleanse you of all that is wrong with you. Or else, unless those in your life are foolish, they will never give you any real or sustainable help in life.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because of the sureness of His word in keeping us from injuring ourselves while trying to do His will.
- Prayers that our hearts and lives will be healed and made whole wherever they have been hurt or injured because of acts of generosity that we carried out without discernment.
- Prayers that the Lord will continually fill our hearts with wisdom and insight in handling all our acts of generosity towards people, so that we will never again give any form of help or support that will result in regret or that will make us sin against Him.
- Prayers that God, who knows and sees all things, will move in our lives to cleanse them of every attitude that wastes or repels true support.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Rejoice over her - 12th February 2022
“Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice greatly with her, all you who mourn over her. For you will nurse and be satisfied at her comforting breasts; you will drink deeply and delight in her overflowing abundance." For this is what the LORD says: "I will extend peace to her like a river, and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream; you will nurse and be carried on her arm and dandled on her knees. As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem." When you see this, your heart will rejoice and you will flourish like grass; the hand of the LORD will be made known to his servants, but his fury will be shown to his foes.”
(Isa 66:10-14NIV)
I have observed that every time I discuss the situation of our nation with others I am filled with anguish of heart. Why? It is because I love this nation and want all to be well with her. But will all be well with her? All cannot be well with her, if God does not step in and make it happen. And this is why I pray for this country day after day that God will show her mercy, rescue her from all those who are ruining her and lift her up to be great again.
Now if you too care about this country and want to see all go well with her, you should be praying to God for her. More so, God Himself wants us to be praying to Him for any land in which we reside, even if it is a foreign land. Why? It is because our personal prosperity and peace of mind are connected to doing so. Look, for example, at what He said to the people of Judah, when they were in exile:
“Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper." (Jer 29:7NIV)
Did you see that? God expected His people to seek the peace and prosperity of the land of their enemies and to also pray for it. Why? Their prosperity was connected to it. In other words, they could never prosper beyond the level of prosperity of that land. So, if they truly cared about their individual prosperity, then, they must also work and pray for the prosperity of the land they were sojourning in.
Since God, then, want foreigners to seek and pray for the prosperity and peace of the land they are in, do you think He will want anything less from the citizens of the place? Absolutely not! This is why we must be given to seeking the prosperity and peace of our country and to also praying for her.
Yes, it may look like our prayers and efforts are not working or accomplishing anything. But our Lord Jesus has told us to always pray and not to give up. Why? It is because God is always answering our prayers and working to turn things around for our good. Yes, there are times that He may need to perform more miracles than we can imagine in order for us to see what He has been doing for us all along. And there are also times that we may not for a long time see what He is doing for us because of the great measure of wickedness in our land. But there is no time He does not answer the heartfelt prayers of His people and work for their good.
So, we must not give up on praying for our land, even if we cannot yet fully see or comprehend what God is doing to save and exalt her. Instead, as we keep on praying for her, we should also begin to do what He tells us to do in our opening bible text. What does He tell us to do? He tells us to rejoice with and over our nation. And who among us are to rejoice over her? All of us who love her and who have been mourning in prayers for her!
Why, then, are we to rejoice with and over this country, especially when nothing seems to be working well for her? It is because God Himself has promised to give us peace of mind and satisfaction through her. Yes, He has promised to comfort us and make us flourish in her. How will He do this? I cannot tell you that. And exactly when will all this fully manifest? I cannot also tell you that. But I can tell you that if we will begin to act on His word and rejoice before Him over our nation, He too will make haste to fulfil His promises to us and make sure we witness and enjoy the salvation, exaltation and rest of the nation.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He has not forgotten our nation but loves her and is working to lift her up.
- Prayers that our hearts will be rid of every form of discouragement we have about our nation, so that we may stand firm in working and praying for her peace and prosperity.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see whatever we are doing that is contrary to the peace and prosperity of this nation, so that we may immediately repent of it.
- Prayers that as we act on the word of God and rejoice before Him over Nigeria, He will hasten to comfort and give us rest over her.
- Prayers that in the day that God rescues and exalts this nation, we and our families will not be missing to witness and enjoy what He has done.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers and because He will cause us to flourish greatly this year in this country.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Even if it comes without warning - 5th February 2022
“Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!" He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!"” (Matt 8:23-27NIV)
One of the things made very plain to us in the bible is that we cannot totally avoid challenges and trials, as long as we are in this world (John 16:33). Yes, by recognising our limitations in life, being watchful and also organising our lives, there are challenges we can totally avoid or handle before they rear their ugly heads. Nevertheless, there are challenges that we cannot avoid at all or run away from. We just have to face and deal with them. Otherwise, they may just ruin our lives or destroy us completely.
All of this is why we are told to strengthen ourselves in God by putting on His full armour. That way, we will be able to handle any challenge or trial that Satan and his agents may throw at us and walk in victory over it, any day and any time. (Cf. Eph 6:10-18)
What I am saying is that even if the enemy should bring some trial upon us without warning, we have what it takes in God to handle it. But if we are not walking in the consciousness of God’s provisions for us to handle every life challenge or trial, we will continually think of ourselves as helpless or hopeless in the face of some challenges and surrender to them. And that is what Satan wants. He wants to so overwhelm or terrify us with our challenges that we forget that we have God or lose confidence in Him and in His adequate provisions for us to walk in victory in any situation.
For example, in our opening bible text, we are told of a time when a furious storm came without warning against the Lord and His disciples when they were on a lake going somewhere. As men who understood weather and climatic conditions and were quite experienced in travelling on waters, they would not have set out on that journey, if they had seen any sign of danger. But everything seemed normal to all of them when they were setting out. So, they got in the boat with the Lord Jesus and set out.
However, after covering some distance on the lake, a furious storm came upon them suddenly, without warning. And it was so serious that the waves swept over the boat and began to threaten to drown them all. Now these disciples had no answer for what was happening. They had not expected it or prepared for it. So, they felt so overwhelmed and terrified that they could not think of anything to do to take charge of the situation.
But the Lord Jesus was in that boat with them. All along He had been sleeping. So, He was not aware of what they were going through. But when they realised that they were going to lose to their lives to the storm that had come against them, they woke Him up, crying, “Save us! We are going to drown!”
Now did they really expect Him to save them, when they cried out to Him? No! Or did they think that He could really save all of them from drowning that night? No! They simply cried out to Him for help because they could not think of anything else to do. It is just like a child would cry out to his father in a moment of terror and say, “Daddy, please do something,” even though he is not sure daddy could do anything.
Therefore, when the Lord got up, the first He said to them was, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” In other words, they ought not to have panicked or become terrified because of the challenge that had come upon them. Why? It was because they had Him in the boat with them, and He was more than capable of handling the situation. So, the reason the were afraid was that they did not consider Him to be up to the task of dealing with the winds and the waves coming against them.
In like manner, as long as we too do not consider God’s presence and provisions for us as sufficient in dealing with the trials of our lives, whatever they may be, we will not boldly and faithfully take advantage of them. We will just keep on facing life with a sense of weakness, helplessness and hopelessness. And where that is the case, even when we pray to God or declare His word, it will not work. It will not work because it won’t be on the basis of faith. If He, then, does not overlook our unbelief or littleness of faith and show us mercy, we may end up being ruined by our challenges.
As we further see in the case of those apostles, the Lord had to overlook their littleness of faith and, in His mercy, rebuke the winds and the waves. And when He did, everything went completely calm right before their very eyes. In fact, they themselves were shocked to find out that all that the Lord needed to do to solve their problem was to simply say, “Quiet! Be still!” So, their fear and agitations were totally unnecessary, for the one with them was more than adequate to handle the situation.
Now we too need to understand that all of our fears and worries about our lives’ challenges are totally unnecessary. That is because the same Lord, who was with those men in that boat, is with us as well and is more than capable of dealing with any challenge we may be faced with, even it has come to us without warning. All we need to do is to take advantage of His presence in our lives and of His provisions for us to deal with life’s trials. And regardless of how the enemy rages, we won’t be the ones running from him. Rather, he will be the one ending his activities in our lives or against our lives and running from us. Then whatever has been upset in our lives will become calm again.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for His abiding presence in our lives and for His adequate provisions for us to walk in victory in every situation of our lives.
- Prayers that our hearts will be strengthened to never ever forget that God is always with us and that His provisions are always adequate for us to walk in victory in every situation of life.
- Prayers that our hearts will be rid of every form of fear or anxiety that is preventing us from intelligently praying or applying the word of God to handle the challenges of our lives that are seeking to overwhelm and destroy us.
- Prayers that our hearts will be instructed by the Lord on the specific steps we need to take in fixing any situation that is upsetting our lives and affairs, so that we may experience a complete calm in it.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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The little foxes that ruin things - 29th January 2022
“Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.”
(Song 2:15NIV)
Clearly, the words of our opening bible text are from the love song of Solomon. Nevertheless, they can be applied to various issues of life. That is because they are addressing the need for us to pay attention to the seeming little things that we do or that we allow in our affairs that are messing up our lives or destroying them little by little.
Solomon in that text calls such things ‘little foxes’. And we know that foxes are dangerous animals. What makes even more dangerous is the fact that they are very cunning. So, if you discover that a fox is in your compound or neighbourhood, you won’t want to go to rest until you get rid of it.
However, if it is a little cute fox, which appears utterly harmless and innocent, that you see around you, you may choose to ignore it. And it is when you begin to see the kinds of harm it has done, as little as it is, that you will know that you should never have ignored it or allowed it to freely move around in your place.
Now such are the nature of certain habits in our lives. They don’t appear to be anything harmful to us or our relationships. So, we don’t pay any serious attention to them. It may be a culture of thoughtlessly making promises to people. It may be a carefree attitude towards people or things. It may be rudeness or a culture of lateness. It may even be occasional indecent dressing or laziness.
Whatever it may be, the problem is that we are not paying attention to it. And why are we not paying attention to it? Is it because we do not know that is bad? No! If we don’t know that something is bad and are doing it, we may have an excuse, if it ends up hurting us in some big way. But we are not talking here about something we are ignorant of its danger. Rather, we are talking about something that we know is dangerous or harmful for us, which we are still doing because we do not consider it harmful enough to ruin our beautiful lives, homes, relationships, business or reputation.
But any bad habit, however insignificant it may be, is harmful enough to ruin or hurt us in very big ways. It may not appear at the moment that it is destroying us. But like a cunning little fox, it is secretly hurting or destroying us. And if we fail to deal with it without delay, a time may come when we will realise that the havoc it has wrecked in our lives is unspeakable.
Then, sometimes, it may even be certain individuals that represent in our lives the little foxes Solomon speaks of. We know that they are bad, evil or lacking in character in some ways. Others may even have warned us about them. But we don’t think the evil in them is enough to hurt our lives, relationships or reputation. So, we are ignoring them and whatever wrong things they are doing to us, to others in our lives or with our possessions. And if we continue like this and refuse to put them where they belong, a time may come when we will see that they have hurt us in ways that are beyond imagination.
So, if we don’t want anyone or anything at all, however little it may seem, to ruin our beautiful lives or whatever beautiful things God has given to us, we have a duty to deal with it, as long as we can tell that it poses some degree of danger to us. God Himself is expecting us to do this. And my prayer is that we will be given the strength of character needed to do so, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for giving us the ability to sense, recognise and deal with evil in this life.
- Prayers that God will wake us up wherever we are sleeping in our lives and allowing any form of destructive evil habit or person to ruin or destroy our lives.
- Prayers that we will be loaded with adequate wisdom and boldness by God to catch every little fox of evil habit or person that is quietly or cleverly working to ruin things in our lives or destroy us.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and totally heal and restore us wherever our lives have been messed up or made miserable because of certain evil habits, practices or relationships that we ignored in our lives in the past.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers and for His healing balm being applied to heal every wound in our lives.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Are you repelling His blessings? - 22nd January 2022
“When you enter a house, first say, 'Peace to this house.' If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; if not, it will return to you. Stay in that house, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. Do not move around from house to house.” (Luke 10:5-7NIV)
As we see in the bible, God has blessed all of us who are His children with all the blessings in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph 1:3). So, we cannot be more blessed by anybody or through any ministration than we already are. However, having all the blessings of God is not the same thing as experiencing all the blessings of God. That is why there are many children of God whose lives don’t appear blessed at all, even though they are fully blessed.
To experience the fulness of God’s blessings, there are things we must be doing. For instance, we must be devoted to praying to Him, for there are some of His blessings for us that will not manifest in our lives unless we do so. Also, we must be devoted to learning and practising His word. Otherwise, there are certain of His blessings that we will never know of or enjoy. These will just keep eluding us.
Then we must be devoted to fellowshipping with His people. That is because there are certain blessings of His for us that we can only access and enjoy as we properly receive and fellowship with other children of His that He has planted in our lives. So, we will do well to duly recognise the role every child of God that is in our lives at the moment is meant to play in our experience of the blessings of God. Otherwise, we may, for our entire lifetime, cheat ourselves of certain blessings of God that we could have enjoyed or experienced.
For example, as we see in our opening bible text, every minister of the gospel sent out by the Lord is a channel through which He makes people experience His blessings for them. Therefore, how they respond to such a person and his ministry will go a long way in determining whether they experience His blessings through him or not. If they relate to him well, then, the blessings God wants them to access and enjoy through him will flow freely in their lives. But if they do not relate to him well, then, those blessings will just return to him, regardless of how hard he himself tries to get them across to them.
This explains why all the prayers and words of blessings being offered for some believers by their church leaders and other ministers of God are not working for them or in their lives. They are not relating to those ministering to them with love and respect and in peace. So, they cannot experience or enjoy the blessings of God that are for them and are meant to be communicated to them through the ministries of these leaders. And unless they humble themselves and change their attitudes towards these people, certain good things that could have been theirs in life will never be theirs.
Now it is possible that you too are not experiencing or enjoy certain blessings of God in your life, marriage, business, job or academics because your attitude towards some people that God has placed in your life to minister to you is wrong. Yes, it is possible that you are the very person repelling certain manifestations of the blessings of God in your life through your pride, stubbornness or stinginess in relating to some people placed by Him in your life to minister to you. If that is the case, then, you need to admit the fact that you have been missing it and change your ways.
What exactly do you need to do about this? Well, everything depends on what wrong attitudes you have towards those people God has appointed to make you experience His blessings through their ministries or prayers. So, check yourself to see if there is anyone that is currently in a position to minister to you in the word of God or prayer that you have been relating to in pride, bitterness, stubbornness or stinginess and begin to do the right thing in relating to them. And before you know it, those blessings of God that have refused to manifest in your life through them will begin to freely find expression, causing you to overflow with joy and praise to God.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for blessing us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.
- Prayers that our eyes will be opened to see every spiritual relationship of ours that we are taking lightly and because of which we are being cheated of God’s blessings, so that we may repent and begin to do what is right about them.
- Prayers that our hearts will be set right to, henceforth, always relate with love, respect, submission and generosity to all the people God has planted in our lives in order for us to experience the fullness of His blessings, so that we will never again repel His blessings through a mismanagement of our relationship with anyone.
- Prayers that our hearts will be led and strengthened to be devoted to everything we need to devote ourselves to in order to experience the fullness of the outpoured blessings of God on our lives.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will restore to us every opportunity to experience certain blessings of His that we missed in the past and also enable us to now make the most of them, so that nothing will be lacking in our lives.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Stop cheating -15th January 2022
“Judah got a wife for Er, his firstborn, and her name was Tamar. But Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the LORD's sight; so the LORD put him to death. Then Judah said to Onan, "Lie with your brother's wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to produce offspring for your brother." But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. What he did was wicked in the LORD's sight; so he put him to death also.” (Gen 38:6-10NIV)
As we see in the bible text above, Judah’s firstborn, Er, was put to death by the Lord because he was wicked. Exactly what form his wickedness took is not something we are told in the text. But it is clear that he was wicked enough to get a death sentence from the Lord before he could even father a child. So, if someone is living a wicked life and is still alive, know that the Lord is just being merciful to him and giving him time to repent. And if he will not repent within the amount of time given to him, God’s judgment is bound to come on him. How He will judge, however, is what no one can say.
At any rate, when Judah saw that his son, Er, died without leaving any child behind, he asked his younger brother, Onan, to take in his wife and fulfil his duty to her as a brother-in-law. Why? It was so that through him his elder brother might have a son to carry on his name. This, of course, was cultural at that time. So, nothing was wrong with it. In fact, God would later give the Israelites similar laws in order to see to it that no one loses his inheritance because of their childlessness and to also protect the widows of childless men. (Cf. Deut 25:5-10)
Now Onan did not argue with his father when he told him to take in his brother’s wife, even though he could have. But he made sure that his sexual relationship with her would not result in a pregnancy. Why? He did not want his brother to have any offspring. Why? It may be that he was thinking about their father’s inheritance. This is just an assumption, for the bible does not say so. But if this assumption is correct, then, it would mean that he did not want his brother to have any child that would claim his own share of their father’s inheritance, a share which, of course, would be the largest, seeing that Er was Judah’s firstborn.
But as I already pointed out, Onan could have refused to marry that woman. Even under the Law of Moses, a man could refuse to marry the widow of his brother for any reason justifiable to him. And no punishment would follow other than the fact that he would be despised and labelled forever as unkind. So, if Onan had refused to marry his brother’s wife, heavens would not have fallen over him. The worst that could have happened would be for them to release the woman and allow her to go and start afresh. (Cf. Ruth 1:3-14 & 4:1-12)
However, Onan chose to marry her, knowing fully well that he had no intention of helping his dead brother have a son through her. Why? It was because he was greedy. And I am not talking about his greed for their father’s inheritance, though that was present in him too. Rather, I am talking about his greed for his brother’s beautiful wife, Tamar. Though he did not want his brother to have any child through her, he wanted to have her for himself and to continue to enjoy her. So, he would keep her in the family, use her from time to time to satisfy his sexual desires and then let her grow old without any child to care for her.
Now what do you call that? Cheating! Oppression! And could any man judge this kind of case appropriately? No! But God could. And He decided to judge it by also taking the life of the young man, Onan. Thus, He is showing us that He is watching every matter of our lives to see that there is justice for everyone. So, if you are cheating others in one way or the other, even if they are your family members, know today that God is watching you. Yes, if you are drawing from others but preventing them to draw from you what is appropriate or legitimate for them also to draw from you, God is watching you. And if you do not amend your ways, at some point, He will step in to judge your wickedness.
How, then, will He judge, when He decides to judge? That is not what anyone or I can say. What Onan did seemed quite trivial and not deserving a death sentence. He got a death sentence, nonetheless. So, we cannot tell what form of loss or pain we may experience for cheating others. That is why we should, henceforth, begin to cleanse our lives of every tendency to cheat or oppress others. And may we be guided and strengthened by the Spirit of God to effectively do so, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
- Thanksgiving to God because He is continually opening our eyes to see those things that can endanger our lives and faith, so that we may do what is right about them.
- Prayers that our eyes will be opened to see every relationship of ours in which we are cheating, even if it has not been obvious to us or to those we are cheating, so that we may repent without delay.
- Prayers that our eyes will be made to see whatever we are doing that is oppressive to others, even if it does not appear so, in order that we may do what is right and shut our lives against God’s judgment.
- Prayers that we will be shown mercy and restored wherever we are suffering in our lives because we cheated or oppressed someone.
- Prayers that God will move on our behalf and vindicate us in every situation where people are cheating or oppressing us and keeping us from enjoying the fruit of our labour.
- Thanksgiving to God for giving us access to pray and receive from Him.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Don’t let it serve wrong purposes -8th January 2022
“On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. And as he taught them, he said, "Is it not written: "'My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations'? But you have made it 'a den of robbers.'"” (Mark 11:15-17NIV)
Why did our Lord Jesus make a whip to drive out those buying and selling within the temple courts on the occasion mentioned in our opening bible text? It was because they were using that temple for wrong purposes. According to the Lord, the Scriptures are very clear about what God’s temple is meant for. For example, they tell us that His temple is meant to be a house of prayer for all nations. That means it is to be a place where hands would be lifted and voices raised in prayers to God by people from all the nations of the world, so that His glory may be seen by all.
Unfortunately, at the time in question, the place was not at all serving His purpose. Instead, it had become a den of robbers, a place where all kinds of sharp and wicked practices were taking place, a place where people could freely come together and plot evil things. And how did that happen? It happened through the negligence and irresponsibility of the spiritual leaders of the nation. They were the ones that allowed God’s temple to become what it was at the time. That was because they would not cleanse it of every form of ungodliness present and also teach the people the proper way to relate to it. (Cf. Ezekiel 44:23; Malachi 2:7-8)
When Hezekiah became king, the first thing he did was to lead the religious leaders of the land at that time to sanctify the Lord’s temple and rid it of every defilement, so that it may begin to serve God’s intended purpose (2Chro 29). But that was not the case during the time of our Lord Jesus Christ. The leaders of the land did not see anything wrong in having the temple desecrated and turned into a den of thieves and robbers. And that must have been because they were profiting from the situation.
Therefore, on the occasion mentioned in our opening bible text, our Lord would not just take it. He would not allow God’s temple to continue to be used for purposes contrary to His will. That was why, in His zeal for Him, He decided to do the needful. He drove out all those messing up this temple and began to teach the people what their proper attitude towards using it ought to be.
Now, as we see in Scriptures, the temple of God is no longer a symbol, that is, a physical building, but people. We, who have come to Him through Jesus Christ, are His temple (1Cor 3:16&6:19). Our lives and bodies are His Home. And like the priests of bible days, we too have a duty of seeing to it that our lives and bodies, which are God’s temple, are not used for purposes that are contrary to His will. We have a duty to regularly cleanse and rid our lives of those that are buying and selling in them, corrupting them and making them unprofitable to God.
But if we will not do this, at some point, the Lord, because of His love for us and His zeal to see God’s purpose realised in our lives, may have to step in, get a whip and drive out of our lives everything working against God’s purposes in them. This, of course, may come with pains, losses or even death. If we, then, do not want to have such experiences, we must continually shine the light of the word of God on our lives, so that we may identify those things making them function contrary to His will and deal with them appropriately.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for loving us enough to make our lives His temple and live in them.
- Prayers that our eyes will be opened to see everything in our lives that is working contrary to God’s purpose for them, so that we may do the needful about it.
- Prayers that God will fill our hearts with adequate wisdom, knowledge and boldness to cleanse our lives of everything that is making them serve purposes contrary to His will.
- Prayers that God will teach us to always be on our guard, so that we will never again allow anyone or anything to make our lives serve purposes that are contrary to His will.
- Prayers that God will wake up all our church leaders all around the world to take seriously their responsibility of keeping the church free of things that are making her serve purposes contrary to His will.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Trust Him with all your heart -1st January 2022
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Prov 3:5-6NIV)
What is Solomon’s instruction to us in our opening bible text? It is that we should trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not rely on our wisdom or intelligence. He says this because he knows that we, who believe in God, are often confronted with the temptation to ignore Him in some areas of our lives and do things according to how we think or feel they should be done. And this explains why we often fail where success could have been ours and gain nothing where we could have had an abundance of everything.
There is a story in the bible of a king of Judah called Asa. This king started out his reign fully trusting in God for everything. So, He made him and his people prosper in every way and also gave them rest on every side. Even when a mighty king came against them with his soldiers, God crushed him before them and made sure His terror was on all their enemies around them. (Cf. 2Chro 14)
However, after this king had been fully established, he began to choose when to trust God and when to rely on his wisdom and wealth. And this was highlighted when the king of Israel, their sister nation, came against him his army. Instead, for him to consult God on what to do, he decided to follow his own reasoning. He paid another king, the king of Syria, to deal with the matter for him and then sat back to watch. (Cf. 2Chro 16:1-6)
Now, of course, what Asa did seemed to work, at least for that period. What he did not know, however, was that if he had trusted God on that occasion as well, it was not only the armies of Israel that He would have delivered to him; He would also have delivered to him the armies of the king of Syria, whom he had consulted and put his trust in. But his failure to trust God with all his heart made him lose all that. Also, it exposed him to wars that he should never have had to fight in life. (Cf. 2Chro 16:7-9)
So, when Solomon admonishes us to trust God with all our heart and never to lean on our own understanding, it is in order that we may not end up opening the doors of our lives for unnecessary wars or challenges to come in and wound us. Yes, there are times we may feel in ourselves that we are more than capable to handle certain situations or challenges we are faced with. But the truth of the matter is that there is no situation of our lives that we are capable of handling by ourselves, if God does not make us capable of handling it. And there are many Scriptures that make this very clear to us. (Cf. Ps 127:1-2; Is 26:12; 2Cor 3:5-6)
If we, then, do not want things to end for us as they did with King Asa, especially as we begin a new year today, let us learn to trust God always and with all our heart. Yes, let us learn to acknowledge Him always as our sufficiency. And as Solomon tells us, when we relate to Him like this, He will make our paths straight. In other words, He will deal with every hindrance and every harmful thing on our way and make sure we have a free passage to success, peace and prosperity.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for the gift of a new year and for all that we are going to enjoy from His hand in the new year.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught and strengthened to always entrust everything about our lives to God alone this new year, so that our paths to experiencing greatness and excellence in the year will be straight and not crooked or destructive.
- Prayers that our eyes will be opened to see every area of our lives in which, instead of relying on God for our breakthrough and success, we are relying on ourselves, some men or some institutions, so that we may repent of this error and foolishness immediately and put our trust in God.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and end all forms of needless wars that have come into our lives as a result of our failure to depend on Him in some areas of our lives.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
Happy New Year!
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2022, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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He answers simple prayers too -25th December 2021
“Then he prayed, "O LORD, God of my master Abraham, give me success today, and show kindness to my master Abraham.”” (Gen 24:12NIV)
When Abraham’s servant set out to find a wife for Isaac, as his master had instructed him to do, he knew that the only way he could succeed on that trip was to have supernatural help. But where would this help come from? What god would give him the kind of help he needed?
As we see in Scriptures, that was a time in which idolatry was widespread in the world. It was a time in which most people had all kinds of personal gods and household idols that they worshipped and relied upon. But this man would not turn to just any god or idol for help. Instead, he turned to the God of His master, Abraham. Why? It was because he had seen him perform all kinds of wonders and miracles for him. He had seen Him make promises to his master and fulfil them. So, he was certain that if he turned to Him for help, He would certainly answer and not fail him.
And he did turn to God for help. He offered a very simple prayer to him, saying, "O LORD, God of my master Abraham, give me success today, and show kindness to my master Abraham.” Observe that he was very specific about the God he was praying to – it was the God of his master, Abraham. And why did he refer to Him as the God of his master? It was most likely because he had not fully made Him his personal God. But if you have made Him your personal God, you do not have to refer to Him as the God of so and so; instead, you should refer to Him as ‘My God and my Father’.
In any case, this man, as I pointed out before, offered to God a very simple but straight-forward prayer. He asked Him to give him success that very day. And did He give him success or not? He did, for he later said to the family of Rebekah, the woman he eventually picked as wife for Isaac, “…Do not detain me, now that the LORD has granted success to my journey. Send me on my way so I may go to my master."” (Gen 24:56NIV)
So, we do not need to pray and sweat as Jesus did, just before He went to the cross, before God answers our prayers. Jesus sweated when He was praying on that occasion because He was in anguish. And His prayers were not heard because He cried out loud and sweated but because He cast Himself on God who was able to save Him from death. (Cf. Luke 22:41-44; Heb 5:7)
Mind you, there are some recorded incidents in the bible in which He prayed very simple prayers and God answered Him right away (Matt 14:15-21; Matt 15:32-37; John 11:41-44). So, if you are not in anguish of heart, you may not have to cry out loud and weep before you pray to God. That is because He is able to hear and answer your very simple prayers, as long as they are heartfelt prayers that are offered in faith. And even if you are in anguish and have to pour out your heart to Him with tears, you must understand that it is not your tears that will make God answer your prayers but your expression of faith in Him and the consistency of your prayers with His will (1John 5:14).
At any rate, if you too, just like Abraham’s servant, need success on your journey into the new year that is just around the corner, then, begin to offer to God, your God and Father, very simple prayers of faith about the kind of success you need or the areas of your life in which you need success. You may not remember everything all at once. But regardless of where you are and what you are doing, once you remember an area of your life in which you need success, favour, protection or deliverance, pray to Him about it right there and then.
What I am saying is that you do not need to wait until you get to a church meeting place, a secluded area or a prayer mountain before you speak to God about what you need in the coming year. Just keep speaking to Him wherever you are, as the thoughts of the things you need in the year flow through your mind. And just as He answered Abraham’s servant and did not ignore him in his moment of need, He will answer you too and not ignore you, seeing that you are trusting in Him. I personally have seen Him answer prayers that I offered to Him in this manner countless times. So, it works – He answers simple prayers too. And my prayer is that your heart will be made strong and filled with faith to do this without fear, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is a God that takes notice of every word of prayer we offer to Him, however simple it may be and regardless of where we are and when we offer it.
- Prayers that your heart will be taught never to again waste any opportunity you have to pray and receive from God on the basis of where you are or what you are doing.
- Prayers that God will make your journey through the new year we are moving into favourable and peaceful for you in every way and at all times.
- Prayers that God will grant you good success in all your honest and righteous endeavours in the year we are moving into.
- Prayers that you will be taught by the Spirit of God to always recognise answers to your prayers, so that you may give thanks to God for them and also possess them instead of foolishly turning away to things that are not answers to your prayers.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Put first things first -
18th December 2021
“Finish your outdoor work and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.” (Prov 24:27NIV)
Before God made the world of plants, He first made sure the sun that would give them light for growth and the land on which they would grow and draw nutrients were ready. Also, before He made the world of birds and animals, He first made sure the plants they would feed on and the trees and the ground on which they would live and thrive were ready. In addition, before He brought forth His man, who would be ruler over all the works of His hands, He first of all made sure everything He would need to be a true ruler was ready. And what do we learn from all of this? It is that God is organised and orderly. He knows how to put first things first, so that things can run smoothly and easily for all His creations to flourish and be exceedingly fruitful and productive. (Cf. Gen 1)
Now since we have been created in the image of God and after His likeness, we too are expected to be organised and orderly in our lives. We are expected to train ourselves to always put first things first. This is so that we can easily manage our lives and affairs to be continually fruitful, productive and restful.
See, one of the reasons life is hard and full of pains for many today is that they are not orderly or organised. It may be because of IGNORANCE, FOOLISHNESS, FEAR OR INDISCIPLINE. But the fact remains that they are not putting first things first in their lives and setting up systems and principles of doing things that will make it easy for them to live productive, meaningful and peaceful lives. So, their lives are full of confusion and needless distress and pains.
Perhaps your own life too is full of confusion, distress, discontentment and pains because you would not organise your life and affairs. Then you need to heed what Solomon says to us in our opening bible text. And what does he say? He says put first things first. He says set up a system that will guarantee sustenance and continuity in your life.
For example, considering this man’s actual words, if you want to build a house, first make sure you are in a job or business that will ensure that the money you need not just to start but to also finish the house in record time is available. Otherwise, it may take you your entire life time to build that house. Yet you may not even finish it. And then you will have wasted your labour and sacrifices. I mean that you will have wasted the resources and energy that you could have committed to other aspects of your life and made it easier and more enjoyable for you.
In like manner, as Solomon’s words indicate, if you want to raise a family, you need to make sure you are involved in legitimate things or are setting up things that will ensure that the money to sustain this family, even when it is increasing in number, is always available. And this is the way you must always handle all your life affairs – business, academics, family, ministry and so forth. Don’t commit yourself to doing things or embarking on projects thoughtlessly. But always think first of the sustenance or continuity of whatever you want to start, embark on or bring forth. And if what you need to effectively sustain or meaningfully finish what you are getting involved in is not available or ready, then, you know that it is not something you are ready for.
Now once you see that you are not ready for something, don’t allow anybody to pressure, manipulate or threaten you to get involved in it. Even if it is something that is good and profitable for you to do, wait until you know you are ready to handle it without compromising godly standards or introducing into your life problems that should never have been a part of it. That way, you will be saving yourself needless heartaches and a waste of your time, energy, labour and devotion.
So, go over your life affairs now to see what is not working because you have not put first things first or because you are putting the cart before the horse. Yes, look through your life to see where lack of orderliness or organisation is introducing needless pains and sorrow into it and begin to make necessary amends and corrections. This, of course, may require that you altogether end some projects or relationships or separate yourself from some commitments. But it is better for you to do what you have to do than to continue to waste your labour, resources and devotion on things that may never work or be fruitful for you in your entire lifetime.
Remember that when God saw that the world of Noah’s days would never serve His purpose, regardless of what measure of goodness He showered on it, He did not hesitate to end it and start all over again with Noah and his family. You too must not hesitate to end disorderly processes, systems, principles and ways of doing things in your life that are promoting confusion, pains, ineffectiveness, tiredness, restlessness and distress. I am saying do not go into the new year before us with anything that is associated with disorderliness in your life. And if you need to take some days off to deal with this, please do so. May God fill your heart with the wisdom and boldness to do this in such as a way as to eliminate all forms of needless pains and sorrow from your life, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for using Himself to set examples for us of how we can use orderliness to make life easy, simple and enjoyable for us.
- Prayers that our eyes will be opened to see every form of disorderliness that is producing distress in our lives, so that we may deal with it.
- Prayers that our hearts will be filled with the right measure of wisdom, understanding, discipline and boldness to put an end to every form of disorderliness in our lives and free ourselves from all forms of needless pains and waste of labour, resources and devotion.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will rescue us from all the consequences of disorderliness in our lives and restore us by the power of His Holy Spirit.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Turn Ahithophel’s counsel into foolishness -11th December 2021
“Now David had been told, "Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom." So David prayed, "O LORD, turn Ahithophel's counsel into foolishness."” (2Sam 15:31NIV)
Among the most difficult battles of life to fight are those that involve friends that turn into enemies or traitors. That is because we will be dealing with people who possess enough knowledge about us that they can use against us. And if we are not rescued by God from their conspiracy, we may end up losing a lot, if not our lives as well.
David, for instance, would have lost his life and the lives of other members of his household during the rebellion of Absalom, if God had not rescued him. And why would he have lost his life? Was it because Absalom was such a great warrior and formidable military leader? No, not at all! He was far from such things. However, one of the people with him in his rebellion was David’s own friend and counsellor, Ahithophel.
Now this man, Ahithophel, knew David very well. He knew what he was capable of doing and what he was incapable of doing. He knew how he reasoned as a warrior and also how he organised his men as a leader. So, he had enough information to expose and frustrate whatever plans he had of defending himself and the people with him. More than that, at that time, Ahithophel’s counsel was like that of one who inquires of God. That was how both David and Absalom viewed his counsel. So, in a sense, he was someone that you would not like to have as an enemy. (Cf. 2Sam 16:23)
But then, Ahithophel was not God. Yes, he was a very wise man and a valiant soldier too. But he was not God. So, he was not all-wise or all-powerful. He was but a man whose counsel and strength could fail any time. That was why when David was told that this man, whom he had shared his life with, had joined the camp of his enemies, the first thing he did was to turn to God in prayer. And his prayer was very simple, as we see in our opening bible text. He asked that God would frustrate the counsel or advice of the man.
Why did David pray like that? Why did he not ask God to kill Ahithophel instead of asking Him to frustrate his counsel? It was because Ahithophel’s greatest weapon was his counsel. So, even if God killed him, inasmuch as he was able to give Absalom and the people with him the counsel they needed, David and the people with him would never be safe. But if God did something that made the people reject his counsel as something that would not work, then, David and his people would be able to triumph over them.
Then, apart from praying that God would frustrate Ahithophel’s counsel, David also sent another trusted friend of his, Hushai, to go and join the enemy camp and be his eyes, ears and mouth there. And it was this man that God eventually used in frustrating Ahithophel’s counsel and making the war end in favour of David. Meanwhile, the moment Ahithophel realised that his good counsel had been rejected, he knew exactly how everything would end. He knew that the conspirators would lose and David would return as king. And once that happened, his head would certainly be taken. But he was not going to wait around for that to happen. So, he first put his house in order and then killed himself. That, of course, was how God saved David and those with him from a conspiracy that would have wiped them out. (Cf. 2Sam 17:1-23)
Now perhaps you too at the moment are in a situation in which certain people that you have shared your life with have become the Ahithophel or Judas Iscariot that Satan wants to use to destroy you or put you to shame. You don’t need to fret or lose heart. And you also don’t need to become aggressive, violent or abusive because of whatever they are doing or saying against you. Instead, be like David and also act like him. How? First, commit the matter to God. Pray to Him that He would frustrate whatever weapon these friends, relatives, neighbours or colleagues at work that have turned themselves into your enemies may be counting on to use against you. Second, take whatever wise and righteous step that is in your power to take to frustrate whatever they may be doing against you. Then the leave everything else to God to handle. And you can be sure that He will answer you, deliver you from all your fears and see to it that you are not put to shame.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because all power belongs to Him and so no one, however wise, powerful or ruthless they may be, can successfully stand against Him.
- Prayers that God will expose every traitor in our lives that is posing as a friend or loved one, so that their secret works against us may also be exposed.
- Prayers that God will frustrate and turn into nonsense whatever the traitors in our lives may be relying on to use against us.
- Prayers that our eyes will be opened by God to see every honest and wise step we are to take to frustrate everyone that Satan has captured to use as a traitor to pull us down or disgrace us.
- Prayers that God Himself will plant in the camp of our enemies individuals that will work in our favour to frustrate them and vindicate us.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Identify the root and deal with it - 4th December 2021
“Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down.” (Prov 26:20NIV)
No problem goes away or dies by merely treating its symptoms. The only way to effectively and permanently solve a problem is to first identify its cause and then deal with it. And that is what Solomon is charging us about in our opening bible text, when he says, “If you want a fire to go out, then, deprive it of fuel. And if you want a quarrel between two people to end, shut out the gossips in their affairs.”
In like manner, if there is any problem in your life that has become a constant source of pain or sorrow to you, you need to first identify its cause or what is fuelling it. Until you do that, whatever effort you make towards solving it will be an effort in futility. And it is possible that all the efforts you have been making towards ending certain problems in your life or home have been going to waste. Then you need to stop wasting yourself on what will not work and first identify what you are dealing with. That is when you will know what sort of steps you need to take to make an end of it.
See, it is not every problem that gets solved through prayers. I know that may sound ridiculous. But it is the truth. It is good, righteous and commendable that we pray about every matter of our lives, whether pleasant or unpleasant. But there are times that in order to pray the right kind of prayers, we need to know the true nature of the problems we are dealing with. Also, there are times that God needs us to do more than praying about the problems before us in order for them to get solved. And until we learn what He requires to do at such times and do them, all our praying, even with fasting, will accomplish nothing.
For example, on the day that the nation of Israel fled before the people of Ai, Joshua fell facedown before the Lord till the evening of the same day, praying to Him and lamenting about their defeat. And when God would respond to his lamentations, this is what He said: "Stand up! What are you doing down on your face? Israel has sinned; they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep. They have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen, they have lied, they have put them with their own possessions. That is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies; they turn their backs and run because they have been made liable to destruction. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction.” (Josh 7:10-12NIV)
Did you see that? The only good thing Joshua’s prayer on this occasion did was that it got God talking. It made God tell him what the problem was. But in order to solve the problem, Joshua had to stop praying and start acting on the revelation he had been given. He had to look for the cause of their problems and root it out. Otherwise, as God had told them, nothing else, not even several days of prayers and fasting, would work. (Cf. Josh 7)
In the same vein, there are matters of our lives that the only thing God will give us about them, when we pray, are revelations of the exact things that are wrong with them and nothing more. And until we work with the revelations He has given us about such matters and do the needful about them, we will not experience His salvation or rest from them.
Now, sometimes, of course, what we need to do to solve some problems may be unpleasant or hard for us to bear. And when that is the case, we will have to decide for ourselves whether we want to continue to experience defeat in those areas of our lives or we want victory. The question, then, is, “Do we really want victory in those areas of our lives or we want to continue to cope with the defeat, pains and sorrow we are experiencing in them?”
Joshua and the Israelites had to choose between destroying Achan and his household in order to have peace and leaving him and his household in order to experience defeat. That was because God had said that until they got rid of him and his household there would be no more victory but defeat for them. And though it was a hard and sorrowful thing for them to do, they had to do it for the health, preservation and victory of their nation.
What about the sailors that Jonah was travelling to Tarshish with, when he was running away from the Lord? They had to do the unthinkable to him in order to save their lives. They had to throw him overboard. (Cf. Jonah 1)
Now we have no right under the laws of the land to take anybody’s life, even if their presence in our lives is the reason certain problems of our lives will never go away. But we have the right separate ourselves from any relationship that we know is bound to ultimately destroy our lives, homes or faith, if that is the only way out. And we do have a right to get out of a job or quit a business that we know is the source of certain pains that are continually flowing into our lives. In short, as long as the taking of anybody’s life is not involved, we do have a right to separate ourselves from anyone, programme, group, place or thing that God has revealed to be the source of certain problems in our lives that will not go away.
But then, it is not every time that separating ourselves totally from some people is the solution to the problems they are causing in our lives. There are, in fact, people we cannot freely separate ourselves from under normal circumstances. People like our parents, spouses, siblings and children are not individuals that we can easily separate ourselves from without creating additional problems to the ones we already have for ourselves. And if any one of such people happens to be the reason certain problems have come and stayed in our lives, we will need the wisdom of the word of God to know the exact thing to do in order to frustrate and end whatever Satan is using them to do in our lives.
At any rate, my point all along is that you should always go for the root of whatever is causing you pains and sorrow in life instead of dealing with the symptoms. Once you deal with its root, the symptoms, however annoying they may be, will naturally vanish.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for showing us through His word that the most effective way to solving any problem is to identify its root and deal with it.
- Prayers that our eyes will be opened to see the exact root of every problem we are faced with in our lives that have refused to be solved, so that we will stop wasting ourselves on doing things that will never work about them.
- Prayers that our hearts will be filled with God’s wisdom and the right measure of boldness we need to take every step we need to take in order to end every problem in our lives that God has already revealed its root to us.
- Prayers that God Himself will deal with every individual that we have no power or wisdom to handle and that Satan has been using to fill our lives with pains and sorrow.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Don’t settle for less - 27th November 2021
“Elisha said, "Get a bow and some arrows," and he did so. "Take the bow in your hands," he said to the king of Israel. When he had taken it, Elisha put his hands on the king's hands. "Open the east window," he said, and he opened it. "Shoot!" Elisha said, and he shot. "The LORD's arrow of victory, the arrow of victory over Aram!" Elisha declared. "You will completely destroy the Arameans at Aphek." Then he said, "Take the arrows," and the king took them. Elisha told him, "Strike the ground." He struck it three times and stopped. The man of God was angry with him and said, "You should have struck the ground five or six times; then you would have defeated Aram and completely destroyed it. But now you will defeat it only three times."” (2Kings 13:15-19NIV)
The bible passage above gives a little story of a spiritual encounter a king of Israel had with Prophet Elisha. The man of God had been ill for a while, and it was clear to him and also to those around him that he may not survive it. So, the king went to pay him a visit and to speak of how much the land would miss him. And during that visit, the prophet was led by the Spirit of God to instruct this king to do certain things that would result in his victory over the Arameans that had been oppressing them.
What was he asked to do? He was asked to face a particular direction and shoot some arrows to the ground. And to let him know that what he was doing was not ordinary but spiritually symbolic, the man of God told him after he had shot the first arrow that it was the Lord’s arrow of victory over Aram (Syria). So, every shot he took symbolised victory over his enemies.
Unfortunately, this man only took three shots from the arrows with him and stopped. This, of course, got the man of God so angry that he said, “You should have struck the ground five or six times; then you would have defeated Aram and completely destroyed it. But now you will defeat it only three times." (2Kings 13:19NIV) But why did he stop? At least, he had been told that every shot he took was a shot of victory over his enemies. And he had plenty of arrows with him. So, the problem was not that he did not understand the implications of what he was doing, neither was it that of a shortage of the arrows to shoot. RATHER, IT WAS THAT OF A HEART THAT IS SATISFIED WITH TOO LITTLE.
See, before this time, the land of Israel had suffered so much from the Arameans that the army that this king’s father handed over to him was nothing to write home about. He inherited only fifty horsemen, ten chariots and ten thousand foot soldiers. And that was because the king of Aram had destroyed the rest of them. So, for him, if he could just defeat the Arameans three times in a row, it would mean all the world to him. But would that be enough to totally free him from the harassment of these people? No! However, when someone has suffered a lot in life, just a moment or some days of enjoyment could mean everything to him. Therefore, even when the person is presented with an opportunity to be totally free from his days of misery, he may not go for total freedom, thinking it would be too much to ask or seek; instead, he may go for partial or temporary freedom. (Cf. 2Kings 13:7)
Now that was the case with Jehoash, king of Israel, at that time. He and his people had suffered so much from the hands of their enemies that he could not think of going for total victory over them, when he was presented with the opportunity to take advantage of the power of God to do so. Instead, he went for partial victory over them, thinking that would do. And by doing so, he limited the experience of the grace and power of God that he and his people could have had.
In like manner, we too could limit our experience of God’s grace and power we could have in our lives, if we do not have the right mindset. And it may even be that the reason we are not experiencing certain measure of victory, advancement and enjoyment in our lives at the moment is that our reasoning is just too low to accept it. Perhaps we too, like the Israelites of the days of King Jehoash, have suffered so much from the hands of the devil and men that we are now beginning to think that certain measures of success, promotion, riches or comfort are just too much for us. Yes, we now think that if we can just have a little relief from the enemies and some peace of mind or comfort, we will be okay.
But we will never be okay with anything that is below what God wants for us. No, you will never be okay with any degree of success that is below what God wants for you. That is because it is not every form of success you record that is capable of taking you permanently out of a life of misery or slavery. Some kind of success will only give you a temporary relief in life. So, if you do not consistently experience success in all that you do over a certain period of time, you may never be permanently free from your miseries and shame.
Similarly, you will never be okay with any measure of freedom that is less than the absolute freedom that God has purchased for us in Christ Jesus. So, you need to begin to work on your mindset. Yes, you need to begin to adjust it until it begins to agree with God to accept nothing less than what He has in store for you. See, just like Elisha was not happy with that king for going for something less than he could have had, God also will not be happy with you for going for anything less than He has prepared for you. Remember that He is the owner of all things and also that He is able to do immeasurably more than we can ever ask or imagine (Ps 2:1; Eph 20). So, we need to stop embarrassing Him by always going for less than He has prepared for us. That is not a sign of modesty or contentment but a symptom of poverty of the mind.
I know that God orders us to be content with what we have in life and to be free of covetousness. And what that means, first, is that we are to be thankful to Him for what we have and where we are instead of complaining about them. Second, it means we are not to desire or labour to take for ourselves what belongs to others or what we don’t need. Third, it means we are not to do just about anything to have what we need or what belongs to others.
All this, however, does not in any way mean that we are not to desire or work by the grace of God to have and enjoy more beautiful things of this life in good health and with peace of mind. So, don’t ever again use your devotion to a life of contentment as an excuse for the poverty in your mind or as your excuse for enjoying less of God’s grace than you can actually enjoy. Instead, be determined in your heart that you will make full use of His grace to experience absolute freedom from every Satanic harassment and limitation and to possess and enjoy all the beautiful things of this life that He has set aside for you.
Therefore, don’t stop asking for more and more from Him through prayers. And don’t stop saying the same thing in agreement with Him about the situations of your life, regardless of how contrary these situations may be to His word. Then, He will progressively see to it that your life becomes all that He wants it to be and that you also enjoy His grace in its full measure.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because what He wants for us is a life of complete joy and absolute victory over the works of the devil.
- Prayers that God will cleanse us of every kind of poverty and failure mentality that is keeping us in wrong positions in life.
- Prayers that the Spirit of God will rid our hearts of every form of fear that is preventing us from taking advantage of the grace of God to live a life of absolute victory over the works of the devil in our lives.
- Prayers that God will create in us a dissatisfaction for everything that is below His purpose and plans for our lives.
- Prayers that our hearts will always be given complete understanding of every spiritual step God wants us to take, so that we will not be slothful in taking it.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Why you may not enjoy it -
20th November 2021
“Elisha said, "Hear the word of the LORD. This is what the LORD says: About this time tomorrow, a seah of flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria." The officer on whose arm the king was leaning said to the man of God, "Look, even if the LORD should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen?" "You will see it with your own eyes," answered Elisha, "but you will not eat any of it!"” (2Kings 7:1-2NIV)
One of the things we must keep in mind about life is that it is not every time that people experience something good that they get to enjoy it. What this means, for example, is that the fact that someone gets a new job, is promoted at work, receives an increase in his pay package or seals up a great business deal does not mean he is going to enjoy the profit or goodness that comes along with it. Also, the fact that someone gets married, gives birth to a child or is brought into a pleasant environment does not mean he is going to enjoy this new relationship. That is because if God does not release the power to enjoy the good things of this life to us, there is nothing we do that will make us enjoy it.
Look at what Solomon says about this: “I have seen another evil under the sun, and it weighs heavily on men: God gives a man wealth, possessions and honor, so that he lacks nothing his heart desires, but God does not enable him to enjoy them, and a stranger enjoys them instead. This is meaningless, a grievous evil.” (Eccl 6:1-2NIV) What does this mean? Well, it means that the power to enjoy the good things of this life is in God’s hand. And if He does not release it to you, it does not matter how much of the good things of this life you have access to, you will not be able to enjoy them.
But why will God allow someone to have access to the good things of this life and not allow him to enjoy them? Why will He allow someone to toil and labour hard to have some good things of this life and then prevent him from enjoying them? That is usually a painful thing, as those of us who have experienced or seen others experience something of this nature would confess. But it is real. And one of the causes of this is a despising of God’s word, which is born out of unbelief in Him.
As we see in our opening text, when God spoke to the king of Israel by the mouth of Elisha that their days of famine would be totally over in a matter of just one day, this king’s right-hand man despised the word of the Lord publicly. If he did not believe what the prophet had said, he could, at least, have kept his unbelief to himself instead of trying to spread it. And because he voiced out his unbelief and despised the word of the Lord, a death sentence was pronounced on him. He was told that his eyes would only see the goodness of the Lord but his mouth would not taste it. And that was exactly how it happened. He witnessed the plenty God had announced but did not taste it at all. (Cf. 2Kings 7)
Now that man was just like the ten out of the twelve men that Moses sent to spy the land of Canaan. They too would not keep their unbelief in God to themselves but infected the whole nation of Israel with it. So, God said that they would not live to inherit or taste the goodness of the good land they had seen. And that was exactly what happened. They died that same day before the Lord. (Cf. Num 14:36-38)
So, if we too do not want to be denied the power to enjoy certain provisions of God’s goodness for us, we must maintain our faith in Him and in His word, regardless of contrary circumstances. What I mean is that even if the circumstances of our lives are giving us very good reasons to call God a liar and reject His word or promises to us, we must not yield to their temptation. That is because God will never lie or fail to fulfil any good promise He has made to His people. And if we hold on to Him in patience, we will not only see the fulfilment of His promise to us but also be empowered to enjoy it. But if we despise Him and His word or, for any reason, begin to spread our unbelief in Him to those around us, even if we are allowed to witness His goodness, we may not just be allowed to enjoy it.
Another reason God may allow someone to witness His goodness but not allow him to enjoy it is ingratitude towards Him. And there is a story our Lord Jesus tells to illustrate this. It is that of a man whose farm land did very well one certain period. But instead for him to thank God for his increase and to also bring Him thanksgiving offerings, all he could think of doing was building bigger barns to store his grains and goods. Therefore, just as he was having this thought in him, God pronounced a death sentence on him, saying, “You fool, this very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?” (Cf. Luke 12:16-20)
Now the Lord ends the story by saying, “This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God.” (Luke 12:21NIV) In other words, anyone who does not have a culture of thanksgiving and generosity towards God can expect to be denied the power to enjoy the good things that he is seeing in his life. So, if there are certain good things of life that you have access to at the moment but which you are not enjoying, you may want to check your attitude towards God in terms of thanksgiving and generosity.
Anyone who is not thankful to God for the good things he is witnessing in their lives is showing that he does not agree that God is the one responsible for those things. And anyone who does not recognise God as the source of the good things in his life will certainly not be generous to Him or His people. That kind of person, then, if not shown mercy, may just be denied the power to enjoy those good things that he thinks his power or wisdom has gotten for him. This is so that he may realise that without God we cannot have or enjoy anything good or perfect in this life.
So, for all the good things God is causing you to experience in this life, begin to show Him wholehearted gratitude. And don’t let this end with words of mouth alone; instead, put your resources or money into it as well. That is one sure way to allow God’s power for enjoyment of life to freely flow in your life.
Finally, stay away from every form of wickedness. That is because the practice of wickedness is also one main reason God denies people the power to enjoy the good things of this life. As we are told in the bible, the reason God took the life of Judah’s first son and did not allow him to enjoy his marriage or have any child through it was that he was wicked. Unfortunately, it was also because of his younger brother’s acts of wickedness towards his widow that his own life too was taken before his time. (Cf. Gen 38:6-10)
So, giving yourself to any act of wickedness towards anybody can make God take away from you the power to enjoy certain good things of this life or to be alive. Watch your heart, then, and make sure no root of evil is ever allowed in it. And may God strengthen you to always do so, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Now let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for the gift of life and for all the good things we have in our lives and that are happening to us now.
- Prayers that God, regardless of the circumstances of our lives, will continually keep us from developing a sinful and unbelieving heart that will make us turn away from Him or turn others away from Him and block the flow of His power to enjoy life in our lives.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught to be thankful to God always and also taught to express our gratitude to Him in ways that are appropriate and acceptable in His sight.
- Prayers that as we maintain faithful and thankful heart before God, He will always see to it that we fully enjoy every good thing in our lives.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will cleanse us of every form of bitterness and wickedness against others that may ultimately make Him deny us the power to enjoy His goodness or open the door for satanic afflictions in our lives.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Kept from sinning against Him -
13th November 2021
“Keep your servant from deliberate sins! Don't let them control me. Then I will be free of guilt and innocent of great sin.” (Ps 19:13NLT)
As we see in the bible, there was a time that King Abimelech of Gerah took Sarah, Abraham’s wife, to be his wife. Why did he do this? It was, for the most part, because Abraham did not tell him the whole truth about his relationship with Sarah. He had said of her in that place, “She is my sister.” And indeed, Sarah was his sister, his half-sister. But she was also his wife. (Cf. Gen 20)
At any rate, because this man took the wife of a man of God, God was set to destroy him and his household. And He started by first shutting the wombs of all the women in his household, including his wife. So, none of them could conceive or have children all the time Sarah was with them. We wouldn’t know how long she stayed with them. But for the bible to note that no woman in that palace could conceive while Sarah was with them, it must have meant that she was there for a number of months. (Cf. Gen 20:17-18)
Then God came to Abimelech in a night dream and said to him, “You are a dead man because of the woman you have taken, for she is a married woman.” That, of course, surprised the man, who pleaded not guilty. He said, “But I acted in complete innocence; I did not know that the woman was Abraham’s wife.” And in response to that, God said, “Yes, I know you did this with a clear conscience, and so I have kept you from sinning against me. That is why I did not let you touch her.” (Gen 20:6NIV)
Now think about that. God showed Abimelech mercy and did not allow him to commit adultery with Sarah all the time she was with him. That actually sounds unbelievable, but it was the truth. Somehow, he just kept on treating Sarah like an angel and would not be in a hurry to have any intimate knowledge of her. He himself may not have understood why he was just taking his time with her. But when God showed up and told him the kind of trouble he was in, he understood that it was He that had kept him from doing something that would have resulted in his destruction and that of his entire household.
But why did God prevent this man from sinning against Him, that is, beyond sinning against Abraham? It was because it was never his desire to take another man’s wife for himself. The only reason Sarah was in his palace was that Abraham did not tell him the whole truth about who she was to him. What this, then, is showing us is that God is able to keep us from doing the wrong thing, inasmuch as our hearts are not bent on doing evil.
We see another example in the way God prevented David from killing a man called Nabal and his entire household and thereby sinning against Him. Nabal, indeed, had behaved very badly towards David and his men, who had in the past been kind to his servants and possessions. And in David’s anger, he wanted to teach him the lesson of his life. He wanted to kill him and all the men in his household. But the truth is that though the man did not behave well, David had no right to take his life or the lives of members of his household. So, it was a needless bloodshed that he and his men were out to carry out. (Cf. 1Sam 25:1-22)
However, because God knew that David was not that kind of person in his heart – he was not someone that would want to take an undue advantage of anyone, even his enemy – He sent Abigail, Nabal’s wife, to stop him on his reckless mission. God knew that it was out of anger and frustration that David and his men wanted to act like wicked people and destroy Nabal and his household. If they had not been under the kind of pressure they were at the time, they would not have thought of doing anything like that. So, to prevent them from sinning against Him, He inspired Abigail to meet them and say soothing words to them, words that would open their eyes to see the foolishness and recklessness of their mission. That, of course, was how they were saved. (Cf. 1Sam 25:23-35)
But then, we see that this same man, David, was not prevented by God from committing adultery with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah. Why? It was because he was not under any pressure to do so, neither was he deceived or seduced to do so. He did what he did because he deliberately wanted to do it. And before he knew it, he went on from being an adulterer to becoming a manipulator and murderer. If he, then, had not been shown mercy by God, he and his household would have been wiped out. But even then, what he did still gave the devil an opportunity to afflict him and his family in very terrible and painful ways in his lifetime. (Cf. 1Sam 11-18)
You can now see why his prayer, which we have in our opening bible text, is very relevant. There he says to God, “Keep your servant from deliberate sins! Don't let them control me. Then I will be free of guilt and innocent of great sin.” Why? It is because though any sin can ruin us, the ones that are most dangerous to our lives and faith are those that have taken charge of us and we deliberately and stubbornly want to carry out. That is because it is such sins that make God give people over to do more and more wrong things that would ultimately ruin them. (Cf. Rom 1:21-32)
Look at the way He, for a while, gave David over to go on from being an adulterer to becoming a deceiver and then a murderer. And if He had not shown him mercy and drawn his attention to the evil in his life, maybe his life’s story would have ended differently. So, when we know that something is entirely against the will of God, yet we find this strong and stubborn urge in us to go for it, we need to know that destruction or disgrace is coming for us. And unless God, in His mercy, stops us somehow on our reckless mission, we can only, at some point, see that we have ruined ourselves. This is why we too, like David, must continually pray that we will be kept from stubbornly setting our hearts on paths that will lead to our destruction.
Now let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for opening our eyes to see that He is able to keep us from walking in any path of wickedness, as long as our hearts are humble and pure before Him.
- Prayers that God, in His kindness, will always keep you from falling into sins that emanate from deceit, anger, frustration or bitterness.
- Prayers that your heart will always be kept right and unpolluted by God, so that you will never develop a sinful and stubborn heart that turns away from Him.
- Prayers that wherever you have been left by God to walk in your own will because of your pride or stubbornness, you will be shown mercy and restored before it is too late.
- Prayers for all the children of God in our land that are on the verge of being destroyed because of certain deliberate sins they have taken charge of their lives that they will be shown mercy and restored without delay.
- Thanksgiving to God for answered prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
By Johnson O. Lawal
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Always count the cost - 23rd October 2021
“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, 'This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.' "Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Will he not first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace.” (Luke 14:28-32NIV)
One of the ways to avoid failing at almost everything we do or functioning under undue pressure in life is to learn to count the cost of whatever we want to do before embarking on it. That is what our Lord Jesus is talking about in our opening bible text. And He illustrates it for us using two examples that we all can relate to. The first is about building. He says if you want to build anything, whether a tower, a house, a business, a life, a home or a career, start by estimating what it will cost you. Don’t rush into building anything just because you feel like doing so or because others around you are doing so. Don’t even rush into building anything because you need to or have an opportunity to do so. First, settle down to count the cost.
What will you need for this project, training or relationship you want to start? Are the resources or people you will need to see it through readily available? If they are not, how do you intend to get them? Will you even be able to get them at all? Or will you require some other people’s support to see it through? If you will require others’ support, who are you going to meet, and will they be willing to support you? Then will your embarking on this project affect any other important thing or relationship in your life or not? Will it affect your spouse, children or anyone else that is important to you? If it will, to what extent will it affect them and will they be willing and ready to cope?
Those are some of the main things the Lord says we must study to first consider before we embark on any important thing in our lives. Otherwise, we may find ourselves wasting our resources, effort, time and devotion on something we will never finish or find ourselves having to settle for something that is less than our dreams or aspirations. And how many people have been victims along this line. They wasted their time, energy, resources, devotion and maybe other people’s support too on projects, education or relationships that they had no capacity to sustain. Why? They did not settle down to count the cost before embarking of what they started.
Sadly, there are people who have become habitual failures along this line. They don’t ever get anything finished because they lack the discipline required to count the cost of whatever they want to do before starting. So, they have all kinds of abandoned projects, trainings, relationships and so forth. And there are also those who have often had to settle for lesser things in life, simply because they lack the discipline, diligence and patience required to estimate the cost of what they want to do before starting.
Perhaps you too are like that. You have all kinds of abandoned projects in your life and you are wondering why this is so. You may even have been going from prayer mountain to prayer mountain, thinking you have a spiritual problem or that some witches and wizards are responsible for what you are experiencing. But your problem may not be what you think it is at all. It may just be that you lack the discipline to settle down and carefully count the cost of what you want to do before embarking on it. And if you will begin to do that right away before you embark on anything important in your life, you will be amazed at the experience of complete success you will start having. Therefore, begin to train yourself to count the cost of whatever you want to do in life before starting.
Another illustration the Lord gives us to show us the importance counting the cost of any major thing we want to do in life before embarking on it is that of warfare. As He points out, it is a foolish thing to start a war you are not sure you can win. Wars are inevitable in this life. In other words, it is impossible to totally avoid them, even if you are most gentle and peaceable person in this world. That is why the bible says, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” (Rom 12:18NIV)
What does that mean? It means if you can avoid going to war against some people, avoid it, so that you can live in peace. But sometimes you just have to fight off some people in order to have peace in your life. I mean that you just have to take your stand against their nonsense. And you will be doing the will of God by doing so. Otherwise, they will keep trampling on you and your rights and privileges. But how do you know when to do this? The Lord says it is by counting the cost.
See, it is not every war, whether in your office, neighbourhood, school, family or elsewhere, that is worth your time or commitment. That is because even if you win such wars, it may not add to the quality of peace you are experiencing. In fact, some wars will cost you more than you will gain through them. They may cost you your reputation as a child of God, relationships or wealth or create more future problems for you. So, you need to avoid them, even if it means forfeiting certain rights or privileges of yours, and let God take care of them for you (1Cor 6:7). That is the wisdom of the Spirit.
Then there are wars that you cannot win, even if you are in the right. You just don’t have the wisdom, knowledge, resources, influence, power or time needed to win them. So, you need to do your best to avoid them and let God have His way. But how do you know these things? The Lord says it is by counting the cost. In other words, when you have to deal with people’s opposition or oppression, do not rush to do anything. Instead, first sit down to estimate what dealing with the problem will cost you. Then ask yourself whether it is something you can deal with decisively or not. And be truthful to yourself about this. That way, you will know whether all you need to do about the matter is to pray or whether there are other legitimate steps, which will not hurt you or make matters worse for you, that you can equally take in addition to praying about it.
At any rate, just make sure you do not rush into any battle with anyone, organisation or government without first counting the cost. That will free you from unnecessary losses and pains in life.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for imparting our hearts with the wisdom of His Spirit to handle life’s situations, challenges and opportunities.
- Prayers that our hearts will be imparted with the right measure of discipline that they need to never rush into doing anything in life without first counting the cost.
- Prayers that God Himself will teach us to never again ignore our limitations in handling life’s challenges, situations or opportunities, so that we will stop wasting ourselves on things that will never profit us or give us enjoyment or peace.
- Prayers that we will receive God’s mercy, comfort and restoration wherever we have become losers in our lives because we did not count the cost of certain things before embarking on them.
- Prayers that God will continually teach our hearts the right way to respond to every life battle of ours and win without jeopardising our peace, joy or prosperity.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Responding to oppression - 2nd October 2021
“Men cry out under a load of oppression; they plead for relief from the arm of the powerful. But no one says, 'Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night, who teaches more to us than to the beasts of the earth and makes us wiser than the birds of the air?' He does not answer when men cry out because of the arrogance of the wicked. Indeed, God does not listen to their empty plea; the Almighty pays no attention to it.” (Job 35:9-13NIV)
Why is there widespread oppression and cheating in our land today and the oppressors of men keep walking around freely? It is largely because those who are being oppressed or cheated do not know how to properly respond to oppression. Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying the oppressed do not respond at all. They often do. But what kind of response is coming from them? Is it a kind that will break the yoke of oppression on them or a kind that will make matters worse for them or keep them in perpetual bondage?
People may cry, weep, complain, grumble, murmur or curse their oppressors. But will that stop the oppression they are experiencing? Also, people may secretly be doing things that will hurt their oppressors. For instance, they may steal from them or mismanage their resources. But will that stop the oppression or make it even worse? Then people may revolt against their oppressors and surrender to anarchy or lawlessness, looting, killing and destroying things. But in how many places have such things ended oppression? On the contrary, experience has shown us that oppressors are hardly victims of the revolts or lawlessness of the oppressed. That is because they often have the money, power and influence to protect themselves from such things. So, in most cases, it is still the oppressed that suffer the most when they revolt.
All of this, I believe, is why Solomon says to us in his book, Ecclesiastes, “Again I looked and saw all the oppression that was taking place under the sun: I saw the tears of the oppressed — and they have no comforter; power was on the side of their oppressors — and they have no comforter.” (Eccl 4:1NIV) Did you see that? Solomon says the oppressed are in tears because power is on the side of their oppressors, and they have no comforter to comfort them or set them free.
Have you been there? Or are you right there now? Are you in a place where you are being cheated, oppressed or shamefully treated and there seems to be no one to help, rescue or speak for you? The truth is that many, especially in our country, are in such places today. Many are in homes, offices, workplaces, schools and so forth where they are constantly being abused, cheated or oppressed in one way or the other. And they are bitter and (or) in agony because of this, especially when there is no one to comfort them or seek their welfare and it seems nothing will ever change.
But is it really true that there is no comforter for the oppressed? From what Elihu tells us in our opening bible text, it is not true at all that there is no comforter for the oppressed. Of course, people may not have any human comforter around them to save them from their oppressors. That, however, is not to say that there is no comforter for them at all. There is indeed a comforter for everyone that is being oppressed or in distress in any way. It is just that He is not a human comforter. He is God Almighty.
Now the bible calls God the Father of all comfort, who not only comforts people in all their troubles but also makes comforters of them, so that they can comfort others too who are being troubled in all their troubles (2Cor 1:3-4). Since God, then, is the Father of all comfort, why are those being oppressed and troubled not receiving His comfort?
Again, we have an answer to this in our opening bible text. As Elihu tells us in it, one major reason those who are being oppressed don’t receive God’s comfort is that they don’t ask for it. He says people cry under the load of oppression but don’t talk to God their maker about setting them free. See, the fact that someone is crying or weeping because of the load of oppression they are carrying does not mean that they are praying to God. Likewise, cursing those oppressing you, stealing from them or seeking to harm them in any way is definitely not the same thing as praying to God. In fact, patiently enduring oppression is not the same thing as praying to God about it.
If you are not praying to God about any form of oppression or cheating you are experiencing, then, you are not praying to Him, irrespective of what other legitimate things you are doing to save yourself. And until you begin to pray to Him, you may end up being oppressed or cheated for the rest of your life. For example, we are told in Judges 4 that Jabin, a king of Canaan, cruelly oppressed the Israelites for twenty long years because he had nine hundred iron chariots. Why was he able to oppress them in the first place? It was because of their sins. And why was he able to oppress them for so long, twenty years? It was because they would not cry out to God for comfort and deliverance. But when they cried out to God, He had mercy on them and used Deborah and Barak to rescue them.
In like manner, we too may keep on suffering under the oppressive activities of a government, a cultural leader, an employer, a husband, a wife, a parent or a guardian for years, if we will not pray to God for help. We may, in fact, perish as a result of their oppressive activities, if we will not pray to Him. Yes, He will certainly judge them for their wickedness. But their judgment may never result in our experience of salvation or comfort, if we keep mute and refuse to pray to Him about their oppression, as a matter of urgency.
Therefore, instead of merely crying or weeping or getting ourselves involved in all kinds of foolish things because we are being oppressed, what we should be doing is praying to God for salvation, deliverance and comfort. And as we are severally shown in the Scriptures, He will not drag His legs about matters like this. Rather, He will act fast on our behalf and give us justice, comfort and restoration.
This, of course, does not stop us from taking any lawful step we are in a position to take to help ourselves. But we must never forget that unless God breaks the yoke of oppression on people’s lives, whatever lawful steps they take for their salvation will never amount to anything constructive. So, praying to God in this manner must not take a secondary position in our lives; instead, it must always take the first position.
Now let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is always available to us as our comforter and will not fail to comfort us in every area of our lives where we are being troubled.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see those areas of our lives in which we have been foolishly enduring oppression and injustice instead of praying to Him, so that we may begin to do the right thing about them.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will lead us to repentance in all the areas of our lives in which sin is the reason for the oppression we are experiencing, so that we may witness His salvation.
- Prayers that God will visit all those who are oppressing us and making lives miserable for us with justice and take away from them whatever they are using to oppress us.
- Prayers that our eyes will be opened to see every lawful step that is in our power to take to experience salvation from every oppressive activity of men and of the devil and that our hearts will be emboldened to begin to take those steps.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Let nothing be wasted - 25th September 2021
“When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted." So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.” (John 6:12-13NIV)
From the teachings and practices of our Lord Jesus Christ we see that God is very much concerned about how we use not only our gifts but also resources. And our demonstration of diligence and faithfulness in managing or using what we have is one of the things that He considers before entrusting more resources to us. Don’t forget that the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it (Ps 24:1). So, everything we have belongs to Him. We are just stewards of these things.
That being the case, we should naturally expect Him to be watching to see how wise and profitable we are in using whatever He has entrusted to us. And as He makes clear to us in Scriptures, it is only those among us who prove themselves wise, diligent and profitable in using what He has entrusted to them that He will consider as qualified to have more. His actual words are, “I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away.” (Luke 19:26NIV)
Did you see that? Those who show themselves as trustworthy with the resources God has given them will be given more, so that they may have an abundance. But those who do not show themselves as trustworthy in using what He has given to them will have even what they have taken away from them. So, if you are decreasing instead of increasing in the earthly resources that God has committed to you, however little they may be, you need to ask yourself if you are being faithful in using them or not. See, it is not every situation that people are in poverty because of Satanic attacks or even because of their stinginess to God or men. In most situations, people are in poverty because they are not faithful and diligent in handing the resources God has given to them.
For example, many people are wasteful in the way they manage even the little resources they have or have access to. From the way some people use tap water in their homes or neighbourhoods, you can tell that they are wasteful. You do not have running water in your house. But in God’s mercy, He allowed a neighbour to put some taps of running water out for you in front of his house. And how do you manage it? Wastefully! Foolishly! Yet you expect God to give you more resources. How is that going to happen? Have you not read in the Scriptures that the one who would not manage other people’s things well does not deserve to be given anything to call his own? (Cf. Luke 12:16)
Also, if you look at the way some people eat, you can tell that they will most likely end up being poor in life. For instance, I personally knew a woman who was doing odd jobs and who ought to be taking out time to cook at home before coming to work. And that would, of course, have reduced the amount of money she spent everyday on food. But she would not do that. Instead, she would go and buy meals that would cost her more money than she should be spending. So, as it was to be expected, she was regularly in debt.
In like manner, what many labourers, commercial drivers and company casual workers in our country today spend on single meals is something that even some organisation executives would not dare spend. You need to see the chunks of meat or fish on some people’s food. And you will start wondering whether they are the richest people on the face of the earth. Yet they are not. The problem is that they are just wasteful.
Now God does not reward or encourage wastefulness. And we see an illustration of this in what our Lord Jesus said to His disciples in our opening bible text. After miraculously feeding well over five thousand people who had come to His meeting on one occasion, He told his disciples to gather the pieces of food left over and allow nothing to be wasted. So, even though the food was miraculously provided by God, our Lord Jesus did not see that as an excuse to have it wasted or used anyhow. No wonder God honoured Him on another occasion by enabling Him to yet again miraculously feed about four thousand people, without counting the women and children (Mark 8:1-10).
But why did He not allow the food that was left over in that meeting to be wasted? First, it was to show that He valued very much what God had provided. Second, it was to save what was left for future purposes or to share with others in need. It, then, follows that if we too value God’s provisions for us, we would not waste them. Also, if we are thinking about tomorrow, when we may not have what we have today at all or in abundance, and if we are thinking about other people who do not have access to what we have, we will not waste whatever God gives to us. And if that is the way we are functioning, God will see to it that miracles of increase and multiplication do not cease in our lives.
But if we are wasteful, reckless, selfish or irresponsible with what He has given us, however little it may be, we are only showing ourselves as individuals that cannot be trusted with more. And regardless of how much we have today, a time is coming when we will certainly suffer for our wastefulness and irresponsibility. So, please take note of this and adjust yourself accordingly.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for enlightening us on how wastefulness could block the flow of His provisions into our lives.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see those areas of our lives in which we are wasting His provisions for us and shutting the doors of our lives against the abundance He wants to send to us, so that we may do the needful in them without delay.
- Prayers that our hearts will be enlightened by God to recognise every form of unfaithfulness in us in the way we use the resources entrusted to us by God and men, so that we may repent of it and release ourselves into God’s increase and abundance.
- Prayers that God will honour His word in our lives and see to it that we experience miracles of increase and multiplication in every area of our lives where we have been faithful in managing the things He has given us.
- Thanksgiving to God for answer to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Let nothing be wasted - 25th September 2021
“When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted." So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.” (John 6:12-13NIV)
From the teachings and practices of our Lord Jesus Christ we see that God is very much concerned about how we use not only our gifts but also resources. And our demonstration of diligence and faithfulness in managing or using what we have is one of the things that He considers before entrusting more resources to us. Don’t forget that the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it (Ps 24:1). So, everything we have belongs to Him. We are just stewards of these things.
That being the case, we should naturally expect Him to be watching to see how wise and profitable we are in using whatever He has entrusted to us. And as He makes clear to us in Scriptures, it is only those among us who prove themselves wise, diligent and profitable in using what He has entrusted to them that He will consider as qualified to have more. His actual words are, “I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away.” (Luke 19:26NIV)
Did you see that? Those who show themselves as trustworthy with the resources God has given them will be given more, so that they may have an abundance. But those who do not show themselves as trustworthy in using what He has given to them will have even what they have taken away from them. So, if you are decreasing instead of increasing in the earthly resources that God has committed to you, however little they may be, you need to ask yourself if you are being faithful in using them or not. See, it is not every situation that people are in poverty because of Satanic attacks or even because of their stinginess to God or men. In most situations, people are in poverty because they are not faithful and diligent in handing the resources God has given to them.
For example, many people are wasteful in the way they manage even the little resources they have or have access to. From the way some people use tap water in their homes or neighbourhoods, you can tell that they are wasteful. You do not have running water in your house. But in God’s mercy, He allowed a neighbour to put some taps of running water out for you in front of his house. And how do you manage it? Wastefully! Foolishly! Yet you expect God to give you more resources. How is that going to happen? Have you not read in the Scriptures that the one who would not manage other people’s things well does not deserve to be given anything to call his own? (Cf. Luke 12:16)
Also, if you look at the way some people eat, you can tell that they will most likely end up being poor in life. For instance, I personally knew a woman who was doing odd jobs and who ought to be taking out time to cook at home before coming to work. And that would, of course, have reduced the amount of money she spent everyday on food. But she would not do that. Instead, she would go and buy meals that would cost her more money than she should be spending. So, as it was to be expected, she was regularly in debt.
In like manner, what many labourers, commercial drivers and company casual workers in our country today spend on single meals is something that even some organisation executives would not dare spend. You need to see the chunks of meat or fish on some people’s food. And you will start wondering whether they are the richest people on the face of the earth. Yet they are not. The problem is that they are just wasteful.
Now God does not reward or encourage wastefulness. And we see an illustration of this in what our Lord Jesus said to His disciples in our opening bible text. After miraculously feeding well over five thousand people who had come to His meeting on one occasion, He told his disciples to gather the pieces of food left over and allow nothing to be wasted. So, even though the food was miraculously provided by God, our Lord Jesus did not see that as an excuse to have it wasted or used anyhow. No wonder God honoured Him on another occasion by enabling Him to yet again miraculously feed about four thousand people, without counting the women and children (Mark 8:1-10).
But why did He not allow the food that was left over in that meeting to be wasted? First, it was to show that He valued very much what God had provided. Second, it was to save what was left for future purposes or to share with others in need. It, then, follows that if we too value God’s provisions for us, we would not waste them. Also, if we are thinking about tomorrow, when we may not have what we have today at all or in abundance, and if we are thinking about other people who do not have access to what we have, we will not waste whatever God gives to us. And if that is the way we are functioning, God will see to it that miracles of increase and multiplication do not cease in our lives.
But if we are wasteful, reckless, selfish or irresponsible with what He has given us, however little it may be, we are only showing ourselves as individuals that cannot be trusted with more. And regardless of how much we have today, a time is coming when we will certainly suffer for our wastefulness and irresponsibility. So, please take note of this and adjust yourself accordingly.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for enlightening us on how wastefulness could block the flow of His provisions into our lives.
- Prayers that God will open our eyes to see those areas of our lives in which we are wasting His provisions for us and shutting the doors of our lives against the abundance He wants to send to us, so that we may do the needful in them without delay.
- Prayers that our hearts will be enlightened by God to recognise every form of unfaithfulness in us in the way we use the resources entrusted to us by God and men, so that we may repent of it and release ourselves into God’s increase and abundance.
- Prayers that God will honour His word in our lives and see to it that we experience miracles of increase and multiplication in every area of our lives where we have been faithful in managing the things He has given us.
- Thanksgiving to God for answer to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Restrain evil -18th September 2021
“And the LORD said to Samuel: "See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle. At that time I will carry out against Eli everything I spoke against his family — from beginning to end. For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons made themselves contemptible, and he failed to restrain them. Therefore, I swore to the house of Eli, 'The guilt of Eli's house will never be atoned for by sacrifice or offering.'"” (1Sam 3:11-14NIV)
Regardless of how low our place may be in life, there is none of us that will not get some chance to lead people at one point or the other in his lifetime. It may be in our family, neighbourhood, office, school, church or elsewhere in the world. But we all will get our chance to be a leader in one capacity or the other.
Now one of the main jobs of a leader is to restrain evil. In other words, he is to use his position, authority or power to prevent wickedness from reigning or spreading where he is. Paul, speaking about this to the Roman-brethren, says, “For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.” (Rom 13:3-4NIV)
Did you see that? Every leader, regardless of the capacity in which he is leading, is a servant of God, as far as providing leadership for those under him is concerned. So, this does not mean that everyone occupying a leadership position in life is a child of God. Rather, it means everyone occupying a leadership position is allowed to be there by God to serve His purpose. And in order to fulfil that purpose, as Paul shows us, one of the things he must be willing to do is restrain wickedness where he is exercising his leadership authority and powers.
How do you restrain wickedness? First, it is by making righteous laws or policies that will condemn and discourage wicked acts. Second, it is by enforcing those laws and policies whenever wicked acts surface. Unfortunately, though most leaders do not have problems with making righteous laws and policies to restrain evil, they often have problems with enforcing those laws. In other words, most people in leadership position often don’t punish wickedness appropriately and adequately, even when their own laws say that they must do so. And because this is the case, wickedness is filling our world unrestrained (Ecc 8:11).
But why would someone in a position to restrain evil not want to do so? Sometimes, it is because of fear, fear of losing their popularity or the favour of some people or fear of being persecuted. Then there are times that it is greed that keeps leaders from restraining evil. When a leader has been bribed to turn blind eyes on certain evil going on under his watch, he will most likely not do anything to curb it. Also, there are times that is partiality that prevents leaders from restraining evil. When a leader takes his relationship with certain individuals more seriously than his God-given duty of restraining evil, he may find himself aiding them to do evil or helping them to escape the punishment that comes with doing evil. (Cf. Deut 16:19)
At any rate, whatever our reasons may be for allowing evil to go on unrestrained under our watch, God will not take us as guiltless. As we see in our opening bible text, He said that He was going to judge Eli the priest because he failed to restrain the evil that his sons were carrying out against the people of God. This man was in a position to punish those young men for all the atrocities they were committing against the priesthood and the sanctuary of God. But because they were his children, he was soft in dealing with them. Yes, he rebuked them from time to time. But he did not remove them from office. And that was partiality.
So, though he was a good man, God judged his family line in some very serious ways. He took away from them the blessing of long life and prosperity, which they had been enjoying, and confirmed this by killing those two sons of his that were involved in the matter. Therefore, because Eli would not restrain the wickedness of his children, when he had the power to do so, he allowed the curse of untimely death and fruitlessness to settle on his family line. (Cf. 1Sam 2:30-36 &4:11)
Why am I showing you this? It is to let you know that we all, as leaders in various capacities, have a duty of restraining evil where we are. We have a job of using our position to restrain stealing, cheating, oppression, immorality, slothfulness and lawlessness of any kind. And if we all, especially those of us who are children of God, will commit ourselves to doing this, it won’t be long before our society is healed and made sane. But if we will not do this, even if we are good people, we, like Eli, will be opening ourselves and perhaps our family members to God’s judgment. Who, then, knows how He will judge?
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for opening our eyes to see a major responsibility of ours in life, the responsibility of restraining evil.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and restore us wherever we or anyone close to us is suffering because of our failure to judge or restrain evil.
- Prayers that our eyes will be opened to see every form of evil that we are in a position to restrain where we are, so that we may restrain it.
- Prayers that our hearts will be filled with the wisdom and boldness that come from the Spirit of God to always adequately and appropriately use our position to restrain evil wherever we are and regardless of what opposition we may be faced with.
- Prayers that God will remember us with favour for all our efforts towards restraining evil in our land and reward us accordingly (Neh 6:19&13:31).
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Nothing was done for him -11th September 2021
“That night the king could not sleep; so he ordered the book of the chronicles, the record of his reign, to be brought in and read to him. It was found recorded there that Mordecai had exposed Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's officers who guarded the doorway, who had conspired to assassinate King Xerxes. "What honor and recognition has Mordecai received for this?" the king asked. "Nothing has been done for him," his attendants answered.” (Est 6:1-3NIV)
The bible says, “When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong.” (Eccl 8:11NIV) And this is a trustworthy saying, worthy of full acceptance. However, it is not only when the sentence for a crime is delayed that people’s hearts can become filled with schemes to do what is wrong. Even when good deeds are not adequately and appropriately rewarded on time, people’s hearts can also become filled with schemes to do what is wrong.
What I am saying is that when people begin to have a feeling that their sacrifices or efforts towards making an office, a community or organisation move forward don’t amount to anything before those who are in a position to commend or reward them, they may become discouraged and begin to watch things go bad without saying or doing anything. Perhaps you too are having the same feeling right now where you are. Everything happening there seems to be pointing to the fact that all the sacrifices and efforts you have made for the place to become better will most likely go unrewarded. So, you are resetting your mind to change your attitude and begin to give less than you can actually deliver or to start cheating or robbing the system.
But I want you to remember the word of God that says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Gal 6:9-10NIV) Did you see that? We are not to give up on righteous living or on doing good, even if men will not praise or reward us for what we are doing. In fact, according to Scriptures, our focus in doing what is right and good must never be to win the praise of men but the praise of God. That is because if our focus is on winning the praise of men, we will certainly miss the praise of God. (Cf. Matt 6:1-2)
In any case, why are we told not to give up on doing good? It is because God will see to it that we are duly rewarded for doing so, if we do not give up. So, it is clear that it is only those who do not give up on doing good or on doing what is right that will reap a harvest for doing so. Those who get tired and quit doing what is good and right will not reap anything but regrets. That is because God has an appointed time for rewarding every good and right thing people do. And until that time comes, the appropriate and adequate reward we are expecting won’t come, regardless of what we or others do to make it come. If anything comes at all, it is most likely something that will destroy us. So, what we need is patience and persistence in doing what is good and right. (Cf. 1Pet 5:6)
Now we have an illustration of these things in the case of Mordecai and his good act of saving Emperor Xerxes from an assassination attempt. As the account goes, there was a time that two of this Emperor’s guards got so angry with him that they plotted to kill him. But somehow, God allowed Mordecai to know of the plot and also gave him the wisdom to report it before it could be hatched. So, they were both arrested and executed. And though this account was recorded in the daily court record right before the Emperor, nothing was done for Mordecai. (Cf. Esther 2:21-23)
Just think about it. This man saved the Emperor and his empire from death and collapse. Yet nothing was done for him. The case was just noted, recorded and closed. So, everybody forgot about it. But God, who knows everything about our lives, did not forget about that incident. And interestingly, He did not move or compel Xerxes at that time to reward Mordecai for what he did. Why? It was because He knew that was not the right time for the man’s reward. So, whatever reward he got then would not be appropriate or adequate.
But when the right time came, God made the king so restless that he began to search his court records to see if there was anything he was supposed to do that he had not done. And he did find one thing he was supposed to do that he had not done. That was the rewarding of Mordecai for saving his life and his kingdom. So, as God would have it, it was Mordecai’s greatest enemy, Hamman, that this king saddled with the responsibility of honouring him before all men. (Cf. Esther 6:1-12)
Now this honour came to Mordecai at a time that he and his people, the Jews, were about to be exterminated, according to Hamman’s plot. So, in a great way, God used it to humble Hamman and to also frustrate all his wicked expectations concerning His people. And as the story further shows, while Hamman was utterly destroyed, Mordecai, from that time forward, only rose and rose in that empire until he became second in importance only to Xerxes. (Cf. Esther 6-10)
But what if this man’s reward had come earlier than this time? Would it have worked in saving him and his people from destruction? Most likely not! What is this telling us? It is telling us that God knows exactly how we are to be rewarded and when we are to be rewarded and fully enjoy our reward and not be destroyed by it. Indeed, there have been people who got rewarded or elevated for certain good things they did and were destroyed or brought to ruins because of it. Why? Those rewards or promotions came at the wrong time; they came when they had no capacity to handle them. If we too do not want to have the same experience, we must patiently wait on God to reward us for doing what is good and right in His sight at His own time. And when that is the case, our rewards will not come with pains, sorrow or regrets.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is a just and loving God, who will never forget our good works and labour of love.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught to always be patient in doing what is good and right and also not to seek the praise of men in anything we do, so that we will not miss God’s rewards for us.
- Prayers that, in every area of our lives that we are due for elevation or payment for our good deeds, God will bring about circumstances that will make this happen.
- Prayers that God will see to it that all those who are in a position to reward or commend or promote us for our good deeds but who will not do so have no rest in their minds until they do what is right for us.
- Prayers that God will keep us from taking any step that will make rewards that we are not due for come to us and destroy us.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will rid our lives of anything that is corrupting any good thing we are meant to be enjoying in our lives with pains, sorrow or regret.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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IGNORANT AND YET PUNISHED - 4th September 2021
“Then God said to him in the dream, "Yes, I know you did this with a clear conscience, and so I have kept you from sinning against me. That is why I did not let you touch her.”” (Gen 20:6NIV)
One of the things we are shown in Scriptures about God is that He is a God of justice, a God who cannot be bribed in any way, a God who does not show partiality, even in dealing with His own people. He once said to the house of Israel, “You only have I chosen of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your sins." (Amos 3:2NIV) Why was God going to punish these people for all their sins? It was because, as His chosen people, they were well acquainted with His will but would not do it. So, He said to them, “Because I have chosen you and shown you the right thing to do but you would not do it, I will punish you.”
What is this showing us? It is showing us that even though we are God’s beloved people, if begin to disregard His instructions for living and act as we please, He will not hold back His justice but give it. The case of Ananias and Sapphira is a good illustration of this. Though they were God’s children and blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, when they tried to introduce deceit into His church, He judged them with death. Why? It was because He wanted people, both those in the church and those outside it, to see Him as a just and impartial God. And as a just God, it is not only those who are not His children that He must deal with in justice; He must also deal with His own children in justice. This is why Scriptures show us that His judgment usually begins in His house. (Cf. Acts 5:1-11; 1Pet 5:17)
Furthermore, because God is a just God, He also acts in justice even when people ignorantly do wrong things. Of course, in giving justice, He may not judge an ignorant sinner in the manner that He will judge a wilful sinner. But He will surely judge him as his wrongdoings deserve. That is why our Lord Jesus says, “That servant who knows his master's will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” (Luke 12:47-48NIV)
For example, in our opening bible text, we see God judging King Abimelech for ignorantly taking Sarah, Abraham’s wife, as his own wife. And as He told this king, He was actually the one that kept him from sleeping with Sarah and so sinning against Him. Why did He keep him from doing so? It was because his conscience was clear and he did not have any intention of deliberately doing what was wrong. So, if our conscience is clear and are hearts are not bent on doing evil, God is able to keep us from sinning against Him or from falling into the traps of sin.
But if our hearts are not right but are bent on doing evil, God may have to leave us and allow us to face the consequences of our actions. This is what we see in the case of David’s adultery with Bathsheba. God did not keep him from committing this sin. Why? It was because his heart was not right on that occasion. He was simply bent on doing evil. He had been told who Bathsheba was. She was the wife of one of his men, Uriah. So, he did not approach her to sleep with her because he was ignorant of who she was but because he allowed greed, recklessness and lack of self-control to take charge of him on that said day. And he was severely punished for doing so. (Cf. 2Sam 11-12)
So, it is important that we maintain a pure heart and conscience before God in all our dealings and not be bent on doing deliberately doing what is wrong. Otherwise, God may not hold us back but allow us to fall and get punished for our stubbornness.
Then we must also not think that being ignorant or having a good conscience before God will always keep us from getting punished for wrongdoings. As we see in King Abimelech’s case, though he acted in ignorance, that is, on the basis of Abraham’s lies, in taking Sarah as his wife, God still punished him and his household for a while. He shut the wombs of all the women, including the slaves, in his palace. And their punishment would have been worse, if God had not kept him from sleeping with Sarah. (Cf. Gen 20)
But why did He have to punish him at all? At least, he acted on Abraham’s lies. He had to punish him, first, because he too did not do his homework well before taking Sarah as wife. If he had done his homework well, he would have been more curious to know why a pretty ninety-year old woman like Sarah would have no husband. Second, God had to punish him because justice must be given whether people are ignorant of the implications of their acts or not. Otherwise, laws and righteousness cannot be established anywhere.
So, as good as it is for us to have a good conscience before God, it is not enough to keep us from falling under God’s judgment. This is why we must always labour to educate ourselves more and more in the will of God. Otherwise, we will often find ourselves ignorantly doing things that will expose us to His judgment. And whether His punishment is small or great, it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Heb 10:31).
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for enlightening us about the justice of God and how not to fall under His judgment.
- Prayers that God will keep our hearts and consciences right before Him always, so that we may be kept from ignorantly or deliberately doing anything that will bring us under God’s judgment (Ps 19:13).
- Prayers that God will continually rid us of any form of ignorance that may make us take steps that will expose us to God’s judgment.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy and open our eyes to see areas of our lives in which we are being judged or punished for our ignorance, so that we may do the needful and be restored.
- Thanksgiving for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Improve your work results -
28th August 2021
28th August 2021
Improve your work results
“A dull axe requires great strength; be wise and sharpen the blade.” (Eccl 10:10TLB)
Recently, while I was going through my daughter’s work with her, we came to a topic on hand-held tools and their importance. And among the things said about the importance of such tools is that they make work easier and faster. Then it is also said that they reduce stress and improve the quality of work results.
But then, as Solomon would have us understand in our opening bible text, having or using tools does not always make our work easier and faster, reduce work stress and improve the quality of our work. If we are not using the right quality of tools, the quality of results we will be getting and the amount of time we will be taking to get it may not be anything to write home about.
So, he counsels us to pay attention to the quality of tools we use for our work, whatever the work may be. His words are, “Be wise and sharpen the blade.” Why? It is because the quality of tools we use for our work will not only determine the speed at which we deliver results but also the quality of results we get. What is that telling you? It is telling you that if you want to improve the quality of results you are getting at work or in your business and also have plenty of time at hand to rest and perhaps do other good things for yourself, you need to improve the quality of tools you use.
See, it does not matter how much you desire to be able to achieve the quality of product or services certain individuals or organisations are achieving, if you would not invest in getting the quality of tools, raw materials or staff they are using, your dreams won’t come true. You can pray and fast or do vigils about this, if you like. It won’t change anything. That is because prayer and fasting are not the solution that the word of God has proffered for this kind of problem. The solution it has proffered for it is that you improve the quality of tools, equipment or personnel you are using. So, get better tools, equipment and personnel and get the right quantity of them.
Then, when Solomon says to us, “Be wise and sharpen the blade,” he is not only referring to the need for us to get better tools; he is also talking about the need for us to sharpen our skills or increase our learning. That is because better skills or more education can improve the quality and even quantity of our work results. Of course, that we have better skills or higher education does not necessarily mean that the quality of our work will be better. Our attitude towards our work or business also has some roles to play in that.
But regardless of how passionate, dutiful or committed we are to our work or business, we cannot deliver beyond the level of our skills or education. And where people are rewarded based on the quality of work done or knowledge possessed, our reward will definitely be affected. So, if we want to increase our ability to EARN AND SAVE more money, we also need to work on our skills and education. In other words, if getting more education is what will qualify us for more money or higher positions where we work, then, we should go for it. And if there are newer, better and faster ways of doing our job or business in order to make it more lucrative, we should endeavour to learn them.
Again, this is not all about prayer and fasting. It is good to pray and fast about our jobs or businesses, especially when we need direction, favour or protection. But prayer and fasting cannot take the place of possessing the right amount of knowledge, education or skills. That is one of the reasons we have more unbelievers as leaders of many of our organisations and industries than believers. While these unbelievers are getting more education and working hard to increase and improve their work skills and relationships, most of us who are believers focus on praying alone.
But prayers alone cannot move us forward in our workplaces or businesses; we also need to increase and improve the quality of our work results. So, I want you to begin to take steps towards accomplishing that right away. Begin to carefully look at those areas of your work or business where you need to improve yourself or improve things, so that you can increase your earnings there or expose yourself to more opportunities to do bigger things. And this is not something God will do for you. It is what you will do for yourself.
Now you may say, “But I do not have the money to get better tools, equipment and staff or more training and education? What, then, do I do?” That is where prayer comes in. Tell God those areas of your work life where you need improvement and ask Him to favour you to make it happen. And He surely answer you. He may not bring you all the money you need to do these things all at once. But He will surely see to it that all that concerns you is eventually perfected, if you will maintain your trust in Him and keep relating to Him with patience.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for the gift of life and for all the abilities, skills and education He has enabled us to possess.
- Prayers that God will open your eyes to see those areas of your work or business in which you need to invest in better tools, personnel and education or training, so that you can access more resources or attain greater heights in life.
- Prayers that God will open doors of resources and relationships to you that will enable you to improve the quality of your work results.
- Prayers that God will cause His favour to mightily overflow on your behalf, so that wherever you are being rewarded below what is right, you will receive appropriate and adequate adjustments without delay.
- Prayers that God will cleanse your life of any wrong attitude or behaviour that is limiting you at work or in your business.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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What are you doing with your words? - 21st August 2021
“Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit — you choose.” (Prov 18:21MSG)
All through the Scriptures we are admonished to tame our tongue and not allow it to just say anything that comes to the mind. That is because there is power in words. Remember that it is by His word that God created the universe, the things that are visible and those that are not visible. Also, it is by His word that the present order of things will be destroyed with fire. So, words can create, and words can destroy. (Cf. Heb 11:3; 2Pet 3:5-7)
What, then, have you been using your words for? Have you been using them to create a world of peace, rest and fruitfulness for yourself and others around you? Or have you been using them to destroy your world and the world of others around you?
I know that human words have great limitations, for they cannot accomplish anything beyond the authority and power of those who speak them. Nevertheless, the word of God tells us that our words are still potent enough to either destroy our world further or recreate and make them new. That, in fact, is the point Solomon is communicating to us in our opening bible text. He says words kill and words give life. He also says words can either be poison or fruit.
Did you see that? Your words can kill or give life to your body, marriage, business, relationships and so forth. It all depends on what they are filled with or made up of, poison or fruit. Many, for instance, complain today that things are not going well with them in their marriages, businesses and other life relationships. But when you listen to them and see what words they use in relating to the people in their lives, you will understand why things are so bad and difficult for them and nobody seems to want to help them. Their words are not words of life. Their words are not words that can build their homes, relationships or businesses or fill their lives with peace and joy. Instead, they are caustic, poisonous and proud words that will gradually and ultimately destroy every good thing in their lives.
Jesus once said to His disciples, “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.” (Cf. John 6:63) Did you see that? Our words are spirit. So, they can move and act. But in what direction will they move? And what sort of actions will they carry out? It all depends on what they are filled with. If, like the words of Jesus, they are filled with life, then, they will give life to our lives and world and make them beautiful, regardless of how empty and unproductive they may seem at the moment. But if they are filled with poison and death, then, even if our lives and relationships are the best around, it won’t be long before they are utterly ruined and destroyed.
So, if you want your life and world to be full of joy, peace, rest, progress and fruitfulness, then, begin to carefully and consciously watch your tongue. Yes, begin to watch what you say with your mouth and what character you will fill your words with. Don’t just say anything that comes to your mind; rather, say only those things that are consistent with God’s righteousness, peace and joy. This will be the difference between life and death for you; it will be the difference between success and failure for you.
Then watch what you will fill your heart with. Yes, watch what thoughts you entertain in your heart. That is because your mouth will always speak from the overflow of your heart. So, if you fill yourself with dirt and poison, that is what your tongue will give out. And if you fill your heart with grace and goodness, that is also what your tongue will give out. It is now up to you to choose what you will fill yourself with, dirt and poison or grace and goodness. (Cf. Matt 12:34-37; Luke 6:45)
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for the gift of speech and also for teaching us by His Spirit not to abuse this gift.
- Prayers that the Spirit of God will cleanse our hearts of every evil and unclean thought that has been polluting our tongues and using them as instruments for ruining our lives and world.
- Prayers that our hearts will be taught by the Spirit of God to tame our tongues in righteous and productive communication, so that we will henceforth only use them to build our world and not to destroy it.
- Prayers that God, in His mercy, will uproot from our lives every seed of poison and death we have planted with our mouths, seed that is producing the fruit of pains and sorrow in our lives.
- Prayers that God will lead us by His Spirit to speak words of life and healing into every relationship of ours that we have damaged with our tongues, so that such relationships can begin to bring forth life and health for us.
- Prayers that God, in accordance with His word of truth, will totally frustrate every word spoken or written against us that is working against our peace, joy and progress (Job 5:21; Is 54:17).
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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“Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.” (Prov 25:28NIV)
The bible is full of stories of people who got into one form of trouble or the other because they lacked self-control. One of such stories is that of King David and Bathsheba. As the account goes, one evening, while David was walking around on the roof his palace, he unexpectedly saw a woman that was bathing, and the woman was very beautiful. And since he was the king and had the authority to summon anybody, he lost no time to find out about the woman and to bring her to himself. (Cf. 2Samuel 11)
Now was David totally wrong to find out about the woman? No, he wasn’t totally wrong to do so, though it was lust that drove him into doing so. Then was he even wrong to want that kind of beautiful woman for wife? No! At least, at that time, there was no law that said that he could not have as many wives as he wanted, if he had the means to take care of them. But when he found out that the woman, Bathsheba, was already married, married to one of his own warriors, what was he supposed to do? He was supposed to destroy whatever desire or affection he was already nursing for her, for the law of God to them says, “You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife.” (Cf. Ex 20:17; Deut 5:21)
However, because of lack of self-control, David, a man after God’s own heart, on that occasion abused his power as king and committed adultery with the wife of another man. Not only that, he went on to murder the woman’s husband, in his attempt to cover up his sin. And that is one of the things that lack of self-control often results in – an abuse of something. It may be an abuse of power, an abuse of privileges, an abuse of sexual passions, an abuse of strength or an abuse of resources.
Whatever it is, lack of self-control will make us abuse something. It will make us use what we have in ways that are wrong and destructive. And where that is the case, there are certain doors of our lives that will naturally open for afflictions of various sorts to come in. That is why Solomon, in our opening bible text, tells us that a man without self-control is like a city whose walls of defence are broken down.
What is that telling us? It is that self-control is a defence. Of course, it is not a physical defence that one can see. But it is a defence, a powerful spiritual defence that prevents unnecessary afflictions from coming into people’s lives. And once it is not there, there is no speaking of what problems may creep into our lives and ruin us.
As we in David’s case, the moment he allowed lack of self-control to lead him into adultery with Bathsheba, an unwanted and disgraceful pregnancy showed up. Then, in trying to solve this problem, he became a murderer. And though God was merciful to him and did not kill him for his sins, He told him in very clear terms that what his lack of self-control had opened the door for death and disgrace of different kinds to gain access into His house. His actual words in expressing this are:
“Now, therefore, the sword will never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own.' "This is what the LORD says: 'Out of your own household I am going to bring calamity upon you. Before your very eyes I will take your wives and give them to one who is close to you, and he will lie with your wives in broad daylight. You did it in secret, but I will do this thing in broad daylight before all Israel.'"” (2Sam 12:10-12NIV)
And things happened in this man’s family exactly the way God had said that they would happen. Death and disgrace came into his family. And that was because other members of his household unconsciously started following his example and exhibiting lack of self-control in dealing with one another. So, first, his first son, Amnon, raped one of his sisters, Tamar. And in response to that, he was killed by the lady’s brother, Absalom. Afterwards, this same Absalom plotted a rebellion against his father, David, and took over his kingdom. And right in broad daylight, he raped his own father’s wives before he went on to meet his untimely death. In short, 2Samuel, chapter 13 through 19 is set forth to show us some of the major consequences of the collapse of the spiritual walls of defence of David’s household.
But what brought all these evil things on David and his household? It was his lack of self-control in dealing with another man’s wife. And what originally led him to be tempted with that situation in which he could not control himself? It was his being in the wrong place at the wrong time. As the bible makes clear, David was not supposed to be around in town at all during that period that he saw Bathsheba. It was a period in which kings used to go to war. But instead of going at that time, he chose to send his army generals. And by hanging around at home, he was exposed to a situation that prevailed over his ability to control himself and had to pay very severely for it. That is telling me that being in the wrong place at the wrong time or being with the wrong people in the wrong place and at the wrong time may expose us to situations in which we lose our self-control.
In any case, whatever the reason may be, if we should lose our self-control, no one can say for sure what magnitude of problems will freely flow into our lives and ruin us. But we can look around us to see what lack of self-control is doing to people or has done to people. And if we will look carefully, we will be able to see all around us people whose lives, homes, businesses, careers, body parts or some other things that money cannot buy have been lost or ruined because of their lack of self-control. Perhaps we too can point to certain problems or sufferings that came into our lives because of our lack of self-control in some areas of our lives.
What all this means is that we cannot and must not joke with self-control in our lives. And thanks to God, for He has given us His Holy Spirit to enable us bring forth the fruit of self-control. So, we have no excuse for not being able to tame our tongues, appetites and emotions. All we need is to continually ask God to strengthen us by His Spirit in us to control these things, and He will answer us and do so. But are we going to do so, or are we going to keep making excuses for not putting our lives under the control of the word of God and His Holy Spirit? (Cf. 2Tim 1:7; Tit 2:11-12)
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for opening our eyes to see how important it is to be self-controlled or self-disciplined.
- Prayers that God will be merciful to us and enable us to rebuild every wall of defence in our lives (defence against poverty, disgrace, sickness, broken home and so forth) that has collapsed because of our lack of self-control.
- Prayers that God will keep our feet and lives away from places and associations that can make us lose our self-control and misbehave, so that none of the walls of protection He has built around our lives will be broken down.
- Prayers that our hearts will always receive strength from the Spirit of God to be self-controlled in all our relationships and dealings in life and not to yield to our feelings or emotions.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Accept your limitations - 7th August 2021
“The LORD said to Moses: "Bring me seventy of Israel's elders who are known to you as leaders and officials among the people. Have them come to the Tent of Meeting, that they may stand there with you. I will come down and speak with you there, and I will take of the Spirit that is on you and put the Spirit on them. They will help you carry the burden of the people so that you will not have to carry it alone.”” (Num 11:16-17NIV)
One of the things we must keep in mind, as we journey through life, is that regardless of how much God has blessed us, regardless of the measure of wisdom, skills, education and so forth He has enabled us to possess, we still have limitations. In other words, there are things we cannot do by ourselves or for ourselves and others without the help or support of other people. And the earlier we recognise this and function accordingly the better for us. Otherwise, we may end of destroying ourselves while trying to do by ourselves things others could do for us or end up failing in certain areas of our lives where we could have been successful.
As we see in our opening text, there was a time God told Moses to bring Him a number of the elders of Israel, so that He may appoint and anoint them to help him carry the burden of ministering to the people (Num 11). But that was not the first or only time Moses would be told such things. As we also see in the bible, once, when his father-in-law visited him and observed the way he was attending to all the Israelites alone, he called him aside and told him plainly that he would soon injure himself and the people, if he would not appoint some gifted leaders to help him. And that was because the people were many, already in their millions. So, there was no way he could do the work of leading them alone and not eventually hurt himself and them. (Cf. Ex 18)
Now did he listen to his father-in-law’s counsel? Yes, he did, according to the bible. He appointed a number of people to help him in settling disputes and administering justice in the land. However, as we can infer from our opening bible text, he did not get enough assistance for himself. He just kept on doing many things all by himself until he arrived at his breaking point and got so frustrated that he pleaded with God to kill him.
But what exactly went wrong? Well, at some point, the people he was leading began to complain about their meals. They got tired of eating manna every day and wanted some meat or fish in addition. And so bad was the case that each of their families stood at the entrance to their tent and began to cry. Imagine that. They were crying because of their so-called hardships in the wilderness. (Cf. Num 11:4-10)
That, of course, got God angry and Moses troubled. So, perhaps for the first time, the situation made this man of God acknowledge his limitations. The situation made him see that even though he was mightily anointed of God to lead the people, the job was too much for him to handle alone. Therefore, he said to God:
“Why have you brought this trouble on your servant? What have I done to displease you that you put the burden of all these people on me? Did I conceive all these people? Did I give them birth? Why do you tell me to carry them in my arms, as a nurse carries an infant, to the land you promised on oath to their forefathers? Where can I get meat for all these people? They keep wailing to me, 'Give us meat to eat!' I cannot carry all these people by myself; the burden is too heavy for me. If this is how you are going to treat me, put me to death right now — if I have found favor in your eyes — and do not let me face my own ruin."” (Num 11:11-15NIV)
Who did Moses blame for his frustration? God! But was He the one responsible for it? No! Indeed, it was God that appointed him to lead the people, as many as they were. But it was not He that told him to carry the burden all by himself. Why, then, did He not tell him before to delegate and give room for other gifted people among those he was leading to help him? Well, He told him. He told him through the mouth of his father-in-law. He was the one that did not fully appreciate his limitations and get help accordingly.
Therefore, God had to wait until he fully appreciated and accepted his limitations before He told him the solution. And observe that His solution to Moses’ problem was not death but more leadership. Moses, like many today, wanted to run away from the problem by dying. But would his death or disappearance have solved the problem at hand? No! It most likely would have created more problems for the people.
At any rate, God told him that death was not the solution to the problem at hand but more leadership. That means the reason the people began to complain and grumble in the first place was that they were not getting enough spiritual leadership. Moses and whatever leaders that were on ground to help him were not enough to give the people the right amount of spiritual education they needed to always stay on the same page with God. So, even if God solved the meat problem, and He actually did solve it, there would still be more similar problems in the future, if more spiritual leaders were not provided for the people. That was why He asked Moses to bring Him seventy elders, so that He may appoint them to join him in the work. And after that, this man of God never complained again that the work was too much for him or that he was tired or frustrated.
In like manner, regardless of how dutiful, diligent, smart, wise, educated and blessed of God you may be, you need to accept your limitations and get help where you can sense that you need it. Don’t work yourself to frustration, illness or death, all in the name of wanting to appear responsible, when you could get others’ support for free or at a very cheap rate. And don’t limit yourself in life, business, ministry and so forth by trying to do everything all by yourself, when you could have your coast amazingly enlarged through the support of others.
Therefore, if it is stinginess that is preventing you from sharing your work, get rid of it. A little share of your profit that you give to get other’s support is a little price compared to your health or well-being. And if it is pride or an ugly desire to take all the credit for your success that is driving you to frustration or limiting the scope of your success, deal with it right away. Sharing your success with more people on the great heights of life is a little price to pay compared to working alone and remaining at the bottom of the leader. So, go for all the help you can get to make your life and work easier and more productive, as long as it is legitimate and righteous help.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for opening our eyes to see the need for us to learn to reach out for others’ help and support instead of allowing ourselves to be ruined by our life’s burdens.
- Prayers that God will open your eyes to see all the areas of your life in which you need the help and support of others to be at peace or to come out stagnation and accept your limitations in those areas.
- Prayers that your heart will be cleansed of every wrong attitude that is keeping you from getting help at all or getting the right amount of help you need in your life.
- Prayers that your eyes will be opened to recognise all the helpers God has appointed to support and make your life and work easier, so that you may embrace them and allow them to do the will of God in your life.
- Prayers that God will put your affection in the hearts of all the people He has placed in your life to support you to experience great peace and fruitfulness in life, so that they may fully devote themselves to supporting you.
- Prayers that you will be favoured to receive forgiveness from all the helpers of your life that you have chased away through bad habits or behaviour.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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AS IF YOU WERE NOT AWARE - 31st July 2021
“Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, "But we knew nothing about this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done?” (Prov 24:11-12NIV)
A number of years ago, a colleague of mine at work used a software that was deployed by the IT unit of our establishment to credit some people’s accounts with their salaries. Unfortunately, the software malfunctioned and credited accounts of some other people of a particular government office who had no business receiving the money sent. And you know what? They started spending the money without even making any findings about its source. That is to show you how wicked, heartless and selfish humans can be.
At any rate, when it was discovered that the software had malfunctioned and that those that deserved the money sent through it did not get it, the management held my colleague, who had done the transfers responsible for what had happened. But was it really his fault? No! Did he create the software that malfunctioned? No! Did he input wrong account numbers or figures when using the software? No! On the contrary, he did everything right and expected to get appropriate results. But that did not happen because the software failed him.
Who, then, should be held responsible for that? You guess is as good as mine – those who created the software! But that did not happen. Instead, my colleague was told to first go and source for money to pay those who should originally have received the lost money before the management would take any step about the matter. So, he started looking for money, as they had said.
When I heard about it, I was upset and brought up the matter during one of our briefings. I asked our managers to know what steps they had taken about the case, since it came up. I did that because they were in a position to defend the young man before the management and make them see that they were prosecuting the wrong person, while the real offenders were freely moving around and not taking any responsibility for the failure of the system they created. And it was after I had spoken up like that that they woke to see that they were already failing in their duty.
Why am I bringing this up with you? It is to call your attention to what Solomon says in our opening bible text, which is that when you are in a position to save or help someone from any kind of distress, do so and do not ignore them or act as if you were not aware. As long as we are in this world, there will always be circumstances that are set towards harming, disgracing or destroying people. And if those who are in a position to save or help anyone that is about to be harmed, disgraced or destroyed would not act as though it were none of their business, the person may end up experiencing salvation.
For example, the circumstances that surrounded how Lot left Abraham were not really pleasant, even though Abraham handled everything with maturity. Yet on the day that Lot and his family members were taken captives, along with the people of Sodom, Abraham did not sit still, when someone escaped to tell him. Instead, he got up, mustered his own people and went to deliver his nephew and his family. And God made him succeed in doing so. (Cf. Gen 14)
But Abraham could have ignored the news he had heard and said, “Good for him! What was he doing in Sodom in the first place?” Or he could have pretended that he did not hear or know anything about it and allowed the man and his family to live the rest of their lives as slaves. And would that have been a secret to God? No! God would have known what He did and would also have rewarded him accordingly. Then maybe we would not have known or heard anything about him in the history of God’s holy saints of old.
All of this why Solomon, in our opening bible text, wants us to know that just as God is watching and guarding our lives, He also wants us to do the same for anyone around us that may find himself in a position of weakness or vulnerability, a position in which he may be ruined, if he does not get our help on time. The person may not be our friend, family member, neighbour or colleague at work. In fact, the person may even be an enemy of ours. But inasmuch as God has placed us in a position to help them, we must not ignore their situation or act as if did not know about it.
Now helping people like this is not always about giving them money. In fact, in many cases, it is simply about speaking up for them where they have no voice or intelligence to speak or using our office, influence, prayer or counsel to protect them from injustice, robbery, corruption or seduction. If we, then, ignore them at such times or act as if we did not know what they are going through or as if we had no power to assist them, God, who has our lives and ways in His hands and sees our hearts, will deal with us accordingly. Exactly how He will deal with us in such situations is not something I can or anyone else can say. But from what we see in Psalm 82, where He accuses certain leaders of His people of not using their authority and power to maintain justice in the land, it is clear that ignoring those who need our help may open the doors of our lives, homes and even society to confusion and chaos. It may even make us die like people who do not have God as their Father.
Therefore, wherever you are in life, however low or high the place may be, keep it in mind that God will, from time to time, count on you to help certain people out of trouble. And how you fare, then, will determine what sort of experiences you too will have in your life. My prayer is that you will never again fail God in any of such times, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for always opening our eyes to see what He expects of us in life, so that we will not miss and get into trouble.
- Prayers that our eyes will never again be blind to situations in which God wants us to give helping hands to others and save them from their distress.
- Prayers that God will cleanse our hearts of every form of bitterness, anger or a desire for vengeance that is keeping us back from giving helping hands to those that He wants us to help.
- Prayers that God will show us mercy wherever we are experiencing confusion, chaos, barrenness, stagnation or death in our lives because we refused to help certain individuals He had wanted us to help and also bring an end to all such evil experiences.
- Prayers that wherever people that are in a position to help us or speak for us are ignoring us, God will step in and bring about circumstances that will wake them up to do what is right.
- Prayers for everyone that is at the moment in distress and is being ignored by those in a position to help them that God will send marvellous help to them from His throne of mercy and rescue them, even to the shame of those who will not help them.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving answers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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GOD’S DISTINCTION -24th July 2021
“And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.” (Mal 3:18NIV)
Why would God say to His people, the Jews, that He was going to make a distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who served Him and those who did not? It was because they were already accusing Him of not treating the righteous any differently from the wicked. Look at the words God uses in expressing their allegations, as recorded by Malachi:
“You have said, 'It is futile to serve God. What did we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the LORD Almighty? But now we call the arrogant blessed. Certainly the evildoers prosper, and even those who challenge God escape.'" (Mal 3:14-15NIV)
Did you see that? These people are saying that there is nothing to gain in serving God and in being faithful to His requirements. Why? It is because they are looking at the prosperity of the wicked and comparing themselves with them. And when you begin to compare your life or progress with that of the ungodly people around you, who are probably your peers, colleagues at work or neighbours, you may end up losing your mind. Yes, when you look at the flashy or extravagant lives they are living and the things they have accomplished in what seems like no time, you may want to go crazy, throw away your confidence in God and join them in whatever nonsense they are doing.
To say the fact, there are children of God today that have given up on their faith because they felt it was limiting them or preventing them from becoming accomplished persons in life. I am saying there are people who are used to be known as children of God but who are now engaged in all kinds of evil things, even money rituals, because they wanted to come out of poverty and a life of struggling at all cost. Such people gave up on God and on righteous living because they felt it was not worth it.
But that is not a new thing. For example, Asaph, in one of his psalms, says, “Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.” (Ps 73:1-3NIV) Did you see that? This man also lost himself to wickedness, when he became envious of the prosperity of the wicked. And he would have had his soul destroyed, if he had not visited God’s sanctuary and had his mind renewed with the word of God. Then he realised that the wicked, with all their prosperity and accomplishments, are standing on slippery ground, and it is only a matter of time before they are totally swept away by destruction. (Cf. Ps 73)
So, do not envy the wicked or their prosperity. That is because, at some point, they will certainly perish with their prosperity. But the man who does the will of God will live forever, even if he gains nothing of this earth.
More so, as God says to us in our opening bible text, He will yet again make a distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve Him and those who do not. That means He will surely create circumstances that will show the world that He does not always treat the righteous and the wicked alike – there are times that He does things that will show everyone that it pays to be righteous, that it pays to serve Him.
For instance, when He was going to set the nation of Israel free from Egypt, He made some distinctions in the way He treated the two nations. And that is revealed in the fact that when He brought a terrible plague on Egypt that destroyed their livestock, not one of the animals of the Israelites died. And when He killed all the firstborn of both men and animals in Egypt, not one person lost their life among the Israelites. (Cf. Ex 9:1-7; 11:4-8)
So, the Lord knows how to make a clear distinction between His people, who are faithfully serving Him, and the ungodly who are wallowing in their errors. Instead of becoming envious of the prosperity of the wicked, then, all we need to do is ask Him to fulfil His word concerning us and begin to make a clear distinction between us and the ungodly around us, so that they may know that it pays to serve Him and to walk in His righteous.
Now consider these words of comfort and encouragement, so that you may know how to pray to experience a life of distinction wherever you are and get the ungodly to become envious of you, instead of you becoming envious of them:
"But as for you who forsake the LORD and forget my holy mountain, who spread a table for Fortune and fill bowls of mixed wine for Destiny, I will destine you for the sword, and you will all bend down for the slaughter; for I called but you did not answer, I spoke but you did not listen. You did evil in my sight and chose what displeases me." Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: "My servants will eat, but you will go hungry; my servants will drink, but you will go thirsty; my servants will rejoice, but you will be put to shame. My servants will sing out of the joy of their hearts, but you will cry out from anguish of heart and wail in brokenness of spirit.” (Isa 65:11-14NIV)
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is a God of justice, who knows how to make a clear distinction between those who love Him and those who hate Him.
- Prayers that God will restore your soul wherever you have gone astray as a result of being envious of the prosperity of the wicked.
- Prayers that your heart, henceforth, will always be strengthened by the Spirit of God never to throw away your confidence in God, which will surely be rewarded, regardless of what circumstances life may throw at you.
- Prayers that God will begin to fulfil His words concerning you in every area of your life where there needs to be an obvious distinction between you, His child, and those who do not know Him.
- Prayers that God will use every distinction He makes with your life to lead many around you to repentance and obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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When wisdom is not enough - 17th July 2021
“Here is another bit of wisdom that has impressed me as I have watched the way our world works. There was a small town with only a few people, and a great king came with his army and besieged it. A poor, wise man knew how to save the town, and so it was rescued. But afterward no one thought to thank him. So even though wisdom is better than strength, those who are wise will be despised if they are poor. What they say will not be appreciated for long.” (Eccl 9:13-16NLT)
When you read the writings of Solomon, that is, with the mind of the Spirit of God, you will not fail to see that he understood how this world works. Without doubt, he was a very wise man. In fact, the bible says that the wisdom God blessed him with was as measureless as the sand on the seashore (1Kings 4:29-34). And having tasted the reward of being wise, he counsels all men to price wisdom above all things, saying “Wisdom is the principal thing. Therefore, get wisdom. And though it costs you everything you have, get understanding.” (Cf. Prov 4:7)
So, if you sense that wisdom is lacking in your life or in the way you are handling certain matters of your life, do not hesitate to seek it. And the only place to find it is in God. Yes, the only way to be wise in life is to take God seriously and to also count on Him to make our hearts wise. (Cf. Job 28:28; Ps 111:10; 1Cor 1:30; James 1:5-8)
But then, this man, Solomon, as he investigates life and how to make sense out of it, discovers that wisdom is not sufficient for us to win people’s respect or attention. There are some others things we must have as well, if we want the people of this world to take us seriously. And one of them is wealth.
Now is wealth better or greater than wisdom? No! Yes, as Solomon equally points out elsewhere in his writings, both money and wisdom can shelter us from all kinds of life’s problems. However, wisdom is better because it is able to preserve the life of the one who has it, even where money has failed. (Cf. Ecc 7:12)
Nevertheless, as we see in our opening text, Solomon counsels us not to desire wisdom alone but to desire along with it money. Why? It is because, as far this world is concerned, people often take more seriously rich foolish people than poor wise people. And he gives us an illustration to support this. He speaks of a situation that he personally witnessed. It was that of a poor man that used his wisdom to save a town from a mighty king that had come to attack it. But after that incident, nobody remembered that poor man. They just totally forgot about him and all that he did for them.
Therefore, Solomon says, “Even though wisdom is better than strength, those who are wise will be despised if they are poor. What they say will not be appreciated for long.” And is this not the reality? Well, I myself can confirm that it is the reality, not just in the world but even in the church of God. See, I have been in assemblies where brethren that are full of the Spirit of God and wisdom to edify God’s people don’t have a voice at all. Nobody listens to them or takes them seriously. Why? It is because they don’t have money.
I am saying that I have been in assemblies of God’s people where your money has to speak for you before you can even book an appointment with your pastors. And I have also been in assemblies where people who have no character whatsoever can become anything, even a pastor, as long as they are rich and are willing to use their money for the church. Is this supposed to be happening in the church? No! However, that is the way the world works. And as long as the church keeps trying to function according to the ways of the world, such things will not stop happening among us.
Now then, if in the church of God, we see many taking money more seriously than wisdom or righteous living, what do you think the case will be among those of this world? Even worse! And this explains why we have many rich fools in leadership positions all around the world today. See, people are not going to listen to you or accept you as their leader just because you are wise; rather, they are going to do so because you have enough money to do things that will get their attention and make them believe you can deliver, even where you lack the capacity to do so.
Why did many come from different parts of the world to listen to Solomon? Was it just because he was wise? No! It was also because he was exceedingly wealthy. He had the money to entertain them and capture their attention. He had the money to do things that made them wonder what manner of man he was. So, they had no choice but to take him seriously.
In like manner, if we too want men to take always take us seriously wherever we are, we need to understand that we need more than wisdom, knowledge, education, ideas, character or creativity. We also need to be rich in earthly things. But our wisdom, knowledge, education, ideas, character or creativity on its own cannot make us rich. Otherwise, it would have made us rich already. (Cf. Ecc 9:11)
The only one that can make us rich, truly rich, is God Himself. And not only can He make us rich, He is also interested in doing so. At least, He made Solomon rich, that is, besides the fact that He made him wise. If we too will put Him first in all things in our lives and take His instructions for living seriously, He will make us not only wise but also rich, so rich that we can be generous on every occasion. That way, there is nowhere we go or find ourselves, that people will not take us seriously. (Cf. Matt 6:33; 2Cor 8:8-11)
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for making it possible for us to know how the world works through His holy Scriptures, so that we may gain insight into how to be relevant in life.
- Prayers that God, who has made Christ Jesus wisdom for us, will cause this wisdom to fill our hearts through and through, so that we will never again do anything foolish in life.
- Prayers that God, in accordance with His word, will so enrich us with the things of this world that in all things, at all times, having all that we need, we may be generous in every situation.
- Prayers that God, out of the fullness of the person of Jesus Christ, will abundantly furnish our lives with everything that will make all the things He has blessed us with shine forth, so that those of this world will take us seriously instead of despising us, irrespective of where we find ourselves.
- Prayers that God will keep our hearts right before Him all the time, so that we will never price any earthly thing above Him or above His righteousness in our lives or affairs.
- Prayers that God will lead all His assemblies where they have allowed money to take the place of the Holy Spirit in their affairs to repentance, so that His judgment may cease in their midst.
- Thanksgiving to God for answers to our prayers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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10th July 2021
“The second son he named Ephraim and said, "It is because God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering."” (Gen 41:52NIV)
The stories of the lives of many people are not too different from that of Joseph of bible days. The only difference may be in how their stories end. For Joseph, everything started well. He grew up in his father’s house, where he was loved, cherished, respected, honoured and adequately taken care of. Also, he grew up with great and lovely dreams and visions of a beautiful and honourable future. So, he was a young man that was full of life and hope. (Cf. Gen 37:1-11)
But soon enough, he realised that the future he was hoping to have would not come to him as easily as he had thought, that is, if it came to him at all. And that was because his brothers spoilt things. They got so envious of him that they sold him into slavery – they sold him to a situation that was capable of making him and his dreams disappear forever. (Cf. Gen 37:12-36)
Nonetheless, Joseph held fast to God. He did not give up on God because God would not give up on him. So, even as a slave boy in Egypt, precisely Potiphar’s house, where he had been taken, he took advantage of God’s favour on his life to excel. And it was not long before he became a very important person in his master’s house – he became the manager of the man’s entire household. (Cf. Gen 39:1-6)
Unfortunately, Satan still would not let him be. He began to stir up his master’s wife to seduce him to do something that would make him remain in slavery forever. But because this young man would not let go of the fear of God, even in a foreign land and among idolaters, he did not yield to her. And so he had to pay the price, which was imprisonment. He was imprisoned like a common criminal and made to partake in the fate of wicked people. (Cf. Gen 39:7-20)
Yet Joseph would not give up on God because God would not give up on him. So, again, he took advantage of His favour on his life to also excel in the prison. And it was from this prison that God led him out and caused him to be so favoured that he became the second-in-command of the king of Egypt at age thirty. That means, according to bible records, he went through about thirteen years of pains and sorrow both as a slave and prisoner before his dreams came true. (Cf. Gen 39-41)
At any rate, God, by His divine power, fulfilled all this young man’s beautiful dreams of greatness for him. Not only that, He built a home for him and gave him wonderful children. And in showing appreciation to God for this, he named one of his sons Ephraim, which means God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering. Think about that. In the same place where this young man lived both as a slave and prisoner, he was exalted to the highest known office that the king of Egypt could give anybody at that time, the office of a prime minister.
In like manner, the same God who made him fruitful in the land of his suffering can make us fruitful and productive too, even in the land of our suffering. Perhaps we too started out in life with great and lofty dreams, only to have things messed up for us through some unexpected situations that seemed to be bent on taking everything away from us. However, as long as there is life in us, we don’t need to give up on God, for He too will not give up on us.
See, irrespective of what we have gone through or are going through, God is still able to fulfil all our beautiful and precious dreams for us, if we won’t give up on Him or give up on ourselves. Yes, He is able to make you a king in that same place where you have functioned as a slave or prisoner and make you a boss where you have been a messenger. So, don’t give up on Him. Also, do not give up on yourself. You will be giving up on God and yourself, if you, for any reason, should give up on excellence, righteousness, diligence, faithfulness, purity or anything upright. And that is what will give Satan an opportunity to frustrate your God-given dreams and lock you up in a life of wandering.
Now I am sure you do not want to give Satan any opportunity to steal or frustrate your dreams of a great and beautiful life. Therefore, hold on to God and remain faithful to His ways of righteousness. And though you are at the moment locked up in a dungeon of failure and it seems your life will never amount to anything meaningful forever, He will locate you there and bring about circumstances that will bring you out and set you among princes in that same place where you have been abused, hated, rejected and oppressed. Do you believe this? If you do, go ahead and give thanks and pray.
- Thanksgiving to God because all power belongs to Him, the power to lift up and the power to cast down, and because He cares enough for us to use His power to make our dreams come true.
- Prayers that God will create in you a fresh hunger and thirst to witness a realisation of all the beautiful and righteous dreams He has given you, so that your trust in Him will be renewed.
- Prayers that God will keep your heart faithful to Him and also patient with Him, regardless of what you have gone through or are going through, so that you will not miss the time of His visitation for your lifting.
- Prayers that God will strengthen you to always function with character and diligence, regardless of the position you are now or may still find yourself in life.
- Prayers that God, by the power with which He has everything under control, will fulfil all your dreams for a beautiful, meaningful, fruitful and productive life, so that you may truly reign as a king in all the places you have suffered and lived in pains as a slave.
- Prayers that God will show you mercy in every area of your life where your lack of patience, diligence and trust in Him has given Satan an opportunity to steal or frustrate your dreams, so that fresh opportunities to realise those dreams may be brought to you.
- Thanksgiving for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Be safety conscious - 3rd July 2021
“Whoever digs a pit may fall into it; whoever breaks through a wall may be bitten by a snake. Whoever quarries stones may be injured by them; whoever splits logs may be endangered by them.” (Eccl 10:8-9NIV)
In everything we do there is a need for us to be cautious, careful and considerate. Yes, in everything we do we need to be safety conscious. That is because we may end up endangering ourselves or others through our carelessness or lack of caution or consideration. And that is the point Solomon seeks to communicate to us in our opening bible text, using various illustrations.
First, he says the one that digs a pit may fall into it. Why will anyone want to dig a pit? The reasons may be plenty. But when you dig a pit, make sure you cover it or leave a notice around it to warn others of the danger it may pose to them. In short, when you do anything, however good or beneficial it may be, that is capable of injuring you or someone else, one way or the other, make sure you do all you can to secure it. Otherwise, you yourself or one of your loved ones may end up being the one that will suffer for it. And there have been many victims of things like this, some of whom you too may know.
Second, Solomon says whoever breaks through a wall may be bitten by a snake. Why will someone want to break through a wall? There may be various legitimate reason for wanting to do so. It is not only thieves or burglars that may want to break through a wall. Anyone may want to break through a wall for various good reasons. It may not even be a physical wall that we need to break through. It may be the wall of a system or an organisation that we want to break through, for very good reasons.
At any rate, the point that Solomon is making is that inasmuch as we do not know what lies at the other side of whatever wall we are breaking through, we need to be cautious and prepare for surprises. Otherwise, we may get bitten by a snake. And there have been many good people who became victims of such things. They meant well. But in trying to break through certain walls of oppression or injustice, they got bitten by snakes that were lying in wait for them. And that was because they did not work with caution and prepare for surprises or sudden attacks of the wicked.
Third, Solomon says whoever quarries stones may be injured by them, just as whoever splits logs may be endangered by them. Every job has its own level of risks. So, it will only be wise of each of us to know the level of risks our jobs may expose us to and do all that we can to protect ourselves. And that is what Solomon is saying here. Know the risks of your job and guard yourself against them. Know the risks of the tools you are using and protect yourself against being hurt by them. Take seriously all the safety precautions of your work place or environment. And don’t try to manage something that should be repaired or totally discarded, especially when it could endanger your life or health, even when someone is insisting or threatening you to do so. Otherwise, when the harm has already been done, no amount of compensation or apology may be sufficient to take care of it.
Now, of course, ultimately, it is only those that God keeps safe that will be safe (Psalm 127:1). So, regardless of how careful, cautious, considerate or safety conscious we may be, if He does not keep us safe, we won’t be safe. Therefore, don’t ever put your trust in whatever steps you are taking to keep yourself or others around you safe. Instead, put it in God. Otherwise a day will come when you will see the folly of trusting in yourself instead of trusting in God.
All this, however, does not mean we are not to do all that is within our capability to stay safe from injuries, pains and hurts that could have been avoided. And interestingly, it is the same man (Solomon) that tells us that unless God keeps a city safe, the watchmen lie awake in vain that is also telling us to be safety conscious. So, be safety conscious and also considerate in all that you do. That is because you may not be the only one that will be endangered through your carelessness or lack of caution or consideration; someone else may be. With what soap will you, then, wash your name clean, when people begin to hold you responsible for the harm that has come to others? So, watch yourself.
Let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He is always concerned about our safety and that of the people around us.
- Prayers that God will cause you to always function with soundness of mind in handling every matter of your life, so that you or others will not end up being victims of your own creation.
- Prayers that in dealing with difficult situations and people, God will always instruct your heart on steps to take to avoid their traps or sudden attacks.
- Prayers that your heart will be taught and strengthened by God to never take safety precautions lightly wherever you are and in whatever you do, so that you may always be protected from needless troubles and harm.
- Prayers that God, in His love, will comfort and fully restore anyone that has suffered or that is suffering in any way because of your carelessness or lack of caution or consideration.
- Prayers that you will be shown mercy wherever you are experiencing sorrow or suffering because of the part you play in the affliction of others or because of you are a victim of your own carelessness, lack of caution or consideration.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving answers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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Refuse to partake in it -
26th June 2021
It is true, as pointed out in the bible, that God punishes the children and their children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generations. But that is not all that is said about Him in the bible. It is also said that he maintains love to thousands of those who love Him and forgives wickedness and rebellion. It is evident, then, that the major reason people and their children get ultimately punished for their sins by God is their unwillingness to repent. (Cf. Exodus 20:5-6 & 34:6-7)
Unfortunately, because many do not understand this, they allow certain generational sufferings to persist in their lives. But you need to understand that you do not have to suffer at all for the sins of your parents or ancestors. No, you do not have to get punished for their errors or function under certain curses placed on them because of their misbehaviour. That is because it is not the will of God for you to suffer for their sins, if you yourself are not living in sin.
Now that is the point God is making to His people through Ezekiel in our opening bible text. Clearly, some of them have been functioning with the mindset that they won’t be the ones to suffer for their wickedness but their children after them. Just imagine that height of wickedness and selfishness. These people were so wicked and selfish that they did not mind making a mess of the future of their children after them.
We still have such parents today. They don’t consider tomorrow at all when they act. So, they invite on themselves troubles that are too big for them alone to carry and that generations after them must also partake in. This explains why poverty, barrenness, premature death and some terrible illnesses are reigning in some families today. Certain members of these families that are probably no more messed up and brought trouble on them.
In any case, if you happen to belong to such a family, life does not have to go or end for you the way it has been for others. That is because, as God tells His people through Ezekiel, it is the soul that sins that will die. That means He will never punish a righteous child for the sins of his parents or ancestors. In fact, He explains and stresses this fact all through the eighteenth chapter of the book of this prophet.
Therefore, as God’s child, one that He has made righteous through His Son, Jesus Christ, you can stand on what He has said and reject every generational problem. I mean that you can, on the basis of what God says through Ezekiel, keep declaring this:
“I refuse to be a part of whatever curse of poverty, sickness, barrenness or death that is at work in my natural family. Yes, my ancestors sinned and brought trouble on the family. But since God has said that I will not be punished for the sins I did not commit, I refuse to partake in any punishment that is associated with their sins. Not only that, Jesus Christ already paid for my sins and their sins and made me a member of a new family, the family of God. And in God’s family, poverty, premature death, barrenness and sicknesses have no place. So, I cannot experience them any more than God can.”
And so shall it be, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
But then, here is a word of caution for you: you also need to make sure you are not living in sin, having been saved already and brought into God’s family. Otherwise, your confession of these words will not accomplish what you expect or think it will accomplish. Remember that the bible says that we cannot continue in sin and expect God’s grace to abound. So, watch yourself. (Cf. Deut 29:19-21; Rom 6:1)
Now let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God for rescuing us from the dominion of darkness and bringing us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.
- Thanksgiving to God for sending His Son, Jesus, to take care of all our sins and even the sins of our parents and ancestors, so much so that He is no longer counting them against us or pressing that we should pay for them.
- Declarations in the name of Jesus that the hold of sicknesses, diseases, barrenness, premature death, poverty or anything that is associated with the sins of your ancestors and that is trying to reign in your life or home is broken totally over you and your family.
- Prayers that God’s favour will speak for you in whatever area the sins of your family or ancestors are making people to work against you or to hate you.
- Prayers that you will be kept by the Spirit of God from taking any step that will result in generational trouble for you and your home.
- Prayers that the Spirit of God will lead you to repentance in whatever ways you are opening the door of your life for generational troubles to come in and afflict you.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving answers.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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“That same day Pharaoh gave this order to the slave drivers and foremen in charge of the people: "You are no longer to supply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go and gather their own straw. But require them to make the same number of bricks as before; don't reduce the quota. They are lazy; that is why they are crying out, 'Let us go and sacrifice to our God.' Make the work harder for the men so that they keep working and pay no attention to lies."” (Ex 5:6-9NIV)
What let Pharaoh to give the kind of cruel order that we have in our opening text concerning the children of Israel? It was the fact that Moses, their God-given representative, asked that they be given freedom from their many years of hard labour, hard labour without proportionate reward.
So, it is not a new thing for leaders to get angry and act even more wickedly because those under them are asking for better living conditions or for freedom from a life of slavery and shame. It is also not a new thing for employers or bosses to get upset because their workers are demanding for better work conditions or for remunerations that are commensurate to the labour they are offering.
Pharoah got upset and decided to make life more bitter for the children of Israel because Moses demanded for their independence, according to the will of God. So, if certain people (leaders, employers, bosses or guardians) are at the moment making life more bitter or miserable for you, just because you are demanding for better living or work conditions, do not consider your case peculiar. The children of Israel went through similar or even worse things under the hand of Pharaoh when they were in Egypt.
In fact, the case of those Israelites was so bad that they lost all hope of ever being set free to live independent and enjoyable lives. So, the bible says, even when Moses assured them that God was definitely going to set them free, in spite of the cruelty and stubbornness of Pharaoh, they would not listen to him or believe him because of their discouragement and cruel bondage (Ex 6:1-9). And why would they not listen to Moses or believe him? It was because they knew the kind of person Pharaoh was.
See, this particular Pharaoh was not just a wicked and cruel ruler; he was also one that was given to witchcraft and sorcery. At least, from what we see in the book of Exodus, this man had all kinds of sorcerers, enchanters and magicians around him, who were there to oppose anyone that may want to attack him spiritually. Besides, if you will carefully read the dealings of Moses with this king, you will not fail to see that he did not think of himself as an ordinary man but as a god-man. That was why he kept on acting stubborn, even when his sorcerers and magicians had made it clear to him that he was up against the living God and could never win. He just wanted to see for himself how far this so-called God would be willing to go to set them free. (Cf. Ex 7-10)
So, if God had not delivered the Israelites from the hands of this man, no one would have been able to deliver them from his hands. That is because he was ready to use everything in his power – his military force, witchcraft, sorcery, divination and so forth – to keep them in perpetual bondage to himself and his people. Therefore, even if they could stage a protest or embark on strike actions, options that were not available to them at all, they still stood no chance to be set free.
Really, we should be thankful today for the various forms of liberty people now enjoy in the various countries of the world. And that is why, in some cases, we can conduct peaceful protests or embark on strike actions, if we are dissatisfied with our governments, employers or bosses at work. But we need to understand that unless God Himself gives us liberty or make life better for us, all our agitations, protests or fights will never amount to anything.
Don’t miss my point here. I am not saying it is wrong for people to conduct peaceful protests or use any means approved under the laws of their land to fight oppression or injustice of any kind. Rather, what I am saying is that it is wrong for us to put our trust in these things, which, unfortunately, is what many of us have been doing. We think if we protest long enough or embark on strike actions long enough, the yokes of oppression will certainly be broken off our necks. But we are wrong. These yokes will not be broken unless God himself breaks them, as He did for the Israelites.
To say the fact, the leaders, employers, bosses or guardians that many of us are dealing with today are most likely not different from the Pharaoh of Moses’ day. Like him, they too are willing to use anything within their reach, including witchcraft, sorcery, divination, thuggery, manipulation and so forth, to keep us in bondage. But if, instead of putting our trust in men, institutions, protests or any human means for deliverance, we will put it in God, He will at the right time vindicate us, set us free and give us the beautiful life our hearts desire. And He will do this for us, even if He has to perform a thousand miracles for us, because He cares much for us (1Pet 5:7).
Now let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He cares about us and is willing to use His power to set us free from every form of oppression.
- Prayers that God will teach and strengthen our hearts never again to trust in the arms of the flesh for our experience of freedom or better work or living conditions but to trust in Him.
- Prayers that God will hasten His works and set us free from every form of oppressive leadership that is robbing us of peace, joy, initiatives and fruitfulness in life.
- Prayers that just as God rewarded the children of Israel for all their centuries of hard labour in Egypt, on the day that He brought them out, He will also begin to reward us for all our hard and diligent labour that people, governments and even institutions have refused to pay or reward us for.
- Prayers that God will frustrate and turn into nonsense every form of witchcraft, sorcery, divination or enchantment that is being used to keep us in poverty, fear or stagnation in life.
- Prayers that our hearts will be led to repentance without delay wherever we too are oppressing people, so that we will stop hindering our own liberation from hard and unprofitable living.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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“That same day Pharaoh gave this order to the slave drivers and foremen in charge of the people: "You are no longer to supply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go and gather their own straw. But require them to make the same number of bricks as before; don't reduce the quota. They are lazy; that is why they are crying out, 'Let us go and sacrifice to our God.' Make the work harder for the men so that they keep working and pay no attention to lies."” (Ex 5:6-9NIV)
What let Pharaoh to give the kind of cruel order that we have in our opening text concerning the children of Israel? It was the fact that Moses, their God-given representative, asked that they be given freedom from their many years of hard labour, hard labour without proportionate reward.
So, it is not a new thing for leaders to get angry and act even more wickedly because those under them are asking for better living conditions or for freedom from a life of slavery and shame. It is also not a new thing for employers or bosses to get upset because their workers are demanding for better work conditions or for remunerations that are commensurate to the labour they are offering.
Pharoah got upset and decided to make life more bitter for the children of Israel because Moses demanded for their independence, according to the will of God. So, if certain people (leaders, employers, bosses or guardians) are at the moment making life more bitter or miserable for you, just because you are demanding for better living or work conditions, do not consider your case peculiar. The children of Israel went through similar or even worse things under the hand of Pharaoh when they were in Egypt.
In fact, the case of those Israelites was so bad that they lost all hope of ever being set free to live independent and enjoyable lives. So, the bible says, even when Moses assured them that God was definitely going to set them free, in spite of the cruelty and stubbornness of Pharaoh, they would not listen to him or believe him because of their discouragement and cruel bondage (Ex 6:1-9). And why would they not listen to Moses or believe him? It was because they knew the kind of person Pharaoh was.
See, this particular Pharaoh was not just a wicked and cruel ruler; he was also one that was given to witchcraft and sorcery. At least, from what we see in the book of Exodus, this man had all kinds of sorcerers, enchanters and magicians around him, who were there to oppose anyone that may want to attack him spiritually. Besides, if you will carefully read the dealings of Moses with this king, you will not fail to see that he did not think of himself as an ordinary man but as a god-man. That was why he kept on acting stubborn, even when his sorcerers and magicians had made it clear to him that he was up against the living God and could never win. He just wanted to see for himself how far this so-called God would be willing to go to set them free. (Cf. Ex 7-10)
So, if God had not delivered the Israelites from the hands of this man, no one would have been able to deliver them from his hands. That is because he was ready to use everything in his power – his military force, witchcraft, sorcery, divination and so forth – to keep them in perpetual bondage to himself and his people. Therefore, even if they could stage a protest or embark on strike actions, options that were not available to them at all, they still stood no chance to be set free.
Really, we should be thankful today for the various forms of liberty people now enjoy in the various countries of the world. And that is why, in some cases, we can conduct peaceful protests or embark on strike actions, if we are dissatisfied with our governments, employers or bosses at work. But we need to understand that unless God Himself gives us liberty or make life better for us, all our agitations, protests or fights will never amount to anything.
Don’t miss my point here. I am not saying it is wrong for people to conduct peaceful protests or use any means approved under the laws of their land to fight oppression or injustice of any kind. Rather, what I am saying is that it is wrong for us to put our trust in these things, which, unfortunately, is what many of us have been doing. We think if we protest long enough or embark on strike actions long enough, the yokes of oppression will certainly be broken off our necks. But we are wrong. These yokes will not be broken unless God himself breaks them, as He did for the Israelites.
To say the fact, the leaders, employers, bosses or guardians that many of us are dealing with today are most likely not different from the Pharaoh of Moses’ day. Like him, they too are willing to use anything within their reach, including witchcraft, sorcery, divination, thuggery, manipulation and so forth, to keep us in bondage. But if, instead of putting our trust in men, institutions, protests or any human means for deliverance, we will put it in God, He will at the right time vindicate us, set us free and give us the beautiful life our hearts desire. And He will do this for us, even if He has to perform a thousand miracles for us, because He cares much for us (1Pet 5:7).
Now let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He cares about us and is willing to use His power to set us free from every form of oppression.
- Prayers that God will teach and strengthen our hearts never again to trust in the arms of the flesh for our experience of freedom or better work or living conditions but to trust in Him.
- Prayers that God will hasten His works and set us free from every form of oppressive leadership that is robbing us of peace, joy, initiatives and fruitfulness in life.
- Prayers that just as God rewarded the children of Israel for all their centuries of hard labour in Egypt, on the day that He brought them out, He will also begin to reward us for all our hard and diligent labour that people, governments and even institutions have refused to pay or reward us for.
- Prayers that God will frustrate and turn into nonsense every form of witchcraft, sorcery, divination or enchantment that is being used to keep us in poverty, fear or stagnation in life.
- Prayers that our hearts will be led to repentance without delay wherever we too are oppressing people, so that we will stop hindering our own liberation from hard and unprofitable living.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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“That same day Pharaoh gave this order to the slave drivers and foremen in charge of the people: "You are no longer to supply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go and gather their own straw. But require them to make the same number of bricks as before; don't reduce the quota. They are lazy; that is why they are crying out, 'Let us go and sacrifice to our God.' Make the work harder for the men so that they keep working and pay no attention to lies."” (Ex 5:6-9NIV)
What let Pharaoh to give the kind of cruel order that we have in our opening text concerning the children of Israel? It was the fact that Moses, their God-given representative, asked that they be given freedom from their many years of hard labour, hard labour without proportionate reward.
So, it is not a new thing for leaders to get angry and act even more wickedly because those under them are asking for better living conditions or for freedom from a life of slavery and shame. It is also not a new thing for employers or bosses to get upset because their workers are demanding for better work conditions or for remunerations that are commensurate to the labour they are offering.
Pharoah got upset and decided to make life more bitter for the children of Israel because Moses demanded for their independence, according to the will of God. So, if certain people (leaders, employers, bosses or guardians) are at the moment making life more bitter or miserable for you, just because you are demanding for better living or work conditions, do not consider your case peculiar. The children of Israel went through similar or even worse things under the hand of Pharaoh when they were in Egypt.
In fact, the case of those Israelites was so bad that they lost all hope of ever being set free to live independent and enjoyable lives. So, the bible says, even when Moses assured them that God was definitely going to set them free, in spite of the cruelty and stubbornness of Pharaoh, they would not listen to him or believe him because of their discouragement and cruel bondage (Ex 6:1-9). And why would they not listen to Moses or believe him? It was because they knew the kind of person Pharaoh was.
See, this particular Pharaoh was not just a wicked and cruel ruler; he was also one that was given to witchcraft and sorcery. At least, from what we see in the book of Exodus, this man had all kinds of sorcerers, enchanters and magicians around him, who were there to oppose anyone that may want to attack him spiritually. Besides, if you will carefully read the dealings of Moses with this king, you will not fail to see that he did not think of himself as an ordinary man but as a god-man. That was why he kept on acting stubborn, even when his sorcerers and magicians had made it clear to him that he was up against the living God and could never win. He just wanted to see for himself how far this so-called God would be willing to go to set them free. (Cf. Ex 7-10)
So, if God had not delivered the Israelites from the hands of this man, no one would have been able to deliver them from his hands. That is because he was ready to use everything in his power – his military force, witchcraft, sorcery, divination and so forth – to keep them in perpetual bondage to himself and his people. Therefore, even if they could stage a protest or embark on strike actions, options that were not available to them at all, they still stood no chance to be set free.
Really, we should be thankful today for the various forms of liberty people now enjoy in the various countries of the world. And that is why, in some cases, we can conduct peaceful protests or embark on strike actions, if we are dissatisfied with our governments, employers or bosses at work. But we need to understand that unless God Himself gives us liberty or make life better for us, all our agitations, protests or fights will never amount to anything.
Don’t miss my point here. I am not saying it is wrong for people to conduct peaceful protests or use any means approved under the laws of their land to fight oppression or injustice of any kind. Rather, what I am saying is that it is wrong for us to put our trust in these things, which, unfortunately, is what many of us have been doing. We think if we protest long enough or embark on strike actions long enough, the yokes of oppression will certainly be broken off our necks. But we are wrong. These yokes will not be broken unless God himself breaks them, as He did for the Israelites.
To say the fact, the leaders, employers, bosses or guardians that many of us are dealing with today are most likely not different from the Pharaoh of Moses’ day. Like him, they too are willing to use anything within their reach, including witchcraft, sorcery, divination, thuggery, manipulation and so forth, to keep us in bondage. But if, instead of putting our trust in men, institutions, protests or any human means for deliverance, we will put it in God, He will at the right time vindicate us, set us free and give us the beautiful life our hearts desire. And He will do this for us, even if He has to perform a thousand miracles for us, because He cares much for us (1Pet 5:7).
Now let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He cares about us and is willing to use His power to set us free from every form of oppression.
- Prayers that God will teach and strengthen our hearts never again to trust in the arms of the flesh for our experience of freedom or better work or living conditions but to trust in Him.
- Prayers that God will hasten His works and set us free from every form of oppressive leadership that is robbing us of peace, joy, initiatives and fruitfulness in life.
- Prayers that just as God rewarded the children of Israel for all their centuries of hard labour in Egypt, on the day that He brought them out, He will also begin to reward us for all our hard and diligent labour that people, governments and even institutions have refused to pay or reward us for.
- Prayers that God will frustrate and turn into nonsense every form of witchcraft, sorcery, divination or enchantment that is being used to keep us in poverty, fear or stagnation in life.
- Prayers that our hearts will be led to repentance without delay wherever we too are oppressing people, so that we will stop hindering our own liberation from hard and unprofitable living.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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“That same day Pharaoh gave this order to the slave drivers and foremen in charge of the people: "You are no longer to supply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go and gather their own straw. But require them to make the same number of bricks as before; don't reduce the quota. They are lazy; that is why they are crying out, 'Let us go and sacrifice to our God.' Make the work harder for the men so that they keep working and pay no attention to lies."” (Ex 5:6-9NIV)
What let Pharaoh to give the kind of cruel order that we have in our opening text concerning the children of Israel? It was the fact that Moses, their God-given representative, asked that they be given freedom from their many years of hard labour, hard labour without proportionate reward.
So, it is not a new thing for leaders to get angry and act even more wickedly because those under them are asking for better living conditions or for freedom from a life of slavery and shame. It is also not a new thing for employers or bosses to get upset because their workers are demanding for better work conditions or for remunerations that are commensurate to the labour they are offering.
Pharoah got upset and decided to make life more bitter for the children of Israel because Moses demanded for their independence, according to the will of God. So, if certain people (leaders, employers, bosses or guardians) are at the moment making life more bitter or miserable for you, just because you are demanding for better living or work conditions, do not consider your case peculiar. The children of Israel went through similar or even worse things under the hand of Pharaoh when they were in Egypt.
In fact, the case of those Israelites was so bad that they lost all hope of ever being set free to live independent and enjoyable lives. So, the bible says, even when Moses assured them that God was definitely going to set them free, in spite of the cruelty and stubbornness of Pharaoh, they would not listen to him or believe him because of their discouragement and cruel bondage (Ex 6:1-9). And why would they not listen to Moses or believe him? It was because they knew the kind of person Pharaoh was.
See, this particular Pharaoh was not just a wicked and cruel ruler; he was also one that was given to witchcraft and sorcery. At least, from what we see in the book of Exodus, this man had all kinds of sorcerers, enchanters and magicians around him, who were there to oppose anyone that may want to attack him spiritually. Besides, if you will carefully read the dealings of Moses with this king, you will not fail to see that he did not think of himself as an ordinary man but as a god-man. That was why he kept on acting stubborn, even when his sorcerers and magicians had made it clear to him that he was up against the living God and could never win. He just wanted to see for himself how far this so-called God would be willing to go to set them free. (Cf. Ex 7-10)
So, if God had not delivered the Israelites from the hands of this man, no one would have been able to deliver them from his hands. That is because he was ready to use everything in his power – his military force, witchcraft, sorcery, divination and so forth – to keep them in perpetual bondage to himself and his people. Therefore, even if they could stage a protest or embark on strike actions, options that were not available to them at all, they still stood no chance to be set free.
Really, we should be thankful today for the various forms of liberty people now enjoy in the various countries of the world. And that is why, in some cases, we can conduct peaceful protests or embark on strike actions, if we are dissatisfied with our governments, employers or bosses at work. But we need to understand that unless God Himself gives us liberty or make life better for us, all our agitations, protests or fights will never amount to anything.
Don’t miss my point here. I am not saying it is wrong for people to conduct peaceful protests or use any means approved under the laws of their land to fight oppression or injustice of any kind. Rather, what I am saying is that it is wrong for us to put our trust in these things, which, unfortunately, is what many of us have been doing. We think if we protest long enough or embark on strike actions long enough, the yokes of oppression will certainly be broken off our necks. But we are wrong. These yokes will not be broken unless God himself breaks them, as He did for the Israelites.
To say the fact, the leaders, employers, bosses or guardians that many of us are dealing with today are most likely not different from the Pharaoh of Moses’ day. Like him, they too are willing to use anything within their reach, including witchcraft, sorcery, divination, thuggery, manipulation and so forth, to keep us in bondage. But if, instead of putting our trust in men, institutions, protests or any human means for deliverance, we will put it in God, He will at the right time vindicate us, set us free and give us the beautiful life our hearts desire. And He will do this for us, even if He has to perform a thousand miracles for us, because He cares much for us (1Pet 5:7).
Now let us pray:
- Thanksgiving to God because He cares about us and is willing to use His power to set us free from every form of oppression.
- Prayers that God will teach and strengthen our hearts never again to trust in the arms of the flesh for our experience of freedom or better work or living conditions but to trust in Him.
- Prayers that God will hasten His works and set us free from every form of oppressive leadership that is robbing us of peace, joy, initiatives and fruitfulness in life.
- Prayers that just as God rewarded the children of Israel for all their centuries of hard labour in Egypt, on the day that He brought them out, He will also begin to reward us for all our hard and diligent labour that people, governments and even institutions have refused to pay or reward us for.
- Prayers that God will frustrate and turn into nonsense every form of witchcraft, sorcery, divination or enchantment that is being used to keep us in poverty, fear or stagnation in life.
- Prayers that our hearts will be led to repentance without delay wherever we too are oppressing people, so that we will stop hindering our own liberation from hard and unprofitable living.
- Thanksgiving to God for the privilege of praying and receiving.
By Johnson O. Lawal
Copyright © 2021, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church --This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to pastor@abcministryng.com or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
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When you are the judge - 12th June 2021
“Jehoshaphat lived in Jerusalem, and he went out again among the people from Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim and turned them back to the LORD, the God of their fathers. He appointed judges in the land, in each of the fortified cities of Judah. He told them, "Consider carefully what you do, because you are not judging for man but for the LORD, who is with you whenever you give a verdict. Now let the fear of the LORD be upon you. Judge carefully, for with the LORD our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery." (2Chron 19:4-7NIV)
Among the reasons God gives leaders to people everywhere is to establish, maintain and promote justice. In fact, in his letter to the Romans, Paul tells us that every leader, especially a government leader, is God’s messenger, sent to do good to those who do what is right and to punish those who are wicked (Rom 13:4). So, if you are a leader in any capacity, at home, in an organisation, society or school, in a government establishment or even in a church, God is counting on you to give and strengthen justice among those under your care.
See, ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, he has become prone to all kinds of evil desires and tendencies. And unless he is recreated and possessed by the Spirit of God, there is every tendency that he will destroy not only the people around him but also himself. So, there must be in every place people and systems that will judge evil and also reward good. In other words, people must always know that there is justice where they are. Otherwise, they will sell themselves totally to evil and move God to step in and destroy them.
Why did God seek to destroy man from the face of the earth in Noah’s day? Was it just because evil was prevalent all over the world? No! Of course, evil was prevalent everywhere in the world. In fact, God’s own testimony of the situation was that all the thoughts of men at that time were only evil. But was that simply the reason He wanted to destroy them? No! The reason He sought to destroy them was that evil was not being judged – there was no justice in the world. (Cf. Gen 6:1-7)
As Solomon tells us in his book, Ecclesiastes, when we are slow to use our position as leaders to deal with wickedness